The Anglish Moot

Staff C of the English Wordbook.

Basic abbreviations:

  • OE = Old English
  • ME = Middle English
  • SC = Scots
  • WF = West Frish
  • NF = North Frish
  • SF = Saterlandish Frish
  • WLG = West Low Theech
  • ELG = East Low Theech
  • NL = Netherlandish
  • NHG = New High Theech
  • IC = Icelandish
  • HIC = High Icelandish
  • NO = Nornish
  • SW = Swedish
  • DN = Danish
  • MLG = Middle Low Theech
  • MNL = Middle Netherlandish
  • MHG = Middle High Theech
  • OF = Old Frish
  • OS = Old Saxish
  • OHG = Old High Theech
  • ON = Old Norse
  • GO = Gottish
  • PWG = Or-West-Theedish
  • PG = Or-Theedish

For a full list of etymological and other abbreviations used in these wordlists, see: Offshortenings.


Modern English Words Word
Anglish Proposals
Attested in Modern English Unattested in Modern English
caballine adj horselike, horsely -
cabaret n nightclub -
cabbage n cole, kale -
cabinet (rikecraft) n - redebody, redeship
cabinet (household) n hutch, locker, sideboard mugboard, hoarding
cable n wire, rope ropewire
caboose n - trainback, shipkitchen
cache n - putstow, bike
cacophony n - baleloud
cadaver n dead body -
cadaverous adj deathly, ghastly, ghostly, grim, ashen, bloodless, bled-white -
cadet n - forefighter
cadmium n - Wodan
caecum n - blindtharm, blindgut
Caesar n - Almighty
caesium n - skiyield
café n coffee shop, coffee house, lunch house -
cafeteria n lunchroom, supper hall, lunch house -
cajole v beg, wheedle, sweet-talk -
calamari n cuttlefish -
calcaneus n heelbone -
calcium n limeore -
calcium carbonate n - chalk, coalsour lime (Cf. WFris. koalsoere kalk, koalsûre kalk; Du. koolzure kalk, NHG kohlensaurer Kalk). coalsoured lime (Cf. Swe. kolsyrad kalk) -
calculate v reckon, work out -
calculator n reckoner, hand reckoner -
calculus n - flowreckoning
calendar n daybook timetale
calisthenics n drills -
calligraphy n handwriting, craft of (hand)writingcraft
callous adj tough, stiff, soulless, hard, cold-hearted, cold, heartless, unbending, unfeeling, cold-shouldered, hardhearted, stony, deadhearted, stonehearted, iron-witted, thick-skinned, slash and burn -
calm adj cool -
calm v soothe, lithe, simmer down, lull -
calumniate v betell forwray (<OE forwregan)
calque n overyielding
loanoversetting (cf. NHG Lehnübersetzung)
calyx n - bloomleaf
camel n - twohump, drylander
camera n -

fanger, buildfanger


camouflage n blending, blend-in, derning, derncloth, dernclothing, dernstuff -
camomile n - liethleaf
campaign (military) n - axfare (<OE æxfaru), mightwork
campaign (rikecraft) n bandwagon -
campaign vb take the stump, barnstorm -
campus n - lorefield, lorerealm, byttle (<OE: ge-bytlu)
canal n leat, waterway -
cancerous adj - cankersome
candelabrum n - glimtree
canine adj houndlike, doglike -
cannon n -

dunspar (contraction of dun and spear)


Fallbuss (cf. Ic. Fallbyssa) (also buss as in blunderbuss, buss meaning gun)

canvas n - hemprag
canyon n gulch clove, cliffgap, cliffgulch, berggap, berggulch
capacity n - holdth, heldth
cape (clothing) n - backcloth, backcoat, sleeveless coat
cape (geography) n head, headland, -ness (in placenames) ness
capital (city) n head town


headstead (cf. other Germanic langs.)

landtown, fromburg

capital adj head -
capitalism n - headdom, headpennydom
capricious adj fitful, choppy, flighty, fickle thought-hopping
capsize v keel wemmel
captain n headman, leader shipper (<M Du scipper and MnE skipper)
captivate v inthrall, bind, fall for -
captive n - heftling
capture v take, kidnap, steal, swipe, nab -
car n wain, roadster, horseless, roadwain -
caravan n - kinwagon, wastelandhorse-tug
carbon n chark, soot coalstuff, lifestuff
carbon dioxide n - twiathemloft chark, onecoal-twosour-stuff, fizzloft
carburator n - forelofter
cardiac arrest n - heart standstill, heartstop
cardinal (Church official) n -

godsearl (< High Icl. guðsjarl)

