The Anglish Moot

Staff G of the English Wordbook.

Basic abbreviations:

  • OE = Old English
  • ME = Middle English
  • SC = Scots
  • WF = West Frish
  • NF = North Frish
  • SF = Saterlandish Frish
  • WLG = West Low Theech
  • ELG = East Low Theech
  • NL = Netherlandish
  • NHG = New High Theech
  • IC = Icelandish
  • HIC = High Icelandish
  • NO = Nornish
  • SW = Swedish
  • DN = Danish
  • MLG = Middle Low Theech
  • MNL = Middle Netherlandish
  • MHG = Middle High Theech
  • OF = Old Frish
  • OS = Old Saxish
  • OHG = Old High Theech
  • ON = Old Norse
  • GO = Gottish
  • PWG = Or-West-Theedish
  • PG = Or-Theedish

For a full list of etymological and other abbreviations used in these wordlists, see: Offshortenings.


Chancery English Class Anglish/English
Attested Unattested
gabbling adj babbling tungy, gossipy
galactose n - brainsweet
galaxy n spiral: starswirl; Milky Way starset
galleon n - fleetship, oarsteed
gallery n hallway, hall, room(s) crafthall, Roufrithsoned Engliſh: bilithry
galley n


cookroom; oarship
gallium n - frankstuff
garage n - roadhut, wainhold, wainshed, wagonshed
garden n grove, (green)yard wortyard (< OE wyrtgeard) wortton
gardener n green thumb, handyman grover, wortward
gargle vb gurgle (cf. NHG gurgeln)
gargoyle n - waterspewer (cf. NHG Wasserspeier; Du. waterspuwer)
garland n wreath, helm bee
garments n clothes, cladding, wearing, clothing -
garrulous adj long-winded, wordiness, talksome, wordy -
gas n wind loft
gash n - dolk (O.E.)
gastrolith n - mawstone
gay adj blithe, blithesome, blissful, blissome, merry, happy samekindloving, samekindlover; fellowbedder
gazebo n summerhouse openhouse, walless house
gecko n - leather athex (< OE hléoðor 'sound voice song-hearing')
gelatin n - foodstickler (Icelandic:Matarlím;lit:"food glue")
gem n stone hurst (< OE hyrst), arkenstone (<OE eorcnanstān), athelstone (calque)
gender n - asleye (< "a-" + ME "sleye" cf. NHG Geschlecht, Du geslacht)

hade (from Old English hād, from Proto-Germanic *haiduz (“appearance, kind”)

gene n - kinth, shedling
genealogy n birth, blood line, breeding, stock

folktale (< OE folctalu), kinreckonness (< OE cynnreccennes), kinlore, elderlore, forelderlore

general n - hereteme (<OE heretēma) pl: heretemen (<OE heretēman), fyrdlord, lattew (<OE latteow), hereleader (cf. NHG Heerführer)
general adj whole; broad, overall, rough, widespread ally (<OE eallic), armen (<OE eormen), mean (<OE mæn), kindly, kinly
generality n the whole; breadth meanliness (<OE gemǽnelicnes)
generally adv broadly, mainly, mostly, on the whole, overall; roughly; widely; by and stour meanly
generate vb make, give rise to; beget, breed -
generation n time, days, lifetime, span; wave, crop, batch; breeding, begetting strind, breedstock, kith-end (Scots), kneeris (<OE cnēoris) pl:  kneerisse (<cnēorissa)
generic adj wide, sweeping, broad-brush, overall -
generous adj kind, openhanded, giving givle (<OE gifol)
generously adv kindly, handsomely, freely gively
genesis n beginning, start -
genetics n - kinthlore, kindlore
genial adj mellow, nice, sweet; hail-fellow-well-met, hearty, matey, neighbourly, warm-hearted; mild, soft lithe
genie n - wishghost
genitive case n - owningly (<OE agniendlic), whosefall (refer to German "Wesfall/Wessenfall")
genius n brain; brainwright, head, knack; leaning. 2, brainmight wittle
genocide n - kinslaughter, folkslaughter, bulkslaughter, folkmurth
genome n bequest, growthplot -
gentle adj light, mellow, mild, soft, soothing smolt, lithe (<OE līþe), blithe (<OE blīþe)
gentleman n lord; fellow athelman, hire (cf. Du. heer, Sw. herre)
genuflect vb kneel, kneebow, kneebend -
genuine adj sound, true, sterling; heartfelt, earnest; straightforward, upfront eahaft/eaght (<NHG echt)
geography n landscape

