The Anglish Moot

Staff R of the English Wordbook.

Basic abbreviations: att'd=attested, OE=Old English, NHG=New High German, Du.=Dutch

For a full list of etymological and other abbreviations used in these wordlists, see Forshortenings.


rabbit n homehare, rob (Flem. or M.Du. robbe "rabbit")
race n kind, stock, strain
raccoon n washbear (calque of Norwegian vaskebjørn (wash-bear)
radar n forereader, far reader
radiant adj shiny, bright, beaming, glowing, throughbright (<OE þurhbeorht)
radiate vb shine, glow
radio adj & n wireless (gadget)
radio n broadcasting (concept of radiotelegraphy)
radius n spoke, spokelength, spokespan, staffreach
rage n anger, wrath, grame (from OE gremian, to enrage)
railroad n ironroad
raise (Norse) vb aheave [ahove, ahaven] (<OE ahebban, cf. NHG erheben), lift (up)
range n reach, stetch
rancid adj rotting, reeking, smelly, stale, foul, dank, rank, taff
rank n hoad (<OE hád)
rankle vb gall, irk
rape vb & n needheem, thrakeheem, reave, rove, befoul, gainswive, plunder, mightswive, dintswive, formight (calque of Dutch verkrachten)
rapid adj fast, quick, speedy, swift
rappel vb abseil
rare adj seldly, seldom, seldseen, unlikely, fewsome
rarely adv seldom
rarified adj fewsome, thin
rarify vb seldlyen, befewen, bedearthen,thin
rarity n seldiness,seldomhood, dearth, fewness
raspberry n hindberry (att'd, < OE hindberie, akin to NHG Himbeere)
rat n mouse
rational adj rightwise (<OE rihtwís), shedwise (<OE scéadwís)
rationalism n witdom, wittroth, fathomdom, fornufttroth (Calque of NHG Vernunftglaube)
ravage vb wreck, trash, smash, pull down overwhelm, overrun, overthrow, harry
ravine n chine, gap, ditch, gulch, ghyll
ray n beam, streal (<OE strǽl, cf. NHG Strahl)
razor n shaver
re- pref again-, eft-, ed-, gain-
re- pref back-
re- pref with-
realize/realise vb acknowledge, dawn upon
real adj true
reality n wareness/warehood (analagous calque from continental Germ. langs: Gewahrheit- awareness, Wahrheit- 'wareness/-hood')
really adv truly, mighty
realm (royal) n kingdom
realm n world
reason (cause) n

inthing (<OE intinga/inþing)

ontimber (<OE ontimber)

orsake (Cf. NHG Ursache, Du. oorzaak, Swed. orsak)

wherefore, why (att'd)

ground (Cf. NHG Grund, Dan. grund, Norw. grunn)

reason (faculty) n

andget (<OE andgiet)

rake (<OE racu)

rightwiseness (<OE rihtwísnes)

shedwiseness (<OE scéadwísnes)

yeroad (<OE gerád)

yeshed (<OE gescéad)

yewit (<OE gewitt)

forstand (Cf. NHG Verstand, Swed. förstånd)

fornuft (Cf. NHG Vernunft, Dan. fornuft, Norw. fornuft)

reasonable adj shedwise (<OE scéadwís), yshedly (<OE gescéadlic)
rebellion n uprising
rebuke vb scold, snape
recall vb call to mind, think back to, bethink
recapitulation n eftspelling (<OE eftspellung)
receive vb


onfang [past onfeng, ppt onfangen] (<OE onfōn)

underfang [past underfeng, ppt underfangen] (<OE underfón)

thidge (OE thicgan)

