The Anglish Moot
No edit summary
mNo edit summary
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|'''page'''||''n''||side, leaf
|'''page'''||''n''||side, leaf
|'''pacify'''||''vb''||calm, allay, befrith
|'''pacify'''||''vb''||allay, befrith

Revision as of 20:24, 23 April 2008

Staff P of the English Wordbook.


pabulum n fare, food, tucker
pace vb & n step
pacifist n frithweaver
package n bale
paedophile n childluster, bairnluster
paedophilia n childlust, bairnlust
pagan n heathen
paganism n heathendom
page n side, leaf
pacify vb allay, befrith
pain n smart
palace n thronehalls, thronehouse, thronehold, thronestead
palate n roof of the mouth
pale adj wan
pale n wall, weir
Paleolithic n Old Stone Eldth
palliate vb whitewash, gloss over
palpitate vb throb
pamphlet n leaflet, flyer/flier
panacea n healer of all, healall, allheal
pancreas n allflesh
pant(aloon)s n britches, breeches, hoes
pants, under- n netherlings, netherbritches, underwear, underkegs, undies
papacy n popedom
paper n bookstuff
parable n byspel
paradise n heaven, nerxenwang (OE neorxna-wang)
parallel adj alongside
paralyzed adj lame, lamed
paralysis n lameness
paramour n lover, leman
paraphrase vb & n new wording, new bewording
parasol n sunshade
parchment n book-fell
parenting n child-rearing
parenthesis n byspeech
parents n folks, elders
pariah n outcast
parliament n witan, lawmoot, witenagemot, witen, witenmoot, allthing (Icelandic)
parsley n crispleaf
part n deal, share, bit
part vb split, break, sunder
participate vb take part, partake
participant n partaker, player
particle1 n [grammar] wordling
particle2a n mote
particle2b, smallest n whit
particularly adv namely
partner vb & n mate
party n gathering, merrymaking, bash
parvenu n upstart
pass vb overtake
passage n gangway, thoroughfare
passport n furlough, forloff,
past adj bygone
patella n kneecap
paternal adj fatherly
pater noster n the lord's prayer, our father
pathetic adj rueful, ruthful
patience n thild, forbearing
patient adj forbearing
patria n homeland, fatherland
patriarch n elder, eldfather, highfather
patrimony n fatherland
patriotic n landtrothen, home-loving, homeland loving, fatherland loving
patriotism n landtrothenness, home-love, homeland love, fatherland love
patron n backer, bestower
patronage n business, trade
pattern n cut, doing, doings, folkway, goings-on, layout, outline, setting, shape, set-up, warp & woof, way, ways, weave, web, yardstick
pause n break, let-up
paucity n lack, fewness, scantiness
pavement n sidewalk, footpath, walkway
pay vb betell
payment n fee
peace n frith
peal vb ring, toll
peasant n churl
peculation n thefting
peculiar adj odd, quirky, weird, funny
pedagog n youth teacher, childteacher
pedal1 n footkey
pedal2 adj foot(ed)
pedantic adj well-taught, know-it-all, bookfed, book-learned, bookish, bookwise, nitpicking, teachy, overlearned, wise, dryasdust
pedestrian n footfolk(att'd), footgoer, sidewalker, walker
peel n rind, skin
peel vb rend, skin, tear
pelican n wanfoot
pelt n hide
penetrate vb thrill, bore
peninsula n by-land, seagirt, spit
pentagon n fivekneer
penultimate adj last- but-one, next-to-last, forelast
penis n yard, pintle, manhood, tail
people n folk
perceive v underget, get, understand, truetake, soothtake
percent n hundredths
perception n undergetting, understanding, truetake, soothtake, truetaking, soothtaking
percolate vb leach
perfect adj flawless, forfit
perfect vb forfitten, fullcome
perforate vb riddle, thrill
perform vb do, behave, work, play, uptread (theatrical; calque of Dutch, optreden)
period n while, timespan, time frame, spell
perish vb forfare, forworth
perjure vb mainswear, forswear, lie under oath
