The Anglish Moot
The Anglish Moot
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Ðe following bith ðe list of Þeedish riches as of 1482, ðe boarding umb each rich itself, each one's ſtanding, each richhead, ðe abode of each richhead, and each one's priestshire, alongſide ðe betidings ðat lamp throughout each rich.

Board of riches[]

Standing Richhead
Years as richhead
Abode Priestshire
Weſtern Beight of Greenland
A deal of Norway (1261–1814) Rixend Yon Svalenson Smør
GÆ 1481–1483
- -
Eaſtern Beight of Greenland
A deal of Norway (1261–1814) Rixend Yon Svalenson Smør
GÆ 1481–1483
- -
Norway Rich ðer Halmer Oning Rixend Yon Svalenson Smør
Acershus Fastening, Oslo -
Rich ðer Halmer Oning Rixend Sten Sture
1470–1497; 1501–1503
Þree Bees, Stockholm Kinhove of Elderſlot, Stockholm
Rich ðer Halmer Oning

Norway's Aught (1262–1814)

Rixend Yon Svalensonur Smjör


- -
Farey Ilands
- Rixend Yon Svalensonur Smjör
- -
Kingrich of England
Late Middle English
Selfstanding rich King Edward VII of England
Elderbold of Westminster, Westminster, Lundon Holy Mergrot's, Weſtanſted
Rich ðer Halmer Oning King Yon I of Denmark
Chapmanhaven Borough, Chapmanhaven Chapmanhaven Burgh Havel, Chapmanhaven Burgh, Chapmanhaven
Hartowdom of Sleswich
Middle High Þeech
Neþer Saxish
North Frish
Rich ðer Halmer Oning Hartow Yon II of Sleswich
Godthorp Raked, Sleswich Sleswich Headchurch, Sleswich
Hartowdom of Holston
Middle High Þeech
Neþer Þeech
- Hartow Yon I of Holstone
- -
Burgundish Neðerlands
Middle Neþerlandish
Neþer Saxish
West Frish
Middle French
Wightly yeaning of Coaserly and French fiefs Hartowen Marry and Hartow Maxmillen
  • Chastle of Germolles
  • Hôtel of Burgundy, Paris
  • Highhall of ðe Hartows of Burgundy, Dijon
Habsboroughish Neðerlands
Middle Neþerlandish
Neþer Saxish
West Frish
Middle French
Wightly oning of coaserly fiefs within ðeam Coaserrich Hartow Filip I of Burgundland
∟ Rixend Maxmillen
In trewþ: Mechelen oþ 1530, afterwards Brussels Holy Rumbold's Headchurch, Mechelen
Kingdom of Þeechland
Middle High Þeech
Coaserly rich of ðe Holy Roomanish Rich King Friþrich III of Þeechland
Richendth bewitted by ðe Head-Yateward
1460-1461; 1475-1482
Mertensburgh, Free Stead of Miching (built from 1478 oth 1481) Frow's Holihouse, Northernberg
(Reachday's everyweek ſtead of worſhip)
Kingdom of Frankrich
Middle French
Selfstanding rich King Ludwy XI of Frankrich
Elderbold of Plessis-tholt-Þers, Þers, Earldom of Þerren Inther Frow to ðe Rich, Ðe Riche, Þers
Lordſhip of Chalon-Arlay - Lord Yon IV of Chalon-Arlay
- -
Old Swiðer Oathneatſhip
Swiðerlandiſh Þeech Switsish Roomanish
(within ðeam Holy Roomanishen Rich)
Ðes foreseat ðare henden of Deperſhburgh being ðe eavening moot ðar Dayſatting Ðe Redehouse in Deperſhburgh being ðe foreseat of ðas Dayſatting (1468–1509) Great Anſted, Deperſhbury
Rainhartowdom of Eastrich
Middle High Þeech
Þeedrich ðes Holy Roomanishen Riches Headhertow Frithrich V of Eaſtrich
Hoveburgh Elderbottle, Ween Rixthert Holihouse of Holy Churl Tuſtroum, Ween
Fengledom of Harrowland
Fiefly rich ðes Holy Roomanishen Riches Fengle Yon II of Harrowland
Elderbold ðes Fengles of Harrowland, Harrow, Hatherdale -



  • Soalmonþ - Yon Reuchlin leaveþ Studyard to neese Bladendborough where he meeteþ Marsilio Ficino.
  • Wednesday, 27 Reeþmonþ - Þe deaþ of Marry of Burgundland sparkeþ ðe erst of ðo Flemish uprisings ayenst Maxmillen of Eaſtrich.
  • Þursday, 1 Weedmonþ - Engle-Shottish Wyes: Richard, Hartow of Gloucester raideth Shotland, and nimmeth Edinburgh.
  • Ingday, 24 Weedmonþ - Having of Berwich: Ðe Shots yield ðe mark town of Berwich-upon-Tweed to Richard, ending his harsiþe.
  • Monday, 23 Ereyule - Grithwrit of Bethorpet todealeþ ðo Burghandiſh Neðerlands between King Ludwy XI of Frankrich and Rainhartow Maxmillen I of Hawksborough.