Whule (< Sw. Hwul)

cardinal (bird) n - redbird
career n line of work, walk of life, job path -
caress v fondle, stroke -
cargo n freight, weight -
carnal adj fleshly -
carnal attraction n - fleshbesmittenness (<OE), fleshcostening (<OE flæsccostnung)
carnivore n meateater, flesheater -
carouse v birle -
carousel n - umbrider
carpenter n - woodsmith, woodcraftsman
carpentry n woodwork, woodcraft -
carpet n - stepcloth
carriage n bearing -
carrot n more (cf. OE moru, NHG Möhre) sightroot, gulroot, hornroot, hornwurzel, duskwurzel
carry v bear, weigh, ferry -
cartoon n - livedrawing
cartouche n - stretched girder, stretched foreverness-rope, brass-load, load
cartridge n holder, pickup, tape, brass-load, load -
case (grammatical) n fall
in case conj lest, for fear that, if ... should -
cashewnut n - kidney nut
casing n shell, brass -
casino n - bet hall, bet house
castle n burg, stronghold stronghouse
casual adj breezy, blithe, light-hearted -
catch v snare, snarl, snag, latch, fang, nab -
catechism n - thoughteaching, lorebook, godlorebook, godlore handbook, forsoughbook (calque of Gk. 'katachesis' + book)
categorize v - underbring (Calque of Du. onderbrengen)
caterpillar n - kaleworm (<OE cawelwyrm), leafworm (<OE leafwyrm), mealshape (<OE mælsceafa), Devil's cat, hairy cat, butterfly worm
cathedral n - headchurch
catheter n - (body)pipe
cathode n - downway
catholic adj popeling (derogatory) broad, all, oneworthen, wholeabout, (ye-)meanly
catkin n - bloomtail
cattle n cows, livestock, kine, nowt, fee -
caucasian (race) n white -
cauldron n (big) kettle -
cauliflower n - bloomcole
cause n bring-about, let-on, wherefrom frume (<OE fruma), onlet
cause v - fuse (<ME fusen), werthe
caustic adj burning -
cautery n (device): burning -
caution n wariness, care, reck -
cavalry n horsemen, riders -
cave n hollow, hole, cove, hove -
cavil v carp -
cavity n hole, hollow, wame -
cease v stop, lay off, halt, give up, leave off, yield, blin aswike
ceasefire n - weapon-still, halt-fire
celebrate v - bemark, freals (<OE freolsian)
celery n - fenroot, fenwort
celestial bow n rainbow, heaven's bow thunderbow, showerbow, lightning-bow, watergall (imperfectly-formed)
celestial sphere n welkin -
cell n hole, room frume (cf. Icelandic fruma), lifebrick
cell division n - frumecleaving
cellulose n - treestrand
cement n - brickstick
cemetery n graveyard, boneyard church-litten
censorship n - word-hunting, speechslighting, hidedeeming
censure vb upbraid -
census n - tomarkedness <OE tomearcodnes), folkstelling (cf. NHG Volkszählung), folkscoring, folktally
cent n penny, hundredth -
centaur n - manhorse
centipede n - hundredfooter
central adj middlemost, midmost, main midwise, midly
centre n middle, innermost, mid, midmost, nave, heart, yolk crossmiddle, midth
century n one hundred years hundredyear, hundyear
cereal n morningcorn (cf. Ice. morgunkorn)
certain adj some, known sicker
certainly adv for sure, forsooth, soothly, in sooth sickerly
certificate n - sickermark, sickerwrit
cerulean adj sky-blue, heavenly-blue, blue, woadish -
cerumen n earwax -
chain n shackle, fetter -
chair n seat, stool, settle -
chalice n bowl -
challenge n ordeal, dare, becall -
chamber n room, bedroom, breach (of a gun) -
chameleon n - blending athex, wristlehue athex
faying athex (<OE fágian 'to change in color vary be variegated')
chance n luck, opening -
change v wend, shift, makeover, char, switch

frother (for- + other; cf. Frisian 'feroaring')

wrixle/wristle (<OE wrixlian)

