The Anglish Moot

> Anglish "Slang" Wordbook

Anglish sp. English
Rags n Clothes
Rain blows phr To hit several times in quick succession
Rainbow's end n Hospital mortuary, especially one that it cares for infants and young children.
Rainbow sheep n A euphemistic change to the traditional nursery rhyme of a black sheep, white sheep to a multicolored one of the rainbow. A rainbow sheep is someone who takes political correctness to the extreme; reads way too much into perfectly innocent statements. The rainbow sheep will find something racist/sexist/generally non-political correct in almost anything, and causes annoyance by constantly telling people off and trying to censor things when it's not necessary.
Rain cats and dogs phr To rain very hard
Rake over the coals phr To reprimand; to reprove
Rake off phr An illegitimate profit; a share in money obtain by questionable methods
Rammer n An arm
Rat n An informer; a betrayer
Raven n A funeral undertaker. In a way the raven whose carrion-eating nature is used to offer (ironic) support for the undertaker. The raven also bluntly identifies with the cultural meaning of the funeral as a consumer good that defines its place.
Raw adj Unfair, usually in the expression "a raw deal"
Readying adj Making ready; preparing
Recklesome adj Reckless
Red-blooded adj Vigorous, energetic, courageous
Red death n Molten lava
Red dog n Prickly heat
Red eye phr Ketchup; tomato sauce
Red horn n The saxophone
Redneck n A rustic, an uncouth person.
Red-necked adj Ill-tempered, angry
Red-pipe n Artery.
Red sea n The throat
Rib vb To tease, annoy, send up.
Ride Old Smokey phr To be executed in and by the electric chair.
Right adj Sympathetic; friendly, fair
Right as rain phr Absolutely correct
Right-hand man phr A trusted assistant; assistant foreman
Ringman n A boxer, fighter; prizefighter
Ring off phr Stop talking; keep still
Ring the glim phr To turn on the light
Riser n That which stirs one to action; a galvaniser
Road show phr A traveling show
Roar vb To complain
Rope in phr To defraud a person; to inveigle, decoy, or swindle
Rotten adj Inferior or worthless, as "That was a rotten show."
Rotten apple phr A bad, untrustworthy inividual
Rotten deal phr Unfair treatment
Rotter n A niggardly person
Rot Welsh n Slang, street yelp, weed-words, street talk.
Rough going phr A hard and trying situation
Roughhouse n A noisy carousal; violent quarreling or fighting; to carry on in such a manner
Roughneckness n Coarseness; vulgarity; brutality
Rough string phr A partly trained team of workers, sportsmen or any group
Rough up phr To treat one harshly
Run at the mouth phr To talk excessively
Run away with the show phr To attract much attention to oneself; to be a standout
Run it into the ground phr To overdo; to carry it too far
Running towards the light phr Dying, in the death throes, moribund.
Run ragged phr Exhausted; fatigued
Run up against phr To meet with a person or problem, especially by chance.
Rust n Money.