The Anglish Moot

>Anglish "Slang" Wordbook

Anglish sp English
Gallow-grass n Hemp for the hangman's rope.
Gallowness n Mischief, perversity.
Gallows adv Extremely, used as intensifier or emphasis.
Gallows-apple n Candidate for the gallows
Gallows-bird n A thief or pickpocket or one who associates with them. 2. the corpse of one who has been hanged.
Gallows-good adj Anything considered so bad or useless as to be fit only for the gallows.
Gallows-looking adj Fit for the gallows, having a run-down, hang-dog, shifty look. 2. a calling, piece of business, interest
Gallstone n An irritating person.
Game n A group of prostitutes, esp. in a brothel. 2. the world of prostitution, "on the game."
Game n An amusing incident, piece of fun, a lark (what's your game). 2. benefits or gains what, while illegally obtained, are seen as worth the poor reputation such actions might engender, thus "have the game without the name." 4. a state, an affair. 5. any attempt to manipulate humanity for one own's ends, usually financial ones.
Game n A fool, a simpleton, esp. a victim (fair game).
Game n ("The Game"): an occupation, differing as from the group concerned, as lovers: sexual intercourse; for sportsman: cock-fighting; for criminals: robbery; sailors: slave-trading; and for prostitutes: commercial sex.
Game n "The Game" - the sophisticates, street-wise person's lifestyle. 2. prostitution and or pimping. 3. deception, trickery.
Game vb To manipulate humanity for one own ends, usually financial ones.
Game adj Criminal or associated with the underworld, thus "a game woman" = promiscuous, shanky. 2. cunning, villainous.
Game as a meat ant phr Very brave. 2. enthusiastic, keen.
Gamecock n Womaniser, philanderer.
Game on excl Exclamation of excitement or anticipation, usually about a possible sexual conquest or when a night out or a drinking session is arranged. 2. an exclamation of triumph as having sorted sorted out initial arrangements.
Game room n In sadomasochistic sex, a torture chamber.
Gander n A husband, a man or husband who is a way from home, a grass widow. 2. a dandy, fop.
Gander n A gander: a glance, a look at, a close look or look intently, scrutiny. 2. a criminal look-out(his neck stretched out like a goose or gander.)
Gander vb To take a look, survey.
Gander-gut n One who is tall, thin and awkward. 2. scrawny. 3. gander-gutted.
Gander-month n The period immediately following childbirth: during this time it was considered for the amn temporarily to abandon his domestic fidelity; thus "gander-mooner" - a man enjoying this privilege.
Gander-neck vb To look, to look at, look intently at.
Gander-shanks adj Referring to a thin awkward person
Gang n A large amount of anything. 2. any social group (without criminal tones).
Gang vb To attack or kill as part of a gang. 2. to gang up on someone.
Gangbuster n An great, exciting, conspicuous and successful person, thing or event.
Gangbusters adj Rousing, inspiring, conspicuous. 2. a great and conspicuous success.
Gangbusters vb To be very successful, as " to go gangbusters" or "come on like gangbusters"
Gangbusters phr "Like or Come on like Gangbusters" - very energetically and successfully.
Gangbusting n State or condition of being energetic and successful.
Gangster n A troublemaker, nuisance, stirrer. 2. a troublemaker, rebel, non-conformist.
Gangster vb To kidnap, abduct, take forcibly.
Gangster-doors n A four-door saloon, the car preferred by prominent ghetto criminals.
Gangster-lean n The supposedly sophisticated style of driving a car, with one elbow out of the window and one's body leaning in the same direction; thus, fig., an attitude to life and lifestyle.
Gangster-ride n A large, old-fashioned, usually black motorcar, favoured by gangster as there mode of transport.
Gangster-stick n A marijuana cigarette.
Gang up phr To gather for a purpose, esp. an evil purpose, as a physical attack and beating of someone
Garbroth n Any poor or worthless person, as in the expression" mean as garbroth." (from garfish and broth.)
Garlic-burner n Motorcyclists. 2. a motorcycle made in Italy.
Garmouth n To boast, brag, make empty threats. (garfish, a fish considerd not worth eating, other than in direct extremity)
Gate n The money collected from selling tickets to a sporting event or other entertainment event. 2. a swing, jazz musician; a gatemouth. 3. a music devotee or a cat (any man). 3. jazz talk or jive.
Gate sfx An exposed affair or scandal, venality as sort indicated, as "Watergate".
Gate-mouth n A person, a jazz, jive or swing musician. 2. a performing engagement a gossip, a chronic and active gossip, loudmouth.
Gather-up n A Gather-up: a useless person, usually a rag-an-bone man.
Gawdsaker n One, who in a state of panic, exclaims '... for God's sake let's do something now.'
Geesefeathers n Snow.
Get vb From Old Norse geta "to obtain, reach; to beget; to guess right". Old English, as well as Dutch and Frisian, had the root only in compounds (e.g. begietan "to beget," see beget; forgietan "to forget,". Vestiges of Old English cognate *gietan remain obliquely in past participle gotten and original past tense gat. 2. off-spring, progeny.
Get n A swindle, a trick, a means of defrauding a victim.
Get n The profit, the take, the proceeds of a robbery.
Get v To understand, comprehend; seize mentally, as in 'I get it.' 2. to reach the point or stage where, 'I get (to) where I see it (or understand it.) 3. to take note of; pay attention. 5. to wreak or have vengenance on; to kill, esp. in revenge; retaliate destructively against. 6. to get the punishment one deserves. 7. to become rich; get one share of wordly goods and things.
Get a belly phr To become pregnant.
Get above oneself phr To act in an arrogant manner, to be self-satisfied.
Get a dusty answer phr To receive an unpleasant, immoderate answer or response.
Get a fair spin phr To receive an even-handed and reasonable go or opportunity
Get a free ride phr To enjoy something without paying; get something gratis.
Get a glow on phr To become drunk or intoxicated. (the reddish complexion often forming on the cheeks of a drinker)
Get a handle on phr To understand, know how to; to gain control of a situation. 2. to work out or find a way of coping; discover how to proceed.
Get a hard-on phr To have an erection.
Get a life phr Dismissive exclamation used in any context where the speaker wishes to show disdain for the previous speaker and their ideas, beliefs, suggestions, opinions.
Get a line on phr To get or acquire information concerning; to make a preliminary survey; to secure or acquire secret information. 2. to understand, to hand on or impart information to.
Get a little on the side phr To be sexually unfaithful, cheat; betray a trust; to commit adultery .
Get a load of phr To drink heavily; to be extremely intoxicated. 2. to be full or over-dosed on drugs.
Get-along n A limp.
Get along (on) phr To live with any great joy nor grief; pass through life more or less adequately; cope. 2. to be compatible, associate easily. 3. to grow older.
Get (go) along (with you) phr Don't be silly - a response sometimes dismissive, often jocular. 2. in the case of flattery- don't be silly.
Get among it phr To become rich, obtain wealth; make plenty of money
Get a name for phr To get a reputation - usu. bad, for something.
Get an earful phr To listen to, usu. in the context of a dressing-down, rebuke or scolding.
Get an eyeful phr To have a good look at, to stare at.
Get a rise out of (from) someone phr To make someone angry. 2. to get a response, esp. an angry one.
Getaway n The very start. 2. a sudden dash esp. from a starting point in a game or sport. 3. a vehicle, esp. a car used to flee from a robbery or crime. 4. an escape, get out, excuse. 5. the act of fleeing from a scene of a crime.
Get away with it (something) phr To succeed in, or carry of successfully, any undertaking, esp. one that is underhanded; as in "Get away with murder." 2. to get the better of, to beat. 3. to go uncaught and unpunished after doing something illegal or inappropriate. 4. to steal or runaway with something.
Get away with murder phr To do something bad or illegal and not be punished. 2. to go unpunished or unharmed after some illegal, impudent or risky act. 3.
Get away with you phr Don't try and pull the wool over my eyes; fool me, take me for a fool.