channel n fairway, race, ford sound (<OE sund - long narrow inlet)
charming adj friendly, lovely, winsome, comely -
chaos n craziness, mayhem dwolma (<OE), topsy-turvydom, unfrith
character n being selfsuchness
character (art) n - playlede, playbeing
charge v load, fill -
charged adj heated, fraught, burdened, plighted, weighted -
charity n love, alms, selflessness givefulness, goodgoal (cf. Du. goededoel)
charlatan n quack -
charter n bestowing deed -
chase v follow after, hound, hunt -
chastise v chide, scold, bring to book, have words with -
cheat v bilk, hack, swindle, rig -
checker (game bit) n Draughtsman, draftsman -
checkers (game) n Draughts -
cheer n beaming, gladness, happiness, glee, merriness, mirth, blitheness -
cheer v gladden, root, hearten, perk up blithen, bemirth
chef d'oeuvre n lordwork -
cherish vb fondle, wheedle -
chief n head, leader, headman forst (<OE forwost)
chili n hotpepper -
chime v ring, toll -
chimpanzee n - mockman (chimpanzee in Tshiluba language means mockman)
China n Middle Kingdom Midrike, Mithrike (cf. High Ic. Miðríki)
chlorophyll n leafgreen -
chocolate v - sweetslime, sweetblock
choice n choosing, picking, wale -
cholesterol n - gallvat
Christian adj Christly Christish, Christlike (cf. NHG Christlich)
Christianity n Christendom Christthrotheneness
Christmas n Yule -
chromosome n - lifebody, lifepith
chromatid n - halflifebody, halflifepith
chronicle n ledger, tale -
chronology n timeline, flow of time timeflow
chrysanthemum n - goldbloom
cider n applewine -
cigarette n smoke, fag, butt, stompie, canker stick (coll.) -
cinema n - bilds, filmhouse
cinquefoil n - fiffinger
circa prep about -
circle n ring, loop, wreath, trindle, trundle -
circuit n - begang (<OE begong)
circulate v broadcast, spread abroad -
circulation n -

umfaring, forfaring

(of blood): bloodflow (cf. NHG Blutfluss)

