Staff S of the English Wordbook.
Basic abbreviations:
- OE = Old English
- ME = Middle English
- SC = Scots
- WF = West Frish
- NF = North Frish
- SF = Saterlandish Frish
- WLG = West Low Theech
- ELG = East Low Theech
- NL = Netherlandish
- NHG = New High Theech
- IC = Icelandish
- HIC = High Icelandish
- NO = Nornish
- SW = Swedish
- DN = Danish
- MLG = Middle Low Theech
- MNL = Middle Netherlandish
- MHG = Middle High Theech
- OF = Old Frish
- OS = Old Saxish
- OHG = Old High Theech
- ON = Old Norse
- GO = Gottish
- PWG = Or-West-Theedish
- PG = Or-Theedish
For a full list of etymological and other abbreviations used in these wordlists, see: Offshortenings.
Staffs under English Wordbook/S:
Sa Sb Sc Sd
Se Sf Sg Sh
Si Sj Sk Sl Sm Sn So Sp Sq Sr Ss St Su Sv
Sw Sx Sy Sz
*Note: If you click on one of the links above, and nothing happens, then that means no words have been put forth for that bookstaff as of yet.
Chancery English | Class | Anglish/English | |
Attested | Unattested | ||
Sa[] | |||
sabotage | vb | cripple | underdelve (<ME underdelven), undergrave |
saboteur | n | - | crippler |
sacred | adj | holy, hallowed | - |
Sacrament | n | holy oath, holy undertaking, hallowing | forhallowing, holy work, holiwork |
sacrifice | vb/n | give, give up | bloot (<OE blótan), offer/offering |
sacrilege | n | unholiness | holishending (cf. NL heiligshennis; < shend "to defile") |
sacrilegious | adj | unholy, sinful | - |
sacrosanct | adj | holy, hallowed | - |
sacrum | n | - | holibone, roodbone |
sadism | n | fiendishness, heartlessness | derelust, harmlust, heanlust |
sadistic | adj | heartless, coldhearted | overtuly |
safe | n | strongbox | - |
safe | adj | sound, fast; white; trusty, good, sheltered, shielded | - |
safehouse | n | - | frithhouse (<OE friþhūs) |
safety | n | shelter, wholeness, soundness, frith (archaic) | munding, frith |
safe space | n | haven, hugbox | frithyard (<OE friþgeard) |
sagacious | adj |
insightful, witty, foresightful |
rede hedging, redhedging (<OE rǽdhycgende), hyesnotter (<OE hygesnottor), redesnotter, redsnotter (<OE rǽdsnotor), searthinkle (<OE searuþancol), shedwise (<OE scéadwís), smighful, smigh (<OE sméah), wisefast (<OE wísfæst), awittle, yarewittle (<OE gearuwitol) |
sagacity | n | wit-hood, withood, wit, wisdom | - |
Saint (St.) | adj | Holy | - |
saint | n | hallow | holiman |
sainthood | n | hallowdom | - |
saliva | n | spit, spittle | - |
salamander | n | - | landwater athex, land-newt, land-eft |
salary | n | earnings, income, salt | toll |
sally | vb/n | outfall | - |
salmon | n | - | lax (<ME lax <OE leax) |
saltire | n | Andrew's Rood (cross) | - |
salutary | n | friendly, good, helpful, kindly; good, healthy, wholesome | - |
salutation | n | greeting, welcome, hail | hailing |
salvation | n | lifeline | redding (<OE hredding), halwendness (<OE hālwendnes) |
salvo | n | unload, outburst | - |
sample | vb | - | to have a smack of |
sanctify | vb | hallow, behallow | - |
sanctioned | adj | - | law-hallowed |
sanctuary | n | haven | grith (<ME grith), yenner (<OE gener); yennerstead (<OE generstede), frithhouse, frithstow, holistead |
sane | n | right-minded | witfast |
sans | prep | without | - |
Santa Claus | n | Father Christmas | - |
sapient | adj | much wise; aware | - |
sapphire | adj/n | - | sapfir, woadenstone |
sarcophagus | n | - | lichbour (<OE līcbeorg), through (<ME thrūgh; rhyme: plough) |
sasquatch | n | Bigfoot | - |
Satanism | n | - | Satandom; Satan-worship, Satanhood, Lockedom, Shucklief (<OE scucca + -lief) |
satchel | n | knapsack, rucksack | - |
satellite | n | moon | artificial: ironmoon, swail searsender |
satiate | vb | fulfill, quench, slake | - |
satire | n | - | heaning, heancraft, mocking, mockwrit |
satisfaction | n | gladness |
quemeness (<OE cwēmnys), eathness (<OE īeðnes), befrithening (calque: NHG Befriedigung), eadiness |
satisfy | vb | gladden, slake, fulfill, sate, quench |
queme, afill, befrith, sede (<OE sēdan) |
saturate | vb | sop, soak, steep | indrench (<OE indrencan), sab (cf. SC sab) |
Saturday | n | - | Sunneve (<OE sunnanǣfen; cf. WF sneon, NHG Sonnabend); Leagday (ON laugardagr; cf. OE leag) |
sauce | n | dip | - |
sauerkraut | n | - | sourcole, sourcroud |
sauna | n | steam room | hot-house, hotroom, sweatbath |
sausage | n | wurst (<NHG), banger | marrow (<OE mearh), worst (cf. NHG Wurst) |
savage | adj/n | wild; wilder | wildard |
savanna | n | - | wendringly grassland, bareland (cf. Eng. barrens) |
save | vb | spare; keep, hold | nerry (<OE nerian akin to NHG nähren, cf. OE herian -> NE herry), redd (<OE hreddan 'to free from recover rescue save take away'), barrow (<OE beorgan 'to save, preserve', OHG bergan, ON bjarga), hain, stow, hoard, heal, nere (from Minecraft) |