recently adv lately, newly, shortago
recital n reading, singshow, yarn
recline vb lie back, lie down, stretch heel
recognise vb acknowledge, gainknow (NHG wiederkennen), acknow
recommend vb onbefeal [past onbefole, ppt onbefolen] ("on" + "befeal" <OE befeolan; a calque of Du. aanbevelen, NHG empfehlen, Dan. anbefale), befeal on
recompense n gainyield
reconsideration n afterthought
reconcile vb settle, thing
reconciliation n eftthinging (<OE eftþingung)
recovery n comeback, pick-up, upturn, upswing, healing, greenshoot
recreation n eftforgiveness (<OE eftforgiefnes)
recriminate vb blackblame
recruit vb inspan
rectum n arsepipe, arseway
recurrence n comeback, flashback
redeem vb gainbuy
redemption n eftlesing (<OE eftlésung)
red ochre (Fe2O3) n reddle/raddle/ruddle (<"rudd"<OE rudu)
reduce n lessen, lower
redundance n eftflowing (<OE eftflowung)
refer (to) vb bespeak, call
refined adj couth
reflect vb show
reflection n glance, backshine
reform n ameeding
reform vb ameed, forbetter
reformer n ameeder, forbetterer (Calque of NHG Verbesserer)
refractory adj witherhedging (<OE wiðerhycgende)
refrain vb forbear
refridgerator n chiller, cooler
refuge n haven, frithstead
refugee n haven seeker
refulgent adj shining
refuse n chaff,
refuse vb asake, gall, wern (OEwiernan), atdeem (<OE ætdeman),
refute vb

allay (<OE álecgan)

forkithe (<OE forcýðan)

onsake [past onsoke, ppt onsaken] (<OE onsacan)

withshove [past withshove, ppt withshoven] (<OE wiþscúfan)

witherlay (Cf. NHG widerlegen)

regard vb look at
set down
regarding prep about
regenerate adj edquick (<OE edcwic)
regicide n kingslaughter, kingslaying, kingmurder
regime n yoke, rike
regiment n fight(ing)group
region n landship
regret vb mourn, weep, weep over, look back, feel sorry, rue
regular adj everyday
regulate vb key to
reign n. kingship, queenship, athelingship
reinforce vb strengthen, trim, bolster, harden up, up hold, make firm, underset
reject vb forwarp (Cf. NHG verwerfen), lean (sth/sb) off (separable), shun, spurn, awayen, withchoose (<OE wiþceosan)
rejuvinate vb reyouthen
relapse vb backslide
relate phr vb To belong to, bear upon, stand with, link with, tie in with, tell of, cithe (OE cythan), bring word of, deal with, give tidings of, write of, make known, set out, unfold, be akin to
related adj akin (to), kindred, sibbed to, forwent (Cf. NHG verwandt)
relative(s) n kin, kinfolk, kinsmen, sib, sibling, bysib, own flesh & blood, blood-bondling, bloodsib
relations n undertakings between, dealings with
relationship n maithhood (<OE mǽgðhád), forwentship (Cf. NHG Verwandtschaft)
relax vb rest, loosen up, slacken, chill out, unwind
relaxation n

eftforgiveness (<OE eftforgiefnes)

stillness (<OE stillnes/stilnes)

relaxation (dressage) n looselettenhood (Cf. NHG Losgelassenheit)
relaxed adj smooth, loose, mellow
release n outlet, loosing
release vb let go, loose, alease
reliable adj trustworthy
relieve n lighten, soothe, help, unburden, allay, still (the fears), salve
religion n worship
religious adj worshipful
relinquish vb

upgive (obs. att'd)

give up (Cf. NHG aufgeben, Du. opgeven, Swed. ge upp)

yield up (att'd)

agive (obs. att'd, from OE agiefan, cf. NHG ergeben)

