The Anglish Moot

> Anglish "Slang" Wordbook

Anglish sp English
Salt n Often as an "Old salt." meaning sailor
Salt away v to store, put away, hide
Salty adj Angry
Salve n Flattery
Sand n Grit, courage, staying power. 2. sugar
Sap sucker phr An extortionist
Sawbones n A doctor
Sawdust brains phr A fool, empty-head
Sawdust land phr Circus life
Schoolie n A student celebrating the end of secondary-school days, usually in a riotous manner, frequently involving drinking too excess.
Scream n Anything high entertaining, as in the saying "That a scream."
Screamer n Newspaper headline in large type; cf. "Screamer"
Screw n A prison guard;
Screw loose phr Mentally unbalanced
Sea-dust n Salt
Seam head n A baseball fan (with reference to the seams on a baseball); also "seamhead"
See a man about a dog phr An excuse
See daylight phr To visualise a way out of a difficult situation
Seedy adj Uncouth, rough, uncultivated, shabby, low-dive, "Skin-shows everywhere were found in that seedy red-light strip."
Seeing snakes n Suffeing from delirium tremens.
See-you n A see-you: an impatient customer; customer impatient to be served or waited upon.
Selfy shot n A photograph of oneself on a cell-phone.
Sell one on phr To convince one mind and persuade one to action
Sellout n All seats sold to a particular event, sporting or cultural etc.
Sell out phr To sacrifice one's principle for money or position; betray
Sell short phr To talk pessimistically of the prospect outcome of event or situation
Sent up phr Sentenced to a term in prison
Set down phr To land a plane
Settle the score phr To avenge past results or setbacks; take revenge
Set up n A situation planned to put a third party in a position of weakness, possibly to be murdered, duped or financially ripped-off. 2. Any situation or experience. 3. an easy course. 4.
Sew up phr To get control of; to have power over; to make certain; to make victory sure; to arrange; to contract.
Shackle-bone n The wrist.
Shackledom n Marriage. 2. imprisonment.
Shackle-foot n An awkward person; a convict; prisoner
Shadow n To follow and observe; to spy; a person who trails and watches another
Shade v To win or overcome another by the narrowest of margins
Shady adj Of doubtful morality, questionable ethics; corrupt
Shake n A moment, as in "In a shake."
Shake phr "Shake the Dew off the Lily" - the act of urination by shaking the last drops of urine of the penis.
Shakedown n To extort; blackmail, bribe
Shake on it phr To reach an agreement.
Shanks adj A tall ungainly person
Shark n A crafty person who lives by sharp and cunning practices and is suspected of swindling.
Sharp n A crook; a criminal
Sharp adj In the best possible form and condition, physically and mentally
Sharpen up phr To prepare oneself; to be ready
Sharpshins n A very intelligent child. 2. a person fleet of foot.
Shave n A narrow escape
Shell out phr To pay; contribute
Shell shock phr Nervousness, fear, fright, overwhelm by a confronting situation
Sheltered honey phr A pampered honey; a shrinking violet
She (he) would phr This is just like him (her); that is the kind of person she (he).
Shagged adj Absolutely exhausted; tired out
Shiftie n An undependable girl; a cheater, a heartbreaker; false-heart lover
Shiftmonger n A man about town, (shift refers to the large, highly-starched shirt-front, as parting of such a person's evening dress).
Shine up to phr To show special attention to a person
Shinny vb To climb a rope or a pole
Shithead n An unintelligent person (see "dimwit", "dipshit")
Shirtdom n Males collectively; men in general
Shoot off at the mouth phr To talk excessively; to talk insincerely; to boast or brag; to do much talking
Shoot the moon phr To attempt the near or almost impossible.
Shoot the works phr To make every effort no matter the cost
Shop talk n Language and words peculiar to a particular group or sub-culture. 2. an in-tongue, in-talk
Shortend n The losing end, the bad end of the deal
Short-timer n A prison who has a short time to serve
Shoves n Crooks and criminals
Shower stick n Umbrella
Show one's hand phr To reveal one's situation and attitude
Show one the door phr To reject an offer; to terminate an meeting; to dismiss
Show-rooming n The practice of visiting showrooms to ascertain prices of goods and products, before buying them on-line.
Show up phr To appear; to be on hand
Shrinkdom n Psychiatry and psychology.
Shroud n A suit of clothes
Shuteye n Sleep
Shutters n The eyes
Shut your beak phr Be quiet; stop talking, keep still
Shyturd adj Constipated.
Shy-turdness n Constipation.
Sick as a dog phr Very sick
Sidestep vb To shirk work or responsibility
Sidewalk snail phr A policeman; a policeman on foot patrol
Sightsee vb To travel for the purpose of viewing and observing
Silver-sucker n A clarinet
Sin-bin n A van especially one fitted with bedding as a place for necking and copulation.
Sin-buster n A clergyman, priest
Sin-hiders n Trousers.
Sin shifter n Priest, reverend, minister or religion, the clergy.
Sit-in phr A form of protest, often by University students, where they occupy the building or offices of the organization, they are protesting against.
Sitting On Top of the World phr To be absolutely secure, satisfied, happy etc., sometimes as sit on ...
