The Anglish Moot
No edit summary
(I have added a new word as a replacement for "membrane", based on the dialectal English word "rim" ("membrane"), from Old English rēoma.)
Tag: Visual edit
(2 intermediate revisions by one other user not shown)
Line 881: Line 881:
|film, foreskin
|film, foreskin, rim
| skinkin (cf. NHG Häutchen)
| skinkin (cf. NHG Häutchen)
Line 920: Line 920:
|mindly, inward, mindlike, mind-
|mindly, inward, mindlike, mind-
| -
|'''mental affliction'''
|Ail, bedevil
| -
| -
Line 1,801: Line 1,806:
|brawn, thew, sinew
|brawn, thew, flesh-string
| mousock (Latin ''​musculus''​: 'little mouse'); musling ('little mouse')
| mousock (Latin ''​musculus''​: 'little mouse'); musling ('little mouse')

Revision as of 12:53, 12 September 2020

Staff M of the English Wordbook.

Basic abbreviations:

  • OE = Old English
  • ME = Middle English
  • SC = Scots
  • WF = West Frish
  • NF = North Frish
  • SF = Saterlandish Frish
  • WLG = West Low Theech
  • ELG = East Low Theech
  • NL = Netherlandish
  • NHG = New High Theech
  • IC = Icelandish
  • HIC = High Icelandish
  • NO = Nornish
  • SW = Swedish
  • DN = Danish
  • MLG = Middle Low Theech
  • MNL = Middle Netherlandish
  • MHG = Middle High Theech
  • OF = Old Frish
  • OS = Old Saxish
  • OHG = Old High Theech
  • ON = Old Norse
  • GO = Gottish
  • PWG = Or-West-Theedish
  • PG = Or-Theedish

For a full list of etymological and other abbreviations used in these wordlists, see: Offshortenings.


Chancery English Class Anglish/English
Attested  Unattested
macabre adj gruesome, grisly -
macerate vb soak, steep -
machine n

tool, setup, working, rig

vehicle: horseless, wheels (slang)

gearware, searshaft, workware, workrig
machine gun n - shacklegun, shacklebusse, gearbusse, gearstaff
magazine n daily (some contexts), weekly (other contexts), slick (some contexts) timewrit (cf. Du. tijdschrift, NHG Zeitschrift)
magic n/adj spellcraft, dwimmer, dwimmercraft

bad: witchcraft

galder (<OE galdor)

galder(craft) chanting magic
spell a chant

gale to do galder

seethe(craft), seith(craft), or seeth(craft) magic concerning changing fate, seen in the Weird Sisters where it is depicted as actually boiling (seething) in a cauldron

spae seer magic

magician n wizard, witch, warlock hag, dwimmerman
magistrate n deemer, deemster(Female) reeve
maggot n worm, grub maddock, mathe (<OE maþa; cf. Scots mathe); fleshworm
magnesium n - bitterstuff
magnesium oxide n - bitter earth
magnate n - mickman
magnet n loadstone/lodestone (< lode (ME guide) + stone) sailstone (cf. Ic. segull)
magnify n blow up, make bigger, greaten

bemickel (<be + OE miclīan)

in wonderment: wonderleak (<OE ġewundorlæcan)

glorify: dome (<OE dōmian)

magnitude n weight, greatness, micklehood
magnolia n - beaverbloom
magpie n - aw/awe (<OE agu); naw (cf. newt <ewt)
mail (armor) n - mesh, burne (<ME)
maim vb cripple -
maintain vb keep up, uphold, hold -
maintenance n upkeep -
maître d'hôtel n - houserede
majestic adj high-flown, lofty, stour hovely, thrymfast (<OE þrymfæst), storslagenhet
majesty n highness, lordship, loftiness, stourness

oreworthness (<OE arweorþnes), douthness, thrim (<OE þrymm), kineship (<OE cynescipe)

major n overling thane
major adj higher, overling -
majority n most, better half, body, great body morehood
make sense v hold make wits
maladjusted adj misfit -
malady n sickness, illness, unwellness addle, cothe
malapert adj brazen unbeshamed (cf. Du. onbeschaamd)
malaria n - nitheloft (calque of Italian mala aria)
male adj

