The Anglish Moot

Staff P of the English Wordbook.

Basic abbreviations:

  • OE = Old English
  • ME = Middle English
  • SC = Scots
  • WF = West Frish
  • NF = North Frish
  • SF = Saterlandish Frish
  • WLG = West Low Theech
  • ELG = East Low Theech
  • NL = Netherlandish
  • NHG = New High Theech
  • IC = Icelandish
  • HIC = High Icelandish
  • NO = Nornish
  • SW = Swedish
  • DN = Danish
  • MLG = Middle Low Theech
  • MNL = Middle Netherlandish
  • MHG = Middle High Theech
  • OF = Old Frish
  • OS = Old Saxish
  • OHG = Old High Theech
  • ON = Old Norse
  • GO = Gottish
  • PWG = Or-West-Theedish
  • PG = Or-Theedish

For a full list of etymological and other abbreviations used in these wordlists, see: Offshortenings.


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Chancery English Class Anglish/English
Attested Unattested


pabulum n fodder, food of thought -
pace vb/n speed; step, walk, stride, tread skeeth (cf. IC skeið)
pacifier n soother -
pacifist n dove frithweaver, unfighter
package n wrapping -
paddle n oar -
pagan n heathen -
paganism n heathendom -
page n side, sheet, leaf; knave, boy, helper, thane

trammet (<OE tramet), leafside
servant: theen 

pacify vb allay smolten, befrith
pain n smart(ing), soreness, acheness, sorrow, care, teen(e) (obsolete), warch/wark (obsolete; k-form may be due to influence from Norse), woe -
painful adj acheful, nasty, sore, harsh, harrowing, smarting -
paint n dye

farb (<OE færbu)

paint vb mete (obsolete, but in the OED), dye, stroke mete/meet (<ME mẹ̄ten), fay (<OE fǽgan)
painting n meting (obsolete) dyework, mealwork (cf. IC málverk)
pair n twain, twin, set -
pajamas / pyjamas n nightclothes, sleepwear, sleepclothes, nightwear -
palace n hall kingshouse, kingshome, kinghove (<OE cynehof), king's dwelling, sale (related to salon), sty
palate n roof of the mouth, gums’ roof

gums/goom (<OE góma)

palatine bone n gums’ bone gumsbone, goombone, roofbone
pale adj bleach, dull, fallow, light, washed-out; ashen, doughy, mealy, wan -
pale n wall, weir -
paleo- pfx ere- ur-, or-
paleography n old writing orwritelore, erewritlore
paleolithic adj - orstonely, orstonish
paleontology n - orwightlore, erewritlore
paleozoic n - Orlifen, eld of fish and lurrows, life's start
Palestine n - Meresetland (mere + set + land)
palindrome n - crabword, drowword
palisade n - stakehedge, stakewall, stakework, bredwall (<OE bredweall), stavewall, stickwall
palliate vb whitewash, soothe -
pallid adj ashen, doughy, mealy, wan, ghastly, grey, bleak, white, sickly, ill -
palmtree n - folmtree, handtree
palmary adj - heriworthy
palpitate vb throb -
pamphlet n flyer, folder, leafling leafel
panacea n heal-all (not common, but in OED) allheal (calque)
pancreas n - sweet kernel
pancreas (when used as a food) n gut bread -
panda bear n - (greater) catbear, eastern bear, eyeshadowbear
pandemonium n - hexkettle (cf. NL heksenketel), alfiendness (calque)
panderer n bedbroker -
pandemic n Blight allfolky
panel n shield, screen, board -
Pangaea n - Alland (all + land; calque)
pangolin n - shaledeer (calque)
panic n fright, elfshot wode, wodening
panorama n - allsight, umsight (see um-)
Panthalassa n - Allsea (all + sea; calque), Worldsea
pants n breeches, britches, shorts, leggings, hosen, strides, slacks, legwear -
pants, under- n undies, underwear, drawers netherlings, underkegs
papaya n - blasterapple (calque of Cuban Spanish "fruta bomba")
paper n

leaf, sheet, looseleaf

bookfell ('paper' in OE (from Latin) means "papyrus")
papier-mâché n - sheetmash, mashed sheet
para- suffix over- yond-
parable n likeness, byword -
parachute n - fall-shield (cf. NHG Fallschirm, NL valscherm)

fallward (calque of French parachute)

Paraclete n(p) - Frooverghost (<OE frōforgāst)
parade n uptight (cf. NL optocht), uptug (cf. DN optog)
paradise n heaven, the afterlife fairyard, narxenwong (<OE neorxnawang; c.f. dark < OE deorc); blessed abode
paradisiacal adj heavenly heavenlike, narxenwongly
paradox n - brainbreaker
paragraph n - sidewrit (cf. para- "beside" + graph "to write")
parallel adj alongside; akin, matching getherwended, withstraight
parallelogram n - sides alongside; akinside
paralyzed(ysis) adj/n lame(ness), lamed -
paramour n lover leman
paranoia n great fear, maddening fear; mistrust mad mistrust
paranoid n - mad misgiver, overmistruster
paranormal adj witchcraft, otherwordly; nithe, nicor nitheness; overmean
paraphrase n/vb - n: edwording

vb: edword

parasite n bloodsucker, free rider sidefeeder (calque of Gk. parasitos, para (beside) + sitos (food)
parasitism n bloodsucking, freeriding sidefeeding
parasol n sunshade -
parchment n bookfell -
parent n elder, father or mother, childrearer kennen, kennend (<OE cennend), may (<OE mǣġ; narrowed meaning)
parenting n elderhood, childrearing, raising children/a child -
parenthesis n afterthought (OED) breeches, inputmark, sidemark
par excellence n better than others, best of its kind by outstandingness (calque)
pariah n outcast, castoff, black sheep -
parietal bone n - skullwall
parish n - bedeshire
park n - ersh (<OE ersc), parrock, eddish (not exact: yard, field), deertown (<OE déortún)
parliament n witenmoot (<OE) folkthing (cf. DN Folketinget), stourthing (cf. NO Storting), lawthing (cf. SW Lagting), allthing (cf. IC Althing), ledeward, lawmoot, landmoot (there were shire moots, so this is the whole land), rikesday (cf. NHG Reichstag, SW Riksdagen), rikesrede (cf. NHG Reichsrat), forsamening (cf. NHG Versammlung), rikesforsamening (cf. NHG Reichsversammlung)
parrot n - bleefowl
parsimonious adj mean, stinting, tightfisted flint-skinning
parsley n - crispleaf
part n deal, share, bit dealth
part vb break, rend, shed, split, sunder -
partake vb have, take with bytake, dealnim (<OE dǣlniman), thie (<OE þicgan; c.f. lie < licgan, buy < bycgan)
partial n some bent (on), slanted (toward)
participate vb join in, do with, leap in dealnim (<OE dǣlniman; akin to NL deelnemen)
participation n -