Sitting pretty phr Comfortably and advantageously situated.
Sit-upons n The buttock, rump, derriere, bottom, arse.
Skin a wicked eye phr To give someone a wicked eye; leer.
Skin-beater n A drummer
Skin game phr The pornography industry
Skin-house n Any establishment providing pornographic entertainment
Skinnish adj Inclined to be thin or skinny
Sleepy hollow n Erstwhile, a part of a cemetery where paupers were buried by the State. 2. still hill.
Slick adj Good; first-class; effective. 2. attractive, likeable, desirable
Slick as a whistle phr In a skilfull manner; without difficulty;
Slicked up phr Clean; neat, trim
Slicker n A person who cheats another
Slip-stick n A trombone
Sloppy adj Careless; slovenly; over-sentimental
Slough n Prison; jail; incarceration. 2. the closing of a show
Slough n A patient inappropriately or unfairly unloaded from one hospital to another.
Sloughed adj Arrested
Slowfoot n A plodding person
Small time things phr Trifles, bagatelles; inferior performances, inferior products
Smarts n Intelligence, wits, brains.
Smarty n An upstart; a conceited person; one who tries to be clever or witty
Smells and Bells phr A style of religious worship emphasizing high ritual, including use of vestments, bells and incense, especially that of High Church Anglicanism or Anglo-Catholicism. Also 'Bells and Smells'
Smelly-bridge n Area between the anus and the back of the scrotum; the perineum.
Smoke eater n A heavy smoker, one who smokes daily. 2. a firefighter; a smoke-eater. 3. a device or piece of equipment designed to remove smoke from the air.
Smoke-stick n A cigarette
Smoking bed n Indisputable evidence of infidelity (especially by a public figures).
Smoking irons n A revolver.
Smoothie n An elegant person or attractive person; sometimes one who is unctious and deceitful.
Snakehead n Headman in the people smuggling rackets
Snowbird n A cocaine addict. 2. a grey nomad, a silver nomad; a coffin dodger.
Snow dust n Cocaine.
Snowed under phr Overwhelmed, swamped, deluged by the task at hand
Snow-ending n Death from cocaine.
Soap n Flattery, insincere talk, softsoap, soft stuff, blarney
Soapbox n An informal platform at a street corner or park.
Soapboxer n An agitator, a speaker who tries to arouse people against the established order.
Soapbox vb To speak from such a platform; to speak radically; to agitate or inflame
Softhead n A foolish person
Soft heel n A detective
Softship n Ease and comfort in general.
Soft soap n Flattery, insincere talk, blarney; bribe.
Something for the weekend phr A condom.
Son of a Motherless Goat phr A mildly minced oath for an objectionable person.
Sore adj Angry; annoyed
Sorehead n A complaining person
Soul-driver n Clergyman, priest, reverend, pastor.
Sour adj Worthless;(an investment); unwise
Sour on phr As in the expression, "Go sour on." with the meaning to change from liking to disliking a person or a thing. To be sour is to dislike, detest or hate.
Sour top phr A disagreeable person
Spar vb To wrangle or debate
Sparrow n An undersized person
Sparkler n A diamond ring; diamonds; precious gems in general
Spear-phishing n A targeted attempt to steal sensitive information such as account credentials or financial information from a specific victim, often for malicious reasons. This is achieved by acquiring personal details on the victim such as their friends, hometown, employer, locations they frequent, and what they have recently bought online. The attackers then disguise themselves as a trustworthy friend or entity to acquire sensitive information, typically through email or other online messaging. This is the most successful form of acquiring confidential information on the internet. Spear-phishing can easily be confused with phishing because they are both online attacks on users that aim to acquire confidential information. Phishing is a broader term for any attempt to trick victims into sharing sensitive information such as passwords, usernames, and credit card details for malicious reasons. The attackers often disguise themselves as a trustworthy entity and make contact with their target via email, social media, phone calls (often called “vishing” for voice-phishing), and even text messages (often called “smishing” for SMS-phishing).

Unlike spear-phishing attacks, phishing attacks are not personalized to their victims, and are usually sent to masses of people at the same time. T

Speech-weed n Slang, cant, jargon.
Spell n To relieve by turn; to take a turn at work; a rest; a short period; a short distance; an abnormal physical or mental condition.
Spill v To talk, tell, reveal secrets . "To spill the beans." is to divulge a secret and spoil the plan or undertaking.
Spindle n The penis
Spindleshanks n A tall, slender person
Spineless adj Lacking in courage and will power
Spinning time phr Bedtime
Spitfire n A sharp-tongued woman
Spit it out phr To say, to tell, to reveal
Spongeworthy adj (Highly Humorous from Seinfeld) of a man who is worth using one of a limited supply of contraceptive sponges on. 2. highly sexually desirable.
Spoonfed adj Pampered, babied, cosseted
Spread n A banquet, feast, dinner (on a large spread)
Spread oneself phr To make a special effort to please by attending to the needs of all
Spring chicken phr An immature, inexperienced person; usually in the expression, "She's no spring chicken."
