The Anglish Moot

Staff D of the English Wordbook.


dairy n deyhouse, milkhouse, milkenstuff (dairy products)
damage n harm
damage vb wreck, fordo, shend
damaged adj broken, dented, unsound
damaging adj harmful, hurtful, baleful, baneful
damn vb forordeal (forordealt-forordealt, cf. Du. veroordelen, NHG verurteilen)
damnation n ordeal (cf. NHG Urteil)
dance v tumb
danger n plight, freech (OE fréĉen), threat, deathen
dangerous adj plightful, freechenful, threatening, harmful
data n put, rawput, meteworth(s), ongift(s), worth(s)
database n putbank
dative (case) n giver namefall
daub vb spread, besmear
de- pref and- (<OE and-, cf. NHG ent-)
dear n beloved, darling, dear, drout, lief, love
dear adj beloved, darling, dear, drout, lief, love
debatable adj moot
debut n beginning, coming-out, first showing, try-out
decade n tenyear
decapitate vb behead, unhead
decay v rot, fall away, wane, wither, abreeth
deceased adj dead
deceive vb swike. beswike, mislead, forlead, fop, outwit, wimple
December n Ereyule
decent adj good, upstanding
decentralization n outkerneling
deception n swiking, beswikning, misleading of, falsehood, clouding, cunning, darkening, hoodwinking, misbelief, airy-nothing, snow job,
decide vb choose, settle on, make up one's mind, reckon out, bychoose, shut through, beshut
decision n choice, settle-on, onsettling, reckon-out, outreckoning, bychoice, throughshut, beshut
decisive adj all-out, out-and-out, outright, straight-out, overwhelming, quick, speedy, swift, telling, weighty
declare vb say forth, broadcast, come out with, speak, speak out, swear, tell, utter, make known, bring out, set down, stand for
declination n forbend, dwining, dwindling
decline vb dwine, dwindle, wane, slump, lessen, weaken, flag, downgrow down off, nether off
decoction n Hell's broth(infernal);
decorate vb deck, bedeck, beset, bestud, trim, tool, gild
decrease vb thwine [past thwone, ppt thwinen] (<OE þwínan), shrink, lower, wane, lessen
decree vb astight (<OE ástihtan), law-bode
decrepit vb timeworn
dedicate vb beteach [past & ppt betaught] (<OE betǽcan)
deer (native) n roe, hart (adult), buck (male), stag (male), doe (female)
de facto n true, truly
defame vb file, shend, besmirch, befile
default vb gainwithershins
defeat n netherlay, netherthrow, loss, licking
defeat vb netherlay, netherthrow, win against, overcome, beat, overrun, overwhelm, overthrow
defecate vb drite, shite (obscene)
defend vb bestand, ward
defenestrate vb

outwindowse (The suffix -se- from Old English -s-, as in "cleanse," is used to form verbs from nouns or adjectives)

throw out (the window)