Get back at phr To turn the tables on someone, to get revenge
Get behind phr To make a commitment to an idea, a job, an idea. 2. to understand, to enjoy, appreciate, to put one's weight behind. 3. to enjoy something. 4. to get a pleasurable narcotic intoxication.
Get by phr To earn a bare living; to pass, to manage, scrape by, to be accepted or acceptable; to have one's efforts approved. 2. to survive without working or much effort; to do just enough closely or barely well; neither succeed or fail. 3. to pass inspection; stand up to scrutiny, to avoid, evade; to get away with.
Get down phr To concentrate on; attend to the task. 2. to commit oneself to; make an effort. 3. to do something especially well. 4. to fight. 5. to have sexual intercourse. 6. to dance, to have a good time; enjoy oneself, have fun; to let oneself be natural and unrestrained.
Get down heavy phr To enjoy oneself, to participate wholeheartedly in the spirit of things.
Get down on phr To develop a dislike, grudge against, to be hostile to.
Get down to it phr To commit oneself earnestly and seriously to a task. 2. to start talking about the gravamen or crux of a matter or topic.
Get even with phr To take revenge; pay back; get one's own back.
Get ghost vb To go about things quietly and inconspicuously.
Get-go n From the get-go: the start, beginning.
Get going vb To drive someone into a temper; to make one lose control through teasing. 2. to excite someone sexually.
Get going vb To leave depart. 2. to commence a job or task.
Get good to someone phr To be carried away by one's enthusiasms whilst performing a task.
Get hard-nosed phr To get angry, to get stubborn, to be obstinate
Get high vb To be "high" on drugs.
Get high behind vb To hurry up; to help get to their workplace on time. 3. to become impatient, to get angry or mad.
Get hold of the right end of the stick phr To get it right, to understand the situation correctly; grasp an understanding or essential meaning.
Get hold of the wrong end of the stick phr To have the facts wrong or incorrect; interpret a situation incorrectly.
Get home vb Make an impression on, in a sporting event. 2. make emotional impression on.
Get home with the milk phr To stay out all night; get home only at daybreak.
Get hot on phr To put in an enthusiastic effort. 2. be enthusiastic about.
Get in vb Strike a blow (lit and fig.) 2. a telling remark. 3. to put on one's clothes
Get in a gar hole phr To have a bit of bad luck. Garfish swims above and around the holes of other better fish and often takes the bait meant for other fish.
Get in deep phr To become deeply in love with. 2. to become heavily involved in criminal activities.
Get in line phr To conform, fall in behind or with.
Get in one's eye phr To beat up. 2. to crowd, to encroach or get to near to one's personal space. 3. to shout at someone from nearby. 4. to hit or punch one in the face or eye.
Get in one's hair phr Annoy or irritate.
Get into vb To attack physically. 2. to criticize severely. 3. to put on clothes, dress oneself.
Get it vb To be shot, wounded or killed. 2. understand.
Get it in the neck phr To be punished, to fail, to lose
Get it in every way phr To do well, irrespective of the circumstances. 2. to fully understand or comprehend something.
Get it in for phr To bear a grudge, as 'have/had it in for.'
Get it in the neck phr To be severely punished or injured.
Get it off one's chest phr To confess, unburden oneself.
Get it on phr To enjoy something greatly; having a good time.
Get it on the whisper phr To buy on hire purchase. (the shame of living on the never-never, and the desire to keep it quiet.)
Get it (all) together vb To start a sexual relationship. 2. to make a decision, to take action. 3. to compose oneself, and take a firm stand. 3. to arrange one's life and affairs properly integrated and focused.
Get left vb To be abandoned, left behind esp. when in a difficult situation.
Get lost vb To leave, depart (usually an exasperated command).
Get next to vb To become lovers. 2. to feel friendly towards, get near to. 3. to embarrass, to annoy, to anger.
Get off vb To avoid the consequences.
Get off one's arse phr To stop being idle, lazy and inert.
Get off one's back phr To leave one alone, stop niggling and nagging.
Get off one's high horse phr To stop being high and haughty, superior to others. 2.
Get nowhere (fast) vb To falter and fail, despite one's best efforts and endeavours. 2. get no satisfaction from something or someone. 3. to make no progress (very quickly).
Get off on the wrong foot phr To make a poor initial impression; to make a poor start
Get off one's hands phr To rid yourself of a burden or responsibility, esp in regards to another, such as unmarried daughter, an adult child who refuses to leave home, or a worker who is not pulling his weight.
Get off the ground phr To make a successful start. 2. to succeed with a project, esp. initially.
Get off the hook phr To help, aid someone to evade responsibility or punishment.
Get on phr Succeed, prosper, fare well. 2. to relate to another person either well or not so well, 'get on well with' 3. to grow older or be of advanced years. 4. to depart, leave, as 'get on one's way.' 5. tto put a bet on a horse, etc.
Get on one's goat phr To annoy, irritate, upset.
Get on one's high horse phr To become dignified and formal; assume a haughty and arrogant mien.
Get one down vb To make gloomy, or cause another to be depressed.
Get one going vb To cause another to be agitated, excited or angry.
Get one in vb To fool, trick, deceive.
Get (have) one on a string phr To control and deceive another over a long period of time.
Get one's bitter phr To get one just deserts.
Get one's eyes together phr Too have a nap, doze off, kip.
Get one's feet wet phr To initiate oneself or be initiated into something. 2. to have a first and testing experience of something.
Get one's finger out phr To stop idling about, procrastinating, and beginning to something.
Get one hackles up phr To become angry, infuriated, furious, lose one's temper.
Get one's head down phr To have some sleep.. 2. tp plead guilty in court.
Get one's head straight phr To think clearly. 2. 'get one's head together.'
Get one's head together phr To sort oneself out, regain calmness and composure. 2. 'get one's head straight.'
Get one's hooks into phr To grasp, grab. obtain, esp. when the thing or object most desired is held by a rival.
Get one's mind right phr To think clearly.
Get one's nose to phr To have another person utterly dependent on oneself, typically in a one-sided love relationship.
Get one's soul in soak phr To become intoxicated.
Get one's tail down phr To act and look in a despondent or dejected manner. 2. to lose heart, become somewhat depressed.
Get one's tail-feathers up phr To be annoyed, irritated, furious, maddened.
Get on one's wick phr To irritate, annoy, hamper.
Get one wrong vb To misunderstand an other meaning or intention.
Get on someone's goat phr To annoy, irritate, harass.
Get on the home stretch phr To be near achieving one's aims, as a journey, a work task.
Get on to phr To become aware of what is going on; to realise, to understand.
Get out from under phr To extricate from troubles, as financial problems; delicate personal problems.
Get out of bed on the wrong side phr To be in an irritable, irascible, ill-tempered mood.
Get out of here excl General exclamation of total disbelief and dismissal. 2. you're joking, rubbish, your mad.
Get out of it ecxl Exclamation of dismissal. 2. Go away! don't be stupid; don't be silly. 3. don't make laugh (mocking)
Get over phr To take advantage, get around. 2. to intimidate, frighten. 3. to get to understand.
Get over phr To make oneself understood; to gain favour; to succeed. 3. to become well again physically, emotionally or mentally. 3. to make a favourable impression. 4. to recover or bounce back from a problem, etc. 3. be restored to the norm.
Get shafted vb To be treated harshly, severely and unfairly.
Get sloughed up vb To move from the general prison population into protective confinement.
Get smart vb Command to become wisely aware of one's situation, options, possibilities.
Get someone's back phr To look after somebody, lit. to see that they are not attacked from behind. 2. to protect the interests of another,
Get someone's back up phr To annoy, anger, infuriated someone by words or deeds. 2. to become angry or make someone angry; esp. in a way to cause someone to resist.
Get someone down vb To depress, disillusion, give the blues.
Get something on someone phr To find out something incriminating or negative about some and use it to one's own advantage.
Get something over with phr To finish, end, conclude something. 2. come to a stopping point or mark.
Get somewhere vb To succeed, to realize one's desire.
Get stoned vb To be intoxicated by alcohol or drugs. 2. to be high.
Get stuck into vb To start a fight. 2. to start, with enthusiasm, any sort of activity. 3. to attack verbally.
