Staff H of the English Wordbook.
Basic abbreviations:
- OE = Old English
- ME = Middle English
- SC = Scots
- WF = West Frish
- NF = North Frish
- SF = Saterlandish Frish
- WLG = West Low Theech
- ELG = East Low Theech
- NL = Netherlandish
- NHG = New High Theech
- IC = Icelandish
- HIC = High Icelandish
- NO = Nornish
- SW = Swedish
- DN = Danish
- MLG = Middle Low Theech
- MNL = Middle Netherlandish
- MHG = Middle High Theech
- OF = Old Frish
- OS = Old Saxish
- OHG = Old High Theech
- ON = Old Norse
- GO = Gottish
- PWG = Or-West-Theedish
- PG = Or-Theedish
For a full list of etymological and other abbreviations used in these wordlists, see: Offshortenings.
Staffs under English Wordbook/H:
Ha Hb Hc Hd
He Hf Hg Hh
Hi Hj Hk Hl Hm Hn Ho Hp Hq Hr Hs Ht Hu Hv
Hw Hx Hy Hz
*Note: If you click on one of the links above, and nothing happens, then that means no words have been put forth for that bookstaff as of yet.
Chancery English |
Class | Anglish/English | ||
Attested | Unattested | |||
Ha[] | ||||
habit | n | trend, wont, wone, thew, wontedness | wonehood (calque of NHG Gewohnheit), rote (<ME, origin unknown) | |
háček | n | - | hookling | |
hadron | n | - | strongmote | |
hafnium | n | - | havenshaft | |
hagiography | n | - | holilore, hallowlore | |
hallelujah | interj | - | herrigod, herriya (calque of Ebrish) | |
halo | n | - | headtrift | |
halophile | n | salt-loving, salt-friendly | - | |
hallucination | n | - | dwimmer (<OE dwimor), smoke and glass | |
hamate bone | n | - | hookbone | |
hammock | n | hangmat | - | |
hamlet | n | hem, thorpe/thorp/dorp, wick, town, whistle-stop | hemling, ham | |
haptic suit (VR) | n | - | aped handling, handlewear | |
harass | vb | harry, bother, stalk, taw, harrow | - | |
harmonica | n | mouth harp | - | |
harmony | n | bond, overlay, like-mindedness, togetherness |
eest (<OE ēst), evenheartness (<OE efenheortnes) | |
harness | vb | inspan | - | |
harpsichord | n | - | harpstring | |
harpy eagle | n | - | king's hawk (calque of Portuguese gavião-real) | |
hashish | n | - | hemptar | |
haste | n | speed | hight (<ME highthe), ovest (<OE ōfost), snellness | |
haunt | vb | hound, stalk, ghost, lurk | - | |
have in common | vb | share | evendeal (<OE efengedǽlan) | |
hazard | n | worry(some), gamble(some) | - | |
hazardous | adj | worrisome, gamblesome, plightful, untrustworthy | - | |
hazmat suit | n | gamble(some) anwork evenwear, plightful anwork evenwear, untrustworthy anwork evenwear, worrisome anwork evenwear | - | |
He[] | ||||
headphone(s) | n | headset, earspeaker(s) | headspeaker, headswan, earset, earswan | |
hectare | n | - | hundreder | |
hearse | n | - | bodycart, lichwain | |
heir | n | - | erf (<OE ierfa, cf. NHG Erb), ever (<OE eafora) | |
heiress | n | - | erven, everen | |
heirless | adj | - | erfless, everless | |
heirloom | n | - | erfloom, erflove (<OE irfelāf; rhymes with grove) | |
Heisei | n | - | Everfrith, Everbliss | |
helicopter | n | eggbeater, whirlybird | bladewing (airship), whirlwing, spinning-vanes thyrl (<IC), liftspinner (cf. NHG Hubschrauber) | |
helicopter parent | n | - | smother-mother, smother-father | |
heliology | n | sunlore | ||
