The Anglish Moot
Bindly Ledewealth of Brazil
República Federativa do Brasil
720px-Flag of Brazil.svg
Ordem e Progresso
Fading and Foreway
Hino Nacional do Brasil
Landsong of Brazil


Biggest Stead Holy Paul
Revetung Portingalish
Wonnername Brazilish


- Foresitter


Bound Foresitterly Forefastening Ledewealth

Luiz Inácio "Lula" da Silva

Geraldo Alckmin

Reving Body
- Upper House
- Lower House
Bound Lawmoot
Room of Outfaders

Freedom from the Banded Kingdom of Portingale, Brazil and the Algarves
- Forsaid
- Acknowledged
- Ledewealth
- Nowen Forfastening

7 Holimonth 1822
29 Weedmonth 1825
15 Bloodmonth 1889
5 Winterfulth 1988
Landswathe 3,287,956 miles²
- In full
- Huddlemete
Full Homeland Output
- In full
- By fellow
2017 guessing:
$3.217 foursand
Shat R$ (Brazilish Real) (BRL)

Brazil (Greater AnglishEmbry, Brassel; Portingalish: Brasil), acknowledgedly the Bindly Ledewealth of Brazil (Greater AnglishBindly Ledewealth of Embry; Portingalish: República Federativa do Brasil), is the biggest ethel in both South Nightland and Latish Nightland as well as being fifth biggest in the world, taking up almost half the worlddeal. Its headstead is Brasilia and its biggest stead is Holy Paul, with a folkscore of over 12 twisand. The ethel as a whole however, has a folkscore of over 206 twisand making it the most leded ethel in South Nightland.

The Brazilian flag has the ethel's saying "Fading and Foreway" (Portingalish: "Ordem e Progresso") in green on a bent white band over a hewn trindle showing a starry sky on a yellow rout over a green field.

One of the New Seven Wonders of the World is in Brazil, a great standbilth of Yesu Crist called "Crist the Aleeser".

A fourth of all coffee drunk in the world comes from Brazil. Brazil also yields more midric apples, moonpods and brewbeans than any other land.

Brazil was once a settling of Portingale. Today Brazil is the only Portingalish-speaking South Americkish land.

The world's biggest rainwald, the Amazon, is an awesome breadth of bugs, deer and worts. Wide swathes have tidely been shandfully foredone.


Sweetloaf Barrow (behind) and Husk Hill (in front), Afteryule Ea


Bigwater (Iguaçu) Falls in southern Brazil on the hem with Silverland

Christ the Aleasand

Standbilth of "Crist the Aleeser" in Afteryule Ea atop Hunchback Barrow, built in 1931


Brazil holds a great landswathe along the eastern shore of South Nightland as well as much of the worlddeal. It shares land hems with Uruguay to the south, Silverland and Paraguay to the southwest, Bolivarland and Peru to the west, and Columbland, Little Venity, Guyana, Surinam and Frankrich (French Guyana) to the North. It hems all other ethels on the worlddeal besides Ecuador and Chile. It also owns a rim of small Evenseaish iland-clusters such as Farnoth of Lorony, Rocks Ringiland, Holy Peter and Paul Rocks, and Thrifold and Martin Vaz.

Brazil spans four timebelts from 5 to 2 stounds behind Greenwich. It is the only land in the world through which runs the Evener and the Wendring of Seagoat. Brazil's landscape is also frothered, with hills, barrows, grasslands, highlands and scrublands.

Most of the landship lies between 660ft and 2,600ft in height. The main upland swathes are in the southern half of the land. The southeast above all, have many sunder barrowridges like the Mantiqueira, the Ridgebarrows, and the Seabarrows. The highest tip of Brazil is Mist Peak at 9,823ft.

Brazil also has a huddled and manifold layout of eas with eight main watersheds, all flowing into the Evensea. Among these are the Amazon, the Paraná, the Tocantins-Araguaia, and the Holy Franchish.