Get the bird phr To be jeered, mocked, hissed, esp. during a theatrical show.
Get the book phr To become religious, often during imprisonment.
Get the breaks phr To have a stroke of good luck or success; to profit by a fortunate occurrence.
Get the drift phr Understand what one is implying, hinting at, etc.
Get the drop on phr To obtain or get someone in an inferior position, or have threatening advantage over someone.
Get the elbow phr To be dismissed, rejected, dispensed with.
Get the eye phr To be look at in an insinuating, seductive way.
Get the go-head phr Take the lead in a competition, election contest etc.
Get the goods on phr To find out negative facts about; to find or collect desired information about. 2. to find some facts or knowledge about someone and use it to one's advantage.
Get the hang off something phr To understand, have the know-how and master a particular skill.
Get the hell out of phr To leave, depart quickly to avoid harm.
Get the hot end of phr To be victimized, to be given a hard time.
Get-there n Ambition, energy.
Get there on two feet phr To do something very well, to succeed in a notable way.
Get the sads phr To be depressed.
Get the shaft phr See shaft. 2. to be ill-treated, abuse; esp. by cruel deception.
Get the shove phr To be dismissed from employment. 2. to be rejected by a spouse, partner or lover.
Get the show on the road n To start, begin, to get going.
Get the wind up phr To frighten, make fearful, nervous or anxious.
Get the wrong bull by the horns phr To make a mistake; act or do something in error.
Get this Imp Listen to this; hear me.
Get through (to) phr To make oneself understood; esp. by someone who is dilatory or slow on the uptake.
Get to vb To start doing something, commence 2. to attack bodily. 3. to corrupt, taint, influence negatively or bribe. 4. to effect or influence emotionally, to angst, worry, mae nervous
Get-together n A meeting or gathering, often social.
Get together vb To act in concert, to help one another. 2. to have a sexual relationship.
Get to someone phr To disturb or anger. 2. to affect, make an impression on.
Get tough with phr Often, of criminals, or police, to act inan aggressive, harsh manner towards someone or something.
Get-up n One's dress or attire, esp. best or most fashionable.
Get-up n Ambition, energy; spirit; aggressiveness
Get up vb Inspire, energise, galvanise, esp. for a sporting event, examination etc.
Get-up n The date of one's release from prison set by the authorities.
Get-up n A ruse, scam, fraud, subterfuge.
Get up and dust off phr To depart or run off quickly.
Get up and get phr To leave in a hurry. 2. to move quickly. 3. to act or do something with energy.
Get-up-and-go phr Energy, ambition, drive, initiative..
Get up and go vb To move fast, get moving.
Get up early in the morning phr To be clever, be aware, mentally alert, undumb and unslow.
Get up off vb To go through or feel the effects of a drug(s). 2. to resist a way of doing things. 3. to give up or away something one values or thinks is important.
Get up off the shoulder phr To fight with one's fist.
Get up on vb To get excited by, to become interested in.
Get up someone's nose phr To annoy, irritate; provoke hostility.
Get up steam phr To act energetically, to become interested in.
Get up there vb To grow older
Get up to phr To do something or an action, usu. mischievous or possibility illegal.
Get up with vb To have a romantic meeting or encounter. 2. to meeting with.
Get weaving vb To get on with things that need to be done. 2. to do something in a hurry.
Get wet vb To murder, kill, get wounded. 2. to spill another blood; to have blood on (wet) your hands.
Get wise phr Be aware, to learn about, get a warning to be careful. 2. become aware, esp. in matters of survival and advancement. 3. to look after one's own interest.
Get wise with yourself phr Often an exhortation to be alert, look after one's interests, put yourself first. 3. to become impudent or defiant.
Get with vb To come to know, realize, understand. 2. to join in or with; to follow and accept the party line. 3. get beside, get behind, become amongst the ranks of. 2. to have a romantic relationship with.
Get with it excl Stop being or acting foolishly. 2. pay attention to what's happening, going on or needs to be done.
Ghastly adj Of persons, things, objects, events, circumstances, horrible, shocking, unpleasant, distasteful.
Ghost n A photograph. 2. a person who does the work on behalf of the person who is publicly credited for it (a ghost-writer). 3. a white person. 4. a fictitious name created for a fraudulent person. 5. a creditor (they give bad debtors an unpleasant fright when they appear.) 6. a hundred dollar bill ($100): they say they exist but few people have claimed to have seen them.
Ghost n An absentee, someone who has opted out of normal social life.
Ghost vb To follow, shadow, to follow surreptitiously.
Ghost vb To write a book or article for someone else who takes the credit. 2. to share a hotel or other kinds of lodgings with someone unbeknown to the owner.
Ghost vb To move a prisoner from one prison to another during the night, without other prisoner knowing of the departure.
Ghostbuster n A person who exposes spiritualistic mediums
Ghosting n The moving of a prisoner from one prison to another during the night, without the other prisoners knowing that the departutre has taken place.
Ghost milk n Cultural ooze that major projects exude: all those delivery documents, those primary strategic objectives, those maquettes and futuramas of the world-to-be.
Ghost walks phr "The Ghost Walks" - implies that the pay or salaries is at hand or about to be giving out.
Ghosts n White particles that look like, but are not, crack cocaine.
Ghost town n An abandoned town, often one that has flourished for a time
Ghost turds n Fluff that collects under beds and furniture. 2. house moss.
Gilded moonshine n Worthless IOUs or other credit documents that have no genuine financial backing.
Gilt n Money, currency, coins.
Gilt-edged adj First-rate. 2. dependable
Ginger n A red-haired or ginger-hackled person.
Ginger vb The act of robbing a prostitute client. 2. a brothel where robbing clients of their money or valuables is commonplace.
Gingerer n A prostitute who robs clients of their money or valuables.
Git-down time n The start of a prostitutes "get-down time" or working time.
Gitlet n A getlet; an illegitimate child, a bastard.
Give vb To allow someone a certain or limited period of time, "I give you ten minutes."
Give vb To convey, in a skeptical or dismissive manner, information or knowledge, 'have you got anything to give me.' 2. used as an angry or very annoyed answer, to show displeasure at a previous statement or comment, 'I'll give you, love.'
Give a dusty answer phr To give an unpleasant, intolerant answer.
Give a fair spin phr Treat with fairness; give another a fair go.
Give and take n To act in a fair and even handed manner. 2. to be tolerant. 3. to listen to and respect another opinions and beliefs.
Give a tumble phr To try out, to experiment. 2. to have intercourse. 3. to recognize, acknowledge.
Give-away n Betrayal of a secret. 2. something that is obvious; a no-brainer. 3. anything that reveals something concealed; a clue.
Give-away n A free sample, or prize.
Give away vb To betray another (s); forsake, abandon, give up.
Give cold pig phr A prank played on a tardy riser, with the bed clothes being pulled back and cold water tipped over the sleeper.
Give good vb To rebuke, chide, scold severely. 2. to tell off.
Give green rats phr To criticize, slander someone in their absence, to backbite. (green: with envy, jealousy.)
Give hell vb To scold, berate severely. 2. give someone a hard time. 3. fig.punish, hurt.
Give it a go phr To make an attempt; give it a try.
Give it away phr To stop, give up abandon.
Give it the boot phr To accelerate, put your foot down on the accelerator. 2. to get rid of, to dispense with; oust.
Give it to someone phr To beat, punish, rebuke .
Give me five vb To slap hands (five fingers) with another in celebration of victory, success or a greeting of friendship.
Give me strength excl Uttered on hearing something stupid.
Give one the lowdown phr To communicate to one inside information; to tell the true facts; to relate gossip or scandal
Give or take phr Implying an estimation, usu. of time or number, as ' give or take five minutes.
Give out vb To talk emotionally, to talk with feeling. 2. to collapse, cease to function.
Give some flesh phr The slapping of hands or palms, usu. with ritual meaning between Black folk.
Give someone a break phr To give someone an opportunity; chance. 2. let off, pardon, excuse, as exclamation 'give him a break.'
Give someone a go phr To give someone an opportunity, try-out, a chance.