manly, manlike; pref: he-

he-kind, hesome
male n man, buck, chap, fellow, lad
state: manhood
-werman (O.E wermann)
malefactor n sinner, wrongdoer: crook, lawbreaker -
malevolence n hatefulness, meanness, unkindheartedness -
malevolent adj bad, mean, evil - unkindhearted, unlindheartedly.
malfeasance n misdoing, wrongdoing -
malfunction n flaw, glitch -
malfunction vb misbehave miswork
malice n cattiness, hatefulness, meanness nithecraft
malicious adj wicked nithe
malign adj evil, harmful, baleful nithe
malleus n hammer earhammer, hammerbone
malnourish vb misfeed, underfeed -
maltose n - maltsweet
maltreat vb

manhandle, rough up
mess over slang

malware n - badware, evilware
mammal n - milkwight, suckledeer (NHG. Säugetier)
mammary n breast, tit -
mammoth n - furelp (cf. Ic. loðfíll Far. loðfílur)

earthhorn (calque of Proto-Mansi *mē̮ŋ-ońt)

manage vb handle, run, deal with, fare, keep, keep up -
manager n foreman besteerer (cf. Dn. bestyrer)
manatee n sea cow -
mandate n bid handdare
mandible n - jowlbone
mandrake n - skinroot
mandrill n - hueleer ape, rainbow ape, huemug ape
manga n - dawnlandish talestrips
manganese n keepstuff
manger n trough -
mango n - gawk's/yeke's bliss (cf. Eng. cuckoo's joy)
mangrove n - shrubmarsh; tree: loftroot
mania n madness -
maniac adj mad, crazy -
manifest(ed) adj bald, ringing, straightforward, marked sweetel (<OE sweotol)

obvious: opensightly (cf. NHG offensichtlich)

manifest vb bespeak, give away

indicate: betoken

manifestation n - sweetling, betokening
manifesto n - sweetling
manner n way erd (<ME <OE eard, cf. NHG Art)


mannerism(s) n quirks, wont (See MW or OED, not the same as won't) thewes (<ME þeau, þeu (has multiple spellings) <OE þēaw, cf. Nhb. ðēow)
manna n - whitecorn (<OE hwītcorn)
mansion n hall haryard (cf. Sw. herrgård) har = mister
mansuetude adj tameness, mildness -
manta ray n - mantlereagh
mantis n - beadbug
mantle n wrap; hood, shroud -
manual n handbook -
manual adj handly -
manually adv by hand -
manufacture vb frame, beframe, make up, think up, make -
manure n dung -
manuscript n handwrit -
Maoism n -

Mao Zedong Thought/Mao Tsetung Thought/Mao Cetung Thought  (Calque of the Ch. 毛澤東思想, Máo Zédōng Sī'ǎng/Mao2 Tze2tung1 Sih1ang3/Máŭ Cétǖng Sīh-ǎng/ㄇㄠˊㄗˊˇ), Maodom

map n plot mete (<OE metan: to measure "to scale") landsheet (cf. Ic. landakort)
marble n - shinestone (Greek)
march n/vb headway, onrish; stride

rim land: mark

March n -

Miremonth, Rethmonth (<OE Hreðmonað), Lyde

Mardi Gras n Shrove Tuesday -
marijuana n hemp
street talk: grass, weed
marine adj sea-, mer(e)- -
marine n - shipyæger
marine park n - water-frith
marionette n - stringdoll, marydoll
maritime adj sealike -
marjoram n - kingswort (<OE cyningeswyrt)
market n market chapstow (cf. chapman, Chapstow, Chipstead, Cheapside, Chipping,), chipping (<ME chẹ̄pinge, cf. Chipping)
marquess n - athelman
marriage n wedding, handfast, wedlock wed, trothing, trothness, trothhood, betrothing, betrothness, betrothhood, tying, tieness, tiehood, gathership (<OE gaderscipe)
marry vb wed, troth, betroth, tie awn, gathership (<OE gaderscipe)
married adj/v wedded trothed, betrothed, tied, gathershipped (OE gaderscipe + Modern English -ed)
marsupial n - pursedeer (cf. Dn. pungdyr)
martyr n - bloot (<OE (ge)blot, 'sacrifice'), rood-bearer, kither (from Modern English kithe <OE cyðere), witness (Gr. martyreo means 'I witness, I tell about'; Ar. also uses same root for witness and martyr)
martial art(s) n - wyecraft(s)
marvel n/vb wonder, wilder -
marvelous adj wonderful, wulderly, selcouth -
Marxism n - Marxdom, Marksdom
massive adj big, great, huge (Frankish or Old Norse origin) -
mask n/vb hide grime (<OE grīma), mesh, greem (<OE, to show it is like grime, but not the same meaning as modern English)
masochism n achelove, achelust -
masochist n seeksorrow, achelover, acheluster -
mason n stonecutter stonewright, wallwright
masonry n stonecraft, stonework wallwork
masque n - meshplay
masquerade n - meshtumb
mass n bulk, inweight, lot, deal  -
mass media n - bulk means
massacre n slaughter -
masticate vb chew -
master n head, lord, teacher lorethew, reeve
mastodon n - breasttooth (calque of Greek)
masturbate vb frig (OE: frygian (“to rub, caress”)), play with oneself, wank (unknown origin)