dealnimhood, dealnimness

in the Eucharist: meansomeness (<OE ġemǽnsumnes)

participant n - dealnimmer
participle n - dealnimmand (<OE dǣlnimend)
particle n mote, bit, crumb, mite, nip, shed; fleck, flyspeck, snip grammar: worldling
particularly adv namely, above all, all the more, at length, ever so, in the main, more than ever hour (<ME hūre), sunderly
partition n wall, wough -
partner vb/n mate (<MLG)

in battle: wyesithe (<OE wīġesīþ)

parturition n childbirth, birthing -
party n gathering, fungathering, merrymaking, bash -
parvenu n upstart -
pascal adj - tholing
pass vb overtake, overstep, hand over, give undergo (calque of NHG untergehen)
passage n path, way, pathway, footway, footpath extract: plucking, throughgang (calque of NHG Durchgang)
passage of time n flow of time timeflow
passenger n faregoer faregest (calque: NHG Fahrgast), byfarer
passion n love love-fire, feel-fire, lithenship (calque of NHG Leidenschaft)
Passion (Christianity) n(p) - Lithen (calque of NHG Leiden), Lithe
passive adj idle throwendly (<OE þrowiendlīc)
Passover n(p) - Easter
passport n - wayleave, fareford, trekford
past n/adj bygone(s), forgone, former, last, erstwhile forthwist (<OE forðgewitan), forganghood (calque of NHG Vergangenheit), forgonehood/forgoneness, foretide (calque of IC fortíð), foreby (calque of NHG vorbei)

bygonehood (calque of NHG Vergangenheit)

pasta n noodle, starch starchfood
paste n clay lim
pastiche n - filling, aping
pasture n grassland, lea, meadow, field leasow
patella n kneecap -
paternal adj fatherly -
Paternoster n Our Father Lord's Bead
patisserie n - suckerbakern (cf. NHG Zuckerbäckerei, SW sockerbageri)
pathetic adj rueful, ruthful, sad -
pathos n sadness -
patience n forbearing(ness) thild (<OE geþyld), moodthwearness (<OE módþwǽrnes)
patient n - sickling (cf. IC sjúklingur)
patient adj forbearing thildy (<OE geþyldig, cf. NL geduldig); bide-willing
patria n homeland, fatherland, motherland -
patriarch n elder, eldfather highfather (<OE hēahfæder)
patriarchy n - fatherwield
patrician n - highalder (<OE hēahealdor)
patricide n - fatherslaughter, fathermurder
patrimony n fathersland -
patriotic n home-loving landtrothen, fatherlandish (calque)
patriotism n home-love, flag-waving (pejorative) landtrothenness, fatherlandloving, motherlandtrothness
patron n backer, bestower -
patronage n business, trade -
patronym n - fathername (calque)
pattern n cut, doing, doings, folkway, goings-on, layout, outline,setting, shape, set-up, warp & woof, way, ways, weave, web, yardstick model: forelay (calque: NHG Vorlage)
pause n break, let-up -
paucity n lack, fewness -
pavement n sidewalk, footpath, walkway -
pay vb yield, deal (out), set back betale (cf. WF betelje, NF (Sylt) bitaali, ELG betahlen, NL betalen, NHG bezahlen)
payment n outlay betaling (cf. NL betaling, NHG Bezahlung), scot


PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) n handheld, handtop handheld reckoner, handtop reckoner


pea (<OE) n - art (<PWG *arwīt; cf. WF eart, ELG Arvte, NL erwt)
peace n frith, bliss, rest, restfulness sib (<OE sibbe), grith (<OE griþ)
peace vb afrith -
peaceful adj dovish, restful frithsome (<OE friþsum and akin to NHG friedsam, NL vreedzaam), grithful (grith + ful)
peach n - perseapple (ancient Greek calque)
peal vb ring, toll -
peanut (see pea) n earthnut, groundnut -
pearl n - mergroat (<OE meregrot 'sea particle'), sandhurst, seahurst
peasant n bower, churl, boor, yeoman, husbandman, landman -
peasant farmer n - bour (<OE būr; pl: bours (<OE būras); cf. neighbour)
peculation n thefting -
peculiar adj freak, unwonted, own markly (calque: NO merkelig)
pedagogue n teacher -
pedal n treadle, footkey, foot board, foot trigger -
pedal adj foot(ed) -
pedantic n/adj

inkhorn(y), know-it-all, nitpicking, teachy, boorish

n: dryasdust

pedestal n - footstone (<OE fótstán)
pedestrian n walker footman, footfarer, footgoer, footganger
pedophile n badling; childluster -
pedometer n - walking-wheel
pedophilia n badness childlust
peel n husk, rind, shell, skin, strip -
peel vb rend, skin, shell, tear, pull off, slough off, strip -
peep vb/n cast, eye; slang: gander -
peer n - evening (<ME ēvening), make (<ME māke); eveneld (<OE efenealda)
pegasus n - winged horse
pejorative adj slighting, belittling, down-putting -
pelican n - wanfoot, stone-yeller, divedopper (<OE dūfedoppa; the first element is related to the verb "dive", not the noun "dove"; see OED entries "dive-dap|dive-dop" and "dive-dapper")
pellucid adj unclouded -
pelt n fell, hide -
pen n marker, writing tool, writing needle, writing shaft writsax (<OE writseax), writler, writingfeather, writingiron, (<OE wrítung-ísen), reed, quill (uncertain origin)
penance n bote sinboot (<OE synbōt), deedboot (<OE dǣdbōt)
penchant n leaning, fondness -
pencil n stick leadstick, graystick, writingstick
penetrate vb breach, stab, thrill, bore -
peninsula n neck of land; arm, foreland, headland, ness, spit, half-iland (cf. NHG Halbinsel) shankdom (as the boot of Italy)
pentagon n - fiveside, fivenook, fivedge
Pentecost n Whitsunday -
penultimate adj last-but-one, next-to-last, forelast erelast
penguin n - whiteauk, white auk (<Welsh pen + gwyn meaning "headwhite" and <ON alka)

small auk (as opposed to the great auk--now extinct)

penis n pizzle, weapon (<OE wæpn), dick/cock (both slang; both vulgar), pintle, tarse (<OE), yard, shaft (slang), manhood (slang) brine hose (slang), bockler (cf. ON bqllr)
penitence n ruefulness, ruth gild, rueness (<OE hreonisse)
penurious adj stingy -
people n folk; throng (group of people); thede lede (<OE lēod, cf. NHG Leute, cf. NL lieden)
pepperoni n - pepperwurst
perceive vb wit; see, grasp, behold, smell, smack, fang, witness, make out, understand yeme, onget, bemark (cf. NHG/NL bemerken), upmark (calque of NL opmerken)
percent n - hundredth(s)
percentage n - hundmeal
perception n insight, grip, hold yeming, onget, undergetting, understanding, truetake, soothtake
percolate vb leach -
perdition n forelornness forwird (<ME forwīrd)
peregrine falcon n duck hawk

