The Anglish Moot

Staff M of the English Wordbook.

Basic abbreviations: att'd=attested, OE=Old English, NHG=New High German, Du.=Dutch

For a full list of etymological and other abbreviations used in these wordlists, see Forshortenings.


macabre adj grisly, grim
macerate vb steep
machine n gearwork, gearware, clockwork, clockware, workware, workrig, roteware
magazine n warehouse, weaponhoard
magic n spellcraft, witchcraft, witchery, wizardcraft, wizardry, hexcraft, hexery, dwimmercraft, galdercraft (OE)
magic art n dwimmercraft (dwimmer "illusion, spectre" <OE gedwimor+craft)
magician n witch, wizard, hexer (<Norwegian hekser), dwimmercraftsman
magistrate n deemer/deemster
magnesium oxide n bitter earth
magnate n mickman
magnet n lodestone
magnitude n greatness, strength
magnolia n beaverbloom
mail (armor) n mesh
maintain vb keep up, kemp, upkeep
maintenance n upkeep
maître d'hôtel n housemaster
majestic adj awesome
majesty n awesomeness, greatness, highness, lordship, overmight (Cf. NHG Übermacht)
major n thane
major adj greater
majority n greater share, morehood, manifoldness
maladjusted adj misfit
malady n sickness, illness
malapert adj brazen
male adj he-kind, (pref.) he-, manful, manly, werly, werely
male n buck
male sex n werehood (<OE werhád), manhood
malefactor n lawbreaker, evildoer, wrongdoer
malevolence n ill will, evil will, evil
malevolent adj ill-hearted, illwilling
malfeasance n wrongdoing, misdeed
malfunction n glitch
malfunction vb misbehave, not work
malice n nithecraft, evest, wrath, evilwilledness
malicious adj evil, wicked, argh, evilful
malign adj evil, slander, backbite
malnourish vb underfeed, ill-feed, misfeed,
malnourished adj underfed, ill-fed, misfed
maltose n maltsugar
maltreat vb manhandle(roughly), tousle, misnutt, misbrook, misbrouk
mammal n milchwight, suckdeer, suckledeer
mammary n teat, breast, tit
manage vb handle, run, deal with, fare, keep, keep up
manager n foreman, forewoman
manger n trough
mania n madness
manifest(ed) adj sweetle (<OE sweotol)
manifest vb sweetle (<OE sweotolian)
manifestation n sweetling (<OE sweotolung)
manifesto n sweetling (<OE sweotolung)
manner n lund
mansuetude adj mildness
manta n devilfish
mantle n hackle
manual n handbook
manual adj hand(-)
manually adv by hand
manufacture' vb make, shape, handmake, smithy, craft
manure n dung
manuscript n handwrit
map n landdraught, land-drawing
marble n Shinestone (Greek)
March n roughmonth, pringmonth, Loud (OE Hlýda / Hlúd), Winmonth (OE Hreðmonað)
marijuana n hemp, hemphay, grass (street-talk), weed (street-talk)
marine adj sea-, mer(e)-
marine park n water-frith
maritime adj sea
marjoram n kingswort (<OE cyningeswyrt)
market n cheping, cheapstow
market town n chepingtown
marquess n ethelman
marriage n wedding, handfast, wedlock, gathership (OE gaderscipe)
marry vb wed
marsupial n pungdeer/pungsucker (pung "pouch" + deer "animal" or sucker, cf. Dan. pungdyr; NHG Beutelsäuger "pouch-sucker" and Du. buideldier "pouch-animal")
martyr n bloot (<OE (ge)blot, "sacrifice"), rood-bearer, cuther/cyther (OE cyðere), witness (Grk 'martyreo' means "I witness, I tell about")
martial art(s) n fightingcraft(s)
marvel n & vb wonder
marvelous adj wonderful, selcouth
mask n mesh
masochist n seeksorrow
mason n stonewright
masonry n stonecraft, stonework
mass n bulk
massacre n overkill, bloodbath, slaughter
mass murderer n death dealer
masticate vb chew
master n head, teacher
masturbate vb wank, toss off, beat off
match n light(stick)
material adj bodylike, bodilike
maternal adj motherly
mathematics n scorelore
matrimony n wedlock
matter n stuff, andwork, inting
mature adj grown, ripe, timeworn
maximum n uttermost
maximum adj utmost
May n threemilk/threemilkmonth, thrimilch (<OE Þrimeolce), thrimilchmonth (<OE Þrimilcemonað), merrymonth, blossommonth
mayonnaise n yolkdip
mayor n townmaster, townsteerer, townsteersman, town-reeve (OE portgeréfa)
measure vb mete [past mote, ppt meten] (<OE metan, cf. Du. meten, NHG messen, Swed. mäta)
mechanical adj workcraftly (see mechanics)


