The Anglish Moot

Staff R of the English Wordbook.

Basic abbreviations:

  • OE = Old English
  • ME = Middle English
  • SC = Scots
  • WF = West Frish
  • NF = North Frish
  • SF = Saterlandish Frish
  • WLG = West Low Theech
  • ELG = East Low Theech
  • NL = Netherlandish
  • NHG = New High Theech
  • IC = Icelandish
  • HIC = High Icelandish
  • NO = Nornish
  • SW = Swedish
  • DN = Danish
  • MLG = Middle Low Theech
  • MNL = Middle Netherlandish
  • MHG = Middle High Theech
  • OF = Old Frish
  • OS = Old Saxish
  • OHG = Old High Theech
  • ON = Old Norse
  • GO = Gottish
  • PWG = Or-West-Theedish
  • PG = Or-Theedish

For a full list of etymological and other abbreviations used in these wordlists, see: Offshortenings.


Staffs under English Wordbook/R:

Ra Rb Rc Rd Re Rf Rg Rh Ri Rj Rk Rl Rm Rn Ro Rp Rq Rr Rs Rt Ru Rv Rw Rx Ry Rz

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Chancery English Class Anglish/English
Attested Unattested


rabbit n hare stallhare (<NHG Stallhase; see also fieldhare, from NHG Feldhase), rob (<Flemish or MNL robbe "rabbit")
raccoon n washbear -
race n kind, stock strind (<OE strynd) sley (<NHG Geschlecht); rease (sense of running competition, reconstructed away from Old Norse)
racism n kindlove, kindtroth lovestem (love + stem <IC -stefna), kindhatred
radar n - forereader, far reader, wavereader, wavemeter (with the element "-meter" based on the verb OE - metan)
radiant adj shiny, bright, beaming, glowing, gleaming throughbright (<OE þurhbeorht)
radiate vb shine, gleam, shed, send out, beam beshine (<OE bescīnan and <ME bishīnen)
radiation n - strealing (cf. NHG Strahlung)
radio n/adj wireless (gadget) funkbox (<OE funcia "spark" + box, cf. NHG Funkgerät), livebox, outwarp (cf. IC útvarp)
radioactive n - lightrotting
radiotelegraphy n broadcasting -
radio wave n ringwave funkwave (cf. NHG Funkwelle)
radius n spoke halfspan, (bone) resle
rage n wrath greme (<OE gremian), wode
railroad n ironroad ironpath, sporeroad (<OE spor), ironbane (<PWG *banu, calque: NHG Eisenbahn), sporebane (calque: NL spoorbaan)
raise (<ON) v rear (from the same PG root) -
raisin n - drygrape
raison d'état. n - theedish intryst (calque)
raison d'être n livelihood sake of being/sake of living (calque), lifesake, "for life's sake" (phrase)
RAM (Random Access Memory) n - RAM (Read-Always Mind)
ramification n - fortwigging (cf. NHG Verzweigung)
rampart n forework -
rancid adj rotten, reeking, smelly, stale, foul, dank, rank -
ranch n sheep run bou (cf. Scots from ON )
random adj/n hit-or-miss, may-fall, pot shot, lucky, unforeseen, luck-chosen

fallenly, tofally (calque: NHG zufällig), willkirry (calque of NL willekeurig, with the element -kirry from OE -cyrge in wælcyrge "Valkyrie"; see The word "random")

random page n lucky leaf, lucky side, unforeseen leaf, unforeseen side, luck-chosen leaf, luck-chosen side willcury trammet, may-fall leaf
range n reach, stretch, breadth -
ranger n keeper, warden, overseer; wanderer upseer (cf. NHG Aufseher)
rank n