defense n weir, warding
deficiency n shortcoming, lack, shorthood
deficient adj wanting, missing, lacking
deficit n shortfall, undermuch, undermuchhood
defile vb befile, besmite, andhallow, befoul, sully
define vb mark, nail-tailed, narrow, set out, mark off
deform vb misshape
deformed adj misshapen, crippled, ill-made, ill-shaped, misbegotten, twisted, thrawn
deformity n misshapenness
defragment vb cleave, misbreak
defraud vb swindle
defrost vb thaw
defy vb thwart, withstand, hold, dare
degrade vb bemean, nether, beneathen, bellowen
degree n mete, height, reach, rung, stair, stand, standing, strength
deicide vb godslaughter, godmurder
deify vb begod (att'd)
deity n god
Deism n Godtroth
delay n holdup, lag
delay vb forestall, stall, tarry
delete vb forwipe, calque of Latin de- (from, away) and -linere (to smear, to wipe)
deletion n forwiping
deliberate adj willful, meaningful
deliberate vb embthreed (<OE ymbþreodian)
deliberation n embthreeding (<OE ymbþreodung)
delicious adj belickly, licksome
delight n gladness, lust
delightful adj bewitching, witching, thrilling, enthralling, taking, lovely, fair, good, heavenly, winsome, dainty, toothsome
delirious adj bewildered, mind-wandering, dwale
delude vb mislead
deluge n flood, rainstorm, cloudburst, overflowing, drenching; "The Deluge" The Flood, Sinflood
delusion n misbelief
demeanour n jib
dementia n madness, mindloss
demilitarized adj unlandmighted
demise n hengang (< OE hingang, "a going hence, departure, death"; Cf. NHG Hingang, "death, demise")
democracy n folkship (<OE folkscipe)
demodulation n backrighting
demograph n folk outline
demolish vb tear down,
demolition n forspilling, wipeout, tear-down, downtear
demon n fiend, hellfiend, mare
demonstrate vb kithe, show, forshow, show-how
dendrite n


dendrochronology n

tree-ring-timetelling (loan-oversetting of Icel. trjáhringjatímatal), tree-ring-time-reckoning (Cf. NHG Zeitrechnung, 'Chronology')

denial n andsake
denigrate vb slight, belittle, beswart, blackwash, downcast
denigration n slighting, belittling
denote n betoken
dénouement n unravelling
dense adj thick, thight
dentist n toothleech (calque from Danish 'tandlæge', Icelandic 'tannlæknir'), toothsmith, toothdoctor
denude vb unclothe, downclothe, get naked, strip of clothes, strip naked
deny vb gainsay, naysay, withhold, asake, witherspeak
deodorant n missreeker, reekkiller
deoxyribonucleic acid n lifetwine
depart vb wite [past wote, ppt witten] (<OE wítan), afare, go away, leave, outfare, outgo, set off, set out, put forth
departing n & adj witing, afaring, outgoing, waygoing, outward-bound, outbound
department n offdealing, bedealing
depend vb hang on, rest on, trust in
dependance n onhangyness, offhangyness
dependent adj onhangy, onhangful, onhangsome
depict vb show
depreciate vb cheapen, lessen, underworthe, write off
depression n moodsink, blues, downer, downheartedness, glumness, woefulness, netherhithood (NHG niedergeschlagenheit), downhitness, moodlessness
deprivation n bereaving, loss, need
deprivation n want,
deprive (of) vb

anim [past anam, ppt anum] (<OE ániman)

astipe (<OE ástýpan)

atbraid [past atbrowd, ppt atbrowden] (<OE ætbregdan)

atdo [past atdid, ppt atdone] (<OE ætdón)

atnim [past atnam, ppt atnum] (<OE ætniman)

atthring [past atthrang, ppt atthrung] (<OE ætþringan)

bedeal (<OE bedǽlan)

bedreese [past bedrose, ppt bedrorn] (<OE bedréosan)

befall [past befell, ppt befallen] (<OE befeallan)

~ of property befee (<OE beféon)

(fig.) begrind [past beground, ppt beground(en)] (<OE begrindan "grind, polish, sharpen; deprive of")

(fig.) behew [past beheow, ppt behewn] (<OE behéawan "cut, chop; deprive of")

belithe (<OE behlýðan)

belithe [past belothe, ppt belithen] (<OE belíðan)

beneam (<OE benǽman)

beneet [past benote, ppt benoten] (<OE benéotan)

benim [past benam, ppt benum] (<OE beniman), benumb

berede (<OE berǽdan)

bereave (att'd <OE beréafian)

bereeve [past berove, ppt beroven] (<OE beréofan)

berive (<OE berýfan)

beshere (<OE bescerian/bescierian)

besnith (<OE besnyð(ð)an)

besteal [past bestole, ppt bestolen] (<OE bestelan)