perhaps adv byhaps, maybe, mayhap
perimeter n rim, rimlength, rimspan
permanent adj ever-lasting
permission1‘‘‘ n leave, goahead
permit1‘‘‘ vb let, brook
permit2‘‘‘ n letwrit, goahead
pernicious adj baleful, baneful
pernio n chillblain
perpendicular adj straightways(nb att'd), straight on
perpetually adj ever, aye, unendingly
perpetuity, in adv forevermore
perplex vb bewilder, bewonder
persecute vb forfollow, hound
personal adj monnly, self, own; inner, innermost, inmost; belittling; near
personality n selfhood, egg, mood
personal stereo n walkman
personnel n staff, men, ware
Perspicacious adj insightful
perspicacity n insight, keenness, shrewdness
perspective n outlook
persuade vb overrede, wheedle, sweet-talk, overwin
pervert n lewdster (nb. att'd Shakespear)
perverse adj thirtover, lewd, wayward, thrawn, forcouth, untoward
pervert vb offset, froward, throw off track
pet-name n nickname, ekename
petrify vb (for)stonen
petroleum n black gold
peruse vb look through, read through
phantom n ghost
phlebotomy n bloodletting
philosophy n witlore, lorelief
phloem tube n (biol) wortpipe
photograph n snap, still, sunprint, lightstain, lightwrit, lightblot, snapshot
phobia n fear, misfear
phosphorescent adj briny
photographer n sunprinter, sunprintster, sightblotter, lightplotter, lightblotster, lightwriter, sightsnapper
photography n sunprinting, lightplotting, sightblotting, lightblotting, lightwriting
phototoxin n lightbane
phrase n wordstring sliver
physics n worldken
physical adj bodily, litchly
picturesque adj pretty, lovely, fetching, striking, sightworthy, sightly, highly wrought
piece n bit
pierce vb bere, bore, stab, thrill, gore
pianoforte n softhard keyboard
pigeon n culver, dove
pile n heap
pillage vb ransack, plunder, reave
pilot n lodeman, skyship boss, foreflyer
pimple n wheal
pinch vb nip, squeeze, steal, scrimp, nab
pioneer n groundbreaker, waymaker
pioneering adj groundbreaking, waymaking
pious adj godly
pip n (hard) seed
pirate n searobber, searover, wiching
pity n ruth, mildheartness
place vb lay, put, stow
place n stead, stow, spot, -where
place-name n steadname
placenta n afterbirth
plagiarism n thought-theft
plague n folkbane
plan vb plot, forethink
plan n layout, outline, draft
plank n board, sill
plankton n drifter moss
planning n forethought
planet n world, wanderstar
plant n wort
plateau n dish
plateau n wold
platform n deck, hustings(esp. for poltiical gatherings), staddle
pleasant adj lithe, likesome
please interj prithee, kindly
please vb gladden, list
pleased adj glad, happy
pleasure n lust, gladness,
plebiscite n folkcast, folksay
pledge n plight
plentiful adj rife
plenty adv enough, weal
-plex suff -fold
plumber n pipefitter, waterfitter
plumbing n pipework, leadwork, founding
plunge vb dip, dunk, dive
plural adj manysome, many
plutocracy n gelddom, goldwield
pneumatic adj suckwork, by air (pressure)
poem n lay
poet n wordwright, wordcrafter, scop
poetry n wordcraft, scopery
point n tip, tine, nib
poison n bane, atter
polecat n thummart
police n law-warden
political adj mootish
political party n mootband
politician n rikemaster, mootsman, mootswoman
politics n mootsmanship
pollute vb besmear, foul, befoul, besmerch
polycephaly n many-headedness, maniheadedness
polygamist n maniwedder
polyglot n manispoken, many-speeched, manytongued
polygon n manycornered, manykneed
polyhedron n manyface
polytheism n manygodhood, manygoddedness
pompous adj overblown
pontoon n punt
poor adj arm, needy
popular adj well-liked, well thought of, held dear, well known, all-the-thing, homespun, household name, far heard, widespread
population n befolking, bewoners, indwellers, folk, ware, erdeners
porcines n pig, boar, hog, swine, sow, yelt