Give someone a miss phr To avoid seeing someone or doing something. 2. not opt for. 3. give someone the go-by.
Give someone a ring phr To call some on the telephone.
Give someone grief phr To make life difficult for; hassle, harass.
Give someone heat phr To criticise.
Give someone hell phr To rebuke, scold, punish someone severely.
Give someone lip phr To speak to someone in a rude, offensive, impertinent manner.
Give someone that phr To acknowledge the other point, as 'I give you that.'
Give someone the blacks phr To ignore, esp. when snubbing a former friend.
Give someone the boot phr "Give someone the boot or the foot" - to throw out, reject, oust. 2. dismiss, sack, kick out.
Give someone the business phr To kill. 2. beat, assault, treat roughly. 3. to tease, taunt, deride. 4. put at a disadvantage by own's own actions. 5. to deceive, bamboozle in business.
Give someone the deep six phr To kill, murder, to do in.
Give someone the dust off phr To ignore, snub, reject.
Give someone the eye phr To look at with insinuating and seductive manner.
Give someone the finger phr To raise the middle finger as an act or to imply derision and disdain. 2. to show contempt and defiance by holding up the middle finger towards someone.
Give someone the freedom of the world phr To dismiss from the job; 'to be liberated', as put by Tony Abbott, the Australian Prime Minister, upon hearing that more than 3000 workers were about to lose their job in the car-making industry. 2. give the shove to. 3. give someone the boot.
Give someone the glad eye phr Show an amorous or sexual interest in someone. 2. give the come-on or eye to. 3. to look or glance at invitingly; gaze enticingly at.
Give someone the glad hand phr To welcome enthusiastically to the point of insincere excess, as often the wont of politicians. greet or welcome effusively
Give someone the go-by phr To avoid, disregard deliberately. 2. to allow, to turn a blind eye. 3. to dismiss, to get rid; give the shove to.
Give someone the length of one's tongue phr To verbally attack, lambaste.
Give someone the needle phr To nag at, criticize regularly, and smartingly.
Give someone the shaft phr To swindle, maltreat, or otherwise treat wrongly.
Give someone the shake phr To rid oneself of; get away from.
Give someone the time of day phr Usu. negative: 'not give someone the time of day.' - not do the slightest favour for; not greet or speak to; have contempt for.
Give (someone) the works (to) phr To put in one's all effort in communicating something, esp. a sermon or speech. 2. to give someone a thorough beating; to mistreat or thrash severely; to kill or murder someone.
Give someone what for phr To reprimand severely, to inflict severe pain on. 2. to beat or punish severely, 3. chastise, lambaste, chide. 4. drub, either physically or verbally.
Give the bird to phr Express one's disapproval by hissing, jeering.
Give the come-on to phr To entice, to lure, to stare amorously at. 2. give the (glad) eye to.
Give the elbow to phr To dismiss, reject, sack. 2. give the shove to.
Give the fish-eye to phr To stare menacingly at. 2. to look or stare at in a cold contemptuous, or menacingly way. 3. to threaten by hostile look.
Give the green light to phr Give approval or go-ahead to someone.
Give the once over phr To examine, closely, scrutinize, esp. with a view to evaluation or identification.
Give the shove to phr To sack or dismiss from a job.
Give the shirt off one's back phr To be very generous and kind.
Give the show away phr To reveal a secret, your own or another's. 2. to betray a confidence, as a plan or commitment.
Give the thumbs up phr To approve, to answer positively.
Give-up n A surrender, submission.
Give up vb To betray, reveal another's whereabouts, to inform.
Give up on vb To lose faith in, trust or belief in.
Give up the ship phr To perish, die. 2. to abandon.
Give with the eyes phr To look at, glance.
Glad adj Tipsy, drunkish.
Glad eye n A glance of sexual interest.
Glad eye phr "Give Someone the Glad Eye" - show an amorous or sexual interest in someone.
Glad hand n Welcome, effusively and warmly; cordially.
Glad hand phr "To Give Someone the Glad Hand" - to give someone a warm, welcoming handshake (often insincerely, or by politician and other "charmers" for their own gain.)
Glad hander n An enthusiastic, friendly but totally insincere person.
Glad-handing n The act of warmly welcoming (often without sincerity) as, 'after glad-handing the parishioners of Methurst, the reverend headed for the strip-club.'
Glad rags n One best and often showiest clothes. 2. party clothes. 3. formal evening wear.
Glad weeds n Formal dress attire.
Glass n In prison slang: diamonds, often of the highest quality.
Glass adj In boxing parlance any part of the body that is weak or vulnerable, as "a glass jaw."
Glass vb To slash another's face or body with a piece of broken glass.
Glassed adj Cut in the face or other part of the body by a slash with a broken bottle.
Glassen adj Made of glass (<ME glasen)
Glass eyes n One who wears glasses or spectacles. 2. a drug taker.
Glass house n A place where crack cocaine can be sold or smoked.
Glassy eye adj A cold, disdainful stare, like that of a dead fish.
Glided moonshine n Worthless IOUs or other credit documents that have no genuine financial backing.
Glisten n A collective term for diamonds.
Glister n A drinking glass, a tumbler.
Glom vb To acquire, obtain, have.
Glowing stick n A cigarette.
Gnat's eyebrow phr Something very small or in very fine detail, hair splitting, as in "Down to a Gnat's Eyebrow."
Gnawer n A rodent. 2. 'The Gnawer" - cancer.
Go n "The Go" - the height of fashion or the "thing" to be doing; trend. 2. a dandy, a fashionable man.
Go n Energy, spirit, spunk. 2. get-up and go
Go n An event, circumstance. 2. matter, affair. 3. an attempt, try.
Go n An argument, row, fight, a real barney. 2. to attack verbally or physically.
Go vb To die, pass away, perish, expire. 2. to relieve oneself. 3. happen, transpire.
Go vb Supporting, backing, standing for, as "Go Obama"
Go adj To function properly, be copasetic, going as planned, "all thing are go."2. appropriate, fitting, suitable.
Go abroad vb To be transported as a convict.
Goad n A decoy at a horse fair. 2. one who falsely and lavishly praises a product or service to entice buyers. 3. one who makes fake bids at auctions
Go-ahead n Progress, ambition, energy. 2. a command or permission to do something, as in "Give Someone the Go Ahead" 3. the lead in a contest, event, competition.
Go-ahead adj Progressive, ambitious to do something, as "good-ahead plans for the company"
Go-ahead phr "Give Someone the Go-ahead" - permit or command someone to do something. 2. permission, or the word.
Go-ahead phr "Go ahead like a Whale" - to tackle something with total energy and wholeheartedly.
Go all out phr -To do something unreservedly. 2. to do one most or best.
Go all out on phr To trust fully and completely.
Go all the way phr To do one's uttermost; make an extra effort.
Go-alone adj To do something independently.
Go alone vb To be vary, careful, cautious. 2. to be experienced.
Go-along n A fool, simpleton, a mentally unalerter, who will go along or agree to anything. 2. a go-alonger.
Go along for the ride phr To do something or be part of something in passive, half-hearted manner.
Go along with phr To agree with someone view, proposal, suggestion opinion, beliefs. 2. to acquiesce.
Go ape vb To behave stupidly, without reason, angrily or with violent.
Goat n A womanizer, lecher. 2. a catholic priest. 3. an offensive old man. 4. a car with an especially powerful engine; an old car. 5. a very junior officer in an army unit.
Goat Hill n Area of town where a certain class live, usu. the poorer folk but, sometimes, after gentrification the better-off folk. 2. Goat town: Goat wood.
Goat house n A brothel.
Goat-rider n A member of a masonic lodge,
Goat roper n A peasant, rural person, an unsophisticated person.
Goat's nest n An untidy, unkempt place.
Go at something bald-headed phr - Put all one's effort into something, to commit oneself wholly - and disregard the possible
Goaty adj Sexually frustrated. 2. irritated.
Go-away n Tram, train, bus. 2. the outfit in which the bride departs from her reception to begin her honeymoon.
Go back from phr To retreat, withdraw from, back down.