row, standing

hoad (<OE hád)
rankle vb gall, irk -
rape vb/n - needheamed (<OE níedhæmed), forwaldying (cf. NHG Vergewaltigung)
rapid adj fast, quick, speedy, swift snell
rappel vb abseil downrope (cf. NHG abseil)
rare adj fewsome, geason, selcouth, seldom, seldseen, selly, unlikely seldsome, seldly
rarely adv seldom -
rarified adj fewsome, thin -
rarify vb make seldom beseldom, selden, befew, bedearth, thin
rarity n seldiness, seldomhood, dearth, fewness -
raspberry n - hindberry (cf. DN hindbær)
rate n speed runledge, setledge
ratio n evenness, worth -
rational adj well-grounded, wise shedwise (<OE scéadwís), angetful
rationalism n - anget, shedwiseness, mindplay
ravage vb - forspill
ravager n - render (from Minecraft)
rave vb - woff (<OE woffian)
ravenous adj greedy hound-hungry
ravine n chine, gap, ditch, gulch crundle (<OE), cloughdale (cf. NL kloofdal)
ray (of light) n beam streal (<OE strǽl, cf. NHG Strahl)
ray (animal) n - reigh (<OE reohhe cf. NHG Rochen, NL rog)
razor n shaver -


re- pref

with-, gain-, new-, back-

and- (obs.) , ed- (obs.) , eft- (obs.)
real adj true, heartfelt; weighty, out-and-out, echt sooth
real estate n - fastgood (cf. NL vastgoed)
reality n being, sooth, truth wareness/warehood (calque), soothness, workliness/worklihood (cf. NL werkelijkheid, NHG Wirklichkeit)
realize / realise vb wit, find out, get on, wise up, dawn upon bemark (calque: NL/NHG bemerken), beaughten (calque: NHG beachten)
really adv truly soothly, sooth, echtly
realm (royal) n kingdom kingrich
realm n world, land rich
reason n/vb

grounds, wherefore, why, sake

within reason: within groundedness

vb: reckon, wit; make out, work out

faculty: wits, wit, mind, brains, understanding

frum (<OE fruma), inthing (<OE intinga/inþing), ontimber (<OE ontimber), orsake (calque), rethe (<OE rǣd), anyet (<OE andgiet), rake (<OE racu), rightwiseness (<OE rihtwísnes), shedwiseness (<OE scéadwísnes), shed (<OE gescéad), wit (<OE gewitt), nift (cf. NHG Vernunft, DN fornuft)
reasonable adj well-grounded shedwise (<OE scéadwís), shedly (<OE gescéadlic), groundful
reasonably adv groundedly -
rebel n withstander withercor (<OE wiðercorra), upstander, upstandling (cf. NL opstandeling)
rebel vb rise up withsee (<OE wiþsēon), withfight (<OE wiþfeohtan), upstand (cf. NL opstand; pron. up-STAND)
rebellion n outbreak, uprising upstand (cf. NL opstand; pron. UP-stand)
rebellious adj - upstandy (cf. NL opstandig); upriseish
rebuke vb threap, chide, tick off; berate, call down strife, threw/threaw (<OE þrēawan), forquethe (<OE forcweþan)
recall vb withcall, withdraw, bethink edcall, eftcall, withmind, call to mind, think back to
recalcitrant adj unhold, unhearsome, hardheaded, stubborn, wayward -
recapitulation n going over again eftspelling (<OE eftspellung), witherhole (cf. NHG wiederholen)
receive vb get, win, earn, take beget, thedge (<OE thicgan), fang (<OE fōn)
receipt n sales slip, sales stub -
recent adj new, late, fresh, not long ago shortago
recently adv lately, newly tidely, shortago
reception n - welcoming
recite vb yarn, reel off reich
recividist n backslider -
recline vb lie back, lie down, stretch heel -
recognize vb acknow, acknowledge, beknowledge yeme, onyet/onget (<OE ongietan)
recommend vb - ettle, rede
recompense n - gainyield, foryield (obsolete)
reconsider v bethink, think over withthink,afterthink
reconsideration n afterthought edsmighing
reconcile vb key braid up
reconciliation n - andweaving
reconnaissance n - underrighting (cf. SW underrättelse and NHG Unterrichtung)
record v log, write down, list, cast
sound or video: tape
fortoken (cf. NHG verzeichnen, SW förteckna)
record n log, cast, lorekeep
record (vinyl) n long-play, wax(ing) (slang), spinner -
recount vb overname -
recover vb heal, win back, take back intrans: edwirp (<OE edwyrpan)

trans: agive (<OE agifan)


