The Anglish Moot

Northland (Canada) is a land in North America, and is the next greatest by ground after Russia. It stetches from the Atlantic sea in the east to the Pacific sea in the west, and to the Arctic sea in the north. It is hemmed by the Banded Folkdoms of Americksland in the south and north west.

The land is a groundlawful, mootly kingdom. Like other lands in the Theedkinwise (Commonwealth of Nations), it was erstwhile a holding of the Gathertang Kingdom that has since become self-wolding while still oreworthing Elizabeth II as Queen, with the Ymeanholdend wolding in her stead. However, the true drightship of Northland is held by the Foremost Thain, leader of the Althing with the most seats in the Underhouse, one of the two houses (the other being the Overhouse) in the Northlandish Althing.

Canada is made up of ten shires and three hinderlands:

Canada has two ambightly speeches, English and French. The headborough is Ottawa, and the land has about 33,000,000 woners.