duckhawk, wanderfalk (cf. DN vandrefalk, NHG Wanderfalke)

perennial adj - thruyearly
perfect adj flawless; all-out, blank, blooming, clean, sheer, flat-out; well done, all done, done throug, yare

fulfremmed (<OE fulfremed), fulmade (cf. NL volmaakt), yare (<OE ġearu)

perfect vb hone, fulcome fulmake (cf. NL volmaken)
perfidious adj forsworn; untrue, untrustworthy, trothless -
perforate vb awl, riddle, thrill, stick, thirl/thurl (< OE thyrel, now obsolete or dialectal), drill -
perform vb do forth, do, behave, work, play, show

even (<OE efnan), uptread (theatrical; cf. NL optreden), athee (<OE ġeþēon), ove (<PWG *ōbijan, cf. ELG öven, NL oefenen, NHG üben)

performance n -

oove (<PG *ōbō; cf. OHG uoba)

perfume n -

duft, cride, athelstench (<OE æðelstenċ), wortbreath (<OE wyrtbrǣþ), ilmwater (calque: IC ilmvatn)

perfunctory adj halfhearted, careless -
peril n - freeken (<OE frēcen)
period (time) n while, timespan, time frame, spell, stint -
period (punctuation) n fullstop haltmark, stopmark, endmark
perish vb waste, waste away, be wrecked, dwindle, forfare, forworth, swelt (dialectal) dwale
perjure vb/n forswear, lie under oath, forsworness, oathbreach, oathbreaking


perhaps adv maybe, mayhap, likely weenings (<OE wēnunga), byhaps
perimeter n brim, hem, rim, skirt, edge mereline
perineum n bonch middlecrotch, middlecrook, crabwalk (slang)
period (time) n while, timespan, time frame, spell, stint -
perish adj - dreeze (<OE dreosan and <ME drēsen)
permanence n everlasting, abidingness, timeless, lasting, everliving, alwaysness -
permanent adj everlasting, eche (archaic), timeless, abiding, lasting

highfast (<OE hēahfæst), foreversome

permafrost n - everfrost
permission n leave, warrant, letting, green light, furlough letship, thave (<OE þafian), financial: tholing tithe, lethood, letship
permit vb/n green-light, leave, let, go-ahead thave (<OE þafian), thole, tithe (<OE tīðian)
pernicious adj baleful, baneful -
pernio n chilblain -
perpendicular adj athwart, straight out from, upright -
perpetually adj ever, everlastingly, for ay, endlessly, unendingly, world without end -
perpetuity, in adv forevermore -
perplex vb bewilder, muddle, befuddle, befog bewonder
persecute vb ail, hound eight (<OE éhtan, ǽhtianéhtian, eáhtan; rhyme: height)
persecution n witch hunt, hounding -
perseverance n stick-with-it-ness -
persevering adj - oneread (<ME ānrēd <OE ānrǣd)
persimmon n - dateplum (calque of Persimmon - from IC Döðluplóma)
persistence adj steadfastness -
persistent adj steadfast, dogged, bound -
person n

someone, fellow, man, soul, wight, bloke, being, body

lede/leed(e) (<OE lēod, cf. NHG Leute, cf. NL lieden), mennish (cf. NL mens; NHG Mensch),

grammar: sway (<OE swég), hoad (<OE hād)

personal adj selfly, monnly, self, own, inner, innermost, inmost, belittling, near, of oneself mennishly, wightly (calque)
personality n selfhood, mood, self, who-th, ghost, -
personnel n staff, men, ware -
perspective n outlook, ken, wits, witness, edge of sight (point of view) view, opinion: onsight (calque of NHG Ansicht), outsight (Eng., cf. NL uitzicht, NHG Aussicht), wist (native English kin to 'view' and 'vista'), wholesight
perspicacious adj insightful, keen, shrewd mindsuttle
perspicacity n insightfulness, keenness, shrewdness -
persuade vb bring, talk into, win over, sway beswipe (<OE beswapan)
pursue vb follow

a new path: tread, beat

forfollow (cf. NHG verfolgen, NL vervolgen)

a new path: beshrithe (cf. NHG beschreiten, see shrithe)

pertinacious adj headstrong, strong-willed -
peruse vb look through, read through -
pervade vb wade (archaic), go through, spread through, fill with  forwade (calque), yond-sprout? (<OE geondsprútan), throughthrust (calque: NHG durchdringen)
perverse adj overthwart forchared, bewarped, thirtover, lewd, wayward, thrawn, forcouth, untoward
pervert n - lewdster (Shakespeare), rakehell
pervert vb twist, warp, befoul bewarp, offset, froward
pestilence n - quild (<OE cwild)
petition vb/n send writ, bene, beseech, beg, ask -
pet name n nickname ekename
petrify vb stiffen, harden, 'turn to stone' bestone, instone (OE), forstone (calque: SW förstena)
petrified adj scared, stunned -
petroleum n black gold

fuel: leaded, unleaded

rock-lime (calque), stonesap
petticoat n - underkirtle
petulant adj sour, moody, waspish -
pessimism n naysaying, world-weariness -
pessimistic adj downbeat, hopeless, world-weary rainy-brained
peurile n childish, cradle-witted -


phanerozoic n - Seenlifen, life's eld
phantasm n dream; shade, shadow, wraith -
phantom n ghost -
phalanx n - speerlining
pharaoh n king (of Egypt) sun-king, greathouser (calque of Anc. Egy. per aa "great house")
Pharisee n faker, holier-than-thou, cleanest one, show player Sunderholies (<OE sundorhalgan)
pharmaceutical n - lib (<OE lybb)
pharmacist n - libman
pharmacy n - libhouse, libshop (calque of drugstore)
pharynx n - retch (cf. NHG Rachen), swallow (cf. DN svælg; SW svalg)
pheasant n - wildhen (<OE wildhænn), woorhen (<OE wōrhana)
phenomenal adj outstanding, astounding sarrow
phenomenon n happening, great show, good show -
pheromone n - seeperspur
-philia sfx - -lust
Philippines n - Philipsland
philistine adj uncouth -
philological adj - speechwritlorish
philology n - speechwritlore
philosopher n - outhwit (<OE ūþwita)
philosophy n wisdom, world outlook outhwitting (<OE ūþwitigung), witlore, lorelief, wittinglove (calque)
phimosis n - throttling
phlebotomy n bloodletting -
phloem tube n - wortrowel
-phobia sfx -fear -
phobia n fear, misfear, fright, dread -
phobic adj fearful -
phoenix n - firefowl
phone n/vb

n: blower, dog and bone,farspeaker, handset

vb: ring, tinkle

speechlore (linguistics): speechlimb, speechwhit (see whit)

