M |
maer | n | border; boundary; limit; extent; [O.E. 'meardenu' meaning a valley that serves as a boundary; O.E. 'mærcumb' literally meaning 'border valley']
makewright | n | a repairer?; [O.E. 'make' & 'wright']
man box | n | a set of rigid expectations that define what a “real man” is. A real man is strong and stoic. He doesn’t show emotions other than anger and excitement. He is a breadwinner. He is heterosexual. He is able-bodied. He plays or watches sports. He is the dominant participant in every exchange. He is a firefighter, a lawyer, a CEO. He is a man’s man. And whether or not we’d actually want to spend any time with him, we all know who he is.; [O.E. man & box]
manifold | adj/vb | 1. many and of several different types multiply; [Cambridge English Dictionary]
man look | n | the inability of a man to find an item of food etc in a cupboard. See 'Mother look'; [(O.E. man & look)]
mare | n | an adult, female horse; [CED]
marrow | n | 1. soft tissue containing a lot of fat in the centre of a bone 2. squash vegetable; [CED]
mattock | n | iron agricultural tool, similar to a pickaxe; [CED]
mayfall | adv | random. randomly, at random.; hit or miss. [OE may & fall]
meanship | n | community; [OE gemænscipe]
meadow-month | n | the seventh month of the year (so called because the meadows were in bloom and the cattle were in pasture); July [Anglo-Saxon, from Mæd-Mōnath]
mealshaver | n | centipede; [OE mælsceafa]
meanwealth | n | a form of government by all the citizens, a republic; republic, folkdom [OE gemæne "common, general, shared by all" + wealth. Calque of rēs publica, substitute for "commonwealth", since "common" is a Latinate word]
meatsmith | n | a specialist butcher.; [O.E. : meat & smith.]
meedful | n | deserving; []
mellow | adj | smooth, soft or developed; not too sharp, bright, new or rough; [CED]
wo/men of wood and foam. | n | surfers; surfers collectively.; [OE]
mere | n | a large body of inland water; lake [dialectual, from OE mere]
mething | n | adjudication; [OE mæðung]
' | ' | ; []
mickleborough | n | metropolis; motherborough. [mickle = much, great ~ still used in Scots dialect]
mickle din | n | uproar; [mickle & din= much.]
mickle-prickle | n | cactus; [mickle & prickle.]
midapple tree | n | citrus aurantium, citrus sinensis; [O.E. mid, apple & tree]
mid-thought | n/adv. | (n)some time during thought. 2. (adv) during thought. 3. (adv) in mid thought.; [O.E. mid & thought]
mightworks | n | factory-like industrial installation that produces electricity for consumption; power plant [neologism, from might 'strength, power' + works 'place of production, workshop']
milksop | n | a weak, easily frightened or ineffectual person; [OED]
mindful eating | n | a simple-to-learn life skill which can lead people to enjoy a satisfying, healthy and enjoyable relationship with food. It is a skill that can help people break free from 'food rules' and begin to enjoy healthy, flexible and relaxed eating practices. Mindful eating is not a diet.; mood food [compound mindful + eating]
mindsee | vb | create by imagination in the mind; imagine [compound mind + see]
mindtaking | n | epileptic seizure; [compound mind + taking (equivalent of seizure)]
mind-hunter | n | criminal profiler; criminalist [compound mind + hunter]
mindware | n | the mental knowledge and procedures that a person uses to solve problems and make decisions. Mindware is underpinned by three broad principles: 1. learning to live in a community. 2. learning to understand others. 3. learning about learning.; [compound mind + ware]
mindy | n/vb | mention; speak of [mind + PG -jǭ]
mind whispering | n | mind whispering is a new map of the emotional mind. This approach aims to shows us that we have a choice of our moods, emotions, actions, and reactions. Mind Whispering aims to teach us how to manage our brains, and incorporate the timeless wisdom of mindfulness into everyday situations.; [compound mind + whisper]
mire | vb | risk; [OE mære 'limit, border']
mirk | n | dark; [OE mirce 'murky, black, dark']
mirkshade | n | the twilight, the evening, the gloaming; the evening, the twilight, dusk. [OE mirk & shade]
mistletoe | n | an evergreen plant with small white fruits and pale yellow flowers which grows on trees, often used as a Christmas decoration; [CED]
mithe | vb | to avoid, shun, evade; to escape the notice of; to conceal, dissemble; to remain concealed, escape notice; [<ME mithen, from OE mīþan]
mithy | n | an escape; a dissembly; [OE mīþan + -ha (as in freaha); cognate-in-self with Latish missiō]
mood food | n | food considered to be beneficial to physical and mental health.; mindful eating [OE mood & food.]
When the moon is full, the wits wane | pvb | lunacy, madness, silliness at full moon.; [OE]
Moonsnavel | n | Mexico; [as Nahuatl "metz- (moon) + xic- (navel) + -co (land) > mexihco"]
Moonstroke | n | Madness or other mental illnesses historically believed to be caused by the moon; Lunacy; Moonmadness; See "Moonstruck" [Moon + stroke]
Moonstruck | adj | 1. Crazy or insane when affected by the phases of the Moon. 2. (by extension) Showing irrational behaviour, especially of a romantic or sentimental nature.; Moonstricken; Moonmad; Lunatic (adj.); Crazed; Mad; Insane [Moon + struck]
morrow | n | the next day; morning [The addition of "to" is a verbally-pertaining addition that originally was used separately as its own word, but because of the two words' common togethered use especially when using verbs in the infinitive or future tense, they combined to form one word which is the modern form we now use: "tomorrow". This form itself is explicitly used for present time when referring to the next day. Whereas when speaking in past or future tense, "morrow" is not only the correct form, but the base noun itself. OE morgen, ME morwe Cognate with German "Morgen", Swedish "morgon".]
motherbrother | n | maternal uncle; eam [mother + brother]
Mother look | n | the ability of a woman/mother to find an item (usually food) in a cupboard, after a male person has fail to do so. See "Man look; [unknown]
mousewife | n | (by analogy)a housewife who spends all her free time on the internet; [OE: mouse & wife]
munding | n | security; [OE mund 'hand palm (of the hand as a measure) trust security protection guardianship']
murdersmith | n | deathmonger, assassin; deathmonger [OE]