The Anglish Moot

>Anglish "Slang" Wordbook

Anglish sp English
Fair-headed adj A favourite son or man
Fair-shake n To give it a fair s. or equal treatment, same chance as others
Fall down vb To fail in an undertaking
Fall for vb To like, to be impressed by
Fast life n A life of dissipation and excitement
Fast-one n A frame up, a clever swindle
Fed up phr Had too much of it; disgusted, profoundly annoyed
Fedupness n A state of oversatiation and disgust
Feed n A meal
Felt out phr Sounded out; pumped for information
Fiend n Devotee, an enthusiastic supporter, such as an art fiend
Filmdom n The movie world
Finger n A police informer
Fired pp Dismissed, sacked, discharge from duty
Firewater n Intoxicating liquor
Fireworks n A shoot-out, gun play. 2. Bombast, an oratorary display
Firing line n
First run n Premiere of a movie
Fisty adj Angry; peevish; touchy.
Flesh creep n The shudders, shivers
Flesh show n A striptease show; a revue featuring nude or semi-nude dancers
Fly-by-night outfit phr An impermanent and unreliable business concern
Fly of the handle phr To lose one's temper; to become angry
Fold vb To cease, to close, to show or do no more, to quit
Followership n Ability and willingness to follow a leader
For a song phr Cheap; at a low price
Forget it phr Pay no further attention; drop the matter; let it go; stop talking; be quiet
Forgettery n A poor memory
Foxy adj Sexy, voluptuous, sensual, erotic, luscious
Freedom seekers n Divorce seekers
Free-wheeling adj
Freeze out phr vb To exclue a person; to force a person to withdraw, a forced exclusion or withdrawal
Fresh adj Impudent, insolent
From way back phr Since long ago, from a much earlier time; also superior or outstanding, as" He is a teacher from way back."
Full house n All seats or spaces taken, entirely full, completely full.
Full adj Intoxicated