The Anglish Moot

Staff E of the English Wordbook.


eager adj keen, hungry
ease vb allay
easy adj soft
ebony adj & n black, blackwood
ebullition n outburst, flare-up, blowup
ecclesiastical adj churchly, church
economics n wealthlore
economy n landgeld
edible adj eatable, eatbear
educate vb teach
educated adj learned
education n learning, teaching
effort n work, tew
ego n I, pride
egotism n selflove
egregious adj outstanding
egressive adj outflowing
elaborate adj overwrought
electricity n wattflow, thunderflow, thundermight, thundersprack, ghostfire, lecky
elevate vb hoist, lift, heave up, raise
elevator n lift
elongate vb lengthen
email vb wirewrite, thundersend
email n wirewrit, thunderwrit
embrace vb hug, beclip, umgripe
embroidery n needlework, needlecraft
embryo n wightbloom
emerge vb arise, unwhelm, forthcome
emigrate vb outwander
emigration n outwandering
emotion n feeling
emphasize vb underscore
employ vb hire
employee n underling, worker, underworker, staff
employer n hirer
employment n work
en- pref um(be)-
encircle vb beclip, beset
enchant vb spellbind
enclose vb umfold, shut in, hem
enclosure n haw, paddock, field, yard
encumber vb burden, hinder
encumbrance n burden, hindering
encyclopedia n wisdombook
endeavour vb undertake, seek
endeavour n undertaking, ettle
endure vb undergo, dree, withstand
enemy n foe
enervate vb weaken, unsettle, faze
engaged adj betrothed
en mass adv in bulk
en route phrase on way
ensue vb follow
enter vb go into, come into, begin
enter(data entry) vb input
enterprise n undertaking
entirely adv outright
entrance n way in, ingang
ensnare vb swarl
envelop vb overspread, bewrap
envelope n overspread, errandwritholder
environment n lifescape
envision vb foresee, mindsee
ephemeral adj fleeting, short-lived
equal adj even
equal n match
equality n evenhood, evenness
equate vb liken
equip vb be-gear, graith, bedight, outfit
equipment n gear, graith
equivalent adj crossmatching, worthwhile
equivalent n crossmatch, match
era n timestretch, time, world
erect n upright
erection n hardon, uprighting, building
erotic adj lewd, kinky
eruption n outbreak
especially adv moreso, above all, mainly
establish vb build, begin, settle
estimate vb & n guess, forecast
estuary n firth
esurient adj hungry, greedy
et al(ia) phr and others
et cetera phr and so on, and the like, and others, and so forth
eternal adj everlasting
ethnic minority n outlandish fellowship
etymology n truewordlore, wordbirthlore, sothwudlore
evade vb dodge
event n happening
eventually adv in time
evolve vb unfold, grow
example n lodestar, loadstar
example (for) n thus
exaptation n kludging
exceed vb overtake, overshoot, outstrip
exception n standout
excessive adj overmuch
exchange vb swap
exclude vb outshut
excoriate vb chide
excrement n keich
excuse vb forgive
ex– prefix former, erstwhile
exaggerate vb overplay, overdo
exaggeration n overblowing, whid
exhaust vb overwork, wear out, forspend, tire
exile vb & n outcast
exist vb be
existence n being
exit n way out, outgang
exotic vb outlandish
expand vb swell, spread
expanse n spread
expedition n ladenfare
expel vb drive out, outcast, throw out
expenditure(s) n outgoing(s)
expensive adj dear
experience vb undergo
expertise n know-how
explain vb tell thoroughly of
exploit vb overwork
expose vb bare
expulsion n outcast, driving out, throwing out
extend vb lengthen, outstretch, stretch; ~ for span
extent n length, breadth
exterior adj outer
exterior n outside
exterminate vb wipe out, kill all
external adj outward, outer
extinguish vb Douse, dout, put out
extraordinary adj amazing, geason
extra adj spare, more
extra time n overtime
extrovert adj outgoing