pork n pigflesh, pig, swineflesh
porous adj holey, hole-shotten, seepsome, holesome
port n harbour, larboard
portal n doorway, gate, gateway, yet
portend vb bode, by-sen, forerun, ill-bode, foreshadow, forewarn
portent n foretoken, boding
portentous adj baleful, baneful, bodeful, boding, by-sening, dire, doomful,fateful,foreboding, forerunning, forewarning, ill-boding, untoward, weighty
portion n lot, share
portrait n likeness
position n stead, steadholding
positive (aspect) n upside
possess1‘‘‘ vb own, owe
possess2‘‘‘ vb devilsicken, bewitch
possessed adj devilsick, owned, ought, owed, own, giddy, bewitched, deviltaken
possession n ownership, belonging, ought
possibility n likelihood, mightsomeness
possible adj doughtbefall, dowedbefall, hapsome, likely, mightsome, within reach
possibly av likely, maybe
posterior n rump, back(side)
posteriority n afterness,
posterity n afterbairns, afterkin, eretide, offspring
post-existence n afterlife, afterbeing, the beyond, the great beyond, the next world, other world, the great unknown, the world to come
postpone vb shelve, call off
post script (p.s.) n afterthought, afterwrit (a.w.)
potassium n potash
potato n nightshade runner ("solanum tuberosa"), shaderoot, tater, tatty, pot, spud, earthapple, breadroot
potential adj mayly, likely, maybe
poultry n hen, fowl
pour vb birle
poverty n armth, armhood, hardship, need, lack, illth
powder n dust
power n craft, might, know-how, main, strength
power vb drive, feed
power line n spark rope
powerful adj mightful, mighty, strong, strengthful, main
practically adv nearly, well-nigh, indeed
pram n buggy
precede vb forego
precipitation n rainfall, snowfall, downpour, wetfall, breefall
preclude vb forestall, foreclose
precognition n foreknowledge, foreboding
precursor n forerunner, forebear
predecessor n forerunner, forebear, foreling(by analogy to afterling)
predestination n wyrd, foredooming, doom, wierd
predetermine vb foreset, foredoom, foretomark
predetermined vb foregone, foreset
predicament n hardship, quagmire, quandary, jam, scrape, plight, hardplace
predict vb foretell, foresay, foresee
pre-eminent adj foremost
pre-existence n aforeness, beforeness, forebeing
prefabricated adj ready-made, ready-built, forewrought, fore-timbered(houses)
preface n foreword
prefer 'vb rather, berather
prefer to vb would rather, would sooner, had liefer
prefigure vb foreshadow , foreshow
pregnancy n (phantom) falsebrooding
pregnant adj bearing, with-child, childladen
prehistory n aforeyorelore, yesteryore
prejudical adj foredeeming
prejudice n foredeeming
prejudge vb foredeem
premature adj foreripe, oversoon, untimely
prematurely adv oversoon
premeditate vb forethink
premeditated adj forethought
premier adj foremost
premise n given, starter, foretruth
premises(a building's site) n toft
premonition n forefeeling, foreboding
preoccupy phr & vb worry about, taken up

by, beset, come uttermost, inthrall, fill the thoughts, spellbind, take over the mind

preparation n readiness, readying,(complete) alreadiness, yareness
prepare vb aready, agraith, foreready, make ready, ready, rede, yare
prepared adj ready
preposition n forplacing ,foreputword
prepuce n foreskin
prescience n foreknowledge, forethought, forwisdom
prescient adj farsighted, foresighted, foreseeing, forwise, forknowing
prescribe vb forespell, shrive
press1‘‘‘ vb thrimp, shove
pressure n (of water, gas) head
present adj nowa
present adv nowadays
present1 n nonce, time being, now
present2 n gift
present vb show, give, bestow,
presentiment n forefeeling
preserve vb hain, keep, uphold
president n kithhead, stoolman
presume vb guess, dare, make free with
