The Anglish Moot

>Anglish "Slang" Wordbook

Anglish sp. English
Abear vb To tolerate, to abide, to bear, carry.
Above board adj Open, honest: "above the table" said of card-players who keep their hands above the table to avoid the risk of being accused of cheating.
Above one's bent phr Beyond one's ability or bent (bent) or lit. beyond one grasp.
Above oneself adj Over-confident, pushy, usu of one normally more self-effacing.
Abroad adj In error, confused, wide of the mark. 2. of convicts, lags, transported to a penal colony.
Abroaded adj Living in exile in a place other than the Britain. 2. transported to a penal colony. 3. imprisoned in a penal colony.
Acknowledge the malt phr Admit the error. 2. confess the crime.
Acorn-calf n Of animals and people: a runt, a weakling. (a belief that a cow that ate too many acorns produced weak off-spring.
Acorns n The testicles
Acre foot adj Large-footed.
Addle vb To earn by one's own labour.
Addled adj Drunk, intoxicated.
Afloat adj Drunk, intoxicated, shickered.
Afternoon(s). n The buttocks, esp. when large, shapely and female.
Afters n Pudding, dessert, sweets, any food or part of a meal that comes after the main course.
After-tears n Post-funeral celebrations; a wake.
Afterthought n Youngest child of a family, conceived long after its sibling. 2. an unexplained pregnancy.
Against the pluck phr Reluctantly, against the grain.
Aginner n One who deliberately takes an opposition stance, usu. out of envy or spite. 2. contrarian.
A-go-go n A disco or other place for dancing.
A-go-go adj As modifier in " A-go-go" dance fans. 2. a rapid and head-spinning tempo, craziness; faddish, modern, in the newest style, latest, trendy. 3. 'his a-go-go thoughts about love and sexual freedom."
Aginner n One who deliberately takes an opposition stance, usu out of envy or spite. 2. a contrarian.
Ahead of the game phr In a winning or advantageous position.
Ain't down with phr Not comfortable with or do not like a particular situation.
Ain't Nothing to It phr There's no problem, everything is simple; used in response to the question 'how are you doing.'
Ain't Nothing You Can Tell Me, That I Don't Already Know" phr - I'm right, already know - your wrong.
Aled adj Drunk, intoxicated, aled-up.
Ale-knight n A drunkard.
Ale-spinner n A brewer; a manufacturer of beer and wine. 2. publican.
Alf n An unsophisticated nationalistic male, (made obsolete by the term "ocker") Nb: from Alfred.
A-licker n A sycophant, an arse-licker.
Alive adj Aware, in the know about a criminal activity or job.
Alive and well and living in... phr Use to denote that, despite the rumours to the contrary, someone or something is flourishing; esp. used of faded celebrities or once popular inventions, fads, etc.
All-and-all n One best clothes or outfits.
All-and-all phr Everything else and everything connected and all.. 2. in total. 3. one's wife.
All-anymore adj Used up, finished, gone, spent.
All-at-sea phr Confused, disorientated. 2. drunk.
All broke Out With the Blues" phr depressed, low in spirit.
All by One's Lonesome phr Alone, by oneself.
All creeped up phr Frightened, afraid, scared.
All day and night n A prison term.
All-ears phr Very eager to hear, keenly attentive,
All ends up phr Easily, utterly, without difficulty.
All-fired adj Very much so, extremely, particularly excessively as an intensifier, as in "all-fired up." 2. all-firedly.
All for it phr Very keen, up for it.
All get out phr Very much, to a great extent. 2. the extreme or absolute case of what is indicated. 3. overwhelmingly.
All Gone to Hell phr Financially ruined.
All good phr Everything is fine.
All-hallows n The tolling place, presumably the place where horse or other types of thief struck their targets, chiefly clergyman.
All hands n All concerned; the entire group or team. "All hands to the plow."
All hell broke loose phr Things became very dangerous, wild, tumulutous.
All in adj Exhausted, tired,drunk. 2. of an object: dilapidated, run down. 3. everything.
All in but one's shoestrings phr Utterly exhausted.
All in the eye phr Nonsense, humbug.
All kinds of phr A great deal. 2. a sundry of things.
All know adj Like a bookworm. 2. bookish. 3. a know-all.
All'knowningish adj Having an awesome wisdom, and a vast amount, almost all, of intelligence.
All lit up phr Under the influence of a drug of addiction.
All mouth adj Talkative and unreliable.
All my eye phr Utter, absolute nonsense. 2. all eye and my elbow. 3. all my whiskers.
All-nighter n A prostitute's client who pays for a whole night's sex. 2. aanything that lasts all night, whether work, study, transport, entertainment.
All-night man n A body-snatcher. 2. resurrectionist.
All of a glow phr Feeling pleasantly warm: 'horses sweat, men perspire, ladies glow.'