Stand-offish adj Haughty, unfriendly; keep at a distance
Standout n An outstanding performer; a person or performer who gets the most attention
Standstill n A cow, owing to its habit of standing still in the field; cf bone-eater (dog); weaver-walker (a spider); swift (newt)
Stand-up phr Fail to keep an appointment, date
Starchy adj Overly formal; haughty, stiffness in manner
Stayput v To remain unchanged in position or in nature
Stay with it phr Persevere, "He stayed with it until he made good."
Steady n A long-term, committed girlfriend or boy-f(r)iend
Steal the headlines phr To make sensational news; to be extremely newsworthy;
Stems n Legs
Stenchbane n Deodorant. 2. air freshener.
Step-fatherland n An adopted country; step-motherland.
Step on it phr To increase speed, hurry up; to enliven, stimulate, to become more active or alert
Stick-in-the-mud phr A ultra-conservative person; one hesitate to take a chance; a person slow to respond.
Sticks n "The Sticks" The regions away from the big cities; although sometimes applied to the outer suburbs of a metropolis. 2. small towns
Stick-to-it-ness n Perseverance, "Stick-at-it-ness" is a variant; as is the phrase, "stick with it"
Stick it to the Man phr A phrase encouraging resistance to authority and essentially fight back or resist either passively, openly or via sabotage.
Stick-up n An armed robbery; a hold-up.
Sticky beak phr An inquisitive person
Sticky end n An unhappy end, often sad or tragic
Stiff n A dead body; a corpse, a cadaver. 2. an uncompanionable person
Stiff-necked adj Stubborn, obstinate, overly steadfast; fastidious
Still-hill n Cemetery, graveyard, necropolis
Sting n A reasonably large sum of money obtained by some form of deception or trickery. 2. Any form of robbery, such as a complex fraud, planned well in advance. 3. A police undercover operation set up to catch alleged criminals
Stink apple n The onion.
Stone-breaker n A geologist.
Stone fox n A very attractive woman.
Stone-horse n A stallion.
Stone licker n The lamprey.
Stone on the chest phr Tuberculosis
Stone monk n A lascivious clergyman.
Stones n Diamonds and gems. 2. testicles.
Stooly n One who informs on others; a police informer; a stoolo.
Stranded adj Without financial resources; penniless; bankruptct
Strapped adj Extremely short of cash, financially troubled; almost penniless
Streamer n A newspaper headline that runs across more than half of the page; cf. "Screamer"
Street-sleeper n One lives on the streets; a homeless person. 2. a rough-sleeper.
Street-sleeper-dom n The realm or sub-culture of the homeless or street people. 2. rough-sleeperdom.
Street yelp n Slang, street talk, undignified catchphrases. 2. rot-Welsh, weedwords.
Strides n Trousers
Strike up with phr To meet a person by chance
Stringer n A female pop-singer whose act is somewhere between a stripper and a singer.
String along phr To cheat; deceive, hoodwink
String loose phr Mentally unbalanced
Strings n Conditions
String up phr To hang; to execute by hanging
Stripper-whisperer n A smooth talking male who possesses the uncanny ability to disarm the generally emotionally-guarded stripper, finding out her real name, phone number, thus enabling him to set up a date with her outside club hours.
Strong arm phr To overcome by physical force; forceful action; to assault; to rob by violence; a thug; a hold-up man; a prison guard
Strong for phr Decidedly in favour of
Strut one's thing phr To display one's skill; to dance with style and skill
Stuck on phr Enamoured by; in love with.
Stuck with phr Encumbered with; forced to carry or continue; unable to get rid of, as "Now she stuck with that slow and dim-witted, mentally unalert husband."
Stung adj Cheated; swindled; fooled
Sucker n A victim or a robbery; a witness in a criminal; a gullible person
Sucker trap n A devise or scheme for swindling people
Suck up phr To curry favour, crawl, make a sycophant of one's self, toady
Sunbaker n Gold nuggets found on the surface.
Sunday best hr Good clothes, manners, conduct or food
Sundayish adj Boring; uninteresting
Sunk adj Unfortunate; unlucky as in " I'm sunk!"
Sunshine n Gold
Swallow vb To believe or accept eagerly; especially something improbable or exaggerated; variant "To swallow hook, line and sinker."
Swear off phr To resolve to abstain from some action, especially from the drinking of intoxicating liquor
Sweats n Nervousness, anxiety, fear.
Sweats phr "Put the Sweats on" - make nervous, anxious, apprehensive.
Sweep One's Own Doorstep phr Mind one's own business.
Sweet cheeks n A term of address implying that a person has attractive buttocks.
Sweetheart life n State of living together but not being married; in a defacto relationship.
Sweet line n Persuasive talk.
Sweet-milk n Propofol (Diprivan) slows the activity of one's brain and nervous system. It is milky in appearance and is used to help one's relax before and during general anesthesia for surgery or other medical procedures. Also known as "Mother's Milk"
Sweet sixteen phr A young, attractive girl.
Swell n A showy person; "swellish" stylish, fashionable
Swell adj Good, successful, excellent, wonderful, delightful
Swell getaway n A good start or beginning
Swelldom n The society world
Swingland n The realm or world of sexual swinging.