earthlore (cf. NHG Erdkunde), landfrod (cf. Ic. landafræði)

geology n - earthfrod (cf. Ic. jarðfræði), earthcraft (<OE eorþcræft)
geometry n - shapelore, nooklore, landmete, earthcraft (<OE eorþcræft)
geostationary adj - sporfixed
geothermal adj - earthwarmed
geranium n cranesbill -
gerbil n - leaprat
geriatric n long-lived, over-the-hill forolden
germ n bug(colloqial) buggle (bug+le)
German adj Deutsch Theech/Thech, Dutch, High Theech/High Dutch (see German Hochdeutsch)
Germanic adj Germanish Theedish/Thedish (cf. OE Þeodisc)
germanium n - theedstuff
Germany n - Theechland, Dutchland, Theedland, Teutonland
germinate vb bud, sprout, shoot, blossom, burst forth, grow up, put forth, take root, spring up -
gestational adj bearingly, bearingsome -
gesture n/vb beckon, flag, wave shrithing; hoveliness
gesundheit n bless you -
giant n - ettin, ent (<OE)
gigantic adj - entish (<OE entisc)
gigannum (a billion years) n trisandyear
gimlet n auger -
gingiva n gum, teeth('s) flesh -
gingko n - maidenhairwood (cf. NHG Mädchenhaarbaum), maidenhair (tree)
giraffe n - reachneck, olfhorse/olvendhorse (calque Af. kameelperd)
give (only overset if getting rid of ON words too) n - yive
glacial adj icy, biting, cold, freezing, raw, chill, frosty -
glacier n - icklehead (<OE gicel)

icebarrow (<Du. ijsberg)

global adj worldwide, broad-brush, overall -
globalization n - oneworldness, worldspanning, beworlding
globe n world, earth worldball (cf. Du. wereldbol), earthkuggle (cf. NHG Erdkugel)
glorious adj bright, shining; wonderful, heavenly

arsome, merthly, wuldersome, thrymfast (<OE þrymfæst), hoarly (cf. NHG herrlich) (see Eng. hoar), woldry (<OE wuldriġ)

glory n -

oar (<OE ár), merth (<OE mærþ), wulder (<OE wuldor), reeth (<OE hrēþ)

in war: ashtire (<OE æsctīr)

glucose n - mustsweet
glue vb stick, fix, seal, fasten, lock

clithe (cf. OE cliða)

glue n lime, sticker, stickiness, lock -
gluttony n greed fill
glycerine n - sweetlime
glycogeen n - sinewsweet
gnome n elf, dwarf, manikin, ghost, fiend -
goblin n kobold covold (cf. NHG Kobolt -> Koben (cove) + Holt (hold)), puckle
goddess n - goddin/gidden (<OE gyden)
godparent n godfather, godmother godsib, godelder
goitre n - swellthroat
go on an expedition phr - fierd (<OE fierdian)
gorilla n - brawnape
gossamer adj thin, flimsy -
gout n footadle (<OE fōtādl)
govern vb lead, hold sway over rede, sway (arch), steer, rike
governor n reeve; head, leader helmsman, highthane, folk leader
government n oversight, stewardship, leadership reevedom; steerdom, lawmoot, redeship, ledeward (<OE léodweard), elderdom (<German:Altertum), stjorn (Icelandic:stjórn), steerwist (<OE stieran, "to steer, guide (a vessel), direct" + <OE -wist, "-ance, -ence, a suffix indicating being, state, condition")

steerwield, steerwald (<OE stieran + <OE wealdan, "to control, rule, manage")