All of a sweat phr Of footpaths in a town: muddy, wet, slushy.
All one's born days phr At any time at all.
All on top phr That a lie is not so.
All-out adj Holding nothing about; sparing nothing; an all-out effort. 2. exhausted. 3. vigorous, zealous.
All-out war n Warfare involving total mobilization of weapons and troops.
All over phr Very affectionate; eagerly amorous; making physical advances, often when not desired. 2. Aggressively smothering or battering, assaulting. 3. dead, finished.
All-over n Feeling of unease, illness that extends through one's body. 2. a thorough inspection, a lengthy visual assessment: " the once-over." 4. a generalised intensive for either best or worst, as in all-over wonderful or all over-dreadful.
All over adj Absorbed in, obsessed by, 'as all over oneself: extremely self-satisfied.
All-over-each-other-ness n A gropy, feely, public display of affection, a thing that many of us don't like to see.
All-overish adj Feeling a little unwell, usually as a forerunner to an acute attack of some illness.
All-overishness adj The feeling of being slightly unwell, usually as a forerunner to a full-blown attack of some illness. 2. a sensation of feeling unwell.
All over oneself phr Extremely self-satisfied.
All-overs n A nervy, jittery or uncertain feeling. 2. feelings of irritation 3. a sick or unwell feeling. 3. feeling of ill-health.
All over the board phr Eccentric, unstable.
All over the lot phr Very confused and inconsistent; confused.
All over the shop phr In a great mess, confused or in chaos. 2. all over the lot.
All right interj An exclamation of strong approval, especially of something well done or successful.
All-right adj Good, commendable, of the proper sort.
All-right adv Safely, securely.
All right for some phr An attack of envy or jealousy directed at others whose fortunes seem better than one's own.
All right up to now phr So far, so good. 2. up to the present time, things are going well.
All right already phr A comment protesting that one has heard or had enough or a bit too much.
All set adj Ready to go; prepared or ready to undertake a project or some action.
All seven adv Everything or almost everything required.
All sharpened up n Well dressed, sartorially splendid.
All-shot adj Worn-out, wearied, exhausted, stuffed.
All Show and No-go" phr used to describe someone who cannot back appearances withs actions or deeds.
All that n Very important influential person. 2. to overestimate one's important, as " one thinks one is all that." 3. an object excellent and wonderful. 4. a person in possession of all good qualities.
All-that adv More so, in additional, additionally.
All that and then some phr Someone or something considered absolutely excellent.
All the go phr Modern, chic, fashionable.
All there adj Sane, right in the mind; intelligent, together; opposite: "not all there." 2. honest, reliable. 3. as desired, satisfactory. 4. smart, aware. 5.
All the Twos n The number twenty-two (22); thus all the threes, (33), all the fours, (44), up to 99.
All the way phr Without reservation; to the end. 2. a general term of agreement, of encouragement and support.
All the way down phr Absolutely right, completely suited.
All the way there phr Reliable, honest.
All-time adj The greatest, the tops, the very best, all the best, the most memorable on record.
All-timer n The best or greatest example of, an "all-time" record.
All to bits phr Shattered, broken.
All thumbs phr Very awkward, inept, clumsy.
All together phr To arrange one's life and affairs properly; integrate and focus oneself. 2. have it all together.
All-up adj Ruined, finished, defeated. 2. dead, as 'it all up (over) with John Brown."
All up with phr Of a plan or project, destroyed, ruined, pointless, doomed, without hope. 2. of a person, doomed, bankrupt, hopeless.
All washed up phr useless, exhausted, failed. (a theatrical term, finished for night, with paint removed.)
All wet adj Completely, totally mistaken.
Already adv Without further ado; such being the case. 2. right now; at once. 3. very specifically, precisely. (used for a humorous, somewhat exasperated effect.)
Also-ran n Contestant or competitor who makes a poor showing. 2. a person, competitive product, etc. that does not succeeed. 3. a person of mediocre talent; a useless person, a failure.
Altogether n "The Altogether." nude, bare, naked, starkers.
Among the missing phr Absent; also to absent oneself.
Anchor n A young person, typically a younger sibling or babysitter, who inhibits one's pleasure or freedom of movement. 2. an unattractive person (the usage by teenagers is probably a play on the name 'Anchor' a popular brand of butter in the UK).
Anchorman n A principle member of a team of news broadcaster who serves as a narrator and whose function is to introduce 'outside'reporters and presenting synopses of their reports.
Anchors n Brakes on a motor vehicle.
And a half phr An intensifier, as " a dog and a half.
And don't you forget it phr An exclamation used to denote a critical or admonitory statement.
And how interj & excl An interjection of emphatic agreement or confirmation. 2. excl or interj. to a superlative degree; to a great extent; to a large amount; on a large scale. "the high-roller is gambling away his wealth, and how" And how emphasizes and intensifies any statement that precedes.
