The Anglish Moot
256px-The Earth seen from Apollo 17

Earth is the third wanderer from the Sun. It is man’s home, and indeed the only world known to hold life. It is the thickest wanderer in the Sunhood, and one of the four that are mainly made of rock. There is only one moon of any greatness about the Earth, which is named the Moon. Aside from the Moon, it also has a manmade thing, the Altheedish Roomth Station, wandering it.

Two thirds of the Earth's outside is overlain with sea, the other third being land. The land is often thought of as being cleft into seven landblocks: Europe, Asia, Africa, North Americksland, South Americksland, Southland, and Unbearishland, but some folks meld some of these together in their layouts, making for fewer landblocks.

Living beings from Earth are called "Earthlings".