fornim [past fornam, ppt fornum] (<OE forniman)

forsteal [past forstole, ppt forstolen] (<OE forstelan)

oththring [past oththrang, ppt oththrung] (<OE oþþringan)

step (<OE stíepan, cf. steprelatives)


unshride (<OE unscrýdan "to undress, strip, deprive," cf. shroud)

witherledge (<OE wiðerlǽcan)

wome (<OE woman)

ystride (<OE gestrýdan)

ytweve (<OE getwǽfan)

ywome (<OE gewoman)

deracinate vb uproot
deranged adj crazed, mad, moonstruck, wood
deregulation n [rule]lessening
derive vb come from, bring from, spring from, stem from, draw off from
dermatology n hidelore, skinlore
dermis n skin, hide, rind, hackle
descend vb fall, come down, slope, bear
descendent n offshoot, offspring, afterbear(by analogy to forebear), aftercomer, afterling(from O.E.)
descent n downcoming, downgoing
describe vb bewrite (NHG beschreiben), tell of, speak of, outline, set forth, set out, inword
description n bewriting, tale, inwording, drawing
desecrate vb unhallow
desert vb forsake
desert n unland, dustbowl,wilderness, wasteland, sandland, sandiland, wasteland, waterless feld, thirstland
deserving adj worthy
design vb lay out, draft, outline, set out
design n layout, draft, outline
designate vb betoken (att'd <OE betácnian), kennshow, earmark, mark, show, call, name, dub, nickname, choose
desinfectant n misstainer
desire vb crave, wish, lust, yearn, long, hanker (for, after), list
desirous adj lief
desolate adj only-ed off, lonely, alone, friendless
despair n hopelessness, wanhope
desperate adj shakeneedy, hopeless, forlorn
despondency n atsprungness (<OE ætsprungnes)
despise vb forhate (<Norwegian forhatt), behate, loathe, spurn
despite prep notwithstanding
dessert n afters, pudding, sweet
destine vb tee, set up to happen
destiny n lot
destroy vb fordo, forspill, forlese (past -lore, pp. -lorn), smite, wreck, wrack, wipe out, tear down, towarp (<toweorp)
destroyed adj fordone, forlesed, wrecked, torn, torn down, smited, smote
destroyer n fordoer, foreleser, wrecker, smiter
destruction vb fordoing, forlesing, smiting, wrecking, wracking, tearing, tearing down
detail n tinymark
detective n sleuth, bloodhound
deteriorate vb worsen, get worse
determine vb settle, set, lay down, underdraw off
detest vb hate, loathe
detrimental n harmful, scatheful
devalue vb downworthen
develop vb grow, build, unfold, unwrap
developed, poorly adj wan-thriven
development n becoming, unfolding, growth, blooming, blossoming, futhering, spreading, unfolding, upshot, upbuilding
developmental adj becomesome, growthsome, building, building up, flowering, greatening, outgrowing, raising, readying, futhering, upgrowing, unfolding, waxing
Devil name Hell King, Light Bringer, Morning Star
devious adj underhand
devolve vb wend into, hand over
devote vb betake
devour vb eat, eat up, fret, fret up, gobble up, wolf down, forswallow (<OE forswelgan)
dexterity n deftness, sleight, handcleverness
dexterous adj deft, handskillful, handcrafty
diabolic n devilish
diacritic n tittle
diafragma n midrif
diagonal adj aslant, slanted, slanting, sloped, sloping, aslope
dialect n byleid
diameter n straightspan, circlewidth
diameter, inner n bore
diameter, outer n girth
diamond n hardore, hardestore, hardorestuff, hardestorestuff
diaphanous adj sheer
diarrhoea n skitter, the runs
diary n daybook
diaspora n forspliting, the wanderings, spreading out of, the earth-walking of
dictator n overlord
dictatorship n overlordship
dictionary n wordbook
diet n food, fare