And I don't mean maybe phr Used to affirm one's faith or sentiment.
And that no lie phr A phrase used to identify a previous statement, esp when the speaker he or she is being implausible.
And that that's phr A statement of finality; when modified as well, 'that's that' then implies an air of regret.
And things phr Etcetera.
Angel n A prostitute, sex-worker, skank, harlot, harridan (Orig. applied only those prostitutes who plied their trade near "Angel" drinking house in Islington, London). 2. a young woman, esp. a pretty one. 3. a young homosexual companion.
Angel n The prospective victim of a scam, swindle, confidence trick. 2. one who financially backs a scheme esp. one who puts his money into a theatrical show or stage production. (my father angeled one of Fitzpatrick's plays.) 3. a person who contributes to a politician's campaign fund. 4. a homosexual.
Angel dust n Narcotics, as a mixture of cocaine, heroin, and morphine, which can be smoked or injected. 2. tobacco, marijuana, mixed with phencyclidine. 3. finely cut up marijuana. 4. synthetic heroin. 5. angel mist.
Angel food n Missionary preaching and proselytising.
Angel kisses n Freckles (freckling being the sign of angelic affection).
Angel lust n (slang) death erection: the source of an erection in a corpse.
Angel maker n An abortionist. 2. any weapon that causes death.
Ankle vb To walk, travel. 2. (in TV and film) to dissociate oneself from a performance.
Ankle n The mother of a child born out of TV and film to dissociate oneself from a performance.
Ankle a show phr Walk out during a performance.
Ankle-biter n A small child - crawling around at ankle height. 2. a small minded bureaucrat.
Ankle-spring warehouse n The stocks.
Another good man gone phr A phrase used by male friends on the announcement of a man's engagement to be married.
Answer n To score in a sport immediate or soon after an opponent has scored.
Anybody in There? phr - do you have any intelligence?
Anyhow adv Indifferently, carelessly. 2. disorganized, messy.
Any old phr Derogatory, having only ordinary or mediocre quality. 2. of no special distinction. 3. anything, whatever, a broad term of vagueness.
Any old how phr In any case, whatever, no matter what. 2. in any case; in any way or manner whatever or however. 3. in any way not very good, not perfect, all over the place, without method or plan. 4. in random fashion; unmethodical.
Any old thing phr In any manner what.
Anything for a laugh phr A slightly regretful. ironic phrase usually to justify something one does through necessity or desperation rather than choice.
Anything goes phr Anything is acceptable, permissible.
Anytown n A notional town that represent the appearance or value of a stereotypical small town.
Anywhen adv At any time
Anywho prn Anyone
Anywhy adv For any reason
Ape n An extremely strong and pugnacious hoodlum; a strong arm man, goon, muscleman. 2. the best or greatest, the ultimate.
Ape adj Stupid and destructive; irrational, crazy.
Ape phr "Go Ape" - revert to ape-like behavior. 2. to become overly-excited.
Ape-hangers n Motorcyclists. 2. high swooping motorcycle handlebars.
Ape-head n A fool, idiot, stult.
Ape-out vb To lose control, to act in a wild manner.
Apple n A man, fellow. 2. a ball, esp. a baseball. 3. a street or district where excitement can be found. 4. any large town or city, as The Big Apple" or "The Apple" - New York. 5. a Native American who has taken on the values, behavior of the white community. (red on the outside but white on the inside.)
Apple n Anyone who doesn't take drugs (an apple-for-the-teacher mentality)
Apple-blossom-two-step n Diarrhea, often contacted on an overseas holiday.
Apple-cart n The human body.
Apple head n Idiot, fool, halfwit.
Apple-knocker n A unsophisticated rustic or rural person. 2. a fruit picker.
Apple-monger n A pimp, panderer.
Apple-ready adj Ready or vulnerable to be fleeced, fooled, deceived, cheated on.
Apples phr "She'll be apples" - satisfactory, ok, it will be fine.
Apple shine phr To curry favor, to toady, to act as a sycophant.
Apples to ashes phr An absolute certainty or sure thing.
Apple up vb To toady, curry favor.
Are you ready phr Implying surpise, amazement, or shock, both approving and disapproving.
Ark floater n A veteran actor.
Arky adj Old fashion, daggy, out-of-date. 2. archaic.
Arm n Influence, power, muscle. 2. armed robbery.
Armed for bear phr Ready and willing for a battle, conflict or simply a fight or an argument. 2. to be very heavily armed (the killing of a bear needs powerful weapons)
Armpit n A very undesirable place; geographical nadir, as "my home town is the armpit of the world." 2. the most slummy, rundown and often crime-ridden area of a city or town.
Armstrong n Anything operated or worked by hand rather than machinery.