recovery n comeback, pick-up, upwend, upswing, healing edwirping (<OE edwyrping), greenshoot
recreätion n fun and games andweaving
recriminate vb - threap, blackblame
recruit n fledgling, freshman, greenhorn, newcomer inspan
recruit v draft, bring in umlist, inlist
rectangle n - righthook (cf. NL rechthoek)
rectum n - endtharm (calque, see tharm)
rectify v right, straighten righten (v shaped from adj "right", like "straighten" from "straight")
recurrence n comeback, flashback -
recurrent adj on-and-off -
redact vb - edeche
redeem vb forbuy alease (<OE alēsan), inborrow
redemption n - eftleesing (<OE eftlésing)
red ochre n - ruddle
redo vb - withdo
reduce n lessen, enlessen, lower -
redundance n - eftflowing (<OE eftflōwung)
refer (to) vb hint forwise (to) (cf. NL verwijzen; NHG verweisen), mind, ettle
referee n - shedsrighter (calque: NL scheidsrechter)
reference n hint, underlying meaning betug (calque: NHG Bezug)
referendum n - folkspoll, folksstevening (calque: NL volksstemming), folksanswer (cf. NHG Volksentscheid), stourwale
refined adj trim, couth -
reflect vb show gain/withleam, gain/withshine
reflection n glance, backshine gain/withleaming, gain/withshining
reflect on vb think over, bethink, think about, look back on overthink (<OE oferþencan)
reflex n kneejerk bendback, jerkback
reform vb/n mend, shape up, straighten ameeding, edhuing, forbetter
reformer n - ameeder, edhuer (cf. OE geedhiwod "reformed, given new shape"), forbetterer (calque: NHG Verbesserer), rightener
refractory adj froward, wayward, willful witherhedging (<OE)
refrain n - offbreak
refrain vb forbear -
refrigerator n chiller, cooler, coolchest, coolbox -
refuge n haven, bolt-hole, harbor, shelter, lee -
refugee n runaway, fleer, hider

flightling (cf. NL vluchteling, NHG Flüchtling, DN flygtning), haven seeker, lea(wo)man

refulgent adj shining -
refurbish vb - furb, ednew
refuse n chaff, deadwood, dross, spilth, rubbish, waste -
refuse vb spurn, forbear asake, withquethe, forbid, shore (<OE scorian)
refute vb belie, unsake

allay (<OE álecgan), forkithe (<OE forcýðan), asake (<OE onsácan), withshove (<OE wiþscúfan), witherlay (calque: NHG widerlegen)

regard vb cast, eye, peep -
regarding prep about, as for, as to -
regency n - bywield (by- + ME wēld)
regenerate adj freshen, make anew withquicken, withbeget (re- "with-" + genero "I beget"), edquicken (<OE edcwician), edheal (from Minecraft)
regent n - byrixer (by- + rixer "ruler")
regicide n kingslayer kingmorth (calque: NHG Königsmord)
regime n yoke, rich -
regiment n - wered (<ME wēred)
region n field, ballpark; land, neck landship
regression n back-slide -
regret vb rue, sorrow -
regular adj everyday; steady raily (<OE regollīc < regol, borrowed from Leeden)
regulate vb oversee, wield, steer, lead -
regulation n wielding, overseeing, law insetness (<OE insetnes)
regulator n overseer -
reign n kingship, queenship rede, athelingship
reign vb - rix (<OE rīxian, rīcsian), overbebeed (<OE oferbebēodan)
rein vb/n - tygel (<OE)
reinforce vb strengthen, shore (unknown origin, found in Germanic languages), trim, gird, bolster, harden, harden up, uphold, make firm, underset harder
Reiwa (era) n - Fairemild, Fairebond
reject vb/n n: casting off, outcast

vb: nix; cast off, dump, fling off/away, slough off, throw away, toss, unload; spurn

n: forwarp (<OE forweorpan), withchoose (<OE wiþceosan)

vb: forwarp, offlean (calque: NHG ablehnen), offwise (calque of many Germanish languages)