Brazil was abided by 7 twisand arlanders before the landing in 1500 of rosser Peter Álvares Cabral, who stook the land for the Portingalish Rich. Brazil blove a Portingalish settling until 1808, when the revetown of the rich was shifted from Lisbon to Afteryule Ea. In 1815, the besettling was raised to the rank of kingdom upon the making of the Foroned Kingdom of Portingale, Brazil and the Algarves. Selfhood was won in 1822 with the staddling of the Brazilian Rich, a onehead ethel led by Peter the First under a forfastening oneweald and a leedwardly stell. The becrafting of the first forfastening in 1824 led to the making of a twitimberroom lawmaking body, now called the Theedly Gathering. Peter the First would later step down from caserhood for his son Peter the Twithe. In 1864 Brazil would be infallen by Paraguay, beginning the Paraguayish Wye, also known as the Wye of the Triple Bond. Brazil, together with the other lands of the Triple Bond, Silverland and Uruguay, would go on to win the wye and in doing so fully fordo Paraguay killing two-thirds of their folk. Brazil was the last western land to outlaw thraldom, doing so in 1888.

The ethel became a foresitterly edfolkness in 1889, following a herely richstrike. In 1930, the lawmoot was overthrown by Getulio Vargas, who became a forfolkly tharlreve of Brazil and lead the land in World Wye Two alongside the Gathered Ethels against the Axlemight. The most outstanding hild the Brazilian landmight fought in was the hild of Borough Hill in Italy. Getulio Vargas was overthrown in 1945 and folkrede was brought back. However, he was later folkredingly chosen to be foresitter in 1951. But, being unfit to rede in a folkrulely lawmoot, he quickly lost folkly wrethe, he alay to thrutch and killed himself in 1954. In 1960, under foresitter Juscelino Kubitschek the revetown of Brazil was beweighed from Afteryule Ea to Brasilia as a bit of his outline of "50 years in 5". A tharlish herely redebody came to wield in 1964 and reded until 1985, after which landfolkly leading came back. Brazil's tidely forefastening, draughted in 1988, lays it out as a folkshiply banded ledewealth. After a rim of forstridings in 2013, and the beginning of "Undertaking Wain Wash" in 2014, Brazil came into a mootish needtime. Many lawmakers have been wrayed of and nabbed for crooking, breaking the longstanding trend of the rich and mighty going unstriven. Today, the band is made up of the foroning of the Bound Riding, the 26 boundlands, and the 5,570 meanths.

Eretide in Ball-Ords[]

  • First laves of wer in Brazil - 9691 BC - 9224 BC
  • Peter Alvares Cabral is first Evelander to befind Brazil - 22 Eastermonth 1500
  • Besettling of Brazil begins - 1530
  • Holy Finchenty becomes the first town to be Staddled in Brazil - 22 Weedmonth 1532
  • Brazil is split into 15 Ervely Shipperlands - 1534
  • Broad Reevedom of Brazil is staddled with Holy Aleeser of the Bight of all Holymen as its headstead - 1549
  • Staddling of Holy Paul - 25 Afteryule 1554
  • Southendish Frankrich - 1555 - 1570
  • Forbond of the Tamoyos - 1556 - 1567
  • Staddling of Afteryule Ea - 1 Miremonth 1565
  • Evennightly Frankrich - 1612 - 1615
  • Netherlandish besettling of the Brazilish Northeast - 1630 - 1654
  • Brazilish Gold Rush - 1690s - late 18th yearhundred
  • Headstead of Brazil is beweighed from Holy Aleeser to Afteryule Ea - 27 Afteryule 1763
  • Groovish Plot - 1789
  • Portingalish Wreathhood flee to Brazil bewhile the Newtonleeish Wars - 29 Bloodmonth 1807
  • Staddling of the Oned Kingdom of Portingale, Brazil and the Algarves - 16 Ereyule 1815
  • Forthspelling of Selfhood - 7 Holimonth 1822
  • Acknowledgement of Selfhood - 29 Weedmonth 1825
  • Hithersilverish Wye - 10 Ereyule 1825 - 27 Weedmonth 1828
  • Ragamuffin Wye - 20 Holimonth 1835 - 1 Miremonth 1845
  • Kinhelming of Peter II - 18 Afterlith 1845
  • Paraguayish Wye - 12 Winterfulth 1864 - 1 Miremonth 1870
  • Fordoing of Thraldom through the Golden Law - 13 Merrimonth 1888
  • Abeding of the Ledewealth - 15 Bloodmonth 1889
  • Brazil goes into the First World Wye - 26 Winterfulth 1917
  • Hild of the Merswines - 10 Bloodmonth 1918
  • Overthrowing of 1930 - 24 Winterfulth 1930
  • Forfasteninger Overthrowing - 9 Afterlith 1932 - 2 Winterfulth 1932
  • Forfastening of 1934 - 16 Afterlith 1934
  • New Rike - 10 Bloodmonth 1937
  • Brazil goes into the Twithe World Wye - 22 Weedmonth 1942
  • Hild of Borough Hill - 25 Bloodmonth 1944 - 21 Filibrook 1945
  • Fordriving of Getúlio Vargas - 29 Winterfulth 1945
  • Getúlio Vargas is forchosen as foresitter - 2 Winterfulth 1950
  • Getúlio Vargas kills himself - 24 Weedmonth 1954
  • Headstead is beweighed to Brasilia - 21 Eastermonth 1960
  • Folkthinger Reevedom - 8 Holimonth 1961
  • Come back to Foresitterdom - 24 Afteryule 1963
  • Landmightly Rikestrike - 31 Miremonth 1964
  • Intaking of the Body Deed 5 - 13 Ereyule 1968
  • Husbandshiply Wonder - 1968 - 1973
  • Withshiring of the reevedom - 15 Miremonth 1985
  • Stepping down of Foresitter Fernando Collor afore his Onclawing - 29 Ereyule 1992
  • Real Plan - 27 Filibrook 1994
  • Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva is forchosen as foresitter of Brazil - 27 Winterfulth 2002
  • Monthlygate Shandship - 6 Erelith 2005
  • Rockelegate Shandship and Undertaking Wain Wash - 17 Miremonth 2014
  • Former foresitter Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva is hafted - 5 Eastermonth 2018
  • Jair Bolsonaro is forchosen as foresitter of Brazil - 28 Winterfulth 2018