male: jerk off, beat off, beat one's meat, choke the chicken, flog the log
female: finger, flick the bean, itch the ditch

masturbation n self-love, ham shank (vulgar), wank (unknown origin), fingering (female) -
match n

game, tie, head-to-head; mate, fellow; twin, lookalike; light (stick)

(to light a fire) strikewood, kindlewood (like German)
material adj weighty bodilike
maternal adj motherly -
mathematics n - rimecraft (<OE rīmcræft), tellcraft, reckonlore
matrimony n wedlock -
matrix n womb; listing; spreadsheet feedingbottom (Du. voedingsbodem); yetshape (calque of Du. gietvorm)
matter n - andwork (<OE andweorc), inting (<OE intinga)
matter vb - of importance: markworth
mature adj grown, ripe -
maxilla n jawbone -
maximum n/adj uttermost, utmost, most -
May n - Threemilkmonth, (<OE Þrimeolce, Þrimilcemonað), Merrymonth
mayhem n crippling  -
mayonnaise n yolkdip -
mayor n - boroughreeve, townreeve, burgelder(<OE)
McCarthyism n - McCarthydom
mea culpa my bad by my misdeed, through my wrongdoing.


beat, mete meal (<OE mǣl)
mechanics n - workcraft (<OE weorccræft)
media n means -
mediate vb - formiddle (cf. NHG vermitteln)
mediate adj halfway, midmost -
mediator n - formiddler, makefrith, middleman
medicine n healing (substance) leechwort, leechdom (field of.), leechcraft (field of.), leechlore (field of.) , healcraft

healer (remedy), healstuff (<NHG Heilstoff)

medieval adj - middle eld, middletimely
mediocre adj middling, halfway -
meditate vb -

hedge, huy (<OE hycgan)

sin/sun (<OE sinnan) 'sun' by analogy to 'run' - <OE rinnan to avoid, negative connotation with "sin")

smay (<OE smeagan/smean)

threed (<OE þreodian)

forsink (calque of NHG versenken, senken "to lower" being a causative form of sinken "to sink" akin to OE sencan)

meditation n inwardness, inwardfare
Mediterranean Sea n Great Sea (Bible, Chaucer) Wendlesea (<Vandal seafarers), Middlesea (cf. NHG Mittelmeer)
medium adj - evenspan, midbulky
medley n mashup, mix
mega- p


- mickle (<OE micel)
mega annum- n Greatyear, Mickleredyear, twisandyear
megalodon n - mickletooth (calque of Greek)

great-haye, great-highcarl, great dog fish

megalopolis n - mickleborough
megaphone n bullhorn, loudhailer -
meiosis n - frumecleaving
melancholy adj dreary, heartbreaking, heartrending, mournful, saddening, teary; cast down, down in the-mouth, forlorn, gloomy, woebegone, sorrowful moody-blue
melee n tussle -
melody n - gleestaff (<OE gliwstæf)
lin (OE hlynian; cf. Ic. hljómr), earworm
melon n - rindberry, shellberry, barkberry
member n limb, fellow, belonger, link belongand
membrane n film, foreskin, rim skinkin (cf. NHG Häutchen)
memento n keepsake -
memory n mimor, mind's eye, mind's ear, min eftminding, bemindings, inmind, mindskill, mindlikeness, yemind (<OE ġemynd)
menagerie n - housekeep (calque)