Go back on phr To reverse one's position on; to break a promise.
Go bark at the moon phr Go away, get lost; to complain uselessly, make a pointless bother.
Go belly up phr To go bankrupt. 2. to die, collapse, cease to operate. 3. image of a dead fish, floating belly up.
Go bent vb For a witness to retract previous statement helpful to the prosecution. 2. to turn to criminal activity and ways. 3. of a prisoner, whose girlfriend takes up with another.
Go-between n An intermediary.
Go beyond vb To be sentenced to transportation (to go beyond the world one knows)
Go broke vb To go bankrupt or insolvent, become moneyless, go bust.
Go by n An evasion; a slight; a slight, as to give one the go by.
Go-by-the-ground n A very short person.
Go cold at vb To scold, blame, reprimand.
Go cold on vb To lose initial enthusiasm for a proposal, activity.
God n An exceptionally attractive male.
God-bird n The much loved and petted baby. 2. the youngest bird in a nestful.
God-box n A church. 2. an organ.
Goddening n The spread of faith and religion to individuals, groups or nations.
Goddess n An ambitious, successful woman.
Godfather n The chief, highest authority, as 'the godfather of the silver screen' . 2. one who pays the bill after a meal or a drinking session.
Godfather-in-law n A member of a jury.
God-hopper n An evangelist or very religious person.
Go dog on vb To let down. 2. betray. 3. to inform against.
Go-down n A basement room, flat or apartment. 2. a shop or cinema located in a basement. 3. a human dweller or visitor to an a go-down.
Go down vb To be sent to prison. 2. to be committed to a mental institution. 3. to happen, take place, often a dramatic encounter, such as a fight or brawl. 4. to become inoperative, (stop functioning) as a computer.
Go down in food vb To eat ravenously.
Go down like flies phr To collapse in the face of weapons, disease or adversity.
Go down on vb To harm someone, cause trouble for someone.
Gods for Clods n Comparative religion for dummies.
God's Heater n The sun.
God's house n A church
God's time n Time as measured before the introduction of daylight savings.
God whisperer n A member of the clergy, priest, pastor, reverend.
Goer n A success, a victory. 2. anything that is dependable and can be counted on to work or succeed. 3. a promiscuous, sexually available woman. 4. an enthusiastic if not always competent amateur.
Goers n Feet.
Goes phr "What I Say Goes" - accepted, comes into being, is brought into effect; to have authority or effectiveness; to accept without question.
Goey adj Enthusiastic.
Go-fast n An amphetamine or any central nervous system stimulant.
Go fishing vb To undertake a search for facts; to drill down, dive deep.
Go-for n An employee who is expected to serve and cater to others; low ranking subordinate; a gopher, as in "a general go-for"
Go for n To favor, advocate or take to; to attack, assault or go after.
Go for vb To be really attracted to, 'I could go for her.'
Go for broke phr To make a maximum effort, put or stake everything you have on a hope or try. 2. to commit oneself unreservedly, esp. in a gambling or betting situation
Go for it phr (exclamation) - an exhortation to make an effort. 2. to overcome one's fears. 3. to get on energetically. 4. a general exhortation to others to have fun.
Go for one's life phr To engage in activity with vigour and enthusiasm.
Go for soul phr To be deeply moved.
Go gandering phr To look for something or someone
Go-getter n A vigorous and effective person.
Go-go n Disco music and dance style.
Go-go adj fashionable, modish, modern and trendy. 2. having and displaying vitality and drive. esp. in business and commence, urgent and energetic. 3. 'go-go' living in genetrified inner suburbia.'
Go Greek vb To engage in sodomy.
Go halves vb To share equally, divide into equal shares. 2. to get or be given an equal share. 3. go halfies.
Go hammer and tongs phr To approach an activity with maximum effort and energy; modern use refers to sexual intercourse (image of smith using a hammer to strike a piece of metal.)
Go hard at phr To proceed at a furious rate, to act in an unwise and wild manner
Go haywire phr To lose one's senses. 2. to lose control, go mad, crazy, become confused and disoriented. 3. to become inoperative, break down suddenly and unexpectedly.
Go hog-wild vb To act audaciously and unrestrainedly.
Go in blind phr To guess; to act somewhat recklessly
Going n "The Going" - situation, as 'when the going gets tough, the tough get going.'
Going dark phr A military lingo for the sudden termination of communication. The term used to describe a scenario in which communication appears to have ceased, but in reality has just moved from a public communication channel, where it could be monitored, to a private communication channel that prevents eavesdropping. 2. deciding or declaring that from the next number of hours, days, weeks, etc., one is going to be unavailable through all social media, and any other forms of electronic connection.
Going over n A scolding, a telling off. 2. an inspection. 3. a thrashing, beating, trouncing, a going-over.
Go it alone phr To act by oneself without support or assistance.
Gold n Money. 2. narcotics, of a high quality.
Gold dig? vb Usu. of an older woman, to obtain money and other gifts in exchange for sexual favours.
Gold digger? n A female, who uses her charms and favors, to lure and defraud, or extorts money from men.(the cat is known as gold digging) 2. One who forms relationships or marries another for purely monetary reasons. 3. a young woman orig. typically from the chorus line, who swaps sexual favors for the monetary and material gifts of a usually older lover.
Gold-dropper n A rogue who specializes in dropping something supposedly valuable where it will be found by a potential victim, who is either lured into a game or persuaded to buy the "valuable." 2. a scam by a catfish who meets potential victim on-line and persuades them to send them money to him or her facilitate the release of a valuable article held in a foreign country.
Gold dust n Cocaine. 2. heroin. 3. high quality drugs.
Gold-end man n An itinerant sellers of jewelry. 2. a buyer of broken piece of gold and silver.
Golden fire n Cider
Goldfire n To mean (colloquially) something which is delivered rapidly.
Golden handshake n A bonus given as compensation for dismissal or compensation.
Golden leaf n High quality marijuana.
Golden oldie n Anything vintage but still valuable. 2. a musical recording still considered good enough, to be played years after it's first release. 3. a senior citizen, geriatric.
Gold finder n A jocular name for one who cleans toilets.
Goldfish n A beating of a prisoner (the prisoner is the isolated goldfish, the beaters surrounding the bowl) to extract confession, also a rubber hose used in such a beating. 2. a married woman esp. one ripe for seduction.
Gold star n Cocaine. 2. marijuana.
Go like a bird phr Of a vehicle, go fast and smooth mechanically.
Go-long n Consequences, inevitable developments, circumstances. 2. "lost in a go-long" - to be a victim of circumstances. 3. a police patrol van in which prisoners are transported to the police station or court; paddy wagon, black maria: (you must go-along.)
Gone adj Considered a lost cause, a hopeless case. 2. a person or animal, dead or doomed.
Gone adj Crazy, bizarre, insane. 2. intoxicated by alcohol or drugs. 3. as a general intensifier both positive and negative, extraordinary or thoroughly. 4. weird and wonderful. lost in drink, drunk or music.
Gone phr "Gone to the Dogs" - in decline, rundown, degenerative. 2. on skid row, decline, dirty, become a hobo or street-dweller.
Gone phr "Gone with the Wind" - vanished, esp. of persons and money.
Good adj Solvent, able to pay for or lend.
Good phr "Good a Maid as Her Mother" - a recently deflowered or "cropped" woman.
Good phr "Good as all Get-out" - excellent, wonderful, first-rate.
Good phr "Good Night All" - a phrase used to change the subject of conversation.
Good phr "Good on the Fang" - a hearty eater; somewhat of a glutton.
Good phr "Good on the Tooth" - a hearty eater, good on the fang.
Good phr "Good on You" - a general expression of approbation.
Good deal n A pleasant and favourable situation, life, employment.
Goodie n A religious hypocrite. 2. a person of virtue and decency. 3. a good, decent, trustworthy person, esp, in a movie or story.
Goodie n A special treat, something nice to eat. 2. something nice, a pleasant feature, something very desirable.
Goodie-goodie n One who tries to live his or her life by a strict moral code. 2. one too good or overly moral. 2. a prim and outwardly virtuous person.