n workcraft (<OE weorccræft)
mechanised vb clockwork, workwaren, workwared
mediate vb formiddle (Calque of NHG vermitteln)
mediation n formiddling (Cf. NHG Vermittlung)
mediator n formiddler, gobetween, makefrith, middleman
medicine n leechwort, leechdom (field of.), leechcraft (field of.), leechlore (field of.)
medieval adj middle eldth, middletimely, middletimeish, middletidely, middletidish, middleolderly, middeleolderish, dark eldth, unenlightened times
mediocre adj middling, halfway
meditate vb

ghost (<OE gastan)

huy [rhymes with "buy"] (<OE hycgan)

sin/sun* [past san, ppt sun] (<OE sinnan, cf. NHG sinnen; *"sun" by analogy to "run"<OE rinnan to avoid negative connotation with "sin")

smigh (<OE smeagan)

smy (<OE smean)

threed (<OE þreodian)

forsenk (Calque of NHG versenken, senken "to lower" being a causative form of sinken "to sink" akin to Old English sencan)

Mediterranean Sea n Wendlesea
mega- pre great, mickle (OE micel)
megalopolis n mickleborough, mickelborough, greatborough, greattown, mickletown
megaphone n loudhailer, bullhorn
meiosis n halfordealing
melancholy adj gloomy, sad, dreary, woeful, sorrowful, downhearted, heavy-hearted, blackbrowed, blackmoodish, black, blue, lifeweary, twanketen
melee n fistfight, hand-to-hand fight, fight, clash, rumble (colloq.)
melody n gleestaff (OE gliwstæf)
melon n berry, rindberry, shellberry, barkberry
member n fellow, belonger, limb, link, belongand
membrane n film
memory n minds eye, bemindings, inmind
meningitis n brainfilmbetindering, hernfilmbetindering
menstrual adj monthly
menstruate vb monthbleed, moonbleed
mental adj mindly, inward, mindlike
mentality n mindset
mention vb name, speak of, say something of, bring up, hint at
menu n walecard, walelist
mercenary n hired gun, hireling, hessian
merchant n chapman, trader, market trader
merchandise n goods, wares, stocks
merchandising n (direct to public) delling
merciful adj forgiving, mildhearted
merciful, honorable' aj arefull
merciless aj areless
mercy n ruth, armheartness, ar, kindness, arfastness, milds (<OE milts, ME mildse)
merge vb meld
meridian n middayline, lenghtline
merit n winst (cf. Du. winst), forethane, forethanest (cf. NHG Verdienst, Du. verdienste)
Mesolithic n Middle Stone Eldth
Mesopotamia n Twostreamland (Cf Frisian 'Twastreamelân', Du 'Tweestromenland', Ger 'Zweistromland', Swe 'Tvåflodslandet')
meson n midmote
message n errand, boding, errandbook (<OE ǽrendbóc)
Metal n orestuff (unattested)
metamorphosis n forwandling (Calque of NHG Verwandlung)
metaphor n kenning
meteor n welkinfire, falling star, shooting star
methane n firedamp
method n way of working
metropolis n motherborough
mezozoicum n Midlife eldth
microscope n tinyseer
Midgard n