Talemark unknown[]


  • Friday, 23 Weedmonþ - Markreeve Earneſt I of Baths-Derlay, in ðe Kingdom of Þeechland (quole 1553)
  • Sunday, 18 Winterfulþ - Earl Fili[ III of Hengay-Lightenberg, in ðe Reeveship of Hengay-Lightenberg of ðe Kingdom of Þeechland (quole 1538)
  • Monday, 9 Yulemonþ - Earl Friþrich II Elderboldent ðare Rene, in ðare Kirelderboldent ðare Kingdom of Þeechland (1544–1556) (quole 1556)
  • talemark unknown
    • Richard Aertsz, Dutch bygonely mealer (quole 1577)
    • Leo Jud, Swiðern lief-edhewer, in ðas Old Swiðer Oathneatſhip (quole 1542)
    • Yon Oecolampadius, Þeechen lief-edhewer, in ðe Kirelderboldent, ðare Kingdom of Þeechland (quole 1531)
    • Maþew Ringmann, Þeechen landplotter and manliefful shop, in ðe Landreeveſhip of Upper Elseas, ðare Kingdom of Þeechland (quole 1511)
  • likely
    • Richard Pace, English errandrake (quole 1537)


  • Reeþmonþ 27 – Mary of Burghundland, Landhartowen rixing of Burghundland, bewedded to Michemeſtlen I, Holy Roomaniſh Coaser (b. GÆ 1457)
  • Þrimilk 23 – Mary of Everwich, daughter of King Edward VII of England (b. GÆ 1467)
  • Weedmonth 15 – Wilhelm, Markreeve of Hachberg-Sausenberg, Markreeve of Hachberg-Sausenberg (GÆ 1428–1441), within ðas Kingdom of Þeechland (b. GÆ 1406)
  • Weedmonth 25 – Queen Mergrot of Anjou, wife of King Hamrich VI of England (b. GÆ 1430)
  • Holimonth 17 – Wilhelm III, Landreeve of Thuringen, Hartow of Littleborough (b. GÆ 1425)

In leasespels[]

Victor Hugo's talebook Ðe Hunchback of Inther-Frow nimmeþ lough in ðis year, in ðeam Kingdom of Frankrich.

  • Sunday, 6 Afteryule - A crowd bideþ for a thewfastness play to begin at ðe Garſted Hall of Ewthise. Today bith ðas Bybooning and folks be frealsing ðet Simble of Wanwits. Some skoolchildren, among which was Joannes Frollo de Molendino (ſometimes also known as Jehan du Moulin, or any ſundrying of those words), are being loud and rowdy. Man can tell who ðe skoolchildren are ſince hy greed þings in Leeden from time to time.

    Quasimodo de Notre-Dame is made Dode of Wanwits at ðeam Simble of Wanwits.

    Later ðat evening, under ðer bidding of his fosterfaðer, Headdeacon Cloddy Frollo, Quasimodo tries to kidnap Esmeralda but is laught in ðe deed and hafted by Headman Phoebus de Châteaupers, while Frollo blive forsakeþ him.
  • Monday, 7 Afteryule - Quasimodo de Notre-Dame is doomed to be flogged and turned on ðes pillory for two longlogs, followed by anoðer longlog's folkly orſetting. Frollo even benights Quasimodo when ſeeing him being folkly niðered for ðet mone. Quasimodo calls for water. Esmeralda, ſeeing his þirst, neighledgeþ ðe folkstocks and biddeþ him water. It neereþ him, and ſhe winneþ his heart.