Good looker n An attractive woman.
Goodman n "The Goodman" - the Devil, Satan, Old Sooty,
Goodman n A favourite companion, a roisterer. 2. a goaler.
Good nose n Something that smells very pleasant.
Good-off adj Comfortably financially, secure moneywise.
Good old adj A general term of approval and affection, as "good old dad" 2. a term often heard in Australia and Ireland, possibly from the Irish: "rinne se mhaith orm" - he did go on me.
Goods n Got the goods: has the ability.
Goods n "The Goods" - the real thing, the ideal thing or person, come up to hope and expectations, as in "deliver the goods." 2. someone or something of excellent and outstanding quality. 3. information, evidence, usu. of a negative nature, neede to arrest and convict a malefactor, ("get the goods on"; negative facts about someone. 4. stolen goods, contraband - 'catch with the goods'
Good shot n A good try even though one may have failed.
Good show excl A general exclamation of approval or pleasure.
Good thing n One who can be easily duped; a sucker. 2. an advantageous position, esp in business dealings.
Good time n Time off for good behavior.
Good time n An especially acceptable, likeable person.
Good woolled adj Used of a plucky, spirited person (said of a sheep that has a good fleece)
Goody two-shoes n A self-righteous person. 2. an innocent and virtuous young woman. 3.
Goody two-shoes adj A self-righteous, do-gooder image and attitude to life.
Go-off n Starting time; cf: "get go"
Go off vb To dispose of at a sale. 2. to die. 3. of a woman about to be married. 4. to be sent to prison.
Go off vb To lose emotional control, as "to go off at or go off one's brain". 2. to do something foolish or simply. 4. to act intensely. 5. to move from one topic to another.
Go off vb To lose freshness, to become rotten, of food and milk.
Go off at phr To lose one's temper; to attack verbally, and, at length.
Go off one's head (brain) phr To loose one's temper completely; go off one's brain; go off at.
Go off song phr Of a usually pleasant or friendly person, to become suddenly hostile.
Go off the deep end phr To go into a violent, uncontrolled rage. 2. to have an emotional and mental breakdown.
Go on vb To talk continuously and repetitively and often tediously, go on and on, nag.
Go on vb To use as grounds for or a basis for one opinions.
Go on excl Exclamation to imply incredulity.
Go on the town phr To go out merrymaking; to have a good time. 2.
Go one better phr To outdo.
Go one-to-one vb To have an in your face confrontation with another person.
Goose vb To scold, reprimand, hiss. 2. make a goose of.
Goose-drown(d)er n Very heavy rain; a downpour, cloudburst.
Goose-head n An idiot, fool, simpleton.
Go out vb To lose consciousness, faint, go out to it.
Go out like a light phr To faint, lose consciousness, swoon.
Go out on a limb phr To put oneself in a vulnerable position. 2. to take a risk.
Go out the back door phr To back down under pressure or threat (prison slang).
Go out to it phr To faint, lose consciousness, swoon. 2. go out like a light.
Go over vb Be accepted, as the decision will never go over with the man in the street.'
Go over vb Of a man, to become homosexual - to go over to the other side.
Go overboard vb To lose control and behave excessively or perilously, to overdo. 2. to utterly commit oneself to something or someone. (go overboard for). 3. to be smitten by love or helpless love.
Go over the highside phr To lose control of one's composure. 2. to skite, show off
Go over the hill phr To get married. 2. to go insane or crazy. 3. to escape from prison or go over the wall.
Go over the top phr To do something dangerous, although often brave and remarkable.
Go over the wall phr To escape from goal. 2. to leave a religious order. 3. to defect to another country. 4. to go crazy, insane, mad.
Go pear-shaped adj Of plans, schemes and dreams to falter, fail, die, collapse.
Go pound sand phr Dismissive direction telling another to be accursed, confounded, humiliated.
Gore n Spicy gossip, juicy scandal.
Go shank's mare phr To walk, go on foot, be a pedestrian.
Go soak your Head phr An aggressive, abusive jibe. (in other words, drown yourself).
Go south phr To disappear, fail to appear, vanish. 2.
Gospel bird n A chicken (iterant preachers were usually rewarded by parisher with a meal of chicken).
Gospel-grinder n A preacher, clergyman. 2. an evangelistic missionary, tract-distributor, colporteur.
Gospel-mill n A church; a gospel-shop,
Gospel-pipe n The penis, the grinding tool.
Gospel shop n. A church
Gospel shooter n A preacher, reverend.
Go steady vb To have a constant only boyfriend or girlfriend.
Go the full yard phr Do one's utmost; make an out-and-out effort. 2. follow something through to its limit. 3. go the whole nine yards.
Go the whole hog phr To do a thing thoroughly, to stay with a task until it is completed. 2. do one's utmost, not slacken off, pursue to the end.
Go through the mill phr To have trying experience. 2. to have practical experience of something.
Go to bed with someone phr To have sexual intercourse with someone.
Go toe to toe phr To fight with vigour and energy.
Go to grass With one's teeth upwards phr To be buried. 2. die
Go to heaven in a string phr To be hanged; thus feel like going to heaven on a string to be deliriously happy as not to mind even the possibility of imminent death. (orig. applied to Jesuits in C16th, whose faith could bring them judicisl death)
Go to heaven in a wheelbarrow phr To go to hell (picture the devil taking away a scold in a barrow.)
Go-to-hell adj Outrageous, extreme. 2. to deteriorate, be ruined. 3. may you be accursed, confounded, humiliated.
Go to one's digs phr To go home or to one's home.
Go to pot phr To worsen, fare much less well, deteriorate.
Go to seed phr To become overweight; become worthless or obsolete.
Go to the dogs phr To fail in one's efforts as a whole. 2. become of little worth, from the notion that something is unfit for human consumption would be given to dogs, such as horse killed for sale as dog food.
Go to the wall phr To be ruined and destitute, collapse, go under. 2. to do the utmost for others in various situations. (consider the plight of someone standing against wall about to be shot.
Go to the wire phr To be close in competition to the very end.
Go to town phr To make a big fuss over or about; concentrate on. 2. to enjoy greatly, succeed impressively. 3. enjoy greatly, loosen or throw off restraint, let go .
Got to give phr "Something got to give" - a resolution is necessary and is need now. 2. the situation is perilous and distressing.
Go under vb To fail, become bankrupt, to be overcome, to die
Go underground vb To take up hiding or concealment. 2. go into hiding, take up a life of concealment. 3. as a musician, to make a mistake in playing. 4. of an actor, to forget or badly misspeak one's lines during a play or performance.
Go under the knife phr To submit to a surgical operation.
Go-up n An upstairs apartment, unit or flat. 2. opposite of Go-down.
Go up vb To die early, be hanged, be done in or for. 2. to be sent to jail. financially, to be ruined, destroyed, bankruptcted.
Go up against phr To confront, face, challenge; take on.
Go up in smoke phr To be ruined, destroyed.
Go upstairs phr To die, pass away. 2. to be hanged, executed.
Go up the ladder to bed phr To be executed, hanged.
Go up the wall phr Climb the wall, drive up the wall - to become frantic, esp. from frustration and anxiety.
Go wenching vb To have sexual intercourse. 2. to associate with common women.
Go west vb To die, to collapse, end. (the setting sun in the west).
Go with vb To accept and act upon a plan or suggestion. 2. to have an affair or relationship with someone to have sexual intercourse.
Go with a swing phr Of a party, show, or entertainment, to pass off highly, successfully and enjoyable.
Go with the flow phr To consign oneself to the order and pace of things; be passive.
Grass n Green vegetables, esp asparagus, lettuce or other salad food. 2. narcotics, marijuana.
Grass n Hair, pubic hair. 2. straight hair typical of caucasians.
Grass n An informer; a grasser, snitch.
Grass vb To inform on, betray, tell on or tell tales. 2. to kill, slay, put under the grass. 3. to knock down, defeat, overcome.
Grass-eater n A policeman who accepts graft money or small bribes, but does demand them.
Grass-fighter n A bare knuckle fighter. 2. a public brawler.