deerkeep, wightkeep

wildhouse, deerhouse, wighthouse

meningitis n - brimshell addle
menstrual adj monthly -
menstruate vb monthbleed moonbleed
mental adj mindly, inward, mindlike, mind- -
mental affliction n Ail, bedevil -
mentality n mindset, outlook -
mention vb name, min, speak of, say something of, bring up, hint at -
menu n - walelist, mealsheet
mercenary n - hireling
merchant n chapman, trader -
merchandise n wares, goods, stocks -
merchandising n - (direct to public): delling
merciful adj forgiving, mildhearted -
merciless adj ruthless
mercury n quicksilver -
mercy n kindness, ruth milts (<OE)
merge vb blend, meld, flow, flow in -
meridian n high noon, high-water line -
merit n meed, worth theen, winst (cf. Du. winst)
merry-go-round n - merry-werve
Mesolithic n - Middle Stoneseldth
Mesopotamia n - Mesopotamland, or translated as Bearithland (shortening of bear 'fertile' + rith 'stream') Twixtrith (meso = between)
meson n - midmote
message n earful, tiding, wire, word errandwrit, boding, errandbook (<OE ǽrendbóc)

beright (cf. Du. berecht)

meta- pref over- after-
metal n ore bloom (<OE blóma), orestuff
metamorphosis n - forwandling (cf. NHG Verwandlung), overshift
metaphor n kenning, sameness -
metaphoric(al) adj - kenningly, kenning
meteor n falling star, shooting star strealer,

Yondaloft, Aloftmote, Aloftstreal, Overloft, Overloftling, Aloftwist (loft- + 'wist' - being),

Midloft (since greek meta- is akin to mid- in germanic languages)

meteorology - Overloftlore, Aloftlore, Lofthelmlore
meter (poetry) n - tal (<OE getæl 'rhythm, harmony')
methane n - firedamp
method n way, means thewline, shedding (cf. OE gescéad), Doway,

iway, iwone, bewoning, ilode, Belode

metropolis n - mickleborough, mickleburgh
Mexico n - Moonsnavel
mezozoicum n - midlife eldth
micro- pref small- -
microscope n - speckseer
Midgard n - Midgarth, Midyard
migrate vb - outwander (cf. NHG auswandern)
militarist(ic) n/adj hawk(ish) -
military n/adj landmight(ly) ferd (<OE fyrd), campdom

<i data-rte-washtml="1">expedition: axfaring (<OE æxfaru)

militia n - folkward
millennia n yearthousands thousandyears
millennium n yearthousand thousandyear
milligram n thousandthbit (thousandth + bit)
millimeter n - twisandbeat (Anglish "twisand" (million) + "beat" (measure)), twisandmeter(<E mete 'to measure', meter 'that which measures')
million n thousand thousand

micklered (<OE mycel 'much, great' cognate to Gk. megas, "mega-" being the SI prefix for "million" + '-red, as in 'hundred')

twisand (<Anglish twi- 'two' + -sand, as in 'thousand') 

mince vb - hack
mine (weapon) n - delf: explosive: stillblaster
mine (place from which ore is extracted) n pit (OE word) groove (cf. Ger. Grube; Du. Groeve)
mine vb delve groove
mineral n ore -
mini- pref small-, lesser -
minimize vb lessen, downplay, belittle -
minister n - rede, ambighter, thane
Ministerium für Staatssicherheit (Stasi) n - Ambight for Ricksickerhood (calque)
ministry n - ambight
minstrel n gleeman, folksinger -
minor adj - youngling
minority n - lesserness, lesserhood (cf. NHG Minderheit)
minus conj min, less than, take away
minotaur n - mazebull, bullman
minute n - mete, shortlog (cf. Latin minuta 'short note')
miracle n flash, wonder craftwork (<Ic.), wonderwork, tacen
mirror n looking-glass shewer (<OE scūwa + -er, cf. goth. skuggwa "mirror")
misandrist n man-hater -
misappropriate vb steal -
misappropriative guest n - stealguest (<OE stælġiest)
misappropriation n stealing, theft -
miscellany(eous) n/adj clatter, jumble, kitchen-sink, mishmash, mixed sundry
misdemeanour n wrongdoing -
miser n tightwad, skinflint, niggurd -
miserable adj black, bleak, cheerless, dark, forlorn, glum, godforsaken, grey, sullen; downcast, hangdog, woeful; wreatched; ratty, run-down, threadbear yomer (<OE geomor)
misery n angst, weakness, woe, sorrow, gloom, hardship jermth (<OE iermðu)

wanshaft (<OE wansceaft)

unlithe (<OE unlæþu)

unseel (<OE unsælþ)

wearing (<OE weargung)

misfortune n mishap, harm illfare, wanluck
mismanage vb mishandle -
misogynist n - woman-hater
misotheïsm n - mistroth, god-hating, hatred of god(s)
misplace vb mislay misstead, mis-stead
missile n - shot (<OE gescot, cf. NHG Geschoss)