Midyard, Midgarth, Middle Earth

migrate v beway
militarist(ic) n (adj) hawk(ish)
military n (adj) landmight(ly)
military expedition n ferd, axfaring (OE æxfaru), axgoing
militia n folkward
millenium n thousandyear
mine n delf
mine vb delve
mineral n ore
minimize vb lessen
minister n trustman, thaner, ambighter
minstrel n gleeman, folksinger
minor n youngster, overyoung, undereldth
minute n shortlog (Calque of L. 'minuta' or 'short note'), titchen (titchy + -en)
miracle n wonderwork, wonder
mirror n looking-glass, glancer
misandrist n man-hater
miscellaneous adj sundry
misdemeanour n wrongdoing
miser n tightwad, skinflint, niggard
miserable adj mirthless, mournful, sad, sorrowful, sorryish, sorrisome, unhappy, glum, gloomy, downhearted, unmirthful, woebegone, woeful, unworthy, untoward, worthless, wretched
misery n distress, weakness, ermeth (OE iermðu)
misfortune n unspeed, bad luck, ill-fare, ill-hap, dole,
mismanage vb misdight, mishandle
misogynist n woman-hater
misplace vb lose, mislay
missile n warhead
mission n errand, undertaking, goal
missionary n sendling, errander
mitigate vb soften
mitochondrium n mightcorn
mitosis n celldealing
mix (Germanic) vb blend, mingle
mixture n blend, mixing, mixeld
mobile(phone) n handset, handcaller, handblower
mock vb geck, be merry with, crackwise, dig at, hit off, put down, send up, take off, betwit, hoke
model n dummy, forebeing
modern adj new, new-like, nowa, nowalike, ourtimely
Modern English n/adj international "English". see: AngloUS, Anglonic. c.f., New-English/ Inglish
modernise vb benew
modest adj shamefast, cush (OE cúsc)
modify vb wend to
modulation n stringbending, (music) tonebending, (technic) wavebending
moist adj damp, wet
molar n wongtooth (<OE wangtoð), grindtooth (<OE grindetoð), axle-tooth, cheektooth
mold vb build, make, shape
moment n throw, trice, beat, twinkling of an eye, blinktime
monarch n king, cween, kinglet
monarchism n sundernwaldtroth, kingdom
monarchy n sunderoneweald (<OE sunderanweald), kingship
monastery n minster, monkhouse, priesthouse
monasticism n monkhoodship
money n fee (OE feoh), geld, brass, copper, mint, siller, silver, sterling, kale (slang), dough (slang), yield, penny
monitor vb watch, oversee
monk brother [pl brether/brethren] (OE)
monster n fiend, nicker (OE nicor)
Montenegro n Blackhill, Blackberg, Swartbarrow (<OE Sweartbeorg)
monument n thinktoken (calque from Frisian 'tinkteken')
monumental adj great
moor n heath
moral adj zedely (cf. Du. zedelijk, NHG. sittlich), zedesome (cf. NHG sittsam), thowfast (<OE geþéawfæst), thowful
morality n zedelihood, zedesomehood
morbid adj unhealthy, sickly, unwell, unsound, unwholesome
morbid adj unhealthy, sickly, unwell, unsound, unwholesome
mordant adj biting
morgue n deadhouse
moribund adj dying, deathbound
morphine n dreamdrug
mortal n deathling
mortal adj deadly
mortality n death, end, ending, endless sleep, forthfaring, loss of life, grim reaper, bane
mortgage n wadset, homeloan
mortify vb deaden, adead
mother nature n motherkin
mortuary n deadhouse, undertaker's home, bodyroom, bodyhouse
mosaic n breakletwork
mosquito n gnat, bloodfly, midge, midgy
motion n moving
motionless adj still, stock-still, at rest
motive n bewayforstand (Calque of Du. beweegreden)
motive, ulterior n hinderthought (Cf. NHG Hintergedanke)
motor n drivework, spincraft, turncraft, iron horse
motorway n freeway
mound n borwen
mount n hill, barrow, berry, down
mountain n ben, bergh, fell, borg, berg, berrow
moustache n overbeard, upperlipbeard (calque of NHD Oberlippenbart)
move vb scrithe, beway (Cf. NHG bewegen), beweigh, stir, flit, shift, go, wade (through water); wade (of the sun and moon "apparently" through clouds or mist)
movement n scrithing, bewaying, beweighing, drive, folkbody
movie n film, flick
Mr., Sir n Herr
mucus n slime,snot
multiple adj many, manifold
multiply vb times
multi- prefix cluster-, many, mani-, *fag/fagen (OE fag fah brightly multicoloured)
multi-language word n wanderword
multi-purpose adj all-in-one
multitude n crowd, throng, flock, folk, cluster, wave, mow, manifoldness
muscle n brawn, thew, sinew
muscular n brawny, thewy, sinewy, thewsome
museum n arthall, yorehall
music n swin (<OE geswin, "music, song"), sweycraft (<OE swegcræft, "music")
musician n swinman, swinsmith, sweycraftsman, sweysmith
muster n & vb gathering, gather
mutate vb yondother, yondshape
mute adj dumb, hushed
mutton n sheepflesh
mutual adj evenway
mystery n wonder, brain twister, beyond man's ken, hidden thing, ghost-wonder (OE gástgeryne)
myth n dreamtale
mythology n folklore, dreamlore