The Anglish Moot

Staff N of the English Wordbook.

Basic abbreviations:

  • OE = Old English
  • ME = Middle English
  • SC = Scots
  • WF = West Frish
  • NF = North Frish
  • SF = Saterlandish Frish
  • WLG = West Low Theech
  • ELG = East Low Theech
  • NL = Netherlandish
  • NHG = New High Theech
  • IC = Icelandish
  • HIC = High Icelandish
  • NO = Nornish
  • SW = Swedish
  • DN = Danish
  • MLG = Middle Low Theech
  • MNL = Middle Netherlandish
  • MHG = Middle High Theech
  • OF = Old Frish
  • OS = Old Saxish
  • OHG = Old High Theech
  • ON = Old Norse
  • GO = Gottish
  • PWG = Or-West-Theedish
  • PG = Or-Theedish

For a full list of etymological and other abbreviations used in these wordlists, see: Offshortenings.


Staffs under English Wordbook/N:

Na Nb Nc Nd Ne Nf Ng Nh Ni Nj Nk Nl Nm Nn No Np Nq Nr Ns Nt Nu Nv Nw Nx Ny Nz

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Chancery English Class Anglish/English
Attested Unattested


nadir n depths, bottom, trough -
naive adj craftless; self-taught liefsome (<OE geleáfsum
nano-technology n smart dust kernel wield
narcolepsy n sleepsickness -
narcotic n/adj


benumbing, deadening

narrate vb yarn, tell kithe (<OE cýðan), foretell
narration n telling -
narrative n tale, yarn kithing, backtale, foretelling (cf. NL vertellen)
nasal adj nosely -
nasal bone n - nosely bone
naseous adj sickly wallow-sweet
natatorium n swimming pool, pool soundhall (<OE sund "ability to swim, act of swimming"),
nation n folk, stock theed/thede (<ME thẹ̄d), leedship (<OE léodscipe), folkship (<OE folcscipe), leedred (<OE lēodrǣden), folkdom; landleed (<OE landlēod)
national adj - theedish (<ME þeodisce)
nationalism n flag-waving haletheeding, ethelhood, theedholdness (<OE þeódenhold)
native n towner, townie inlander (<OE inlenda), landman (<OE), orlander (see OE ōr 'origin'), lander (<OE), erd-folk; landfolk (<OE)
native adj inborn, homely, built in, inbred, ownborn inlandish (<OE inlendisc), homelike, erd-folkish, orland, true-born, true-grown, inland
natural adj

kindly, self

grouping: feather, ilk, kind

kindful (<ME kīndeful), kindly (<OE cyndelīc), quithenly (<OE cwīðendlīc), lundish (cf. ME lund < ON lundr), selfgoing, Ikindly (<OE gecyndelīc)

natural logarithm n - infold (for e); inroot (for ln) (synthesised from meaning)
natural selection n drain of life -
naturally n smoothly, flowingly -
nature n self; wilderness; greenworld; the wild; kind; being, soul; world lund, lind (<ME lund from ON lundr); akind (<OE gecynd), umworld (cf. NHG Umwelt), wist (<OE wist); even (<ME evene, even <ON efni)
naturism n - barelife
naturists n barefolk -
nausea n sickness, loathing, wlate the shifts (calque), snoffy
nauseous n sickening, loathsome, waltsome -
naval adj - shiply
navigate vb sail, steer, helm lode, lithe (<ME līthen)
navigation n watercraft -
navy adj/n fleet, shipfyrd shipheer (<OE sciphere), fleethood


Neanderthal n - Newmandale (calque of Gk nea + Gk andra + NHG Tal)
nebula n - starcloud, heavenly cloud
necessary adj needful, needed

daven (<OE dafen), needsakely (cf. NL noodzakelijk) needworthy (cf. NHG notwendig)   

necessitate vb need, behoove (att'd in impersonal sense) -
necessity n need tharf (<ME), needtharf, needtharfness (<OE nīdþearfness)
necklace n neckband meen
necro- pref dead-, death- lich-
necrology n - gravelore, deadlore, lichlore
necromancy n witchcraft lichcalling, deathcalling, lichcraft
necrophage n - licheater, deadeater
necrophagy n - licheating, deadeating
necrophilia n - lichlust, deadlust
necrophiliac n - lichluster, deadluster
nectar n - honeydew, honeyor, heaven's broth, wortsweet, bee wine
negate vb gainsay unsay, withersay, undo, forno (cf. NHG verneinen)
negative adj naysaying, untoward, naysome (William Barnes) mathematics: undernaught

unsay, naysome, undeed, witherwise, withwise, asakesome

negative charge n - backward lading
neglect n seediness -
neglect vb forget, overlook, slight, slur over mar, foryeme (<OE forgȳman), overgum (<OE ofergumian), forheed (<OE), forhow(e) (<OE), forsit (<OE forsittan)
negligent adj heedless, reckless, careless yeemless (<OE gīemelēas)
negotiate vb moot, chaffer, haggle formeal (<OE formǽlan)

forhandle (calque)

neocortex n - brain bark
Neolithic n - New Stone Eld
neon n - newshaft
neophyte n greenhorn, incomer, settler, newcomer callower
nepenthe n - unmourner
nephew n neve sibson