phonetic adj - dinly
phonological adj - loudlorish, loudlore-
phonology n -

reardwork, reardlore, loudlore (cf. NHG Lautlehre), clanglore, clanklore (NL klankleer)

phosphorescent adj - lightshedding
phosphorus n - blikeshaft, coldfire, fosfor
photograph n shot; lightshot, frame, sight, showing, still lightbilth (cf. IC ljósmynd), lightwrit, lightdrawing
photography n lightshooting lightbilthwrit, lightwritcraft, lightdrawingcraft
photon n - lightmote, lightbit, lightgang (calque)
phrasal adj (grammar) bound, having many words but being one wordstringly, quide (obs.)
phrase n - wordstring, quide (obs.)
phylum n stem, stock, kind -
physics n - worldken
physical adj bodily, bodylike, wordly, earthly lichly, lundsome
physician n leech -


piano(forte) n - beatharp (<IC slagharpa); keyharp
pickax n pike -
picture n likeness, drawing, sight, frame, shot, showing, still

bild (<OE biliþ, cf. NHG Bild, NL beeld), lightdrawing

picturesque adj fair litey (<OE wlitig), elfsheen (<OE ælfsciēne)
pie n bake rindcake
piece n

bit, snead, shtick (as in my piece/gimmick), clump

piece of art/music: work

stitch (<ME stiche/stech, cf. SC steck, WF stik, NHG Stück)

of silver: silverling (<NHG, the Dschinghis Khan song, Judas, specifically)

piecemeal adv

little by little, step by step, bit by bit

pier n landing, wharf, breakwater -
pierce vb bore, hole; gore, rift, rive, spear -
pigeon n dove, quist, cushat towndove, mean dove
pile n heap, hill, mound, mow (hay), swath (corn) -
pillage vb sack reave
pilgrimage n bead-faring -
pillar n mast, pole, stake -
pilot n lodeman, skyship boss, foreflyer, loftman skyward: (of a tv episode) fanding bit/broadcast, first bit/broadcast
pilot whale n - grindwhale (calque)
pimp n bedbroker -
pimple n wheal -
piñata n - wonderbag (cf. NHG Wunderhüte), sweetpot
piña colada n - mashed firapple (Spanish calque)
pinch vb

nip, squeeze, steal, scrimp, nab

pine n fir, firtree, evergreen (more general) furrowwood (<OE furhwudu)
pineapple n - firapple (cf. IC granaldin)
pinecone n - firtap (cf. NHG Kiefernzapfen)
pioneer n

waymaker, pathfinder

foretrecker (cf. NL voortrekker)
pink adj - light red
pioneering adj groundbreaking, waymaking

foremoving, foretrecking (cf. NL voortrekker)

pious adj godly eafast (<OE ǣfæst)
pip n

seed; bee's knees, day's eye

pipe n

leat, reed (in some contexts)

rear (<PG *rauza-; cf. SW rör, NHG Rohr; cf. "red" = NHG rot <PG *raudaz)

pirate n -

seareaver, shaythman (<OE scegthmann)

pirate captain n -

highseareaver, highseathief (<OE héahsæþéof)

pisiform bone n - peabone, peashapebone
pistol n handgun, gat (informal) staff (cf. ME staf)
piston n - sucker (cf. NL zuiger), stampend (from Minecraft)



shame, kindheartedness, ruth

earming (<OE earmung)
pivotal adj key -
pixel n dot bilthdot (cf. NHG Bildpunkt)
pizza n - flatcake, clampcake


place vb lay, put, stell, stow, put down -
place n spot, berth ord, stead, stow, lough (<OE lóh)
placenta n afterbirth

mothercake (cf. NHG Mutterkuchen, SW moderkaka)

plagiarism n - thought-theft, brain-steal
plagiarist n - thought-thief, brain-stealer
plague n outbreak death, folkbane, blightdom, quild-tide, manqualm, man-qualm, qualm (<OE cwealm)
plan vb forethink, plot, draft, hatch howe (<OE hogian)
plan n layout, outline, draft, framework howe
plank n board, sill -
plankton n - drifter moss
planning n frame, layout, shape, look, mean howing
planet n wanderstar, world, (heavenly) body

tungle (<OE tungol), wanderer (calque from Greekish)

plant n wort -
plant vb sow, besow, scatter -
planted adj - besowen
plantation n farmstead wortfield, seed farm, sowing field
plasma n - state of matter: stirloft (calque: IC rafgas)

blood: bloodslime

plaster n/vb

stickum; besmear

limecoat; cleam (<OE clǣman and <ME clēmen)
plastic n - newclay, hardclay, clay-stuff, shape-stuff
platform n - flatsty
plateau n dish; headland flatbarrow
plate n dish, bowl, board, layer -
plate of metal n - clout (<OE clút), fat/fet (<OE fæt)
platform n deck, staddle; soapbox, flatscape flatstand, flatstead; flatpad
platinum n white gold -
platitude n hackneyed saying flatness (calque)
Platonism n - Platelief
platypus n watermole, duckbill, duckmole billwight (cf. NHG schnabeltier), flatfoot (calque of Greek platypus), birdnose
(calque of Greek ornithorhynchus)
pleasant adj

blessed, darling, dreamy, good, grateful, heavenly, sweet, welcome

lief/ liefsome (Eng, calque of Ger. speech), faining, listing, quemsome (<OE gecwemsum)

please interj kindly, gladly, fain, if you will

bid (cf. NHG bitte), liever (from lief)

please vb gladden, list queme
pleased adj blissful, thankful eady, quemed
pleasing adj grateful, welcome quemely (<OE cwémlic)
pleasure n lust, gladness

quemeness (satisfaction), itheness (<OE īeðnes)

plebiscite n - folkfrain, folkcast, folksay, folkspoll, folksstevening (calque: NL volksstemming), folksanswer (calque of NHG Volksentscheid)
plectrum n pick harpnail (<OE hearpenægel)
pledge n plight -
pledge vb plight, swear, sicker -
plentiful adj rife, teeming, manyful -
plenty adv enough/enow, many weal, fele (<OE fela and akin to SC fele, NL veel and NHG viel)
plethora n overflow overmuchness
-plex suf -fold -
pliable adj - lithy (<OE līþiġ)
pliant adj - lithy
plumage n feathers, featherware, hackles -
plumber n - leatfitter, bogfitter, johnman (slang), leadworker
plumbing n - leadwork
plumbline n - wall-thread (<OE weallþrǽd)
plunder vb - stroud (<OE strūdan; PST: strode, PTCP: stroden)
plunge vb dip, dunk, dive -
plural adj morefold

manifold(ly) (<OE manigfealdlic), manisome 

plus pre and -
plush n stuffed toy -
plutocracy n - gelddom, goldwield
pluvial adj rainly indicator: watergall


