The Anglish Moot

Staff H of the English Wordbook.

Basic abbreviations: att'd=attested, OE=Old English, NHG=New High German, Du.=Dutch

For a full list of etymological and other abbreviations used in these wordlists, see Forshortenings.


haberdasher n smallwaresdealer
habit n wont, wone
háček n hooklet
hadron n strongmote
hagiography n holylore
hallucination n offshinnen (cf. Icelandish ofskynjun)
(visual) offsight
(auditory) offhearing
halt n stint
hamlet n thorpe
happiness n bliss, blithe, gladness, glee, eadiness, eadith
happy n blissful, gleeful, blithesome, gladsome, winesome, bittersweet, uneadiness
harass vb harry, bother, stalk, taw
harmony n

est (<OE est)
evenheart(ness) (<OE efenheorte/-nes)
evenleether (<OE efenhleaðor)
leethering (<OE hleoðrung)
sway (<OE sweg)
swinsing (<OE swinsung)

harness vb inspan
hashish n hemp[resin]
haste n speed
haste vb speed
haunt vb linger, hound, stalk
headphones n headset, earspeakers
hectare n hundreder
heir n erve [pl erven] (<OE ierfa, cf. NHG der Erbe), aftergoer, hand-down, afterganger, earfnimmer, earfward
helicopter n bladewing (airship), whirlwing, spinning-vanes, twistedfeather (calque)
helios n sun, god's beacon, day's eye, day's candle, giver of warmth
helix n writhe, twist
helix, double n twofold writhe
helmet n helm
hemoglobin n bloodred, bloodball
hemotoxin n bloodbane
hen coop n henhouse
hepatitis n liver-sickness
herb n grass, wort, plant
herbicide n weedkiller
herbivorous adj wort-eating, grass-eating, plant-eating
herbivore n grass-eater, wort-eater, plant-eater
heresy n dwild (<OE dwild), misbelief, irrbelief, selfwillness, false godly thought(s), godly untruth(s), godly untruthfulness, false-god learning, godkind wrongness
heritage n erve (<OE ierfe, cf. NHG das Erbe), bequeathship, bequesting, inborn gift, handing down, coming from
hermaphrodite n beddle, newhalf, scrat, scrit, manwoman
hermit n loner, away-being, lonesettler (cf. NHG Einsielder)
hero n heleth (cf. OE hæleð, NHG Held), seldman (cf OE seld‐guma, guma=man)
heroine n helethin
herpes n tetter
hesitate vb dither, swither
heterogen adj unlikekinded
heterosexual adj otherkindloving, goutswiven, straight, straightswiving
hiatus n gap, break
hibernate vb wintersleep, winter
hibiscus n rosemellow
hick n redneck
hicksville n backtown
hideous adj ugly
hippopotamus n necker (<OE nicor "hippopotamus, water monster, neck, nixie, nix"), waterpig, waterhog, waterswine
histology n webcellcraft
history n yore, yorelore (topic), olds, eretide
hodiernal adj of this day, belonging to now, nowadays
holocaust n all-fire, forburning, whole-fire, baledom, banedom, balefire deathfire, fire-wrack, hell, earthly hell, hellburn, hell on earth, all-slaught, great slaughter, bloodbath, woedom,
hologram n whole picture
homicidal adj death-doing, kill-lust
Holy Innocents Day n Childermas
homily n lorespell (OE lárspell), teaching-spell
homocide n manslaughter, murder
homogenous adj kindred, stemling, stemsharing
homophobia n queermisfear, queermisdread
homophobic adj queermisdreaded
homosexual adj samekindloving (cf. Is. samkynhneigðra), inswiven, gay, inswiving
honest adj truthful, upright
honesty n truthfulness
hono(u)r n

ore (<OE ár)

doomworthing (<OE dómweorðung)

gleng (<OE gleng)

indright (<OE indryhtu)

mearness (<OE mǽrnes)

thinkth (<OE þyncðu)

tire (<OE tír)

worthfulness (<OE weorþfulnes)

worthing (<OE weorðung)

worthliness (<OE weorþlicnes)

worthmind (<OE weorþmynd)

worthness (<OE weorþnes)

worthship (<OE weorþscipe)


hono(ur), seat of n

thrimseld (<OE þrymseld)

thrimsettle (<OE þrymsetl)

hono(u)r, special n sunderworthing (<OE sundorweorðung)
hono(u)r vb

mather (<OE mǽðrian)

mear (<OE mǽran)

mearse (<OE mǽrsian)

o(u)ver (<OE uferian)

stepe (<OE stépan)

ybreme (<OE gebréman)

ymedem (<OE gemedemian)

ymether (<OE geméðrian)

yore (<OE geárian)

yoreworth (<OE geárweorðian)

yo(u)ver (<OE geuferian)

hono(u)rable adj oreworth
hooligan n rough neck
horde n throng, teeming throng
horizon n skyline
horizontal adj flatways, flatwise, warp
hormone adj spur
horology n clocklore
horrible adj awful, dreadful, fearful, frightful, ghastly, grim, grisly, gruesome, bloodcurdling, hair-raising
horror n affright, dread, fear, fearfulness, fright, grir
horticulture n wortcraft
hospital n sickhouse
hospitality n guestkindiness, guestliness
hostage n haftling
hostile adj unfriendly, foesome
hostility n wrath, anger, foehood, unfriendliness
hotel n guesthouse, inn
hour n stound, tide
house of prayer n bidhouse
huge adj great
hullabaloo n uproar
human n mennish (<OE mennisc, cf. NHG Mensch), man, earthling, wordling, soul, wer
human adj mennishly (<OE mennisclic, cf. NHG menschlich), man, mennish/mensh (<OE mennisc), manlike, warm-hearted, kind-hearted, werish
humanity n mennish (<OE mennisc, cf. NHG Mensch), mennishliness (<OE mennisclicnes), mennishness (<OE menniscnes), mankind (att'd), ermenkin (<OE eormencynn), werdom
humanize vb manthware (<OE gemanþwærian)
humble adj meek, lowly, lowlayly
humerus n arm-bone
humid adj dank, damp, sweltry, sticky
humiliate vb heen (OE hienan), neeg (OE hnaégan)
humiliation n shame, lowlaygening, downcome, downfall
humility n mildness, lowlayth, selflessness, lamblikeness, tameness, sackclothness
humourous adj funny, witty
hurricane n Whirlstorm (calque N.H.D)
hurt vb harm
hushed adj whisper-soft
hyacinth n bluegemrose
hybrid n crossbreed, mongrel, mixed-forebearhood
hydraulic adj waterwork, wetwork
hydraulics n waterworks
hydrogen n waterstuff
hydrophobia n misfear of water
hyena n laughwolf
hymn n lofesong (OE lof, NHG lobgesang), praise song
hymnal n lofesong-book (NHG gesangbuch), song-book
hyperlink n webshackle, overshackle
hyperon n overmote
hypertense adj overtaut
hyphen n dash
hypnotise vb brainwash
hypocrite n twiwayer, faker, liar,
hypocrisy n twiways