circulatory system n bloodstream bloodstream-network, bloodflow-network
circumcise v cut, cut about umcut, umsnithe (<OE ymbsniðan), besnithe (cf. NHG beschneiden)
circumference n rim, girth rimlength (71 Google hits), rimreach (W.B.), rimspan, umgoing
circumflex n - stavehat
circumspect adj careful, watchful -
circumstance n happening umstandness [< OE ymbstand(en)ness; cf. WFris. omstannichheid, Du. omstandigheid, NHG Umstand, Dan. omstændighed, Norw. omstendighet, Swe. omständighet, Icel. kringumstæður], boutstanding, embstanding, happenstanding
circumvent v work around work emb(e), overreach
circus n big top -
cirrocumulus n - curlcloud
citizen n towns(wo)man burrough(wo)man
citroen n sourapple -
city n borough, burgh, burrow, burg (great) town, stad, stead
civet cat n - slipcat
civil law n - folk(s)law
civilian n - rikemate, rike(wo)man
civilization n - couthdom, couthness, kempt living, tame living, folkhood, settledhood, folkdom
civilize v tame, settle couthen
clairvoyant n - clearseer, clearwistend
claim v ask for, seek, call for, hold, get hold of, want -
clamor n din greeding
clan n kindred, kinsfolk, fellowship (gaming) -
clarify v - swotel
class n layer, kind, standing, rung flock / flok (i.e. as in school) (use comparable to Icelandic 'flokki')
classification n tag, brand bekinding, sighting (<NHG. sichten)
classify v tag, brand bekind, berung
classical adj timeless oldendomly, first stead, old lorehouse, old wayish, wontish
claustrophobia n - tightfear
clear adj sharp sheer, swotel (<OE sweotol)
clearing n glade gall
clergy n - churchhood
clergyman n churchman, man of the cloth -
cliché n old saying unthought-up saying, oftquote
clichéd adj hackneyed, everyday -
climate n - loftlay (c.f. Ic. loftslag)
clinic n sickbay -
clock n - daymale, stounder
clockwise adj sunwise -
clone n - likebody, samebody
clone vb - eftyield the body
close v shut, narrow -
close adj near, narrow, nearby -
co- pref fellow, by-, i- -
coalition n - fellowblock
coast n shore, shoreline, strand searim, warth
coat of arms n - kinshield
cockroach n black-beetle dirtbug
coeval nn & adj - even-old
coffee n - roastbean, turkmadder, turk's madder, walmadder (analog of walnut, from PGMC for 'foreign nut'), africanish leafwos (african tea, noted in the Middle Eld)
coffer n - hoardvat (<OE hordfæt)
cognate n - kinword
cognizant adj rathe, aware -
cohabit v live together, dwell together by-live, by-dwell
coil n - whirlwire
coin n - geldtoken, minttoken
coincidence n - likehappening
coitus n - swiving, heamedlock (<OE hæmedlac), bysleep (<NHG Beischlaf)
cojones n balls, guts -
colic n - bellyharm
collapse n downfall, infall, swooning -
colleague v workmate, fellow worker -
collect v gather samen (<OE samnian)
colonize v settle, take over, spread through(out) -
colony n settling rikeling
color n hue, cast, blee, light wavelength huecast
color v hue, dye, shade -
column n upright, sile -
combat v fight, struggle hild
combine vb bind gatherbind, withbind, togiether
combustible n fiery tenderkin (<OE tyndercyn)
comedian n funnyman funspeller, lustspeller, laughtersmith
comedy n - funplay, lustplay (cf. NHG Lustspiel)
comet n shooting star tailstar, blazing star
comfort n liss, frover weem (<OE weman), soothefulness
comfortable adj comely, restful, opening, cheery weemly, froverly
comestible n food, a food thing eatsome
comic n funny -
comics n - talestrips, livestrips
command n behest, bidding -
command n headship -
command v bid, lead, behest -
commandment n - behesting, bodeword
commence v begin, start -
comment n underquote umspeech, undertalk
commentary n input, feedback -
commerce n business -
commercial adj businesswise -
commit v do, betake, belay -
common (shared) adj shared, mean (OE gemæne, note that it has shifted to mean cheap;. mean (middle) is from French from Latin mediānus) meanshiply (OE gemænscipe = community)
common (usual, familiar) adj rife, widespread, everyday, oft wonesome (<OE wune = custom (n.))
common (vulgar) adj churlish (a churl is a pesant)
common law n & adj - folklaw
Commonwealth n - Sharedwealth, Folkwealth, Kinwealth, Meanbest (cf. Du. Gemenebest)
commotion n - stirness (<OE styrenes)
communicate v spell, speak, tell, be understood, give, share, teach, put forward, set forth, hint, make known, bring word, put forth, speak out, bespeak -
communion n fellowship -
Communism n - Sharedom, Sharemind, Sharingdom, Sharingmind, Samenbeleadom (<OE same "together", cf. Du. samen + belead "policy" cf. Du. beleid), Yemendom (<NHD gemein "common" + -dom), Samendom
community n fellowship borough-weren, yemeanship/meanship (<OE gemænscip; NHG Gemeinschaft)
compact adj - withfasted, withfied
Compact Disc n red book dishling, withfasted ring (WFR)
CD-ROM n yellow book WFR-read only bemindings
companion n mate, helpmate, friend -
company n business -
comparative anatomy n - overlikening bodylore
compare v game off against aliken(OE anlician), gainsame liken, overliken, gainmete, gainfare, withfare
compassion n ruth, milts, rue -
compatible adj well-matched, works with -
compatriot n kinsman fellow-land(wo)man
compel v gar -
compensation n meed -
competent adj up-to-it, up to the task, worthy -
complain v whine, bitch, moan, gripe, whinge, carp, bellyache -
complete adj altogether, fulfilled, fullmade, ended,thoroughgoing fullstanding
complete v fulfill, end full-do, full-end
completely adv outright, fully, utterly, thoroughly, through and through, inside-out, to the hilt, altogether -
complexion n hue, look, blee, ilk, kind, suchness, way, outlook skin-look, skin-hue
compliant adj toward followsome
complicate vb ravel, make tougher, toughen -
Compline n - nightsong (<OE nihtsang, akin to "Evensong")
composer n tonesmith (Percy Grainger) tonerimer (cf. Du. toondichter)
composition n make-up, crafted thing nibcraft
complicate vb ravel, make tougher, toughen fortire (cf. Du. vermoeilijken)
compound word n - forbinding (cf. NHG Verbindung)
comprehensive(ly) adj/adv thorough

begriping(ly) (cf. Fr. begripe, Du. begrijpen, NHG begreifen)

