The Anglish Moot

Staff O of the English Wordbook.

Basic abbreviations:

  • OE = Old English
  • ME = Middle English
  • SC = Scots
  • WF = West Frish
  • NF = North Frish
  • SF = Saterlandish Frish
  • WLG = West Low Theech
  • ELG = East Low Theech
  • NL = Netherlandish
  • NHG = New High Theech
  • IC = Icelandish
  • HIC = High Icelandish
  • NO = Nornish
  • SW = Swedish
  • DN = Danish
  • MLG = Middle Low Theech
  • MNL = Middle Netherlandish
  • MHG = Middle High Theech
  • OF = Old Frish
  • OS = Old Saxish
  • OHG = Old High Theech
  • ON = Old Norse
  • GO = Gottish
  • PWG = Or-West-Theedish
  • PG = Or-Theedish

For a full list of etymological and other abbreviations used in these wordlists, see: Offshortenings.


Staffs under English Wordbook/O:

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Chancery English Class Anglish/English
Attested Unattested


oasis n - win (<IC vin), sandspring


obedient adj hearsome, law-abiding, buxom (original sense) bowel (<OE béogol), buxom, eathmood (<OE éaþmód), bowsome (note: buxom is in fact a contraction of bowsome)
obedience n hearsomeness buxomness, youngerdom, hearness, thegning; bowsomeness (see above)
obelisk n needle, shaft stonerock (<OE stānrocc)
obese adj full, podgy, overweight fatsoughty (calque: NHG fettsüchtig)
obey vb heed, fulfill, follow, bow, give in, give way, meet -
obfuscate vb becloud, muddy -
obituary n - Roufrithsoned Engliſh: byodening (by- + yode + -en + -ing)
object n thing, ware; mark, body, goal, end (grammar) wraygoal (< OE wrēgan ('to accuse') + goal)
objection n gripe, againsay gaintale
objectionable adj - frainworthy
objective n/adj goal; fair-minded, open-minded unsided
objectivity n open-mindedness, evenhandedness unsidedness
obligate vb bind, make -
obligation n must, binding, making neediness (<OE néadignes), mustdeed
obligatory adj bound, binded must
obliged adj bound writhen (<OE gewriþen)
obliging adj willing-hearted -
oblique adj slanting, sideways sheel (<OE sceolh and akin to NL scheel)
obliquely adv aslant athwart
oblivion n forgetfulness, unawareness forgottenhood, losthood
oblivious adj clueless, careless, heedless, unwitted -
obrium n shame -
obscene adj foul, lewd, shameless -
obscenity n - ewishness (<OE ǣwisċnes)
obscure vb darken, bedim, befog, overmist, overshadow thester
obscure adj dim, bedimmed, unlit, swart, overmisted, shady, thester dile (< ME dīȝelOE dīegel/dīgol)
obsequious adj cringing, beggarly, bootlicking, brownnosing, fawning, groveling, sniveling -
observant adj watchful, awake, open-eyed -
observe vb follow, goose-step; eye, behold, catch, mark, look at, witness; mind, watch, keep an eye on, bewatch, oversee

yeme (<OE gíeman), umbloat (<OE ymbwlātian), beaughten (calque: NHG beachten)

observer n witness, onlooker, beholder -
obsess vb grip -
obsessive adj whole-minded -
obsessive compulsive disorder n - brainlock
obsidian n - ravenflint (calque: IC hrafntinna); rownglass (cf. NL lavaglas); ravenglass (from Minecraft)
obsolete adj outworn, rust, timeworn out of brook; forolded (cf. DN forældet, NHG veraltet)
obstacle n foreset, block, hurdle hinderness (cf. NL hindernis, NHG Hindernis), behindering (calque: NHG Behinderung)
obstinate adj headstrong, willful, steadfast -
obstetrics n - birthhelp (calque: NHG Geburtshilfe)
obstruct vb block, fetter, hamstring, shackle, hold up forset (<OE forsettan), forslow
obstruction n hindering, hinderness, hitch -
obtain vb get, reap, win, net, come by, draw, land  awin (<ME awinnen), fang, beget
obvious adj straightforward bare-nebbed, swotel, onyet (<OE andgiete), openknowledgeful (cf. NHG offenkundig)
obviously adv sheerly markedly, opensightly (calque: NHG offensichtlich)