rejoice vb gladden dreem (<OE drīeman)
rejoice with vb - driem with, evenbliss (<OE evenblisan)
rejuvenate vb freshen, youthen edyoung (re- (“again”) +‎ Latin iuvenis (“young”) +‎ -ate so, gainyouthen or, withyouthen), foryouthen (cf. NHG verjüngen)
relapse vb backslide againfall
relatable adj - kinworthy, kinbere, kitheworthy, kithebere
relate phr vb bond, click; link kithe (<OE cythan)
related adj akin (to), kindred, sibbed to, tosameness; linked forwent (calque: NHG verwandt)
relative(s) n kin, kindred, kinfolk, kinsmen, kinship, sib, sibling, bysib, own flesh & blood

blood-bondling, bloodsib close: hyldenmay (<OE hyldenmǣġ)

relations n dealings, bond, link up, hook up, tie up, fellowship -
relationship n kinship, bearing; hookup, linkup, tie-up

maythhood (<OE mǣġðhād)

relax vb chill (out), loosen up, mellow out, unwind; ease, loosen, slack unspan (<OE onspannan, cf. NHG entspannen)
relaxation n fun and games

stillness (<OE stillnes/stilnes)

relaxed adj smooth, loose, mellow unspant (calque: NHG entspannt)
release n outlung, loosing -
release vb free, let go, loosen alease
relent vb yield, let up -
relentless adj restless -
reliable adj trustworthy -
relieve n lighten, soothe, unburden, allay, still (the fears), salve, alight -
religion n belief, worship lief (<ME lēve), troth (meaning from ME trouth)
religious adj holy, hallowed, beliefful, worshipful -
relinquish vb

cough up, give up, hand over, yield; step down

upgive, agive (<OE agiefan, cf. NHG ergeben)
reluctant adj chary, unwilling, loath pullbackish
remain vb belave (archaic), belive (obsolete), stick


remainder n lave, leavings, ort dross
remains n ashes, rubble, wreck; bones, stiff; leavings, leftovers, odds and ends laves
remedy n bote, heeling, salve, boot (etymology 3) -
remember vb hark back, min, mind, think of, call to mind, bethink, mark, unforget, withcall, behold, think back
memorize: bear in mind, keep in mind
edcall, eftcall, mon (<OE ġemunan), mind back, umbethink (<dialectal Northern & Scottish English)
memorize: inmind, stockmind, inkeep
remind vb min, call to mind mane (<OE manian), edmind, eftmind, incall
reminder n - miner, edminding, eftminding, umbethinking (<dialectal Northern & Scottish English), incalling
reminisce vb - eftmind
remnant n leftover -
remote adj slight, slim, small; cold-eyed, standoffish. 2. hidden; deep, far-flung, -
remote area n backwood -
remote controlled (RC) adj wirelessly steered -
remote controller n clicker, zapper -
remove vb foredo (with immaterial object), unstay (<Old French <MNL), take out, draw out, unload unshrithe, offnim (calque: NL afnemen, NHG abnehmen)
renaissance n - andblowing, agenbirth (agen 'again' + birth)
renal adj kidney -
rename vb - edname, agenclepe, edclepe, ed-deem
render vb cough up, give to, give up, hand over, yield -
renegade vb backfallen -
renew vb - ednew (<OE edniwian)
renewal n - ednewing
renewed adj - ednewed
renounce vb give up, forsake, step aside, step down; forswear, take back, unsay, withdraw, withsake asake (simple past: asook; past participle: asaken), unsaye (<ME unseien)
renovate vb overhaul ednew (<OE edniwian)
rent (transitive) vb meed

"I meeded a room for myself".

rent (intransitive) vb foremeed

"They're foremeeding rooms cheaply".

reorganize vb - edstight
repair vb heal, make hole, put to rights -
repartee n backchat -
repeat vb say again, oversay; do over edsay, edledge (<OE edlǽcan)
repel vb beat off, withdrive; buck, withstand, thrown back -
repent vb bemoan, rue forthink (cited by William Tyndale), after-think (Lancashire dialect); (<OE doeth daedbot - do penance)
repercussions vb - kickback
repetition n do-over edsaying, again-and-againness
replace vb swap (out), switch (out) aset (a- + set, cf. NHG ersetzten)

substitute: outtrade (cf. NHG austauschen), edstowe, right (<OE rihtan)

replenish vb fill up, fill, make full again edfill
replicate adj - edflighten (ed- + flight (wordlore n) + -en (wordlore 4))
reply vb/n answer, back-answer, back-talk (angrily)