    Later, Lord Frollo followeþ Phoebus to annen inn where he plotteþ to meet Esmeralda and watcheþ as ðe headman weemeþ ðe girl. Inflamed with ond, Frollo stabbeþ Phoebus in ðe back. Frollo makeþ a snell getaway and Phoebus is athriſted dead, mid Esmeralda (being ðere only one anward) athriſted to be ðe queller. Phoebus, however, liveþ.
  • Tewsday, 8 Afteryule - Phoebus edwirpen on ðar following day. But ðis stoppeþ not Esmeralda from being hafted and aſtold with bo ðe fanded murþer of Phoebus and of witchcraft. And ſhe is ðus doomed to deaþ by hanging. While inhelfted, bewatching her eavening, Esmeralda is fandled by Frollo. Ðe Headdeacon andetteþ his love to her and behoteþ to help her atwind if ſhe love him back. However, acknowledging him as Phoebus's true onfaller, ſhe wroþ forqueaþeþ him. As Esmeralda is being led to ðe gallows, Quasimodo swingeþ down from Inther-Frow and overnimmeþ her to ðe headchurch, heeling her for a short time – under ðer ea of yenner – from haft.

    Frollo later telleþ Gringoire ðat ðe Hoff of Mathelmoot haþ chosen to wiþdraw Esmeralda's right to ðer holiſtow ſo ſhe can no longer seech ſhelter in ðer headchurch and will be nummen away, wiþin three days, to be eavened. Clopin Trouillefou, ðe leader of ðe Roma, heareth ðo news from Gringoire and rallieth ðe Hoff of Wonderthings to aſtell Inther-Frow and redd Esmeralda.

    When Quasimodo seeth ðo Roma, he aughten hy are ðere to harm Esmeralda, ſo he driveþ hem off. As Quasimodo alloweth ðe headchurch ayenst ðe inroaders, ðe uproar reacheth þe king, who is untowardly told ðat ðo onfalling ðe headchurch are yearnful for Esmeralda's hanging raðer ðan fanding to redd her. Þe king bebeedeþ ðo wickners to forthsend ðo inroaders and calleth for Esmeralda's ſoforth eavening to ſettle ðe unreſt. In ðer dwolm Esmeralda is nummen from ðer headchurch by Pierre Gringore, Esmeralda's ewly husband – whon she only bewedded to redd his life – and a hooded hoad. Hy flee on a boat to ðe Ea Sine, ðen sunder when heading to ſhore, mid Gringoire only nimming Esmeralda's goat, Djali, while leaving her mid ðeam unknown man.
  • Wednesday, 9 Afteryule - On ðeam followingen day, ðe hooded hoad draweth Esmeralda to a nearby gallows and, barely by nimming off his hood, unheeleth hisſelf as Frollo.

    Frollo once ayen fandeth to win Esmeralda's love, but ðe girl mathels ðat ſhe would raðer swelt ðan be mid him.
  • Þursday, 10 Afteryule - Ðe two women's blissome eftoning is snoþe short when ðes kings men come to nim Esmeralda to ðe gallows. An unweenly Gudule clingeth to Esmeralda even as ſhe is nummen to ðe lough of eavening. Ðo wards pull ðe woman off her daughter; and ſhe falleþ to ðe walkway and quealeþ from ðeam harſhen thrake.


  • Ðere were no known sunderlimps befalling anywhere on Sunday, 6 Afteryule, aſide from ðe sooth ðat it was ðet Simble umb ðas Bybooning (aka ðe Fulought of Yesow, aka Þree Kings' Day, aka Denha, aka "Little Cristmas", aka Godbooning, aka Timkat, aka Reyes).
  • Ðe overſeer in Garſted was Ludwig zu Zeuberg zu der Vald.
  • It bith unknown who ðe eckſeler overseer (headdeacon) of Garſted was at ðe time.
  • Guillaume Lemay was ðet headman of ðer twenty-six bowmen of King Ludwy XI, and was, henceforth, ðem ſoothlife Headman Phoebus de Châteaupers.
  • Pierre Gringoire, who was, mayhaps, born in about 1475 IE, would have to have been about ſeven years old at ðer time.
  • Pierre Dirole was ðe Ewthise Thane of Frankrich, holding ðen ambight from 1472 to 1483 IE.
  • Ðis was ſixty-three years before ðer beginning of ðe Redemoot of Þritoothbury.
  • Ðere were no ſentles since most folks knew not how to read or write.
  • Ðo bells ðat were anward in ðame north bottle of Inther-Frow were Guillaume, Pasquier, Chambellan, Ludwig, Negeleut, Luc, Thibault, Zvietmannzie, and acumendly Jean. While ðer bells ðat were anward in ðame ſouth bottle were Jacqueline and Marie.
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