Grass-head n A heavy smoker of marijuana.
Grass-hopper n A waiter. 2. a thief. 3. a policeman. 4. an informer. 5. a marijuana smoker or user. 6. a tourist, who swarm in like grasshoppers.
Grass widow n A woman who is alone because of divorce, separation, rejection( discarded mistress.) 2. In India during the British occupation a mistress who is enjoyed on a temporary straw mattress or actually in or on the grass, rather than a soft, comfortable matrimonial bed; widow is used ironically denoting that her "husband" is no longer with her. 3. a woman whose husband is temporary absent. 4. opposite to a grave-yard widow whose husband is actually dead.
Grave-rat n A medical student: the stealing of bodies from graves for dissection.
Graves n Long, dirty finger-nails: they are filled with dirt.
Gravestones n The teeth, grinders.
Graveyard n The mouth. 2. prominent front teeth. 3. false teeth, (all resemblance to tombstones).
Graveyard shift n A working hift that begins at midnight or 2am.
Graveyard watch n The period from midnight to 4am or 8am in the morning
Graveyard widow n An actual wodow whose husband is dead. See "Grass widow"
Gray n A white person, esp. a racist.
Grayback n A professed Christian. 2. a confederate soldier (because of his uniform) in the U.S. civil war.
Graybeard n A very senior pilot or anybody in a very senior position that takes years of experience to attain to.
Gray locks n Worry, anxiety. 2. a worrier.
Great adj Wonderful, excellent.
Great adj Close, very friendly: thus "great with" ; close to, esp. of lovers.
Great excl An excl of approval.
Great I Am n Used of a self-important person. Guy Ballard, a US confidence trickster, set up a cult with the title "The Great I Am" which fleece the gullible of hundreds of thousands of dollars of "love gifts" during the 1930s.
Great on phr Expert in knowing a great deal about.
Great shakes n Very good, great, outstanding, usu in the negative phr "No Great Shakes"
Great shot n An important person, a big shot.
Great Smoke n "The Great Smoke" - London.
Great unwashed n University students, protesters, beatniks, the common people.
Great White Father n An ironic description of any White authority-figure, esp. the US. president. 2. a White man esp. in Africa, who controls and protects the black people
Great White Way n Broadway.
Greedhead n An avaricious person.
Greedmonger n One whose chief interest in life is to acquire wealth and preserve it, sharing it with no others.
Greedy adj Bisexual- "wants it all."
Greedy-guts n A glutton, a selfish person.
Greek n A cunning, sly individual. esp. one who is gambler or swindler. 2. a derog. term for an Irish immigrant to the US. or UK. (use of "Greek" as a generic term for a foreigner; and, of course, a suspect figure.)
Greek n
Greek n Unintelligible language, esp. cant and slang, esp. in phrase" - "Its all Greek to me." 2. swahili.
Greek adj Irish.
Greek back n A supposedly faked illness.....
Greek lightning n Deliberate arson in order to gain insurance on an otherwise unprofitable business.
Greek love n Pederasty.
Greek's n "The Greeks" - in Australia, a generic term for any small café almost always run by Greeks.
Greek shop n A local corner shop, often owned by Greek immigrant family.
Greek side n The buttocks
Green adj Unsophisticated, naïve person.
Green n Money, dollar bills, esp. ready cash.
Green phr "Green as Duckweed" - very naïve, innocent, foolish.
Green phr "Green as Grass" - ignorant, inexperienced, gullible, immature
Green vb To hoax, defraud, swindle, render gullible.
Green and Yellow fellow n A male homosexual: the Aesthetic Movement whose preferred colors were green and yellow.
Green apple n A naive person.
Green-apple quickstep n Diarrhea
Greenback n Frog.
Greenback n Money, esp. a dollar bill.
Greenback vb To pay, esp. a bribe.
Green belly n A novice, an unsophisticated person, esp. a new arrival in the city from the country. 2. a greenhorn.
Green cart n A green cart, actual or metaphorically, in which people are taken to a mental hospital or institution.
Green cloth n A billiard/ snooker table (its green baize top)
Green door n The door of the execution chamber in New York state prisons.
Green dragons n Barbiturates, amphetamines, a type of LSD marked with a green dragon on blotter distribuant.
Greener n A novice, an innocent one who has newly arrived. 2. an inexperienced workman who is often used as a strike breaker.
Green goddess n The Green Goddess" - marijuana (because of the color and pleasure it gives)
Green gold n Cocaine: high quality cocaine sparkles. 2. an alloy of gold and silver.
Green goods n Counterfeit banknotes. 2. paper currency.
Green goose n A young, innocent girl, soon to be made intoa prostitute. 2. a young goose, a simpleton.
Green handshake n A bribe, a tip, bonus (green with envy)
Greenhorn n A novice, an unsophiscated person, esp. a new immigrant or a new arrival in a city from the country. 2. a newcomer, inexperienced person, neophyte. 3. a green apple, a green belly, a greenie.
Green hornet n Amphetamine.
Green house n A place known for selling drugs, esp. marijuana.
Greenie n An environmentalist, a conservationist, member of the Green party, "The Greenies."
Greenies n Vegetables; greens.
Greening n An obsession, as in "to have a greening for." - to have ann obsession for.
Greenland n Ireland. 2. "from Greenland, used of an unsophisticated, ignorant, gullible person. 3. fig. world of innocence; thus a Greenlander.
Green light vb "Give the Green Light to"- to give permission, to allow. (traffic light). 2. permission, esp. a superior approval to proceed.
Green meadow n The vagina.
Green thumb n One with a special talent for gardening. 2. one who can or has the knack to make money, or be successful in business. (play on more usual gardner's green thumb or green fingers, like a flourishing plants.)
Greeny n A novice, unsophisticated, greenhorn.
Green wedge n Non-urban land that surrounds development in the outer areas
Green whistle n The pain-relieving drug Penthrox (commonly known as the green whistle). Penthrox is an analgesic used by medical practitioners, the defence forces, ambulance paramedics, sports clubs and surf lifesavers to administer emergency pain relief.
Grey adj A dull, boring, earnest, esp. in university use.
Grey ghost n A parking officer or policeman.
Greyhound n A white lover or sexual partner.
Grey mare n A wife, esp if she is the dominant partner in the marriage.
Greys n "The greys" : a it of yawning, a feeling of lassitude, laziness.
Grind n Hard, continuous, wearing work, such as academic work. 2. any very difficult and trying task, esp. one that lasts a long time and is slowly and painfully done. 3. highly diligent student; a student who studies constantly 4. a private tutor; a demanding instructor. 5. an obnoxious or annoying person, jerk, pain in the neck. 6. striptease; exotic dancing; burlesque.
Grind n A swindle. 2. a satirist. 3. a joke, usually personal and ridiculing.
Grind vb To have sexual intercourse. 2. to rotate the hips in a sensous manner while dancing.
Grind vb Ridicule, satirize.
Grind vb To work hard, esp. at something unrewarding, but necessary or even essential. 2. to tire, exhaust. 3. to cause someone to work hard. 4. to devote an unreasonable amount of time and effort to one's studies.; to study diligently.
Grinder n A striptease artist or dancer; a burlesque artist.
Grinder n A highly diligent student. 2. a private tutor. 3. an old car, esp. a broken down, ramshackled one. 3. a parade ground, a drill field.
Grinders n Teeth, gravestones.
Grind-house n A cinema, picture-theatre; 'a flea house' showing second-rate or B' grade films. 2. a brothel; bordello, whorehouse.
Grinding n Slow, sexy dancing
Grinding-house n A house of correction; prison, jail. (with reference to the monotonous work done as part of one's punishment). 3. a striptease club.
Grinding-house n A brothel
Grinding mill n The vagina.
Grinding tool n The penis
Grinds n Prison or campus food: same old thing day after day.
Grind show n An entertainment show that runs continuously. 2. a striptease show.
Grind something out phr To produce or make something, esp. with uninspired precision or long and painful effort.
Grindstone n Work, esp. hard work. NB. "grindstoned" make to work hard.
Grinning bear n The vulva.