fraternal: brotherson (<OE brōþorsunu)

sororal: sisterson (<OE sweostorsunu); sisson

nerve n sinew; mettle, boldness, doughtiness, guts, fastness, fearlessness, firmness, pith, pluck, steadiness, steel, heart, will concrete n: edder (<ME edre ⁊ <OE ǣdre), feelingsinew
nervous adj edgy, keyed-up, high strung, on edge

sinewsome, sinewly

nervousness n - edginess, sinewlith, sinewsomeness
neurose n - sinewsweet
neurotransmitter n - sinew sender
neutral adj unsided, sideless, middlish, in-between naughtly
neutrality n unsidedness,  fair-mindedness, evenhandedness naughtliness


neutrino n - neitherling
neutron n - neitherbit, evenmote, greymote; nonething/nonestuff
newspaper n tiding(s) -
New York (partially ON) n Gotham New Everwich, New Everwick, New Everwigh


nice adj kind -
nickel n - nickle (phonetic calque)
Nickelodeon n - Nickelshowbox
niche n nook -
niece n nift neven (<OE nefene, cf. fox and vixen)

fraternal: brotherdaughter (<OE brōþordohtor)

sororal: sisterdaughter (cf. IC systurdóttir, SW systerdotter)

Niflheim n(p) - Mistworld, Nevilworld
nihilism n - wearning (<OE wiernan 'deny, reject')
Níðhöggr n - Nithehewer
nitrogen n - stickshaft, smoreshaft, stickstuff (<NHG Stickstoff), quellshaft (calque: DN kvælstof)
Nizhny Novgorod n(p) - Nether Newton
Nil satis nisi optimum pvb Nothing but the best is good enough -


nobility n - atheldom (cf. NL adeldom). athele (<OE æþelu and <ME āðel)
noble n/adj highbred; best kind: gilt-edged athel (<ME aethel, <OE æþele)
nocturnal adj nightly, night-time, night-life -
nocturnal(instrument) n - nightstound (<ME stound)
nocturne n - night-swey
noise n din, clattering low (<OE hlowan 'low, bellow, roar'), ream, reither, room (<OE)
noisy adj loud dinsome
nolens volens adv willy-nilly -
nominative (case) adj/n - nemmenly (<OE nemnigendlīc; see also here), beckoningly; namefall (cf. IC nefnifall)
nominate vb call; name clepe
non- pref un-, -less, not -
non obstante n -notwithstanding rightening
non-existent adj beingless -
non-verbal adj wordless, speechless -
nonsense n rubbish, twaddle, humbug, gammon, bollocks unwit
noon (<OE) n midday -
noose n - hangknot
norm n rightline wun (<OE gewunelic)
normal adj right mean, wonted, wunly (<OE gewunelic)
nostalgia n - yesterlove, yoresickness, yesteryearn, yesterlong
nostalgic adj - yesterloving, yoresick, yesteryearning, yesterlonging, back-looking
notable adj bright, outstanding, star breme (<OE breme)
notch n/vb slit, groove, kerf (n.), carve (vb.) -
notary public n - lawbooker (cf. IC lögbókandi)
note n - log (<ON lág)
note, of (famous) adj - namecouth (<OE namcuþ)
notice vb heed (take heed)

heed: beaughten (calque of NHG beachten)

from be- + aught + -en (see aught)

remark: bemark (calque of NHG bemerken


noticeable adj striking yemebere, heedsome
noting vb heeding yeming
noun n nameword, headword (do not confuse with the non-grammatical definition) name (meaning found in OE nama)
nourish vb feed, fodder ale (<OE alan; PST: ool; PTCP: alen)
novel n talebook -
novelty n newness, newth -
November n(p) - Blootmonth (<OE blōtmōnaþ), Fogmonth
novennium n - yearnine
novice n newling, beginner, fledgeling, newcomer, freshman, greenhorn, newbie callower
noxious weed n - Hell weed, such as difficult to eradicate plants: african daisy, creeping knapweed, golden thistle, hardhead thistle, blackberry, boneseed


nubile adj wedworthy wedsome
nuclear bomb n - kernelblaster
nuclear reactor n - kerneloven (cf. IC kjarnaofn), kernelkiln
nuclear weapon n - kernelweapon
nucleon n - pithmote
nucleus n kernel kernling
nugget n - lumpling

nugling (nug (of unknown origin) + ling)

nuisance n hindering, besetter, harrier, hounder, gadfly -
null adj naught -
nullify vb naughten, override -
number n scoring, reckoning tale (<ME tāle <OE talu and akin to NHG Zahl), rime (<ME rīme), atell (<ME itel), rimetell (<OE gerímtæl)
number vb mark, reckon rime (<ME rīmen), tell (up)
numerator n - teller (calque)
numerological adj - rimelorely
numerous adj many -
nurse vb care; breastfeed, suckle plaugh, play (<PWG *plegō)
nurse n carer, caregiver berg-maid, ward sister

child-foster (<OE cildfóstre) sicksister (Nw. sykesøster)

nursery n - kindergrove, bairnroom, childeryard (calque of NHG Kindergarten)
nurture vb breed, rear, foster, bring up -
nutritional therapist n - greenmonger
nutritional value n wholesome worth, healthful worth -
nutritious adj feeding, healthful, wholesome -