The Anglish Moot
Elsave I and II
Elizabeth I of England
Queen of England and Ireland
Þurs., 17 Fog GÆ 1558 - Þurs., 24 Mire GÆ 1603
(N.K.: Þurs., 27 Fog GÆ 1558 - Þurs., 3 Eaſt GÆ 1603
Wreathing Sunday, 15 Eremonth GÆ 1559
(N.K.: Sunday, 25 Eremonth GÆ 1559)
Forerunne Mere I
(older half-ſiſter)
Afterrunne Quall VI and I
(faðerly 1st swoor 2x edmoved)
Lord of Mann
GÆ 1598-GÆ 1603
Forerunne Afterrunning flit between ðe daughters of Ferdinando (Anne, Frankin and Elsava I) and ðeir eam Wilhelm IV
(faðerly 1st meðers 3x edmoved and faðerly 1st feðer 2x edmoved)
Afterrunne Iland outwarded to Anne, Frankin and Elsava I
Wightly inſiȝt
Birth Sunday, 7 Holymonth GÆ 1533
(N.K.: Sunday, 17 Eremonth GÆ 1533)
Hall of Greatlough, Greenwich, Kingdom of England
Death Þursday, 24 Mire GÆ 1603
(N.K.: Þursday, 3 Eaſtermonth GÆ 1603)
Richmond Hall, Surrey, England
Begraving Þursday, 28 Eaſtermonth GÆ 1603
(N.K.: Þursday, 8 Merrymonth GÆ 1603)
Weſtloneſted Faðerſted
Full name Elsave Tiwdensdaughter
House Tiwden
Faðer Hamrich VIII of England
Moðer Anne Boleyn
Affastneſs Angliſhenneſs

For ðe Mean Angliſh ſunder, ſee Elizabeth I of England.

Elsave I (7 Holymonth GÆ 1533-24 Mere GÆ 1603) was both, Queen of England and Ireland as Elsave I from 17 Fogmonth GÆ 1558 and Lord of Mann as Elsave II from GÆ 1598, until her death on 24 Meremonth GÆ 1603. Sometimes called ðe Unswiven Queen, Gloriana or Good Queen Elsie, Elsave was ðe laſt of ðe five loneredes of ðe House of Tiwden.