heliotrope | n | - | silewharve ( <OE sigelhweorfe) | |
helium | n | - | sunshaft | |
helix | n | writhe, twist | double: twofold writhe | |
helmet | n | helm | grime, beadgrime | |
hemi- | pref | half-, sam-, sand-, some- | - | |
hemicircle | n | - | halfring, samring | |
hemisphere | n | - | halfball | |
hen coop | n | henhouse | - | |
hepatitis | n | liver-sickness | - | |
heptagon | n | - | sevenside | |
herb | n | grass, shrub, wort | croud (<PG *krūdą, whence SF Kruud and NHG Kraut) | |
herbal (book) | n | - | wortbook | |
herbicide | n | weedkiller | - | |
herbivore | n | - | grass-eater, wort-eater | |
heresy | n | - | dwild (<OE dwild), trewlessness or truelessness (<OE tréowléasnes), dwale (<OE dwola) | |
heritage | n | bequest, birthright | erf (<OE ierfe; cf. NHG Erbe) | |
hermaphrodite | n | - | beddle, newhalf, scrat, scrit, manwoman | |
hermit | n | loner | lonesettler (cf. NHG Einsiedler) | |
hero(ïne) |
n | white hat |
heleth(in) (<OE hæleð, cf. NHG Held), hield (<OE hildewulf "hero") noble: bearn (<OE beorn), | |
heroïc deed | n | - | ellenwork (<OE ellenweorc) | |
heroïsm | n | doughtiness; selflessness | helethdom (calque: NHG Heldentum) | |
herpes | n | tetter | - | |
hesitate | vb | dither | dretch (<ME drecchen), swither (first witnessed 1501; of unknown root) | |
heterogeneous | adj | mixed | - | |
heteroromantic | adj/n | straight | andliefer, andlover | |
heterosexual | adj/n | straight | witherdrawn, andlover, andluster | |
heterosexuality | n | - | andlove, andlust, andkind (cf. Far. samkynd) | |
heterosocial | adj/n | - | andkindfriendly | |
heterosociality | n | - | andkindfriendliness | |
hexagon | n | - | sixside | |
Hi[] | ||||
hiatus | n | gap, break | - | |
hibernal | adj | wintry | - | |
hibernate | vb | winter, overwinter | - | |
hibiscus | n | rosemellow | - | |
hick | n | redneck, hillbilly | - | |
hicksville | n | backtown | - | |
hideous | adj | awful, dreadful, evil, foul, fulsome, loathsome, sickening, ugly | unfair, uncomely, liteless (<OE wlitelēas) | |
hierarchy | n | ladder | - | |
Hinduism | n | - | Vedidom, Hindudom, Indom, Aytrothdom/Aydharmadom (Hind. Sanātana dharma (सनातन धर्म)), Veditrothdom | |
hippopotamus | n | - | eahorse (ME ē "river" + horse); floodhorse (cf. NO flodhest); nilehorse (cf. NHG Nilpferd) | |
histology | n | - | lifebricklore, (life)thrumlore (Ar. علم الأنسجة) | |
historian | n | - | sheedteller (<OE gescēode + teller), ashiftwriter, happenwriter (cf. NL geschiedschrijving) | |
historic | adj | - | sheedly (cf. NHG geschichtlich) | |
historiographic(al) | adj | - | ashiftwritingly (cf. NHG Geschichtsschreibung), happenwritingly (cf. NL geschiedschrijving) | |
historiography | n | - | ashiftwriting, ashiftly writing (cf. NHG Geschichtsschreibung), happenwriting (cf. NL geschiedschrijving) | |
history | n | yore, yesteryear, timeline, background, lore |
stear (<OE stǣr), ashift (calque? of NHG Geschichte), eretide, life tale, asheede, sheede (<OE gescēode, cf. NHG Geschichte), happenness (cf. NL geschiedenis), haplore (cf. Du. geschiedkunde), forline (calque of WF ferline) ancient: firnmind (<OE fyrnġemynd) | |
hitchhike | n | - | thumbfare, thumbfaring | |