Grinny bin n A psychiatric institution, an insane asylum, a hospital for the mentally insane etc. (the inmates fixed grins or "smiles" often fail to reflect their inner turmoil.
Grip n A steady job, regular employment. 2. a stagehand or carpenter. 3. a travelling bag: a gripsack.
Grip n Mental alert, grasp and awareness. 2. nous, intelligence, smarts. 3.
Grip vb To curry favour with others. 2. to curry favour or advantage with more powerful fellow prisoners or inmates.
Gripe vb To complain, make a great fuss.
Gripe phr "To Gripe One's Soul" - to anger or greatly disgust,
Griper n A miser, usurer, bank-manager. 2. an annoyer, complainer
Gripe-fist n A money-lender, a miser.
Gripes n A stomach ache or pains.
Gripple(s) n The anus. OE: gripple: a ditch, trench, burrow, sewer.
Gripsack n A hold-all, a handbag, a travelling-bag..
Grisly adj Awful, disgusting, generally distasteful.
Gristle n The penis. 2.any part of the with gristle or cartilage.
Gristle-bone n The penis
Gristle-gripper n The vagina
Grit n Solidity or strength of character, spirit, pluck, stamina
Grit n Land, property, real estate.
Grit n A white person, esp. a southerner, sometimes a redneck. 2. a working class white student.
Grit n Crack cocaine.
Grit phr "Be the Grit" - to be the right sort or genuine article.
Gritch vb To nag, complain. (gripe & bitch)
Gritchy adj Irritable, grouchy,
Grits n Food, in general. 2. money. 3. one's business or livelihood.
Grit-sucker n A poor White. 2. a term for a poor, nutrition-less diet, including some individual who actually eat dirt and grit. 3. clay-eaters, clover-eaters.
Gritty adj Determined, plucky, firm. 2. needy, indigent, poor, poverty-stricken.
Gritty-whiskers n Stubble or whiskers on an unshaven face.
Groan-box n A musical instrument, esp. an accordion, radio, or juke box.
Grof adv Flat on one's face (<ME)
Grope vb To fondle, feel or handle the breasts, buttocks or genitals of someone. 2. to kiss passionately. 3. to touch, feel, caress, fondle etc.with seeming or actual sexual intent.
Grope n A welcome or unwelcome fondling or handling of the buttocks, breasts or genitals.
Groper n A blindman, also a blind beggar. 2. a midwife. 3. a West Australian, known a sand-groper: one who gropes his way across desert regions of the state.
Gropers n The hands.
Groping n Sexual stimulation, often unwanted.
Ground n One's home - W.I English.
Ground apple n A rock, a stone. 2. ground-nut; ground-seed.
Grounded phr "Be Grounded" - to be suspended from work. 2. to be stopped from enjoying some normal right or pleasure, the sufferer is usually confined to their home.
Grounder n A knock-down punch or blow. 2. a cigarette or cigarette butt that is picked up from the ground to be smoked.
Ground-hog n Any worker whose job keeps them on the ground. 2. a meteorologist, weatherman, weather-forecaster.
Groundhog Day n An annual festival held in USA, (among the Pennsylvania Dutch), Canada (but with similar festivals in Germany and other parts of Europe) in which the arrival time of the spring is predicted by whether or not a certain groundhog can cast its shadow or not. 2. in popular culture the phrase has come to represent a phenomen over and over until one spiritually transcends it. 2. a situation in which events are or appear to be continually repeated. According to an old English song: "If Candlemas be fair and bright, Come, Winter, have another flight; If Candlemas brings clouds and rain, Go Winter, and come not again."
Ground-pounder n An infantry soldier.
Grounds n Residue, dregs,
Ground-sweat n A grave; thus take a ground sweat- to be buried.
Grouty adj Grumpy, irritable, ill-tempered.
Grow horns vb To become angry.
Grow up excl Use contemptuously to an adult or child, who is behaving immaturely.
Grub n Food: goods which can be exchanged at the kitchen door for grub.
Grub n A hard worker, one who works to the exclusion of other interests. 2. one who study hard.
Grub vb To study hard, as a student. 2. eat with us, as 'come over and grub with us.'
Grubstake n Food for provided for miners and prospectors who would go out to dig for (grub): useful ore. 2. money needed for a new enterprise, new start.
Grubstruck adj Exhausted by hunger
Grundly adv Thoroughly, heartily (<ME grundlych)
Grunt n An ill-tempered, constantly complaining person.
Grunt n A combat soldier, a marine soldier, infantry soldier or non-flying Airforce officer. 2. a locomotive engineer. 3. any person doing menial work; any low-ranking person. 3. a stupid or unpleasant person.
Grunt n An unattractive woman; a pig. 2. pork or ham; pigmeat. 3. a bill for food or drink; the tab. 4. a diligent student. 5. wrestling as a sport and entertainment. 6. a wrestler, esp. an inferior one: 'a grunt and groaner'
Grunt and groaner vb A wrestling.
Grunt horn n A tuba.
Grunter n A policeman. 2. an old person out of sympathy with current youth enthusiasm. 3. a wrestler.
Grunt show n TV wrestling.
Grunt work n Menial work, drudgery. 2. hard and tedious toil.
Gum n Impertinence, abusive talk, chatter. 2. trick or deception or hoodwink. 3. to cheat, humbug, delude.
Gum-beat vb Frivolous, tedious chatter, complaining.
Gum-beater n A chatterer, complainer.
Gum-beating n Conversation; chat, talk. 2. incessant, frivolous chatter; vain and exaggerated talk..
Gum-brain n A fool, idiot, simpleton.
Gum-digger n A dentist, fang-farrier.
Gum-digging n Dentistry, gum-work.
Gummer n An old, toothless pit-bull or fighting dog.
Gummer n An old person or geriatric, as old people tend to lose their teeth.
Gut n Stomach, abdomen, paunch, belly.
Gut adj The use of instincts and feeling rather than that of the brain in performing tasks, taking action, making assessment and decision. 2. fundamental importance - "to know in one's gut" 3. basic, essential, most immediate, as in 'gut issues'. 4. deep and not essential rational, visceral, intuitive.
Gut vb To empty a house of its furnishings. 2. to remove any unessentials; strip down.
Gut phr "My Gut Feeling" - 'my instinct tell me that..'
Gut phr "To Gut a House" - to empty a house of its furnishings.
Gut phr "To Know in One's Gut(s)" - 'my instinct tells me that...'
Gutbucket n A very basic, unsophisticated form of jazz. 2. a strongly rhythmic emotionally, evocative uninhibited style of jazz. 3. a low place or dive. 3. a jazz musician who plays in low dives. 4. a bucket used to carry food and drink, thus inferior liquor and food. 6. a pompous fat person. 7. the belly, paunch.
Gut-buster n A very steep hill. 2. a very funny joke causing side-splitting laughter. 3. a diet aimed to reduce the size of one stomach.
Gutful n A sufficiency, quite as much of anything as one wants or cares to take.
Gut it out phr To be strong and resistant, be sturdily, stoic, persist. 2. tough it out.
Gutless adj Lacking in courage or power. 2. gut-less : cowardly, as in a gutless wonder.
Gut-less wonder n Coward, poltroon.
Gut-monger n A sodomite.
Gut-less wonder n Coward, poltroon.
Gutrot n A cheap wine or spirits. 2. unpalatable food.
Guts n Courage; impudence, insolence
Guts n The stomach. 2. the insides of a person, machine, an issue; viscera, innards. 3. the most essential part or material; the essence. nerve, stomach, intestinal fortitude.
Guts of Grunts phr Unpleasant person (Australia)
Gutsiness n Toughness, hardness, spiritness. 2. hungry, greedy.
Guts out vb To endure courageously. 2. hungry, greedy
Gutsy adj Tough, spirited, brave. 2. energetic and tough.
Gut through vb To endure courageously.
Gutted adj Deeply disappointed, sick and tired, fed up, utterly depressed.
Gutty n A very fat person.
Gutty adj Tough, spirited, brave. 2. forceful and assertive, gutsy. 3. of a hot rod: capable of high speed; having a powerful engine.