mission n errand, undertaking, goal, task, ordeal -
missionary n sendling, errander winfridsman, winfridster, winfridingman cf. Saint Boniface
mitigate vb soften -
mitochondrium n - mightcorn
mitosis n - brickdealing
mitten n - fistling (cf. NHG Fäustling)

fistglove (cf. NHG Fausthandschuh)

want (cf. Du. want)

mobile (phone) n handset, handcaller handblower, handy (cf. NHG Handy)
mock vb/adj man-made, sham; send up -
mockery n hoker (ME, <OE hōcor) -
mode n way, trend
model n build pattern: forelay (cf. NHG Vorlage) dummy, forebeing
modern adj newfangled nowtide (cf. Sw. nutida), nowalike
modernise vb - benew
modest adj down-to-earth, meek cush (<OE cúsc)
modesty n beshedness/ beshedhood (cf. NHG bescheidenheit, Du. bescheidenheid)
modify vb wend, overhaul, work over awend
modification n wending, overhaul, overhauling awentness, awendedness


modulation n -stringbending sparkwave

(music): wavebending

moist adj damp, wet, watery -
molar n - wongtooth (<OE wangtoð)
grindtooth (<OE grindetoð)
molasses n - sweetsap
mold vb build, make, shape -
moment n eyeblink, flash, heartbeat, twinkling

nutlog, eyeblinck, flash, heartbeat, twinkling, thraw/throwe (<ME þraw(e), þrowe (dialectal spelling variations), <OE þrāg) pl: thrawü

monarch n king onewleld (<OE anwealda), self-reder
monarchism n kingdom self-reding
monarchy n kingship sunderwield (<OE sundoranweald), self-rede kineship
monastery n bedestow
monasticism n - brotherlife
money n

gelt, geld (native), fee, brass, mint, silver, sterling, penny, tradeworth,

slang: kale, dough, buck

shat (<ME schat)
moneybag n sead (OE seod)
monitor vb watch, oversee -
monk n - brother (<OE), lonelord
monkey n - tailape
monkey-puzzle tree n - tailape-puzzle tree
monologue n - lonespeech
monopoly n onesell (calque) -
monotheism n - onetroth, onetrothing, oneoath, onebelief, onebelieving, oneworship, baretroth, baretrothing, bareoath, barebelief, barebelieving, bareworship, alonetroth, alonetrothing, aloneoath, alonebelief, alonebelieving, aloneworship, lonetroth, lonetrothing, loneoath, lonebelief, lonebelieving, loneworship, onlytroth, onlytrothing, onlyoath, onlybelief, onlybelieving, onlyworship, barelytroth, barelytrothing, barelyoath, barelybelief, barelybelieving, barelyworship
monsoon n - squallrain
monster n fiend; dreadnaught; bogey nicker (<OE nicor); unhire (cf. NHG Ungeheuer, Dan./Norw. uhyre)
Montenegro n - Blackhill, Blackberg, Swartbarrow, Blackbarrow
monument n keepsake, token; gravestone, headstone thinktoken (cf. W.Fr. tinkteken)
monumental adj overwhelming awe-inblowing
moor n heath -
moose n (greater) elk -
moral n thew thewword
moral adj - sidely, sideful (OE sideful), thewfast (<OE geþéawfæst), thewful
morality n uprightness sideliness, thewfastness, douthness
morbid adj cheerless, forlorn -
mordant adj biting -
morgue n deadhouse -
moribund adj dying, deathbound -
mortal n/adj deadly (adj); wight (n) deathling
mortality n death, end, ending, endless sleep, forthfaring, bane, Grim Reaper diesomeness
mortgage n wadset, homeloan -
mother nature n - Lady Lund, motherkin
mortuary n - deadhouse, undertaker's, bodyroom, bodyhouse
mosaic n - shardbild
mosquito n gnat, midge, midgy bloodfly
moth (native) n - nightflinder (cf. NHG Nachtfalter)
motion n - shrithing, beweighing (cf. NHG Bewegung, Du. beweging), quickening, sway
motionless adj stock-still -
motive n -

rethe, frume

ulterior: hinderthought (cf. NHG Hintergedanke)

motor n - wheels, drivework
motorboat n watercraft -
motorcycle n - halfwain, halfwagon

thunderhorse, rarianhors* (roaring-horse)

motorway n highway -
motto n saying pithword
mound n drift; heap; highland, rise, upland -
mount n hill barrow, berry
mounted adj on horseback beriden (<ME beriden <OE berídan)
mountain n barrow, berry
a mountainous region: Highland(s)
berg, highberg (not to mistake it for "burg"), fell