P.M. (post meridiem) adv - after midday (A.M.), aftermidday (A.M.) (cf. SW eftermiddag)


pneumatic adj of a woman: shapely thringlofty
pneumonoultramicrosco-picsilicovolcanoconosis n - inbreathedgroundashandsanddustsickness (inbreathed-ground-ash-and-sand-dust-sickness), (poetic) dusty-lung dree


pocket n bag (<ON) pough (<ME poughe, OE pohha)
poem n lay, yed (in OED, <OE giedd) leeth (<ME lēth)
poet n scop, writer, dighter

shop (<OE scop), leethwright (<OE lēoþwyrhta)

poetic adj - leethly (<OE lēoþlīċ)
poetry n dighting leethcraft (<OE leoðcræft), wordcraft
point n tip, tine, nib, score, stake, log ord (<Eng. but seldom)
point v token at

point out sth: betoken, forewarn, make smb aware of

pointless adj - sakeless
poison n bane, gall, atter (obsolete or dialectal) -
poison vb sting, atter -
poisonous adj attery attern (<ME attern)
pole (land/physics) n axle -
polar (land/physics) adj - axled
polar bear n -

icebear (see WF iisbear, NL ijsbeer, NHG Eisbär, DN isbjørn, IC ísbjörn, NO isbjørn, SW isbjörn), white bear (Far. hvítabjørn, IC hvítabjörn)

polar zone n land of the midnight Sun everfrost belt
pole n -

shot (<OE sceāt "corner, angle, nook," cognate of skaut), worldshot (<IC heimskaut)

polecat n - thummart
polemic n/adj rant -
police n law, lawmen, watchmen, coppers, warders lawthane, warden
policy n - thew (<OE þeaw), steven (<OE stefn, cf. IC stefna)
polite adj becoming, befitting -
political adj

party: mootband

shirecrafty, shirecunning, rikescrafty, rikescunn, gerecky, flock (Icelandic: flokkur)
politically correct language n - egg-shell speak, gereckspeak, thoughtful speak, heed-speak
politician n lawmaker shireling, gerecker
politics n - shirecraft, shirecunning, mootsmanship, kingspeak, reevedom, reevecunning, rikescraft, rikescunning
poll n - (survey): worthdeem
pollen n - bloomdust, father dust
pollutant n - filemote
pollute vb foul, befoul, make dirty smear, besnit, besmut, sootdew
pollution n - soot-dew, sootdew
poltergeist n - dinghost
polycephaly n - manyheadedness
polygamist n - maniwed
polyglot n - tonguesmith, manitongue
polygon n - manihern
polyhedron n - manineb
polymorph n - manishape
polymorphism n - manishapedom
polytheism n - manigodlief, sundergodtroth, sundrygodtroth, manygodtroth, sundertroth, sundrytroth, manytroth, sunderoath, sundryoath, manyoath
pomegranate n - cornapple (calque), seedapple (calque), seedovet (calque)
pompous adj showy, overbearing, high-flown, boastful -
ponder vb wonder, eye, think, weigh, wrestle with hiler, smigh
pontoon n card game: twenty one sundstall, float-bridge
pony n - horseling
pool (money) n pot -
poor adj in need, on the breadline, wretched, needy, wantsome

arm; ill-stared; needmore (slang)

pop (music) n folk folksglee
pope (<OE) n Holy Father

Romish headrunner (runner = bishop, cf. NHG Läufer, SW löpare), Highfather (<OE héahfæder)

popular adj beloved, folksy, folkly, folkish -
popularity n belovedness allthede-love (<IC alþýðu-lof)
populate vb - befolk (cf. NHG bevölkern, NL bevolken)
population n folks

population: befolking (cf. NHG Bevölkerung, NL bevolking), dwellerscore, ledescore

inhabitants: inwoners (cf. NHG Einwohnern, NL inwoners), indwellers, erdeners, allfolks (allhallows)

population density n crowding; thickness of settling huddlemete
populism n folks folksdom, folkship, folksric, folkswield, folksreevedom, folkshire
populist adj folksy -
populous adj crowded, teeming folkful, folkrich (calque of NHG)
populus assembly n -

folkforsaming (calque of many germanic languages), folksgathering, folksmoot

porcelain n shiny earthenware -
porch adj - forehouse
porcine n pig, boar, hog, swine, sow, yelt -
porcupine n - quillpig
pore n hole, hidehole, skinhole thirl, sweathole
pork n pig, swine, swineflesh, pigflesh farrow (<OE fearh)
porn n smut -
pornography n - smutcraft
porous adj holey, seepsome siftful, thirl (<OE þyrel)
porpoise n mereswine -
porridge n mush, oatmeal gread (<ON grautr)
port n harbour, haven ford, hythe
portable adj handheld ferryworth
portmanteau n - word: mingleword (cf. NL mengwoord)
portal n doorway, door, gate, gateway

rother (<OE rodor)

portend vb

bode, by-sen, forerun, ill-bode, foreshadow, forewarn

portent n - foretoken, boding
portentous adj

doomy, foreboding, ill-boding, threatening, awesome, stunning, wonderful

portion n deal, lot, share, dole -
portrait n likeness (of) bilth, mealing
position n berth steadholding
positive (aspect) n upside -
positive adj - mathematics: overnaught
possess vb

own, owe; devilsicken,
bewitch, take, take over

possessed adj

devilsick, fiendsick, owned, ought,
owed, own, giddy, bewitched, deviltaken, deviled (Sir John Cheke)

possession n ownership, belonging, ought aught (<ME aughte); haft (<OE hæft)
possessor n owner, holder ower (<OE āga; archaic and not recommended)
possibility n likelihood, likeliness

comendliness (<OE acumendlīcness), mailihood, mightliness, maybehood

possible adj within reach, can-be mightly (<OE meahtelīc), comendly (<OE ácumendlic), maily, maybesome, doughtbefall, dowedbefall, hapsome, mightsome
possibly adv maybe, mayhaps maily
post n upload (internet post) -
post- pref after- -
posterior n rump, back(side) -
posteriority n afterness -
posterity n children, offspring, seed, hinderhood


postexistence n

afterlife, afterbeing, the beyond, the great beyond, the next world, other world, the great unknown

posthuman n - afterwere, gearwere, beyond mankind
posthumanism n - afterweredom, gearweredom
postpone vb forestall, put off, call off forslow, forshove (for- "away" + shove; calque of NHG verschieben), eld (<ME ēlden)
post script (p.s.) n afterthought afterword, afterwrit (a.w.), aftertale
postulate n - bead, foreneed, foreweening
potassium n - potash (pot-ash), potashshaft
potato n earthapple, spud, tater, tatty

nightshade runner ('solanum tuberosa'), shaderoot, breadroot

potential adj likely, maybe, Foremighty maily
potential n strength, fitness, wherewithal, Foremight -
potentiometer n volt knob -
potion n - lib, tiverdrink (cf. NL toverdrank)
pouch n bag (<ON) pough (<ME poughe, OE pohha), pung (<ME pung, cf. SW/DN pung), cheed (<OE cēod)
poultry n