anword (<OE andwyrd; cf. NHG Antwort, NL antwoord)

report v - bewrite, write (from Minecraft)
report n - bewriting
repose n rest -
repository n hoard -
reprehensible adj - forwarply (calque: NHG verwerflich)
represent vb stand for, betoken aspell, fortread (calque: NHG vertreten)
representative n spokes(wo)man

atstandand (<OE ætstandend), aspellend, fortreader (cf. NHG Vertreter)

repress vb crack down on, crush, slap down, snuff out; hold back, sink, swallow bethryck (<be + OE þryccan, "press down")
reprimand vb upbraid, tell off, chide, scold -
reprove vb chide, tick off: mislike, tut over wite, threap (<OE þréapan)
reproach vb bawl out, berate, call down, flay, rag, upbraid: chide, tick off threigh (<OE þrēagan), adwite
reproduce vb make offspring foreke (calque: SW föröka), foresow (cf. NL voortplanten), formore (<NHG vermehren)
reproduction n - formoring, foreking, forthseeding
reptile n creeping thing (found in Bible; translation of Hebrew) creepdeer (cf. NHG Kriechtier, NO krypdyr), crawldeer (calque: SW kräldjur), slinkand (<OE slincend); (collective) wormkin (<OE wyrmcyn)
republic n - folkdom, ledewealth, ledeward, mootrick, richwealth, wholewelfare, freerich, kyndwise; rich
reputation n mark, name lise (<OE hlīsa)
request n call, ask (rare) -
request vb ask, put in: beseech, call for, seek -
require vb need, tharf onseek (<OE onsécan)
requirement n need, must -
requite vb get even for, make good, atone, meed (see MW dictionary) forguld (<ME forgulde), foryield (<ME foryẹ̄ldenOE forgildan)
rescribe vb write back edwrite
rescue vb free, bring off

nerry (<OE ánerian; cf. NHG nähren), redd (<OE hreddan "to save, deliver, recover, rescue"; cf. NHG retten)

research n Seeking, delving, groundwork, combing, raking speering, speering, forshing (<NHG Forschung) forshening (calque: DN forskning), legwork (informal), underseek (cf. NL onderzoek and NHG untersuchen), sake
research vb dig into, look into, delve into, underseek speer (<OE spyrian)
resemblance n alikeness, look, blee, bly suchness
resemble v seem like, look like, belike alike (cf. NL gelijken, NHG gleichen)
resentment n down; huff, miff hattleness
reservation n booking forebeholding (calque: NHG Vorbehaltung)
reserve n keep, hoard; backup, fill-in -
reserve vb book; keep, hoard; backup, fill-in -
reserve adj spare forehold (cf. NHG vorbehalten)
reserved adj character: withdrawn
reservoir n - waterberg; waterhold
reset v backset
reside vb live, dwell abide, wone, erde, wick
residence n home, dwelling abode, erding, erdingstow
permit: dwell-leave (cf. IC dvalarleyfi), abode-leave
residue n ashes, rubble, wreck; leavings, leftovers, odds and ends stufflave
resign vb step down, forlet, bow out -
resilience n - springbackness
resilient adj springy, springbackfit, limber wending
resin n - hart (<PG *hartą; cf. NHG Harz, NL hars)
resist vb withset, withstand, hinder, stand up to withlay
resistance n withsetting withlaying, backlash, withstanding (from minecraft)
resistant adj steady, steadfast, abiding, withstanding bestandy/bestanding (calque: NHG beständig)
resolute adj set

one-minded, stith (<OE stiþ), oneread (<ME ānrēd <OE ānrǣd)

resonate vb - midswing (cf. NHG mitschwingen)
resort n - vacation: holidayord (cf. NL vakantieoord, NHG Ferienort)

recourse/refuge: outway (cf. NL uitweg, NHG Ausweg)