embfating/embfatend (emb <OE ymb "around" + fate <OE fæt "vessel"; cf. NHG umfassend, Du. omvattend, Da. omfattende, Nw. omfattende, Swed. omfattande)

comprise n inhold

embfate (emb <OE ymb "around" + fate <OE fæt "vessel"; cf. NHG umfassen, Du. omvatten)

compromise n tradeoff -
compunction n qualm, misgiving -
compute v reckon -
computer n reckoner upthinker, thoughtcraft
computer science n - reckonercraft, reckonerlore
concatenation n - gatherbinding
conceal v hide, shroud, mithe forkeep, forhoard (cf. Du. and MHG. verbergen)
concealment n - hidlock, hidenhood, forkeephood,
conceivable adj thoughtworthy -
conceive v knit, forseed -
concentrate v hone-in, think on bethink (cf. Du. bedenken)
concentrated adj crammed, squished together -
concentration camp n - cramming-laystead
concentric adj - middlesharing
concern n care, worry, reck -
concerning prep about, over, toward -
concept n thinking, thought world -
conception (mindish) n hent -
conception (of child) n, gerund beginning beseeding
conclude v end, come to wit, come to understand, find -
concurrently prep meanwhile, all-the-while, all along -
condemn v - fordeem, forordeal (cf. Du. veroordelen)
condescend v belittle, stoop, talk down, lower -
condition n onlay, fettle frontworth (cf. Du voorwaarde)
condom n warding, rubber, scumbag -
conduct v lead, drive -
conductres n clippy -
confectionary n sweets, sweet-shop -
confederacy n - shireship, rickship, Looseband
confederate n henchman -
confer v bestow, lend, give over -
conference n meeting, klatch -
confess v beken, acknowledge, own up andet (<ME andetten), det
confession n acknowledging, shrift samelore (calque of Grk. 'homologia'), bekenness (<OE 'gecennes,' NHG 'bekenntnis')
configuration n setting -
confine v lock in, keep, trap, fetter, bind, latch, grasp, abed (by illness), bedrid -
confiscate v filch -
conflagration n fire -
confluence n - rithmeet
conform v - evenliken (<OE efenlician)
conformism n - evenlyingsbelead
conformity n - evenlying
confound v befuddle, bewilder, addle foryote (cf. con+fundo)
confront v take on, come at, be up against -
confuse v befuddle, mistake, ravel, bewilder, muddle, mangle, addle ablend/yblend, forwrixle (<NHG verwechseln)
confusion n muddling ablending
congress n gathering, moot, lawmaker body gethercoming
conjugate v bend -
conjunction n linking word linkword, bindword, yokeword
connect v link, fit, tie-in, bind -
conquer v overcome, overwin forover (cf. Du. veroveren MHG. erobern)
conquest n greatwin -
conscience n inwit, heart's eye -
conscious adj aware -
conscript v draft, call-up -
consecrate v bless, hallow, bename -
consent n leave, allowing -
consequence n upshot, aftermath, fall out, blowback (uninteded), in the wake offleading (<Icl. af-leiðing)
consequently adv thereby, hence forfollowing (cf. Du. vervolgens)
consider v

heed, bethink, think about, reckon, set down,

umbethink (dialectal, mainly Northern England, Scotland)

huy, hedge (<OE hycgan) bear in mind, confide, trust

awene (<OE awenan)

behowe (<OE behawian) to see clearly, take care

rase (<OE ræswan) to think suppose suspect consider conjecture

smigh (<OE smēagan) consider think about mediate examine scrutinize

yondthink (<OE geondþencan) to reflect upon

hiler (< OE aheolorian) weigh, balance
Latin equivalent: librare, trutinare

consist of v be made up of bestand of (calque of NHG bestehen aus)
console v frover, soothe, allay sorrow, share grief, give strength and hope -
consonant n -


samedswaying, sameswaying (<Ælfric's OE samodswegend)