Armstrong heater n Arms when embracing a loved-one.
Arnchy n One who 'tickets' on himself - 'aren't you the one.' 2. one who puts on airs.
Armwaver n A politician. 2. an excitable or emphatic person.
Arse n An unpleasant person, whose actions cause him to be disliked.
Arse n A woman viewed as a sexual object. 2. cheek, effrontery, brashness.
Arse vb To behave in a mnanner rude and unacceptable, 'be an arsehole'.
Arse phr "Give someone the arse." - to dismiss from one's job or employment.
Arse-backwards adj To do things out of order or back to front.
Arse-busting adj Tiring, exhausting, debilitating.
Arse-end n The end, the rear end. 2. the least desirable piece. 3. the least appealing place, as in the "arse end of the world; the arse end of nowhere."- armpit, or an arse-hole of a place.
Arse-hammer n A motor-cycle, owing to the pounding one receives on one's buttocks when riding a motorcycle.
Arse-hole n The anus. 2. an unpleasant person.
Arse-hound n Womaniser, philander, playboy, cassanova.
Arse-kiss n To fawn; to court favor in a self-abasing way.
Arse-licker n A sycophant, toady, crawler.
Arseness n Wilful stupidity.
Arse up vb To make a mess of something, fail to do something satisfactorily.
Arse-ways adj Askew-whiff, back-to-front.
Arse-wipe n Tiolet paper.
Arse-wiper n A sycophant, a toady, a suck
Arse-wise adj Absurd, illogical, ridiculous, ludicrous.
Arsy adj Lucky, fortunate, flukey.
As all get-out phr Very much get out, to a very great extent.
As and when phr In the end, eventually. 2. if at all possible. 3. as it happens and when it happens.
As anything phr Very much so.
As a starter phr To begin with.
As for it phr To behave in a way that invites or provoke or/and deserves trouble.
Ash-blower n A cowardly man who avoids military service to stay at home and tend to the fire.
Ashcan n A depth-charge.
Ashcan n An unpleasant person. 2. the buttocks.
Ashcan vb To discard, throw away. 2. a depth-charge.
Ash-cat n A dirty, unkempt child, as if covered by ash. 2. a sickly child with an ashen look or complexion. 3. a thin, wasted, ragged Black person.
Ashy adj Palefaced, white, ashen-faced.
As if excl A disbelief, I don't believe you; you're kidding.
As I live by bread phr A general phrase of emphasis, underlining the probity of one's statements and actions (bread as the staff of life)
As is phr Under the present circumstances or situation; in the present form; conditions as they are, no change "You can't do any better as is."
Ask n A request.
Ask for it phr To behave in such a way, that negative or adverse or troublesome outcome will follow.
Asleep at the wheel phr Not concentrating on, or paying attention to, whatever one is doing.
Ass backwards adv In reverse order. 2. in a confused manner; sometimes used as 'bass ackwards'.
Assishness n Pure stupidity.
As you were phr Settle down, control yourself, calm down. 2. slow down. 3. take another look; think about it again.
Ate the bolts phr One who loves work.
At first go phr At the get-go; start or beginning.
At full bottle phr Doing something at maximum speed and sometimes noisily.
At good ready phr At you direction or when ready. 2. totally, absolutely, indeed, certainly.
At it adv Taking part in sexual intercourse. 2. involved in criminal or illegal matters.
At a loose end phr Aimlessly unoccupied; wanting in direction; uncertain where you're at. 2. out of work, unemployed.
Atop of the house phr In a state of excitement.
At sixes and sevens phr In or at a state of turmoil, disorder and chaos.
At sparrow's crow phr Dawn, aurora, sunrise, dayrim.
At the death phr At the finale, end, culminate, conclusion.
At the drop of a hat phr Straight away, immediately, eventually.
At tops phr In the best condition; at best
Awake to vb Be awake to: quick to see through a scam or deception.
Awash adj Drunk, intoxicated.
Away adj Prison (underworld.); at the put-away, in jail; away-inside. 2. escaped from prison. 3. dead, deceased.
Away adv Immediately, without delay, forthwith, without hesitation, right away.
Away laughing n In a good position, especially when embarking on a new venture.
Away to the hills phr Mentally unbalanced, crazy, loopy.
Awesome adj Excellent, great.
Awry-eyed adj Intoxicated
Axe n An electric guitar.
Axe vb To dismiss someone from a job, team, relationship. 2. fire, as in in give someone the axe. 3. to eliminate, cut. 4. any musical instrument, esp. the saxophone, perhaps because of an axe's shape or it's sound when someone is using it to chop.
Axe-god n A legendary electric guitarist who inspires hero-worship with his/her musical technique.
Axeholder n The hand.
Axeman n A musician esp. a guitarist. 2. a prison barber.