presumptuous adj uppity, overweening, daring
pretender n would-be
pretense n make-believe, falsehood
pretentious adj showy, hoity-toity, over the top, kitsch
prevent vb forbid, forestop, forestall, hinder, let
preview vb & n forelook, forepeek, foreshow, foreshowing
previous adj yester, last, latter, foregoing, earlier
previously(general) adv afore, yesterly, beforehand
previously(before now) adv heretofore, until now, before now, hitherto
previously(before then) adv theretofore, until then, afore, before then
prima donna n leading lady
primary adj foremost, first
primer n futharkboook
prince n atheling
principal adj main, foremost, first, head
print vb offset, run off, stamp
prior adj beforehand, before
priority n foreness, beforeness
prison n lockup, clink, lagstead
pristine n earliest, firstness, spotless, yoreness, urhood
private adj homely
privy n outhouse
probable adj likely
probably adv maybe, most likely
problem n worry, kinch, bugbear
proceed vb go forth, thence go, yede, go on
process vb taw
processor, computer n mainframe, numbercruncher, reckoner
procreate vb beget, breed
product n ware, yield
productive n yieldsome, yieldy
prodigy n wonderchild
prodigal adj spendthrifty, feespilling
produce vb bring forth, get out, yield, make
production n yield, output
proem n foreword
professor n lorespeaker, loregiver
profit n gain, boot, yield
profitable adj worthwhile
proficiency n skill
profound adj underlying, deep
profusely adv phr flow thickly, running overly, teemingly
profusion n beteeming
progenitor n begetter, elder(s), father(s), forebear(s), forefather(s), fore-elder(s), Forerunner(s)
program n foredraught, broadcast, sending (see source code)
programming language n foredraughting tongue, foredraughting leid
progress n headway, foreway
progressive adj forward-looking, forthgangsome
prohibit vb forbid, forfend
projector n beamer
prokaryote n forekern, forekernel, forechurn(?)
proleteriat n working-poor
prolific adj birthy, broodful, birthful
prologue n foretale
promise n oath
promise vb swear, behight
promontary n headland, foreland, ness
promote vb uprear, further, boost, raise
pronounce vb utter, say
pronouncement n say-so
pronunciation n outspeech, uttering, wordloud
propose vb put forth
propel vb thrust, drive, drive forth
proper adj fitting, meet, seemly, right, true
property n ownings
prophesise vb foretell, foresee
prophesy n foresight, foretelling
prophet n soothsayer, godsayer
proprietor n householder, owner, landlord/lady
propulsion n thrust, spinthrust(as from a plane's propeller)
proscribe vb forbid
prosper vb thee, thrive
prosperity n wealth, riches, theedom, weal, thrivedom
prostitute vb & n whore
prostrate adj aground
protect vb ward, shield, forstand
protege n ward
protest vb say against, outcry
protestant adj againstish
protestant n againstisher
protoplasm n orslime
protoarchaeopterix n aforeoldenwing
protrude vb stick out, jut
proud adj rank, showy, overbearing
proverb n byword, saying, saw, folksay(ing)
provide vb give, open, afford
province n great shire
prow n foreship
prudence n forewit, thrift
pseudo- n fake, -like
psychiatrist n mindhealer
psychologist n mindlore(wo)man, mindlorester
pub(lic house) n inn, alehouse, boozer
public adj openly, stately, y-mean
public servant adj onbidsman
public toilet n outhouse
publish vb furthset, make known, folkcast, bring out, outbring
pulsate vb beat, throb
pulse1 n beat, throb, heartbeat
pulse2 n bean
pumpkin n harvestberry, harvestball
punish vb scold
pup n whelp
purchase1 vb buy
purchase2 n grip
purge vb cleanse
pure adj clean, sheer, white
purify vb cleanse
pursue vb follow, go after
purveyor n monger
push vb shove, thrust
pustule n pock
pyromania n firemadness