England is a land on the iland of Great Briten in the North-West of Europe. It is a limb of the Oned Kingdom.
It takes its name from the Angles who began settling there in the 400s along with the Saxes, Yutes and Freeses. Before this settling there was no land called England, but rather the whole of Briten was a mingling of Celts and Romers.
Today England is one of the four underlands that make up the Oned Kingdom, along with Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. There are about 60 mickelred indwellers today, most within the great steads London, Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds, Liverpool, Newcastle, Sheffield, and Bristol.
The bulk of England's landshape is made up of low-lying hills and dales, the rest made up of woods and flatlands. Being an iland, England is hemmed by seashore. A peak-row in the north, (The Pennines), is the greatest in England. There is also a flat marshland in the East (The Fens) that has been mostly drained in order to make it ploughbere for acretilth. Reckoned among the great streams are the following:
- Severn
- Thames
- Trent
- Humber
- Tyne
- Tees
- Ribble
- Ouse
- Mersey
- Dee
- Avon