reluctant adj pullbackish, chary (att'd),unwilling, loath
remain vb blive [past blove, ppt bliven] (OE belifan, cf. NHG bleiben, Du. blijven), bide, linger, beleft (calque of German bleiben)
remainder n lave
remains n ashes, body, dead body, lich, bones; leftovers, leavings, scraps, waste, sweepings, dust; afterglow
remedy n heelth, salve, boot (etymology 3 )
remember(recall) vb edcall, man [modal verb conjugated like can] (<OE munan), mind back, call to mind, bethink
remember(store memory) vb bear in mind, keep in mind
remember(memorise) vb inmind, put to mind, cram
reminisce vb look back
remnant n leftover
remote adj outlying
remove vb foredo (with immaterial object), outtake, take out, astir, stir, draw, unsheath,
renaissance n gainbirth, newbirth, edbirth, widderbirth, witherbirth
renal adj kidney
render vb make, give, forswear, yield
renew vb ednew (<OE edniwian)
renewal n ednewing (<OE edniwung)
renewed adj ednew (<OE edniwe)
renounce vb give up, forsake, yield, asake, offgive, say down (seperable), offsib (<Ic. af-sifja)
renovate vb ednew (<OE edniwian), do up
renovation n ednewing (<OE edniwung)
repartee n wit, banter
repeat vb edledge (<OE edlǽcan), againen
repel vb ward off, put off, withdrive
repent vb forthink (cited by William Tyndale), after-think (Lancashire dialect), be sorry, wit one's wrongdoing, berue
repercussions vb aftermath, blowback, kickback
repetition n edledging (<OE edlǽcung), againening, gainsaylyth, gaindolyth, dailiness (monotonous), witherhauling (cf. German "Wiederholung")
replace vb right (<OE rihtan), insteaden
replenish vb fill up, edfill
reply vb answer, andswear (<OE andswaru), andword (<OE andwyrd, cf. NHG Antwort, cf. Du. antwoord), andgain (cf. NHG entgegnen), edfold
report n edbear, telling
repose n rest
reprehensible adj forwarply (Calque of NHG verwerflich)
represent vb aspell, fortread (Cf. NHG vertreten)
representative n aspellend, aspeller,fortreader (Cf. NHG Vertreter), spokes(wo)man, forstander, foranswerer
repress vb quell, crush, thrutch down (OE þryccan) lord, trample, keep under, ride roughshod over,
reprimand vb upbraid, tell off
reprove vb forwite, threep or threap (OE þréapan) scold, upbraid, chide
represent vb stand for, foranswer
reproach vb upbraid, scold
reptile n creepdeer (cf Nor. krypdyr), crawldeer (cf Swed. kräldjur)
republic n kinwise (<OE cynewise), leedwealth (Cf. Icelandish and Faroish lýðveldi), commonwealth ("Common" is Latin), folkdom, folkrike
reputation n name, goodname, goodbearing, edwite
request n bid, prayer, asking
request vb bidding, ask, beseech, ask for
require vb need, tharf
requirement n need, must, needbetharfness, neddtharfliness, beedbehovedness
rescribe vb write back, edwrite
rescue vb free, anery (OE ánerian, NHG nähren), ner, redd
research n afterspeering, speering, forshing (Cf. NHG Forschung < PG faurskon), forshening (cf. Dan. forskning), legwork (informal)
research vb speer after, forsh (Cf. NHG forschen < PG faurskon), forshen
resmblance n likeness, look, blee, bly
resemble adj seem like, look like
resentment n bitterness, ill-feeling, hattleness
reservation n booking
reservation n misgiving
reserve n backlog
reserve vb back-up
reserve vb book, keep
reserve adj spare
reserved adj withdrawn
reside vb live, dwell, abide, wone, erde, wick
residence n home, dwelling, abode, erding, erdingstow
residue n stufflave
resign vb guit
resilience adj doughty
resist vb withset, withlay, withstand, hinder
resistance n withsetting, withlaying,backlash, underground
resolute adj doughty, steadfast, unbending, stithe (OE stith) anrede
resort vb betake
respect n heed, edsight
respond vb answer
response n answer, feedback
responsible adj trustworthy, upstanding, steady, sound, guilty, answerly, answerable
responsive adj quick, awake, sharp, open-minded, quick-minded, willing, soft-hearted
rest n lave
restart vb start anew
restaurant n mealhouse, mealstead, mealery
restoration n ednewing (<OE edniwung)
restore vb ednew (<OE edniwian), edstaddle
restored to life pt phr edquick (<OE edcwic)
restrain vb hold back, fetter, athold
restraint n holding back, fetter, selfwield, tautness
result n outfollow, outcome, upshot, aftermath, offleading (<Ic. af-leiðing)
resurrect vb gainrise (att'd Cheke), edstige
resurrection n gainrising (att'd Cheke)
retail vb fordrive (Calque of NHG vertreiben)
retain vb withkeep, keep, athave
retaliate vb hit back, strike back
retard n dimwit, dolt, dullard, dwease
retard vb laten, slow, stunt
retardation n slowing, latening
retardation n backwardness, beslowedness
retirement n elderhood
retort n comeback, wisecrack, backanswer
retract vb take back, withdraw
retreat vb withdraw
retrograde adj backward
return n gainfare (<OE geanfær), gainwhurvenness (<OE geanhworfennes), gainwhurf (<OE geanhwurf), whirftness (<OE gehwyrftnes), homecoming, comeback, backfare, two-way
return vb come back, edwend, aftcome
reveal v yondshow, make known, show, give up, bring to light, unhele, swettle
revel vb bask, wallow, frolic
revelry n merry-making
revenant n dreg (OE dréag)
revenge vb yieldback, get back, get even with
revere vb worship
reverence n blessed awe
reverie n daydream, sweven
reverse/reversal n setback, blow
revert vb backtrack, edwharve
revive vb edquick(en) (<OE edcwician), liven through, awaken, quicken, inliven, bring to, aquick, forquick, give life to, bring back to life, edlifen
revolution n whirft (<OE hwyrft), overhaul, overthrow, overthrowing, uprising
revolve vb spin, imbwharve
reward n getting(s), meed, gainyield, afterleen (<OE æfterléan), aftergift
reward vb meet (pt: meeted), afterloan (<OE léanian), aftergive, edloan (<OE edléan)
rhetoric n redekith (Calque of Dutch redekunde), wordcraft, mathelcraft
rhinoceros n nosehorn (calque of Greek rhinokeros (rhinos "nose" + keras "horn"), hornpig, hornhog, hornswine
rhythm n riff
ridiculous adj laughable
rifle n scratchgun, shattergun
righteous adj rightwise (<OE rihtwís)
righteousness n rightwiseness (<OE rihtwísnes)
rigid adj stiff, hard
rigorous adj thorough
riot n crowdburst
risk n gamble, long shot
river n

