T |
talemark | n | date, period in time,; instance, time, moment [O.E. "tæl" number + "marc" unit of measuring, (usually denomination of weight for currency) but also to literally "mark" as in M.E.]
tamen | adj | domesticated; [tame + -en (wordlore 4); cognate-in-self with Latin dominus]
teemful | adj | abounding in good outcomes; prolific, bountiful [M.E. "teem" + "ful"]
telcraft | n | branch of mathematics that deals with the theory of numerical calculations; arithmetic [OE tælcræft]
tenth | n | One part of a thing that has been split into ten equal parts; 10% of a one; A piece of currency or a coin that represents one tenth of the whole one; dime, 10 cents []
tharm | n | gut, entrail, intestines; [dialectal, ME tharm, OE þearm]
thedekindred | n | ethnicity; [from OE thede meaning "nation", "tribe" and kindred meaning species]
thede | n | people; community, nation, tribe, thede (alternate form), theid (Scotland) [Obsolete, OE þēod, ME]
thewes | n | qualities; [O.E]
thereright | n | instantly, immediately; [OE ðærrihte]
therestand | n | the manner in which a person or thing is placed or arranged; position [compound: ‘there’ + ‘stand’]
third rock from the sun | phr | the earth; [O.E]
thought-drop | n | idea; mind's eye; belief, thought [OE 'thought' & 'drop']
thoughtstell | n | an arrangement of thought in lore; a theory; beholding [thought + 'stell' from 'stellen' "to put, to place, to arrange"]
thoughtware | n | A technology invented by Hungarian inventor Gabor Sandor Acs which allows humans to communicate with a computer and between themselves without a keyboard, mouse or other mechanical device. Whatever thought appears in the mind instantly appears on the computer screen. Thoughtware is considered to be the Next Evolution in Human Communications Technology:; [OE 'thought' & 'ware']
thursefatthistle | n | carnegiea gigantea; [O.E thurse, fat, thistle]
tide | n | time, a specific span of time;; period, season, while; hour; feast-day, Christmastide-Yuletide; canonical hour or service; duration of an event [O.E. "tid"]
tideliness | n | opportunity; [OE tidlicnes]
tiding | n | message, well wish; errandspeech [Used in modern English but with limited use.]
tillth | n | work or effort directed to useful or profitable means; work in cultivating the soil; ploughing, harrowing; the cultivation of knowledge, religion, mind; crop, harvest; land being tilled; a ploughed field; labour, cultivation, agriculture, husbandry [archaism, from OE tilþe; ‘till’ (vb) + -th]
timeling | n | an indefinitely brief period of time; moment [compound: ‘time’ + ‘-ling’ (diminutive)]
timeworn | adj | worn out with old age, old & feeble; decrepit [putting together of OE words ‘time’ & ‘worn’]
tofay (tofaying) | vb | to add, addition,; [Compound: to+fay]
todealedness (todealtness) | n | being separate, divided, apart; division, separation, sundering, rivenness [OE. todaelednyss]
tor | n | hill or abrupt conical form, lofty hill, eminence, mound, grave, heap, heap of rocks; top of a hill, rocky peak; mount, peak, tumulus [OE. probably cognate with Gael. torr]
totate | n | disdain; [to- + tane]
treadgold | n | an unusual and interesting surname is of early medieval English origin, and derives from an occupational nickname for an embroiderer,; threadgold. [O.E. thread/tread & gold]
truth-teller | n | one who is honest; a trustworthy person; [OE]
tuen | n | divine; godly [from OE "tīw" + "-en (wordlore 4)"]
tumbleweed | n | itinerant, vagabond,; [OE tumble & weed]
turd | n | a lump or piece of excrement, excrement or ordure; faeces, dung [from OE turd, now not in polite use]
turdmonger | n | a vile individual; barbarian, philistine. "That turdmonger, who disdains my precious precepts, greeted me with his vile, dirty dung; barbarian, philistine; low-life. [from OE turd, now not in polite use: a lump or piece of excrement, or ordure & monger: dealer, trader; pedaller.]
turd-strewn | n | of an area, place dotted with animal droppings.; [from OE turd.]
twi-wifing | n | bigamy; polygamy [Twi: two; wife: a married woman; ing: possessing the quality of.]