difference n unlikeness, anotherness, undershed (NHG Untershied)
different adj unlike, unsame, missen (<OE missen)
different adv other, otherwise
differently adv otherwise
difficult adj hard, tough, unyielding, burdensome
diffident adj shy
digit n finger, toe
digital adj scorely
dignity n worth, selfworth
digress n umbsweep (<OE ymbswæpe)
dilapidated adj tumbledown
dilate v abreed
diligence n hard work, graft, carefulness, business
diligent adj hardworking, careful
diligently adv hardworkingly, graftily, carefully, busily, narrowly
diminish vb lessen, lower, wane, dwindle, dwine, fordwine
diminutive adj tiny, ,impish, small, little
diminutive suffix let
dimorphism n twayshapenness.
diningroom n buttern (OE beotern - table-room.)
dinner n supper
dinosaur n bulkwight, forebird
diocese n bishopric, bishopshire
diploma n lore sickernote
direct adj rode, straight, straightforward, unbending, head-on, forthright, open, outspoken,
direct vb lead, steer, wees (OE wisian), beward, beright, right
direction n wending, warding, wardedness (backmade from -ward in toward, backward etc.)
(adverbially) -ward: sameward, "in the same direction," otherward, "in the other direction"
directory n map, [file]list
dis- pref mis-, and- (<OE and-, cf. NHG ent-)
disarm vb andweapon (cf. NHG entwaffnen)
discard vb get rid of, deep-six
disciple n loreknight (<OE larcniht)
discredit vb smirch
disable vb cripple, afounder, to make lame
disabled adj handicapped, lame, halt
disadvantage n drawback, downside
disadvantaged adj handicapped, hindered
disappear vb unkythe, unsighten, fordwindle, show away
disappoint vb sadden, let down, balk, cast down, hinder, thwart
disarm vb unweapon
disarrange vb rumple, tousle
disaster n harrow-hap, great loss, ill-hap, mother earth's wrath, banefall, banespill, baneburst, banestrike, grimming
disastrous adj baneful, deadly, dreadful, black, hapless, harmful, doomfull, wrackful
discard vb throw away, ditch
discharge vb andload (cf. NHG entladen)
discipline n tought, learnship
discipline vb betoughten, toughten
disclose vb bare, show, tell
disconcerting adj offputting, upsetting
discontinue vb end
discount n falloff (c.f. Ic. af-fall)
discourse n wordling/wordering (<OE wordlung/*wordrung, cf. wordrian), talk, speech
discourse, area of n wordlingbereach (wordling [see above] + bereach, cf. NHG Diskursbereich)
discourse vb wordle/worder (<OE wordlian/wordrian), talk, speak
discover vb & phr anddeck, onfind, find, come upon, happen upon, beget, behold, bring to light, ken, get hold of, get wise to, see, witness, learn of. hear of,
discovery n anddecking, onfind, finding
discriminate n treat unjustly
discuss vb talk anent, talk over, talk through
disease n addle, cothe, sickness, illness, wanhaleness
disease, skin n tetter
disfigure vb mar, misshape
disgrace n & vb shame, shend
disgusting adj loathely, wlatsome, foul, pukening,gruesome, ghastly, rank
dish n bowl, flatbowl
dishevel vb tousle, rumple, tangle
disheveled adj tousled, thrummy
disinclined adj loath
disinfect vb unsmittle
disinfectant adj unsmittlesome
disinfectant n unsmittler
disk n shife (cf. Du. shijf, NHG Scheibe), round, flat
dislike vb mislike
dismember vb alithe, andlimb
dismiss vb snub, slight, sack, fire
disobedient adj unhold, unhearsome, hardheaded, stubborn, wayward
disordered adj unsided, throughanother
disperse vb scatter, spread, strew, todrive, tofare
displace vb unord, uproot
display n reading window