resort vb - brook, betake
resource n wherewithal rawstuff (<NHG Rohstoff), orshaft
respawn vb - backbirth, edstart (from Minecraft)
respect n heed, aught onlook (<OE anlec), edsight (calque)
respect vb heed worthy (<ME worthīen)
respectable adj - aughtworthy
respectful adj - aughtful (cf. NHG achtvoll)
respiratory (system) n lungs -
respiration n breathing -
respire vb breathe -
respond vb answer onqwethe (<OE oncweþan)
response n answer, feedback -
responsibility n plight, plighting, ownership foranswering (calque: NHG Verantwortung)
responsible adj trustworthy, upstanding, bedrock, sound, plighted foranswerly (calque: NHG verantwortlich)

guilt: shildy (<OE)

responsive adj quick, awake, sharp, open-minded, quick-minded, willing, answering -
rest (else) n leftover lave (<OE)
restart vb - edstart, start anew (from scratch)
restaurant n cheap: beanery

foodhouse, eating house

mealhall, reardhall (OE reordan 'to feast')

resting place n - bed of dust, the dark inn, grass-bed, moldern, moldstow, the pit, lichpit, the delf, the deep-six, narrow house, long-home, dust-bed, earth-home.
restore(ation) n freshen(ing)

ednew(ing) (<OE edniwung) edstow(ing), edstall(ing)

restored to life pt phr - edcwickened (<OE edcwic)
restrain vb bridle, fetter, hold back. belean (<OE)
restraint n bridle, fetter beleaning
restrict v fetter betighten
restriction n fetter betightening
result n outcome, outfollow, upshot, aftermath offleading (calque: IC afleiðing), edspring (calque), eftspring (calque), fint (<OE finta, meaning 'consequence, result' also 'tail'), wastom (<OE wæstm)
resurrect vb gainrise (Cheke) edsty/edstie (<OE stīgan)
resurrection n gainrising (Cheke) -
retail vb deal in, sell, put up fordrive (calque: NHG vertreiben)
retain vb keep, withhold; hire athave
retaliate vb hit back, strike back, take an eye for an eye yield back, wend upon, foryield (<OE forgieldan) (c.f. NHG vergelten)
retaliation n - yield back, foryielding (c.f. NHG Vergeltung)
retard n dimwit, dolt dwease (<OE dwæs)
retard vb break, slacken -
retardation n slowing, latening -
retardation n - backwardness, beslowedness
retina n - nethide (calque of NHG Netzhaut)
retire vb withdraw, yield, pull out -
retirement n - forleaving, withdrawing
retort n back-talk (impudently), yieldback, wisecrack
retract vb take back, withdraw unsay (<ME unseien)
retreat vb withdraw, backdown, give ground -
retrieve vb fetch withfind
retrograde adj backward -
return n comeback; backcome, earnings, incoming

andcome, gainfare (<OE geanfær)

return vb come back edwhirve (<OE edhwirfan), edwend, andgive
reveal vb bare, unsheath, unfold, unlock unhide, yondshow, unhele, swettle
revel vb bathe, wallow, frolic -
revelation n telling, broadcasting, unearthing unwryness (<OE onwrigness, onwrihness), openbearing (Like Dutch, German and other G. tongues)
revelry n merry-making -
revenant n - andcomer
revenge vb yieldback, get back, get even with -
reverberation n - withercling
revenge n wrack, wreak wrake (<OE wracu and <ME wrā̆k)
revenge porn n - wrackful whoreshowing
revere vb worship -
reverend adj hallowed -
reverie n daydreaming, woolgathering sweven
reverse/reversal n knock, setback; flip-flop umswing or umbswing (cf. NHG Umschwung)
revert vb - andwharve
revive vb freshen, breathe life back into, liven (up, again, back)

edquicken (<OE edcwician)

revolution n - ywhorft (<OE gehwyrft), overhaul, overthrow, overthrowing, uprisin
revolution n - turning: whorft (<OE hwyrft), umbewrithing, falling (Icelandic:Bylting)
revolve vb spin umbwerve
reward n - meed (obs); afterlean (<OE æfterléan), foryield (obsolete)
reward vb - meed; afterlean (OE léanian)


rhetoric n wind mathelcraft (OE maðelung), speechcraft
rhinoceros n - nosehorn (calque of Gk. rhinokeros (rhinos "nose" + keras "horn"; cf. NL neushoorn, NHG Nashorn), hornpig, hornhog, hornswine
rhombus n - rout (cf. NL ruit; NHG Raute)
rhotacism n - arbrookdom, r-brook(ing)
rhotic adj - arfully, r-ly
rhoticity n - arfulness, r-ness
rhyme n rime -
rhythm n riff(poss. OF through 'refrain'), swing, flow -