thackle | n | a firebrand; torch [unknown]
þarf, tharf | vb/adj | 1. intrans. vb: to be under necessity or obligation (to do something) - impers. adj: needful 2. unleavened, not leavened, containing no leaven; as in unleavened bread. Unleavened bread is often simply flour mixed with water. Bread or cake without yeast or baking powder; as in tharf-cake; compelled, forced [1. rare, from OE þurfan - 2. OE and dialect]
þarm, tharm | n | an intestine; chiefly in pl. 2 an intestine as cleansed and prepared for some purposes. Also in sing., as a substance or material; catgut for fiddlestrings, etc.; intestine(s) [rare, from OE. þarm, þearm. OTeut. þarmoz: to go through. See modern English ‘thrum’]
þedeship, thedeship | n | nationality; []
þedewielding, thedewielding | n | political entity that controls, maintains, and represents a nation or state; government [neologism using archaisms, from ‘thede’ (nation, people) (archaic) + ‘wield’ (guide, manage') (archaic meanings) + ‘-ing’]
þew, thew | n | 1. accepted or habitual practice 2. the tissue of the body which contracts to exert a force and movement, physical strength, muscle; [OE þeaw 'habit, custom']
þild, thild | n | patience; [OE geþyld, cf. NHG Geduld]
þing, thing | vb | 1. to invite, address 2. to thrive; [1. OE þingan - 2. OE geþingan]
þinkly, thinkly | adj | thinking deeply or seriously, tending to think, intellectual; []
þong, thong | n | growth; [OE geþang]
Þree-milk, three-milk | n | the fifth month of the year (because, in the long, spring days, the cows could be milked three times between sunrise and evening); May [OE Þrimilce]
thursefatthistle | n | carnegiea gigantea; [O.E thurse, fat, thistle]
treewright | n | carpenter; one who does the heavier sort of wood-working; {{{synonyms}}} [O.E treowwyrhta, treow + wryhta]
trek | n | voyage, travel; [From Dutch 'trek' (voyage)]
trektide | n | vacation (as in a break from the usual work schedule; "holiday", not the literal meaning of "vacancy" or "vacating"); [trek (voyage) + tide (time)]
þringrising, thringrising | vb/adj | artesian; [thring 'pressure' + rising]
throsm | n | visible vapours from burning matter; smoke [literary revival, from OE þrosm 'smoke, fume' "As I Lay" ..in thresh of limbs, in choke of throsm:
nothing is behind me when I go in,]
truenut | n | eukaryote; [Calque from Ancient Greek: ἐΰς (eǘs, 'true') + κάρυον (káruon, 'nut')]
truenutlike | n | eukaryotic; ['truenut' eukaryote + 'like']
thrumstone | n | a fibrous mineral made into an incombustible fabric, used formerly as a fireproof insulating material.; earthstone, flaxstone, asbestos [rare, from ME thrum & stone < OE þrum 'thread' & stan 'stone']
thrutch | vb | to press, squeeze, crowd, throng; fig:to oppress; thrust, push; jostle; press, crowd, push, [archaic, from OE þryccan: to press]
thung | n | any poisonous plant.; banewort, bugbane, baneberry [archaic, from OE ðung]
thursand [1] | n | 1 billion; [archaic ‘thurse’ (giant) + ‘-and’ (hundred); c.f. proposed High Icelandish ‘þursund’]
thurse | n | giant; ettin [from Old English þyrs]
thware | vb | to agree, consent to; [OE þwærian]
thwear | vb | to stir, twirl; churn [OE þweran]
twimas | ' | the period between Christmas and New Year; [OE twi (two) & mass (celebration)]
twine | vb | to decrease, lessen; [OE þwínan]
twishank | ' | a human being; a twenty (sl); a man [OE twi (two) & shank (leg)]
thwite | vb | to cut, whittle; snithe [archaic, from OE þwítan]
twikindlover | adj | a body who finds both main bodykinds winsome; bisexual [OED twi (two) + kind (gender) + love + -er]
Twingland | n | Tajikistan; [<"twain (طَوَى)" + -ing ()" + "land"]
twirlirood | n | swastika; filfoot (<OE fylfot), hokenrood (<G hakenrute), gammadion, tetraskelion, wan [twirly + rood]