displease vb weary, irk athreet [past athrote, ppt athrotten] (<OE aþreótan)
disposable adj throwaway
disposal n deep-six
disprove vb belie
dispute vb call out against, moot, belie, half-believe
disqualify vb unfit
disregard vb overlook, forheed
disruption n upheaval
dissect vb cut up
dissemble v atlike
dissolution n breakup
dissonance n pitchclash
distance n span, stretch, farness
distant adj aferron, far, faraway, far off,
distant2 adj aloof, standoffish,
distilate n of-burn, forsteam
distort vb bewray, twist, throw, warp
distract vb offmind, link off, misdraw, misdrag, mislead, bewilder, unsettle, to-draw, to-drag
distracted adj offminded, linked off, to-drawn, misdrawn, of-drawn, of-lead
distraught adj woeful, awondered, amazed
distress vb harry, harrow, unfrith, to-slite, to-tear
distribute vb deal out, hand out, give out, fordeal, bedeal, of-give, out-mete, share, brit (OE, bryttian)
distribution n fordealing, bedealing, out-meting, of-giving, forspreading, outdealing, dealing-out, spread
district n shire, riding, leet, -wick, wike, stretch
distrust vb forthink, mistrust
disturb vb stir,dreef (OE dréfan)
disturbance n roughhouse, stirring, dreefing, dreep-hap
diurnal adj daily, dayish
diverse adj manifold, sundry, manikind
divert n of-lead,
divide n split, gap
divide vb cleave, shed, split, sunder, share, of-mete, to-tweem (OE to-twaémen), deal
divination n weedgle
divine adj godly, holy, weedgly
divinity n holiness, godhood
division n cleaving, splitting, tweeming, to-tweeming, shedding, sundering
divorce n wedcleave, wedcleaving, wedlockcleave, wedlockcleaving
docile adj meek
doctor, medical n healer, healthsmith, leech
document n writ, wrote, iwrit
dogma n beliefteaching
doll n mennishtoy
dolphin n tumbler (German: Tümmler)
domain n lorddom
domestic vb homeland (politics), house, household, every-day
domesticate vb tame, houseteach, houserede
dominate vb overweigh, (lord it over), (have the say), (have clout), (keep down), (keep under), lead, (have might over), (have sway over), enthrall, bestride, top, outtop, overtop, (rise above), own
donate vb bestow, give, overgive, yield
donation n gift, yeld
doppelgänger n look-alike, evil look-alike, ill-boding look-alike
dormant adj sleeping, drousing
dormitory n sleepstow, bedroom
dorsal adj back
dosage n muchness
double n twosome, twin
double vb twicen, twicefold, twofold
double stack adj two-row, staggered
doubt n qualm, twining, unbelief, fear, dread, misgivings, wonder, ink (<OE inca; ME inke)
douse vb drench
dozen adj twelve
dozen fig tens
draconian adj draconish, harsh, rough
dragon n drake
dragonfly n Adder-fly, adderbolt
dramatic adj lively, startling, bustling, uproarish, striking, stirring, quickening, thrilling, overdone, underplayed,
dramatist n playwright
dress n bodyskirt, fullskirt, long skirt
dress vb clothe, trim, ready, don, doff, agraith
dual adj twin, twofold
dub vb name, call
dubious adj & phr hard to believe, of two minds, fickle, dark, shifty, ill-gotten, trustless, untrustworthy,unsettled
duchy n aldermanry, hertogdom
due adj owing
duel n twifight, twistruggle
duet n twising
dugong n seacow
duke n alderman (cf. OE ealdorman), hertog (cf. Du. hertog, NHG Herzog)
dunce n mouth breather
dune n sandhill
during prep throughout, bewhile
Dutch adj Netherlandish, Hollandish
Dutchman n Netherlander, Hollander
duvet n bedspread, eiderdown
dynamic n bewayfull, snell
dynasty n erverike
dysentery n redfever
dysfunctional adj unworking, badworking
dyslexic n