ea (OE)

brook (<OE broc)


burn, bourn (<OE burna)

fleet ("estuary" <OE fleotan)

flood (<OE flod)

rindle ("gutter" <OE rynele), runnell


stream (OE)

waterstream (<OE wæterstream)

rite n aright (<OE gerihte), onsayedness (<OE onsægednes)
river course n gang
rivulet n beck, brooklet, stream, runlet, runnel, rith, sike
robin n ruddock
robot n gearbeing, clockwork being
robust adj strong, sinewy, hale, halesome, hearty, sound, doughty, fit, full-blooded, full-blooded, full-strength, hardy, healthy, mighty, red-blooded, stout, strong-willed
rock n stone
rocket n rock, rocker (O.H.G. rocko "distaff," O.N. rokkr)
role n playwork, deedwork
roll vb onspin
roman adj romish
romanticism n lovecraft, storm-and-throng-troth (cf. Highdutch Sturm und Drang)
rooster n cock, cockerel, rooster
rose (flower) n loveblossom, lovebloom
rotate vb spin
rotund adj wheelshaped
round adj wheelshaped, trind (shaped from OE 'trinda' and NE 'trindle')
route n pathway
royal adj kingly, cweenly
royalty n kingship (att'd <OE cynescipe)
ruin vb & n wreck, mar, downfall
rule vb lead, look over, oversee, phr to have lordship over, oversee, hold sway
ruler n leader, overseer, baldor
rumour n hearsay
rural adj outburg, fieldly
rush n & vb

hurry, shind

Russia name Russland (cf. NHG Russland, Du. Rusland)
Russian adj Russish (cf. NHG Russisch), Russlandish
Russian n Russ (cf. NHG Russe), Russlander
rustic n backwoodsman, boor, bumpkin, bushwhacker, clodhopper, churl, crofter, greenhorn, heathen, hind, husbandman, hillbilly, ill-bred, low-man, plowman, ploughman, redneck, share-cropper, swain, woodsman, uncanny wight