fowl, barnyard birds, bird meat

pound n nowl nail, nool, neel, nagle (calque: SW nagel)
poverty n need, want; dearth, drought, hardupness (slang) wantsomeness, armth
powder n/vb

dust, beat, crush, grind

power n

grip, sway, strength, brawn, might, mains, craft

thirth (<ME thirth/thrith), wield/wald (<OE weald), avel (<ME āvel <OE afol)

special: sundercraft (<OE sundorcræft)
supreme: douthmight (<OE duguþmiht)

power vb drive, feed -
power line n mains line spark rope
powerful adj heavy, mighty, strong

thritheful (<OE þrȳþfull)

power supply n mains brick -


practical adj working; earthy, down-to-earth -
practically adv

about, all-but, fair, fairly,
more or less, nearly, well-nigh

practice vb/n -

vb: ove (<PWG *ōbijan, cf. ELG öven, NL oefenen, NHG üben)

n: oving (calque: NHG Übung, NL oefening)

practicing n -

oove (<PG *ōbō; cf. OHG uoba)

pragmatic adj hardheaded, down-to-earth -
praise n worth, wulder

loave (<ME lōf), heriness (<OE herenes), herrying (<OE herung)

praise vb worth, beworth, puff up herry (archaic New English)
pram n buggy push-wainling (Barnes)
praught vb - athelbade
prayer n bead bene, boon, inspeaking
prayerful adj - beadful, inspeechful
pre- pref fore- -
preach vb - athelbid
preacher n - athelbode, heaven-reacher (slang)
preamble n foreword, inleading, forespell -
precaution n forecare -
precede vb herald, forerun -
preceding adj before-time, fore-time -
precinct n space: pen
pedestrian zone: walkway
precipitation n rainfall, snowfall, downsheet, breefall downsheet
precious adj dear, dearworth, dearworthly -


n dearworthiness -
precise adj - right on, spot-on
precisely adv well -
preclude vb forestall, foreclose -
precocious adj ahead rathe-ripe, rathish
precognition n foreknowledge, foreboding -
precursor n forerunner, before-runner, forebear -
predator n hunter (in some contexts)

reavedeer (cf. NHG Raubtier, NL roofdier), flesheater

predecessor n forerunner, forebear, forefather foreling, before-comer
predestination n wyrd/weird, doom, foredooming

coring, foreteeing (<OE foreteohhung)

predetermine vb foredoom, forechoose -
predicament n swamp, sticky wicket hardfettle
predict vb

foretell, foresay, beeforesay, before-tell,

foresee, forecast, soothsay, foreshow

prediction n

foretelling, foresight, foretelling,
forecast, soothsaying, foreshowing

predominant adj overweighing -
preeminent adj foremost elderdomly (<OE ealdordōmlīce)
preexistence n aforeness, beforeness, forebeing -
prefabricated adj ready-made, ready-built, forewrought fore-timbered (houses)
preface n foreword

throughlook(ing) (<OE þurhlōcung)

prefect n - fyrdenhighshireman
prefer vb forechoose, (would) rather, wouldsooner, fain beliken
preferable adj -

liever (cf. NHG lieber, NL liever)

preference n forechoice beliking, forechoosing
prefigure vb foreshadow, foreshow -
prefix n - forefastening
pregnant adj with child, heavy (with child) bearing, barneken (<OE bearnēacen)
prehistoric adj - yesteryorely
prehistory n - yesteryore

study: forewritlore

prejudice(al) n/adj foredeem(ing) -
prejudge vb foredeem -
prelude n foreword, warm-up, before-runner forspell
premature adj untimely, unripe, early, betimes (literary) foreripe
prematurely adv beforehand, oversoon -
premeditated adj forethought -
premier adj foremost, first -
premise n

given, forestep, if; toft (building site')

premonition n forefeeling, foreboding -
preoccupy vb


preparation n gearing up, reening, readying, foregearing -
prepare vb

taw, fit, fix, groom, graith, lay, ready; draft, draw up, frame; lay out, foreready, forework

reen (<OE renian)
prepared adj ready, tawed, neat, foreworked, forereadied -
prepreparedness n alreadiness -
preposition n -

foreput, foresetness (< Ælfric's OE calque foresetnes)

prequel n - forefollow, forebook, foresaga
prerequisite n - foreneed
prerogative n/adj - sundergift, sundergifted, sundergiftedness
prescience n

foreknowledge; farsightedness, oresightedness, forethought

prescient adj

foreknowing, farseeing, farsighted, forehanded, foreseeing, forethoughtful, forward

prescribe vb lay down forewrite
presence n sight; look, outside atdom (the state of being at something) at-ness, theresomeness, onbe-hood, onbe-hood, theresomeness
present adj

in, ongoing, nowaday, today's, now's, nowadays', running, nowen

anward (<OE andweard), gainward (calque: NHG gegenwart)

present n

here and now, today, gift, handsel

nowtide, nowtime, nonce, time being, now, grammar: anward (<OE andweard). mathom (<OE maþm)

present vb

show; give, bestow, furnish,
put forth, set forth, bring forth

foredraw (calque of all Ger. speeches), forthset, forthput, overreach (cf. NHG überreichen)

submit: forelay (cf. NHG vorlegen)

Presentation of the Lord n Candlemas -
presentiment n forefeeling -
preserve vb forlast, hain, keep, uphold, aspare -
preside vb steward, overlook foresit over
president n -

foresitter (calque), kithhead, stoolman, landleader

presidency n - foresittership
presque vu n - nighseen
press vb thring, thrutch -
press down vb - bethrutch
pressure n - thringmight, thrutch (<OE þryċċan and akin to NHG drücken)
prestige n standing, swey, weight -
presume vb foreguess, daresay athrist (<OE áthristian)
presumably adv likely, seemingly -
presumptuous adj uppity, overweening, daring -
presuppose vb - forettle, forereasow (<OE rǣswan)
pretend vb do as if, play as if, sham, put on, fake bebraid (<OE bebregdan), braid (<OE gebregdan), hue (<OE hiwian), let (<OE lǣtan), fordo, formake
pretender n would-be, fake, faker -
pretend friend n back-friend -
pretense n

put-on, show; high horse

pretentious adj showy, over the top, kitsch -
prevail vb hold up, keep up, last throughswithe (<OE þurhswiðan)
prevalent adj rife -
prevent vb

hinder, forcome, forbid, forestop, forestall, forehinder

let (<OE lettan), forstand
preview vb/n forelook, forepeek, foreshow, foreshowing -
previous adj former, last, latter, foregoing, earlier, yester, back-a-long -
previously adv

afore, already, before, beforehand, earlier, formerly

prey n (the) hunted (in some contexts) feng (<OE)
price n outlay, worth toll
pride n orgul (archaic) unmoodness (<OE unmōdnes), highmoodness (<OE hēahmōdnes), stolt
priest n blesser, hallower, beadle, shepherd; shriver; godsmith, soul-carer, heaven-reacher, sin-buster, sin-shifter, soul-whisperer, white-choker. gospel-shooter, elder, ghost-man (heathen); godkind man, Godspeeder, speeder; snither
prima donna n leading lady, first lady bitchy woman, showy woman
primacy n - foremostness, elderdom (<OE), apeness
primary adj foremost, first, erst, main -
primate n - firstdeer, foredeer
prime adj main, head form (<OE forma; cognate of Leeden primus)
primer n starter futhorc writ, firstbook
primeval adj hoary, olden -
prince n frim, atheling, highness

high earl, kingling, fengle (<OE fengel), brey (<OE brego "prince; lord; ruler")

princess n highness, lady

athelingen (æþeling + -en), high earlin, brinen (< OE brego + -en), ides (<OE ides "woman of nobility"?)