Ho[] | ||||
hodiernal | adj | - | tidely | |
holocaust | n | burn-all, rain of fire, scorched earth, wildfire, death, slaughter, bloodbath | - | |
hologram | n | - | woven build, lightstill | |
Holstein | n | - | Holtset; milch cow | |
homage | n | - | manred (<OE manræden) | |
homicide | n | murder, manslaughter, kill, killing, onslaught | - | |
homily | n | chestnut | lorespell (<ME lōrspel), teaching-spell, folklore (<OE folclár, after the Grk homilos, 'crowd') | |
homogeneous | adj | samewise, kindred | stemling, stemsharing | |
homophobia | n | - | samelovefear, samelustfear, samekindlovefear, samekindlovefear, samelovehate, samelusthate, samekindlovehate, samekindlusthate, samehamedhate/samehæmedhate | |
homoromantic | adj/n | queer | samelover, samekindlover, loveknave | |
homosexual | adj/n | badling; bender, swish, queer, wemming, same-kun | samelover, sameluster, samekindlover, fellowbedder, loveknave, lustknave, samehameder/samehæmeder (removes romantic aspect) | |
homosexuality | n | queenness; queerness | samehamedness/samehæmedness, swishness, lustqueendom, samelove, samelust, samekind (cf. Far. samkynd), samekindlust | |
honest | adj | truthful, upright, forthright, full, open, becoming, frank | lutter (<OE hlutor) | |
honesty | n | truthfulness, forthrightness; | lutterness | |
hono(u)r | n | uprightness, worship |
worthmint (<ME worthmint), mensk (<ME menske <ON mennska), ore (<OE ār), indright (<OE indryhto), tire (<OE tír), worthfulness, worthliness, mind's-worth ornament: glinge (<OE gleng) greatness, distinction, celebrity: mearness (<OE mǽrness) | |
hono(u)r | vb | worship, worthy | mense, ore (<OE geārian), meather (<OE mǽðrian), mear (<OE mǽran), mearse (<OE mǽrsian), o(u)ver (<OE uferian), breme (<OE gebréman), meed (<OE gemedemian) | |
honourable | adj | upright, upstanding | oreworthy, orely (cf. NHG ehrlich), mense | |
hooligan | n | rough neck | - | |
horde | n | throng | - | |
horizon | n | skyline | skyedge; skyfoot, skysill | |
horizontal | adj | - | flatways, flatwise, warp | |
hormone | adj | - | spur | |
horology | n | - | timekeeping seercraft | |
horrible | adj | awful, dreadful, fearful, frightful, ghastly, grim, grisly, gruesome, hair-raising, scary | atle (<ME ātel), atlely (<ME atelīch <OE atollīc), lathsome, gruring, grireful | |
horrify | vb | scare, frighten, afear | affright | |
horror | n | awe, dread, fear, fright | grire (<OE gryre), attle (<OE atol) | |
horror fiction | n | - | Dread-devil books/writing "A reader of old dread-devil and dread-death books" 2. creepshow (movie). | |
horticulture | n | - | wortcraft | |
hospice | n | inn | - | |
hospital | n | sickhouse | leechhouse (<OE lǣcehūs), healhouse | |
hospitable | adj | guestfriendly | comelithe (<OE cumlīðe), guestly (cf. OE gæstlíc) | |
hospitality | n | guestfriendship, guestfriendliness | comelitheness (<OE cumlīþness) | |
host | n | - | guestgiver (calque: NHG Gastgeber) | |
hostage | n | - | yisel (<ME gīsel) | |
hostile | adj | foesome, unfriendly, fiendish, fiendlike | fiendly (<ME feondlich), withermood (<OE wiþermōd) | |