conspicuous adj kenspeckle -
conspire v plot -
constant adj ongoing, besetting onwherft, simble (<OE simbel)
constipated adj bellybound -
constitution n makeup writlaw
constrict vb - intighten
under construction vb in building, abuilding -
consume vb fornim forbrook (cf. Du. verbruiken MHG. verbrauchen)
consumerism n - intakerness
consummate adj thoroughgoing, swive -
consumption n intaking -
contact v meet with, reach, hit -
contain v hold, inhold, have in itself -
contaminate v befoul -
contemplate v - yondthink (<OE geondþencan)
contemporary adj today's fellow-timed, like-timed
contemptuous adj sneering -
contend n set to -
contend(argue) v flite, hold -
content n inning (<OE innung), inhold (calque from NHG 'Inhalt') -
content adj fulfilled fained
contention n wrangling -
contest n match witherwin (<OE wiðerwinn)
context n light, framework, ins and outs umbrealm
contiguous adj abutting -
continent n mainland greatland, landstretch, fastland
continue v go on, abide, keep on, wend ongo
continuous adj unbroken, ongoing simble (<OE simbel)
contort v writhe -
contract n handfast, deal writdeal
contradict v gainsay, withsay witherspeak (cf. NHG widersprechen), andwitness (cf. Ic. and-vitni)
contrary adv against witherward (<OE wiðerweard), withershins
contrast vb - witherstand
contribute v put in, weigh in -
contribution n input, giving -
contrition n sorrow, guilt, ruth -
control n hold, might, clout, sway, wielding wald
control v hold, wield, head, lead, have upper hand, have in hand, lord over -
conundrum n riddle -
conurbation n - towncluster
convergence n overlap, gathering togethering
conversation n talk, mailing underholding (<NHG Unterhaltung)
converse v speak, talk -
conversely adv phr on the other hand, otherwise -
convert v sway, make over, win over, bring to, turn to, chore (<OE cierran), wend, warp bewhirve (<OE behwierfan), bechore (<OE becierran, cf. Du. bekeren, NHG bekehren), bewend (<OE bewendan)
convey v bear, send inway
convict n lag overstell
convoy n wainstroke -
co-operate v work together -
cop v nab -
cop n hound, pig (slang, slightly vulgar) frith wike (peace officer)
cope v deal -
copious adj beteeming -
copse n thicket, shaw -
copy v bring forth again eftyield
copy (imitate) v ape evenledge (<OE efenlæcan)
copy (transcribe) v write again bywrite (<OE biwritan)
copy & paste v - twin & tack
coral n - reefweed
cord n string, wire, rope, rib, ridge, ribbed cloth tew, rib-cloth
cord v fasten, stack lengthwise -
cordial adj friendly, hearty, warm -
cords n trousers, ribbed trousers -
corduroy n ribbed cloth rib-cloth
corduroy adj ribbed, of lengthwise logs -
core n heart, yolk, innermost being -
cormorant n sea raven coal-goose
cornea n - hornweb
corner n nook, winkle, hirn -
coronation n - kinghelming (<OE cynehelmian)
corpor(e)al adj bodily bodisome
corporation n - businessbody (BB)
corpse n lich -
corpus n body -
correct adv/adj right, aright, befitting -
correct vb right, righten, (acad) mark -
correction fluid n white out -
corridor n hallway -
corroborate vb bear out -
corrode vb -

forrot (<OE forrotian), begnaw (<OE begnagan)