Steads in Brazil with over a micklered folk[]

Steads in bold are the headstead of their boundland.

Name Boundland Befolking
Holy Paul (São Paulo) Holy Paul (São Paulo) 12,038,175
Afteryule Ea (Rio de Janeiro) Afteryule Ea (Rio de Janeiro) 6,498,837
Emberborough (Brasília) Bound Riding (Distrito Federal) 2,977,216
Aleeser (Salvador) Bightland (Bahia) 2,938,092
Stronghold (Fortaleza) Seara (Ceará) 2,609,716
Fair Skyline (Belo Horizonte) Mean-Delves (Minas Gerais) 2,513,451
Manao (Manaus) Amazony (Amazonas) 2,094,391
Manifirs (Curitiba) Parana (Paraná) 1,893,997
Reef (Recife) Pernambuck (Pernambuco) 1,625,583
Happy Harbour (Porto Alegre) South Great Ea (Rio Grande do Sul) 1,481,019
Goysbury (Goiânia) Goyaz (Goiás) 1,448,639
Loafhouse (Belém) Para (Pará) 1,446,042
Eaterston (Guarulhos) Holy Paul (São Paulo) 1,337,087
Meadows (Campinas) Holy Paul (São Paulo) 1,173,370
Holy Ludway (São Luís) Maranon (Maranhão) 1,082,935
Holy Guthsalve (São Gonçalo) Afteryule Ea (Rio de Janeiro) 1,044,058
Springtown (Maceió) Lakeland (Alagoas) 1,021,709

List of Boundlands in staffrowly layout[]