principality n - fengledom (fengel + -dom), high earldom, breydom (<OE brego + -dom)
principle n - howing, eldertruth
principle adj main, foremost, first, head -
print vb -

thrutch (<ME thricchen), outlay

printing press n - thrycker, thringing thryck calque
prior adj before(hand), earlier -
priority n right-of-way forerank, foreweight, foreness, forehood, beforeness
prism n block andleamer
prison n clink, lockup, pound, slammer fangness (fang "to capture" (now dial.) + -ness; akin to NL gevangenis and NHG Gefängnis), dung (<OE dung)
prisoner n inmate haftling (<OE hæftling)
pristine n earliest, firstness, speckless, spotless yoreness, orhood, fromfirst
private adj hidden, hushed, shut, asunder, set away dern, onelepy (<OE anlipig), sunder, wightly (calque of personal)
privilege n right, freedom sunderfreedom (<OE), sundergift (cf. OE sundorgiefu)
privileged adj gifted -
privy n outhouse, backhouse cackhouse (<OE cachūs), felton (<OE feltūn)
pro n craftsman -
probability n likelihood, likeliness, odds -
probable adj likely -
probably adv likely, in all likelihood, likely enough, maybe, most likely, belike trueshinely (cf. NL waarschijnlijk, NHG wahrscheinlich)
probe vb prod -
probity n uprightness -
problem n worry, kinch, bugbear, reck, hang-up, hitch, snag, rub, pitfall, fall, downside, drawback, shortcoming -
problematic adj worrysome -
procedure n - forsetting (cf. DN fortsætte, SW fortsätta), forfareld
proceed vb go forward, go forth, go on, go ahead yede, forefare, forthfare, forthgo, shrithe (<OE scrīþan)
proceeding n - foregoing, foregang (cf. NHG Vorgang)
process vb -

forework, forthfaring, forfare (cf. NHG verfahren), taw, handle

process n -

foregang (cf. NHG Vorgang), workway

processor n computer: mainframe telcruncher, reckoner
proclaim vb bode -
proclamation n banns, boding ban (<ME ban)
proclivity n forelike, forelove towardbend
procrastinate vb put off, stall eld (<ME ēlden ⁊ <OE ildan), ebb out, morrowstall, forestall
procrastinator n - forslower, morrowstaller
procreate vb beget, breed -
proctophilia n - arselust
procurator n - highshireman (<OE hēahscīremann)
procure vb - beshape
product n ware -
prodigy n - wonderchild
prodigal adj spareless unbridled, feespilling
produce vb beget, breed, bring about, bring forth, draw on, work, yield, forthbring, ale (<OE alan; PST: ool, PTCP: alen)
produce n handiwork, output, thing, work, yield, outcome  -
producing adj begetting, life-begetting, yielding  -
production n yield, output, handiwork forthbringing
productive adj waresome, thrifty, yoelding forthbear
productivity n output -
proem n foreword -
profanity n curse, curseword, cuss warm words (slang)
professional adj skilled -
professional n worker, craftsman -
professor n lorespeaker, loregiver -
profile n - selfleaf (internet)
profit n gain, boot, yield, winnings, earnings -
profitable adj worthwhile -
proficiency n skill -
profound adj underlying, deep -
profoundly adv underlyingly, deeply, groundly -
profusely adv phr flow thickly, running overly, teemingly -
profusion n beteeming -
progenitor n

begetter, elder, father, alder-father, forebear, forefather, fore-elder, forerunner

program n - foredraft, broadcast, sending (see source code)
language: draft writ
progress n inroads, headway forthgang (<OE forþgang), forthship (<OE forþscype), forthstride
progressive adj forward, late, broad-minded, cutting-edge forblowing
prohibit vb forbid, forfend -
project n work howe, goalwork
projector n beamer -
prokaryote n - forenut, forekern (calque)
proleptic adj - foreyiftish
proletariat n churls, boors, thralls, hirelings, knaves; thralldom churldom, boordom, knavedom
prolific adj fat, lush, rich birthy, broodful, birthful
prologue n foretale -
prolong vb lengthen eld (<ME ēlden ⁊ <OE ildan)
prolonged adj lengthened linged
promiscuous vb bed-hop -
promiscuous adj bedhopping -
promise n behight, oath, troth, foreword -
promise vb behight, swear; forebode forspeak (calque of NHG versprechen), forhight (calque: NHG verheissen)
promontary n headland, foreland, ness, bill, (Portland Bill); hoe -
promote vb uprear, (up)further, boost -
prompt adj - oneread (<ME ānrēd <OE ānrǣd)
prone adj given, open; helpless alout (<OE áloten), forthlout (<OE forþlútan), onfally (<NHG anfällig, see onfall)
pronghorn antelope n - tinedeer, outrunning tinehorner
pronoun n - byname (<OE bīnama), forename (<OE forenama)
pronounce vb say speak out, outspeak (cf. NHG aussprechen, NL uitspreken)
pronunciation n - wordway, loudcarve (<IC hljóðkerfi), outspeaking, outspeech (cf. NHG Aussprache, NL uitspraak), how to say [it]
proper/correct: rightsteven (<OE rihtstefn)
proof n witness shedding, reckonedness (cf. OE gerecednes), bewise (cf. NF (Sylt) Biwiis, NL bewijs, NHG Beweis, SW bevis)
propaganda n - forspreading (cf. NL verspreiding)
propel vb thrust, drive, drive forth -
proper adj fitting, meet, seemly, right, true, echt bedavenly (<OE gedafenlic)
proper noun n self-name ownname (<OE āgen nama; cf. NHG Eigenname, NL eigennaam)
property n ownings, holdings, hallmark, belongings aught (<ME aughte), owndom (<NHG Eigentum; cf. WF eigendom, SF Oaindum), owe (<OE āge)
private: sunderfee (<OE sundorfeoh), landgood (NL landgoed)
prophesy vb speak forth, bode; foretell, foresee, soothsay, say sooth -
prophesy n speech, boding; foresight, boding, foretelling, soothsaying -
prophet n spokesman, preacher, boder; spaeman, spaewife, spaer; seer, soothsayer, foresayer, before-sayer, before-speaker, forth-speaker spaesayer
propitious adj - winsome (<ME wynsom)
proportion n - andeven (<OE andefn)
proposal n foreset forthput, forthputting
propose vb foreset, put forth, say forthput, forthsay
proprietor n householder, owner, landlord/lady -
propulsion n thrust -
proscribe vb forbid -
prosecute v - forfollow (cf. NL vervolgen, NHG verfolgen)
prosecution n - forfollowing (cf. NL vervolging, NHG verfolgung)
proselyte n freshman (Sir John Cheke) -
prosopagnosia n - neb blindness
prosper vb thrive, thee -
prosperity n theedom forblowing (<OE blowan), ead (<OE ēad), douth or dowth (<OE duguþ)
prosperous adj frim (physically), lush, thriving theely, wealth-owning, eady (<OE ēadiġ)
prostate n - forestander (forestander drooze) (<NHG Vorsteherdrüse)
prostitute vb whore -
prostitute n hooker, whore, streetwalker, hustler -
prostrate adj aground -
prostrate oneself (to) vb lay aground before hien (<OE hīenan, lit. "to lie prostrate")
protagonist n - headfellow (cf. DN hovedperson)
protarchæopteryx n - foreorfowl, first orbird
protect vb ward, shield, forstand, beshield, frith -
protection n shield, ward lewing (<OE hleowung), mundwist (<OE mundwist)
protective adj - wardly, holdsome (<OE ġehealdsum)
protector n warden holdand (<OE healdend)
protégé n ward -
protein n - eggwhite (cf. NHG Eiweiß, NL eiwit)
protest n/vb witness; uproar, outcry wrangle, gainsay -