peak (OE pīc, Du. piek, Dan. pik)

moustache n kemp, nosebeard overbeard, snor (cf. Du. "snor", NHG "Schnurrbart"), gran (<OE "granu"), lipbeard
move vb

shift; drive; stir; sway; set off; wade; rock (cf. NHG rücken)

peel off

wander: shrithe (<OE scriþan 'to go, take one's way)
lake (fast)
besteal (stealthily)

beweigh (Du bewegen, be- + wegen)

away: upshove (<OE oþscūfan)


ness (<OE ness)

movement n shift, stir; drive shrithing

pol: beweighing (cf. NHG bewegung, Du. beweging)


nessing (<OE ness)

movie n film, flick quickie
Mr/Mr., Sir n Lord

Har (<ME harre <OE hearra, cf. NHG Herr)

Mrs/Mrs., Miss, Ms/Ms., Misses n Lady

Frow (<OE frówe, cf. NHG Frau)

mucus n slime, snot Horrow (<OE horh, cf. OHG Horo)
muffle vb shroud -
multiculturalism n - felemenning (cf. Ic. fjölmenning)
multiple adj many, manifold, morefold fele (<OE fela, feola)
multiply vb manifold -
multi- pref cluster-, mani- fele- (<OE fela-), fay (<OE fag fah brightly multicoloured)
multi-language word n wanderword -
multi-purpose adj all-in-one -
multitude n crowd, throng, flock, folk, cluster, wave, mow, manifoldness -
mummy n - linwrapped body
municipality n - meanth (cf. NHG Gemeinde)
muscle n brawn, thew, flesh-string mousock (Latin ​musculus​: 'little mouse'); musling ('little mouse')
muscular n brawny, thewy, sinewy, thewsome -
muse vb mimmer/mammer -
museum n - crafthall, yorehall; crafthouse; lorestead
mushroom n toadstool mosswort, mosswamb
music n glee

soon (<OE són)

swin, swincraft (<OE geswin "song" + craft)

gleamlist (cf. Ic hljómlist), song, tonelist (from Icelandic), songcraft, gleecraft, swinsongcraft

dreamcraft (<OE dréamcræft)

musical adj/n - soonly, soony, soonsome

songly, gleamwise (cf. Ic hljómvís) theatre: songplay

movie: songfilm, soonfilm

musician n gleeman, player, songwright

soonsmith, swinsmith, dreamer (<OE dreamere)

musicology n - soonlore, swinlore, gleelore
musket n gun, (types of musket): flintlock, matchlock, wheel-lock, smoothbore, snaplock, doglock longgun/long gun, locked gun, handgun, drum-loaded gun, gunne, staff, firegar (fire spear), handgonne/handgun, flygun
Muslim n/adj - Nouns: Frithsomebeliefbeliever, Frithsomebelieffollower, Blissfulbeliefbeliever, Blissfulbelieffollower, Dovishbeliefbeliever, Dovishbelieffollower, Restfulbeliefbeliever, Restfulbelieffollower, Sibfulbeliefbeliever (<OE sibbe + -ful + belief + believe + -er), Sibfulbelieffollower (<OE sibbe + -ful + belief + follow + -er), Grithfulbeliefbeliever (<OE griþ + -ful + belief + believe + -er), Grithfulbelieffollower (<OE griþ + -ful + belief + follow + -er).

Adjectives: Frithsomebeliefly, Blissfulbeliefly, Dovishbeliefly, Restfulbeliefly, Sibfulbeliefly (<OE sibbe + -ful + belief + -ly), Grithfulbeliefly (<OE griþ + -ful + belief + -ly).

mustard n - sennep (<OE senep, but <late Latin <Greek, compare modern Italian, senape, so both roots are not Germanic)
muster n/vb gather(ing) fay
mussel n - ran (<OE hran)
mutate vb shapeshift shrithe, yondshape, wandle
mute adj dumb, hushed, speechless -
mutilate n/vb - overcripple
mutton n sheepflesh -
mutual adj evenway bothways
mycelium n - net (cf. Ic neti), swambnet
myopia n near(-)sightedness, short(-)sightedness -
mystery n wonder, brain twister, beyond man's ken, hidden thing rune (<PG)
ghost-wonder (cf. OE gástgeryne)
hiddle, mist hearing


myth n misth (shortening of mist + th); dreamtale, wondertale
mythology n folklore, dreamlore, wonderlore