Boundland (Portingalish) Boundland


Headstead (Portingalish) Headstead (Anglish)
Acre Green Ea; Greenea Rio Branco White Ea; Whitea
Alagoas Lakeland Maceió Springtown
Amapá Rainland Macapá Palmdwelling
Amazonas Amazony Manaus Manao
Bahia Bightland Salvador da Bahia Aleeser of the Bight
Ceará Seara Fortaleza Stronghold
Distrito Federal Bound Riding Brasília Emberborough
Espírito Santo Holy Ghost Vitória Fettory
Goiás Goyaz Goiânia Goysbury
Maranhão Maranon São Luís Holy Ludway
Mato Grosso Thick Bushes Cuiabá Cuyaba
Mato Grosso do Sul South Thick Bushes Campo Grande Greatfield
Minas Gerais Mean-Delves Belo Horizonte Fair Skyline
Pará Para Belém Loafhouse
Paraíba Para Aiba João Pessoa Yon Fellow
Paraná Parana Curitiba Manifirs
Pernambuco Pernambuck Recife Reef
Piauí Piawy Teresina Thereseborough
Rio de Janeiro Afteryule Ea; Afteryulea Rio de Janeiro Afteryule Ea; Afteryulea
Rio Grande do Norte North Great Ea; North Greatea Natal Yuletown
Rio Grande do Sul South Great Ea; South Greatea Porto Alegre Happy Harbour
Rondônia Rondonland Porto Velho Old Harbour
Roraima Greenbarrow Boa Vista Good Sight
Santa Catarina Holy Cathren Florianópolis Florianborough; Bloomingborough
São Paulo Holy Paul São Paulo Holy Paul
Sergipe Crab Ea; Crabea Aracaju Kidneynut Chatterbirds
Tocantins Toucantin Palmas Folms


Links to leaves about lands (list of lands - write anew)
Mainland Lands
Eveland AlbanlandAndorraBelglandBlackbarrowBosland and HeretogslandBulgarlandCroatlandChecklandCyprusDenmarkEastrichEstlandFinland (Aland Ilands) • FrankricGreeklandIcelandIrelandItalyKosovoLettlandLightenstoneLithowenLittleboroughMaltaMoldovaMonacoNetherlandsNorth MacedonNorwayOned Kingdom (England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales) • PolandPortugalRomishlandRusslandSerblandSlovaklandSlovenlandSelf Standing Campdom of MaltaSwedenSwitzerlandSan MarinoSpainTheechlandTurklandUkraineUngerlandVatickish SteadWhite Russland
Africa AlgierlandAngolaBeninBotswanaBurkina FasoCameroonChadComorosCongoland (FLC)Congoland (LotC)DjiboutiEgyptElpsbone ShoreEritreaEthiopiaGabonGambiaGhanaGreen HeadlandGuineaHoly Thomas and FirstslandKenyaLewhillsLiberiaLibyaMadagascarMalawiMaliMauritaniaMauritiusMiddle AfricaMoroccoMozambiqueMunneylandNamibiaNigerNigeriaRundilandRwandaSenegalSeychellesSomaliaSotholandSouth AfricaSouth SudanSudanSwazilandTanzaniaTogoTunislandUgandaWest GuineaWestern SaharaZambiaZimbabwe
Eastland AfghanlandArmenlandAzerbaijanBahrainBengallandBhutanBruneiCambolandMidlandGeorgelandIndlandIndonesiaIranIsraelDawnlandJordanKazakhlandKoreaKuwaitKyrgyzlandLebanonLaolandMalaylandMeen IlandsMongollandMyanmar (Burma) • NepalOmanOned Arab HeadrichesPaklandPalestinePhilippinesQatarRusslandSaudish ArablandSingaporeSri LankaSumerSyriaTaiwanTajiklandThailandTibetTurklandTurkmenlandUzbeklandVietnamYemen
North Emeryland ArubaBahamasBarbadosBelizeCanadaCuracaoDominicaDominican LedewealthForeoldenland and BeardedlandGuatemalaHaitiHoly Kitts and SnowsHoly LucyHoly Vincent and the Little SeedapplelandsHondurasJamaicaMexicoNicaraguaOned Riches of AmericaPanamaRich ShoreSeedapplelandSeven MootfiresThe HeilandYieldingland
South Emeryland ArgentinaBolivarslandBrazilChileColombiaEcuadorGuyanaParaguayPeruWilloughbylandTrinidad and TobagoUruguayVenezuela
Sealand Cook IlandsEaster IlandFijiMarshall IlandsNauruNew SealandPalauPapua LandSamoaSolomon IlandsTongaTuvaluVanuatu
Unacknowledged/No longer bestanding (& offhangly lands) LandlingsAbkhazlandAgade Riches of AmericaBand of Soviet Fellowship LedewealthsCheckslovaklandEast TheechlandFirelandish KingdomFirstendom of WalesHeronland RichdomKashmirRomish RichSiberland- RhodesiaYugoslavia