hostility | n | foeship, foehood, unfriendliness, fiendishness | feighth (<OE fǣhþ; akin to NL vete and NHG Fehde), fiendship (<OE fēondscipe), fiendliness | |
hot chocolate | n | bitterbrew | - | |
hotel | n | guesthouse, inn | - | |
hour | n | stound, tide | longlog | |
hourglass | n | sandglass | timeglass | |
House of Commons | n(p) | - | Folkthing, Folksthing (cf. DN Folksting) | |
Hu[] | ||||
hug (<ON) | vb | clip, halse | - | |
huge (Frankish or ON origin) | adj | great, big, wide, stour | aver (<PG *abraz) | |
hullabaloo | n | uproar, ado, merry hell, to-do | - | |
human | n | man, earthling | wordling, soul | |
human | adj | manlike | mannish (<ME mannish), mennishly (<OE mennisclīc) | |
humane | adj | mannish | - | |
humanitarian | adj | do-good | manworthy | |
humanity | n | mankind, folk, world; kindheartedness, ruth, warmheartedness | mennishness (<OE menniscness), mannishness, mennishliness (<OE mennisclīcnes), mennishhood, mankin | |
humanize | vb | - | manthware (<OE gemannþwǣrian) | |
humble | adj | down-to-earth, meek, lowly | - | |
humerus | n | armbone | - | |
humid | adj | dank, damp, sweltry, sticky, wet | - | |
humidity | n | wetness, dampness | loftwetness, loftdampness (cf. NHG Luftfeuchtigkeit) | |
humiliate | vb | cheapen, foul, lower, shame, sink, take down | forhean (<OE forhīenan), anether (<ME anetheren <OE aniþerian), neigh (<OE hnaégan), nither (<OE niðrian) | |
humiliating | adj | cringe-making | - | |
humility | n | down-to-earthness, lowiness, meekness | lamblikeness, sackclothness | |
humorous | adj | funny, witty, side-splitting | - | |
hurricane | n | gale, whirlwind | ist (<OE ȳst) | |
hurt (Germanic) | vb | harm, scathe, wound | dere (<ME dēren) | |
husband (<ON) | n | - | were (<OE wer, companion of wife, displaced by ON husbondi), ave (<PG *abô; whence IC afi) | |
hushed | adj | still, lown (dialect), on the down low | - | |
Hy[] | ||||
hybrid | n/adj | halfbreed | thwarsebreed | |
hydraulics | n | waterworks | - | |
hydrate | vb | water | - | |
hydrogen | n | waterstuff (Poul Anderson) | lightmote | |
hydrotherapy | n | - | waterhealing | |
hyena | n | - | nightganger (<OE nihtgenge) | |
hymen | n | - | maidenfleece (<NL maagdenvlies), maidenhide (cf. NHG Jungfernhäutchen) | |
hymn | n | - | imm (<OE ymen), churchsong (<OE ciricsang) | |
hyoid bone | n | - | tungbone (cf. NHG Zungenbein) | |
hyper | adj | overspringed, springy | - | |
hypercomputation | n | - | overreckoning | |
hyperlink | n | link (<ON) | overlink, overwrit link (calque of hypertext) | |
hyperloop | n | - | overloop (calque), toomwain | |
hyperopia | n | far(-)sightedness, long(-)sightedness | - | |
hypha | n | - | swambthread | |
hyphen | n | dash | - | |
hypnosis | n | bedazzling, spellbinding | - | |
hypnotise | vb | bedazzle, grip, spellbind | - | |
hypnotic | adj | bedazzling, gripping, spellbinding
sleep soothing, sleepy |
- | |
hypocrite | n | faker, show-player, holier-than-thou, bewrayer | - | |
hypocritical | adj | faking, playing a show, two-tongued | unecht (cf. NHG unecht) (see Eng. echt) | |
hypocrisy | n | faking, show-play | unluterness | |
hypothermia | n | chill, frost, cooling, freezing, frostbite | undercooling (calque of NHG Unterkühlung) |