corrugated adj - wrizzled
corrupt v crooked, bent, rot forrot
corslet n byrnie -
cost n outlay, worth -
costly adj dear -
Costa Rica n - Rich Shore
costume n outfit, get-up, fake dress -
Cote d'Ivoire n - Elfbone Shore
cottage n cote sheel
cotton n - treewool, wortwool, bushwool
council n gathering, moot, folkmoot redemoot, redebody
counsel v rede -
counsel(l)or n alder(wo)man rede(wo)man, redegiver
count v reckon, tally arime
count n earl -
countenance n leer, foreside -
counterbalance n offset -
counter-clockwise adj withershins withersunwise
counterculture n - witherkithship
counterpart n match -
counterstroke n - withherclap
country n land, weald, upland (rural, as in countryside), kith, fatherland, homeland, motherland, erd folkland
county n shire, ethel, earldom, wapentake, erd reveship
county council n - shiremoot
coup v strike -
coup de grace n masterstroke lithing, miltstroke
coupling, train/carriage n thill -
coupon n - deemslip, gainbuyslip
courage n mettle, boldness, fearlessness, heart, heartiness, daring -
courageous adj bold, daring, doughty, fearless, unfrightened, heartful full-hearted
course n runway, run, flow, faring, setting, outcome yondscrithing (<OE geondscríðung), fareway
course (academic) n - loregang/loregoing (c.f. Du. leergang, NHG Lehrgang), learnset
court n hove deemhall, lawhouse, lawdom, kinghall
courteous adj fairspoken -
courtyard n - hallyard
cousin n kins(wo)man nearkin, farsibb
covenant n oath, deal, bond, binding -
cover n holster, sheath -
cover v overlay, hide, deck, overspread hill (<OE hyllan, ME hillen; c.f. OHG hullan)
covered area n deck, roofed deck hilling (<ME hillet), underspread
covering n skin, feathers, hackles hilling
cover with v lay on -
covert adj hidden, shrouded, stealthy, under wraps, hillen
cover-up n whitewash, hush-work shroudening
covet v crave, want, hunger after, thirst after, cast greedy eyes upon -
covetous adj greedy, graspy, grabby, hoggish, wanting -
coward n wimp arg, flytail, fey (cf. Swe ; OE fæge)
cowardly adj overfrightened, spineless, thewless -
co-worker n by-worker, fellow worker -
cranium n skull -
cravat n necktie -
crayon n - waxchalk
cream n salve, ream, milk's head -
crease n & vb wrinkle, rumple, rimple, runkle -
create v build, craft, make, start, shape ashape
creation n making, building, crafting shaping, frumschaft
creature n wight -
credence n - belief, trustworthiness
credibility n - beliefworthiness
credible adj - beliefworthy
credit n acknowledgement -
creed n belief -
cremate v bale -
creme de la crem n bee's knees, dog's bollocks, best of the best -
crepuscular adj twilighty twilightly
crepuscule n twilight, darkfall, dusk, nightfall, gloaming, evenfall, eventide, sundown duskingtide, downset
crest n ridge, links ris, comb
cretaceous adj - limestonish, limestony
cretin n mouth-breather -
crevasse n icecrack, icegap -
crevice n stonecrack, stonegap -
crime n - gelt (>OE gylt), misdeed, wrongdoing, folly
criminal n outlaw gelter, lawbreaker, wearh, wrongdoer, scofflaw,
crimson n blood-red deepred, bloodred
criterion n yardstick; hallmark deemrimmer
critical adj weighty, key, scathing -
criticise vb chide, undersay, carp, scathe, blast, knock[slang], rap[slang], scold, slam[slang], upbraid, niggle -
criticism n - undersaying, potshot, flak
crocodile n - pebblewyrm/pebbleworm (calque), nix (cf. OHG nihhus), knucker, crushbite athex
croissant n - moonbread
cross n - rood
cross vb overstride overshrithe (cf. NHG überschreiten)
crown n - kinghelm (<OE cynehelm), (king)wreath
crown v - kinghelm (<OE cynehelm)
crucifix n rood -
crucify vb hang upon a rood roodfasten
crude adj rough, raw -
cruel adj harsh, mean, ruthless reethe (<OE réðe)
cruelty n meaness -
crusade n - roodfare
cry n roop, yell, shout, whine, wail, moan lid (<OE ge-hlȳd; cf. NHG Lied, Du. lied)
cry v weep, shout, wail, yell, howl, sob, roup, cleep, wail -
crystal n - hardice
cub n - whelp
cuckoo n - gowk, cuckoo
cucumber n -

fleshpod, earthapple (cf. OE eorþæppel)

cull v choose, pick, pick out, pitch on, pitch upon. sift, winnow, gather, pluck, pickup -
cull n pickings, siftings -
cul de sac n dead end -
culminate vb phr - come together, reach its highest, come to a head
cultivate vb

till, harvest, farm

culture n - kithship, way of life
culvert n ditch -
cure vb heal -
curiosity n - frimdiness
curious vb - frimdy (<OE frymdig)
curlew n whaup -
current adj today's, now's, nowadays', running -
current n undertow, tow, watertow -
currently adv as of yet, now -
curriculum n - learnplot
curriculum vitae n walk of life smithsyore
cursive adj handwritten flow-staved
cursor n runner -
curtail vb foreshorten -
curtain n - forehanger, hangcloth
curve n bow, bend -
custody n - warding
custom adj - thew, bespoke, folkway
custom n wont, business, trade sid
cutaneous adj skin, hide hideish, hidely
cutaneous disease n tetter, scurf, scurvy -
cute adj pretty, sweet, lief goldy (cf. NHG goldig), neathly (cf. NHG niedlich)
cutlass n backsword -
cutlery n flatware, silverware -
cyclist n wheeler -
cyclone n windstorm -
cygnet n - swanling
cynosure n - hoardvat (<OE hordfæt)