occasion n time; opening sele (<OE sæl), meal
occasional adj here and far between -
occasionally adv here and there, now and then -
occidental n/adj western -
occipital bone n - skullend, backskull
occupied adj busy, tied-up beset (cf. NL bezet, NHG besetzt)
occupy vb - beset (cf. NL bezetten, NHG besetzen)
occur vb befall, happen, come about shee (<OE scéon), betide
occurrence n befall, happening belimp (<OE belimp), sheeing (<OE ġescēon akin to NHG Geschehen)
ocular adj - eyely
ocean n mere haff (<OE heaf), holm (<OE holm), whaleway (<OE hwælweġ; poetic), fivelway (<OE fífelwǽg; poetic), garsedge (<OE gársecg; poetic); ranroad (<OE hranrād; poetic); world-sea, great sea (akin to "Great Lake"), open sea, highsea, worldwater, the floatway, sailroad
Oceania n(p) - Haffkithe (<OE hoef + cýþþu)
octagon n - eightside
octennium n - yeareight
October n - Winterfulth (<OE Winterfylleþ), Winterfulthmonth
octopus n - armfish, eightfoot (calque from Greek), bleckfish (calque: NHG Tintenfisch)


ode n song -
Odin n Weden, Woden -
odds n

likelihood; at odds: out of step

odour n smell, stench swetch (<OE swecc)


oenophilia n - winelust
oesophagus n - kiteway


offence/offense n - ewish (<OE ǣwisċ)
offend vb smite, upset, gall, wound, anger grill, shend, beloath (calque: NHG beleidigen)
offensive adj loath, loathsome -
offer vb/n n: bid

vb: agive, bequeath

n: shore
offering n gift, handout shoring
office n - ambight (calque), needright, note (<OE notu), shire, witch (<OE wíce)
officer n beadle, sheriff ambighter, ambight (<OE ambeht), shireman
official n/adj. steward, sheriff, reeve; acknowledged -


-oid sfx - -hew (<OE -hīwe)
oil n/vb slick, wax, fat eal (<ME ēle/eal/eale), lime, fattybree
ointment n salve -


okay adj all right -


old fashioned adj stick-in-the-mud, old time, old world, old line -
Old Testament n - Old Bond, Lawsetness (<OE lǽgesetnes)
oleaginous adj fatty ealy
olfactory adj smell -
oligarchy n - fewdom, fewrede, fewwald, fewrich (calques of Gk ὀλίγος 'few' + -αρχία 'rule')
olive n - ealberry (<OE eleberġe)
-ology sfx -lore -


omen n boding, foreshadowing, token, warning, straw in the wind, writing on the wall foretoken
ominous adj doomy, ill-boding, black-boding, threatening, bodeful -
omit vb leave out, drop outlet (calque: NHG auslassen; pron. out-LET), waylet (calque: NL weglaten), bymithe (<by- + mithe)
omnipotent adj almighty -
omniscient adj all-knowing, alwitty (from "The Prick of Conscience") -


onomatopoeia n - hearword, clang-aping (calque of NHG Schallnachahmung) wordmaking (calque of the greek onoma "word, name" + poiein "compose, make"), loudwork (calque of NHG Lautmalerei), loudedighting
onion n - inleek (<ME hinnelēac), chip (<OE cipe), ramps (<OE hramsa)


opera n - singplay
operate vb work, run, undertake

medical: scythe, snithe

bedrive (calque: NHG betreiben)

operation n - medical: scything, snithing

military/police: undertaking

opinion n thought, think-so, what one thinks, the way one sees things weening (<ME wēning), saw (<OE sagu), wen (<OE); onsight (calque: NHG Ansicht)
opossum n - whitedeer (calque: Powhatan aposoum)
opponent n witherling withstander, witherman
opportune adj timely, well-timed ahaply (<OE gehæplic)
opportunity n opening -
oppose vb be against, withstand; fight, go against, againstand, buck again-go, hild, sake
opposite n forenenst [1] gainmatch, witherdeal, gaindeal (calque: NHG Gegenteil), withersake, witherthing
opposite adj withering overright (Dorset), athwart (with object), fornent (Northern)
opposition n withstander gainstanders, witherers
oppressed adj downtrodden -
oppress vb tread down overset (<ME oversetten), athrutch (<OE āþryccan), offthrutch (<OE ofþryccan), forthee (<OE forþēon), thrissom (<OE ġeþrysmian), overseem (<OE ofersȳman), sweer (<OE swǽran)
oppression n yoke