GPS n earth-finder

WSF (Worldwide Steadfinding Framework); steadfinder (i.e. the device)

grace n meed; kindness; handsomeness

are ("ay-r" ety. 2), est, held (<OE), lity (OE wlitig)

giveness (<OE gifnes), hoveliness; frith (OED)

grace vb - beare (calque of NHG beehren)
gracious adj sweet, well-bread, mannerly, arely; heldsome, open-handed, hende
gradual adj steady, even, unhurried -
gradually adv step by step, little by little, bit by bit, steply, stepwise stepmeal (<OE stæpmælum)
grain n corn -
grallatores n waders -
gram n bit
grammar n - speechcraft, staffcraft (<OE stæfcræft), wordlaw
gramophone n - trindplayer (cf. Du. platenspeler, NHG Plattenspieler)
grand adj great, lofty, lordly swith good
grandeur n greatness
grandfather n - eldfather (<OE ealdfæder)
grandiloquent adj - speakle
grandiose adj

proud; high-handed, lah-di-dah

grandmother n - greatmother, foremother, eldmother (<OE ealdmodor)
granite n - moorstone
grant vb give, bestow yive (cf. ME to give, twin word of give)
grape n - droove (cf. Du. 'druif', NHG 'Traube'), wineberry
graphic n spelled out bilthish (calque from Yiddish "bilderish")
graphics tablet n drawing pad, writing pad -
graphite n lead writstone
grateful adj thankful queme, thankle
gratitude n thank, thankfulness -
gratuitous adj free; needless, groundless, uncalled-for -
gravity n earnestness, heftiness, heaviness, weightfulness


physics: weightpull, sweercraft (calque of NHG Schwerkraft, Du. zwaartekracht)

great suffering n - harmquale (<OE hearmcwalu) pl: harmquale (<OE hearmcwala)
grenade n - springapple
gridiron n - bakering
grief n ruth, heartache, sorrow -
grieve vb rue, weep, mourn, sorrow, bemoan -
grievous adj sorrowful
grill vb/n roast
grocer n -greenmonger
groin n lisk -
group n thede, fay, athering, crowd, team, gang, cluster, crop, flock, set, shoal samming (<OE samnung, cf. Eng. sam (ety. 2))
gruel n - watermush
grume n clot -
guano n dung batshit
guarantee vb/n ice; n: bond, deal weir (OE 'fence, enclosure')
munding (OE mund 'hand palm, trust')
guard v watch for, shield, shelter; ward off bewatch (Eng., cf. NHG bewachen)
guardian n keeper, warden, warder, ward holdand, swinward
guava n - pearberry, wava
guerilla n - warrock (PG *warrō (strife, conflict) + *ukaz (diminutive suffix), OE wyrruc, OHG Werrih, NHG Wirrich)
guide (ultimately from Germanic language, but thorugh Old French) vb/n show the way, lead(er), steer wise(r) (Eng. dialectal) (cf. NHG Weisen, O.Frank. witan)
guillotine vb/n headcutter bladefaller, Guillotin's deathrig (the Guillotine was named after the man who invented it), swiftkiller, beheading tool, Wilhelm's deathrig (Guillotin is a form of Wilhelm)
guitar n - harpfiddle
guerrilla n - blast uprising, bushwhacking, bushfighting
guinea pig n - seapig (cf. Norw. "marsvin"), gnawpig (cf. Ic. "nuggrís"), cavy (Galibi "cabiai ")
gulf n bight, cove Meerbusen (German)
gullet n throat, craw, maw -
gully n draw (shallow) -
gulp (From English imitative or Flemish or Dutch (prob imitative) source) vb - overswallow
gunpowder n - gundust, blackdust (cf. Eng. black powder)
guy n fellow; man, boy, knave fellow-bedder, man-lover (guy = “homosexual”)
gynoid n - womanhue, shehue (cf. Greek gune 'woman' and oeidēs 'hue' (<OE hiw))
gynoid adj womanly, ladylike -
gyroscope n - shiftop, ringwatcher