Protestant (< Lat. pro testare, “for a witness”) adj witnessing, gospelling; true faith; speaking out against lies for the troth
Protestant n witness for Christ, gospeller, true believer; speaker against lies -
proto- pref ere-, ur- or- (<OE)
Proto-Germanic n - Ortheedish, Eretheedish
proton n - erebit, firstbit; watermaker
protoplasm n - ereslime, orslime


vb stick out, jut -
protuberance n knob, outgrowth -
proud adj haughty, showy, overbearing, self-worshipping, lofty, stout rank (<OE ranc), stolt (<OE stolt; akin to NHG stolz)
prove vb show, truthen, witness, settle soothe (OE soþian, ME sothen), bewise (calque: NL bewijzen, NHG beweisen, SW bevisa)
proverb n byword, saying, saw, folksay(ing) -
provide vb afford, feed, give, hand over beheft
province n - landshare; outland, folkshire (<OE folcscearu)
provocateur n - gremer (<OE gremung)
provocation n - greming (<OE gremung)
prow n foreship -
prudence n forewit, sparefulness, wariness, wisdom, long-thinkingness
prudent adj keen, forewitting, spareful, wary, wise, long-thinking; glew, i-sely (OED) -
prune n plum -
pruning n shredding, shreading (in OED, obsolete; <OE scrēadung) -
Prunus Spinosa n blackthorn, sloe sloethorn (<OE slāhþorn)
Prussia n - Pruceland, Leatherland
pry vb 1. key-hole 2. uproot -
prying n/adj key-holeing -


pseudo- n fake, -like lease-
psychedelic adj - soulkithing, mindopening, mindrooming, soulopening (calque: SW själsöppnande)
psychiatrist n shrink mindhealer, crockwright, soulkithler, mindlorer
psychiatry n - soulkith (cf. NL seelkunde), mindkith
psychic n - soulsman, mindsman
psychic adj - soulish, mindish
psychologist n shrink mindlorer, crockwright, rat-tamer
psychology n - mindlore
psychopath adj - mindsick, mind-ill
psychotropic/psychoactive adj - mindwending


pterosaur n - wingask(ard) (calque of Greekish "πτερόν" + "σαῦρος"), flyslinkand


puberty n - ripehood, sleyripe (cf. NHG Geschlechtsreife)
pubic bone n - shamebone
pub(lic house) n inn, alehouse, boozer -
public n - openliness (calque of NHG Öffentlichkeit)
public adj open, mean openly, folkly (calque from Latin)
public servant adj - theen, onbidsman
public toilet n - outhouse
publication n uttering foropening (cf. NHG Veröffernlichung), abaning
publish vb utter (lasted in New English until around 1740, when “publish” overtook it), forthset, bring out, forthsend to release: foropen (cf. NHG veröffentlichen)

lay down: aban (<OE abannan), forlay (cf. NHG verlegen), outlay, foropen (cf. NHG veröffenlichen)

publisher n - utterer; forlayer, forlay house (cf. NHG Verlag), abaner
pulsate vb beat, throb -
pulse n 1. beat, throb 2. bean -
pumice n - foamstone
pumpkin n marrow tillberry, harvestball
punch vb clout, hit handstrike, fiststrike, dunch
punctuation n - tokenmark, tokensetting (cf. NHG Zeichensetzung, DN tegnsætning)
punish vb wreak, smite witten (<OE wítnian), strafe (<NHG), give back
punishment n wreak wittening (<OE wítnung), wreaking, smiting, strafing (<NHG), giveback (< payback)
pup n whelp -
pupil n of the eye: strale -
puppet n cat's paw handdoll (cf. NHG Handpuppe)
purchase vb buy, take -
pure adj clean, mere, sheer, white, wemless, unwemmed lutter (<OE hlūtor), shire (<OE scīr), smeat (<OE smǣte)
purebred adj thoroughbred -
Purgatory n - Sweepfire (cf. NHG Fegefeuer), Otherworld
purge vb cleanse furb
purify vb cleanse sye (<ME sīen)
purple (<OE) n - baze (<OE basu), fishdye (<OE fiscdēah), tiver (<OE teafor), woaden (<OE wǣden), bleered (<OE blēorēad), wormred, clamhue, clam
purple dye (<OE) n - welktallow (<OE weoloctælg)
purple martin n - bawseswallow, blueswallow
purpose n sake, goal -
pursue vb follow, shadow, tail -
pursuit n following, shadowing, tailing woath (<OE wāþ)
purveyor n monger -
pus n atter -
push vb shove, thrust, thrutch outarm
pusillanimous n wan weak-minded
pustule n pock, w(h)eal, whelk -
putrefaction n rot(ting) addleness
puzzle n/vb brainteaser, riddle -


pygmy n dwarf; Tom Thumb -
pyramid n - fourflat (calque of NL viervlak)
pyre n - oad (<ME ād <OE ād)
pyromania n - firemadness
pyromaniac n kindler, enkindler firesetter
pyrophobia n fire-dread fireawe, firefear, firefright, baleyse (<OE bǣlegsa)