nithe, thrutchness (<OE þrycnes)

oppressive adj - sweer (<OE swǣr)
optimise vb smoothen, better winfullen, winfulledge
optimism n yeasaying -
optimist n yeasayer brightsider, hopethinker, sunny-brainer
optimistic adj - brightsided, hopethinking, sunny-brained, yaysaying
optimum adj best -
optional adj can be waled corely


oracle n - godspeaker (<OE godspræce)
oral adj uttered; unwritten, spoken mouthly (cf. NHG mündlich)
orange adj yellow-red (or) yellowred, honeydew fall
orange n - eastern apple, midricapple (cf. NL sinaasappel; appelsien; NHG Apfelsine)
orangutan n - rutherwere, red ape
oratory n outswettling, beadhouse
orbit vb/n go around spor, pathbow, fallbow, eferfall
orca n killer whale swordwhale (calque: NHG Schwertwal)
orchard n - nutgrove, nutyard, ovetgrove, ovetyard (for disambiguation with "wortyard")
orchestra n - swaygathering, gleeband
orchid n - ballockwort (<ME beallocwirt)
ordain vb foreset; foresay; doom; call tee (<OE teon)
order n

setup, fettle, kilter, rowing

command: behest

group: board, brotherhood, fellowship

char: breed, feather, ilk, kind

fading (<OE fadian); order (phonosemantic calque ord + -er)

command: befeal (<ME befelen; cf. NHG Befehl)

order vb bespeak, bid, behest

arrange: tidy, set up, row

bebid (<OE bebod), behight (<OE behatan)

command: befeal (<OE befēolan, cf. Du bevelen, NHG. befehlen),

for delivery: bestell (cf. NHG/Du. bestellen)

arrange: fade

orderly adj smooth, well-run, shipshape, trim, spotless, tidy -
ordination n - hoding (<OE hádung)
organ n book, tool

biology: innard, wetware

workern (calque)
organization n board, brotherhood, fellowship, body shiplaying (calque: IC skipuleggja)
organize vb tidy (up); make up stight, shiplay
orgasm n - cumyark/cumready (calque: NL klaarkomen)
orichalcum n - goldmaslin (<OE goldmæstling), downore (calque), barrowore (calque)
oriental adj eastern -
orientation n - akinting
orifice n hole, mouth, opening -
origin n root, wellspring, beginning, birth, seedtime, stem, upspring, ere- point: ord, orspring, onstanding

cause: frum (<OE fruma)

original adj ere-, erst, first, new, fresh form (<ME forme), ordly, firstmost
original n ere-, firstling -
originally adv at first, ere- formly
originate vb upspring, stem, arise, come from, ere- -
ornament n dizen, bedecking glenge (<OE gleng), wreat (<OE wrǣt), fratowing (<OE frætwung)
ornament vb bedeck, deck, trim, bedizen -
ornamentation n setoff, trim -
ornithology n - birdlore
orphan n - stepchild (see ME stepchīld), sunderling, lonechild, lonegrower, elderless
orphanage n - barnhome (calque: SW barnhem); wosehouse (calque: NHG Waisenhaus)
orthodox adj mainstream; by-the-book liefful (<OE léafful), bookly
orthodoxy n - lorespell
orthography n - spellmanship, spellingcraft, spellcraft (the same term is used to forbind the English term 'magic'), rightspelling (calque: NHG Rechtschreibung), spellingwork, spellworking


osprey n seahawk

fish hawk (<SC)

ossicle n - earbone
osteology n - bonelore
osteoporosis n - bone brittling, bonebrittleness
ostrich n - strite (<OE strȳta)


outcry n uproar -
outdated n outworn, rusty tided out
outmanoeuvre vb outsmart, outshine, outwit -
outperform vb outdo, outshine -


oval n - eggshape
ovary n - eggstock (cf. NL eierstok, NHG Eierstock, IC eggjastokkur, SW äggstock)
overbalance vb slip, tumble, lose one's footing; upset, keel over -
overcharge vb overload, overweigh -
overdue adj overowed, overripe(ned) -
overemphasize vb overplay, overshow -
overpopulation n overcrowding -
overpower vb forset -
overtax vb overburden, forset -
ovum n - eggling


oxidize vb rust, sour -
oxygen n breath of life chemistry: sourshaft, breathloft
oxymoron n - sharpdull (calque)


oyster n clam -