rich (<PG celtish) n/adj moot rech (<PG *rekaz)
riddance (foreign suffix) n - ridding
ridicule vb - besmear (<OE bīsmerian and <ME bismeren)
ridiculous adj chucklesome, sidesplitting, silly laughterly (<OE hleahterlic)
rifle n - scratchgun, shattergun, shouldershooter (<Wikipedia OE sculdorscēota), furrowgun, awere (<NHG Gewehr)
righteous(ness) adj - rightwise(ness) (<OE rihtwís(nes))
rigid adj stiff, hard -
rigorous adj thorough -
rinse vb - spule/aspule (<OE āspylian, cf. NL spoelen, NHG spülen)
riot n - crowdburst
risk n gamble, long shot -
risky n gamblesome unsound
rite n - right, onsayedness (<OE onsægednes)
ritual n/adj - right (<OE geriht)
rival n/adj - awinner (<OE gewinna), aleacher (<OE gelǣca), witherhuyer (cf. OE wiðerhycgende), witherwin (<ME witherwin); witherhidy (<OE wiðerhýdig/wiþerhygdig)
river n

ea, aa, stream, flow, flood, waterway

estuary: fleet (<OE fléot, ?Ebbsfleet)


river course n flow fleetway
rivulet n

brook, stream, runnel, rith, sike, rindle

burn, bourn (<OE burna 'brook, stream, spring or well water')


rob v sneaky: filch

violent: bereave, steal

robbery n steal
sneaky: filching

violent: reaving

robin n redbreast ruddock
robust adj fit, hale, hearty, sound, whole; flush, lusty, ful-blooded: big, full, plush, rich; strong -
robot n - wileman (cf. IC vélmenni), sparkman, sparkthrall
robotic adj soulless cold-soul
robotics n - wilemancraft, sparkmancraft, sparkthrallcraft
rocket n - rock, rocker (cf. OHG rocko "distaff," ON rokkr)
rodent n gnawer gnawdeer (calque: NL knaagdier)
rogue adj - shirk
rogue n thief, swindler shirk
role n playwork, deedwork -
roleplay n playwork -



welt/walt (Eng. obsolete)

vb: trundle

vb: onspin
rolling-paper/cigarette-paper n skins (attested), smoking-skins -
roller skates n - weltshoes (cf. NHG Rollschuh), welter shoes
rollercoaster n big dipper, switchback eightway (cf. NL achtbaan; NHG Achterbahn)
roman adj - romish
romance n love-tale, wonder-tale -
romanticism n - lovecraft, storm-and-throng (cf. NHG Sturm und Drang)
rooster n cock (but "rooster" is also from a native root) -
rosary n - beadlet
rose n color: pink flower: loveblossom, lovebloom
rotate vb spin werve
rotisserie n spit-roaster spincooker, wervecooker
rotund adj wheelshaped -
round adj wheelshaped trind (shaped from OE trinda and NE trindle)
route n pathway, way -
router n networking: gateway (sometimes) -
royal adj kingly, cweenly -
royalty n kingship -


ruby adj/n - redhurst
rude adj unbehaved, uncouth, unbecoming, unfitting -
ruin vb/n wreck, mar, downfall -
rule vb lead, look over, oversee, rix (att'd <OE rīxian, rīcsian), overwatch, wald wield (<ME wēlden), hold sway
rule n law -
ruler n drighten, leader, overseer, overwatcher rixer (<OE rīcsere)
ruling adj leading, lordly -
rumor n hearsay -
rural adj outborough, fieldly landly (cf. NHG ländlich), thorply (cf. NHG dörflich)
Rurik n Roderick -
Russia n - Russland; Yardric (cf. ON Garðaríki)
Russian adj - of the land: russlandish

of the folk: russish

Russian n - folk: Russlander

tung: Russish

rustic n backwoodsman, boor, bumpkin, bushwhacker, clodhopper, churl, crofter, greenhorn, hayseed, hind, hillbilly, husbandman, plowman, redneck, share-cropper, swain, woodsman -