savior | n | sparer | healend (<OE hǣlend; cf. NHG Heiland) halend, healer, healant (<OE hælend, in light of MnE 'coolant') |
savory | adj | smeckfull | hearthaft (calque: NHG herzhaft), defty (cf. NHG deftig) |
Saxon | n | - | Saxish |
Saxony | n | - | Saxland (<OE Seaxland), Saxen |
saxophone | n | saxhorn | - |
Sc[] | |||
scaffolding | n | - | framescape |
scald | vb | forseethe | - |
scale | vb | climb | - |
scale | n | layout, frame, framework, mete, setup | animal skin: shale (<ME schale) |
scallop | n | - | shell lap, shellop (<corresponding to "shell" + "lap (wordlore 2)") |
scalpel | n | - | leechsax, healblade |
scandium | n | - | shedshaft (see OE scedenig "south end of Sweden") |
scapegoat |
n | - | fenman (from Old Dutch thews of offering a man-bloot by either throwing the chosen into a fen, lynching them or throwing them into streams to undo the anger of the gods.); folk-devil |
scaphoid bone | n | - | boatbone |
scapula | n | shoulderbone, wingbone | - |
scar | n | blight, blotch, flaw, pockmark, wale, weal, wheal, wen, welt | - |
scarabaeus stercoreous | n | - | turd-weevil |
scarce | adj | light, sparing; lacking, low, shy, wanting | latesome (<OE lætsum and <ME latsǒm) |
scarcely | adv | barely, hardly, narrowly, slightly | - |
scarcity | n | lack, shortness, seldomness, fewness, dearth | - |
scared (<ON) | adj | frightened, adread | ackle (<OE acol; archaic and not recommended) |
scarf | n | - | neckcloth (cf. SW halsduk; DN halstørklæde) |
scarlet | adj | bawsebrown | wormred (<OE wyrmread) |
scatophilia | n | - | dritelust |
scatter | vb | broadcast, cast, deal out, go-off, go through, let go, oversow, overspread, put to flight, spread, strew | - |
scene | n | background, setting; blowup, fireworks; footing | - |
scent | n | smell, whiff | breezewaft, breezewhiff, bresmel (breezed smell), waftsmell (wafted smell) weffe (archaic form of whiff) |
schadenfreude | n | - | harmglee; warkglee |
schizoid | adj | - | splitlike (calque of Gk. schizein "split, break, shatter" and -oeides "like")
cleavemindy; mindcleavish |
schizophrenia | n | - | splitmindness, shattermindness (calques of Gk. schizein "split, break, shatter" and phrēn "mind, understaing"), dwalesickness |
Schleswig-Holstein | n | - | Sleswick-Holsten, Sleswich-Holtset, Sleswy-Holsten |
scholar | n | learner; bookman | loreman; fieldknower, learnand; writman; wordman; booklover; learned |
scholarship | n | knowledge, learning | bookhood, loreship; writdom |
school (<PWG) | n | - | lorehall, learnhall, teachhall, lorehouse |
science | n | knowledge, ken; lore, wisdom | witship (cf. WF wittenskip, NL wetenschap, NHG Wissenschaft); kendom; Knownshaft (cf. Many Germanic roots) |
scientist | n | knower |
witshipper (cf. WF wittenskipper, NL wetenschapper, NHG Wissenschaftler) loreman, kenman, knowledgeman |
scientific | adj | wisdomly, cunning; -craftly | worldkenly, witshiply (cf. WF wittenskiplik), lorely |
scientific language | n | - |
craftspeech (<OE cræftspræc); cunningtongue |
scintillate | vb | sparkle, flash, shine, leam | - |
scissors | n | blades | shears (Scots; cf. NHG Scheren) |
-scope | sfx | - | -seer |
scorn | vb | - | laker (<OE hlacerian) |
scorpion | n | - | throw-end, stingtail, night-sting |
scoundrel | n | - | makeshift |
scout | n | pathfinder | foretrekker (< Afr. voortrekker "pioneer") |
scowling | adj | - | black-browed, wild-eyed |
screen | n | sheet, sail, shroud | shirm (<PG *skirmiz; compare NL scherm, NHG Schirm) |
scribe | n | writer, logger | bookman |
script | n | - | Computer script: quickwrit (quick 'alive' + writ 'document') |
scrotum | n | ballsack*, sack* (*"sack" is an Old English loan word from Leeden saccus); hanger | cod (<OE codd), ballbag (cf. SC bawbag, from OE *beall and ON baggi), shallbag (< OE sceallan "testicles" + bag) |
scrutinize | vb | - | shrutten (<OE scrutnian) |
scrutiny | n | - | shroutening (<OE scrūtnung) |
scuba | n | - | SIUBT (Self-Inheld Underwater Breathing Tool) |
sculpt | vb | carve, hew, shape, trim | - |
sculpture | n | carving | graft (<OE græft) |
scythe | n | sythe, sithe (these spellings were mean until umb 1650 when Leaden "scissor" wended the spelling, akin to iland and island, see here and here) | - |
Se[] | |||
sea monster | n | merfiend | fivel (<OE) |
search | vb | seek; rake, comb, delve, hunt, cape | neese (<OE nēosan, to search out, find out by enquiry), speer (<OE spyrian) |
search word | n | headword | seekword |
season | n | time, tide | yeartime, yeartide (calque: WF jiertiid, NL jaartijd, NHG Jahreszeit), seel (<ME sēle), (entertainment) thightline/thightrow (calque from IC) |
seat of joy | n | - | gleestool (<OE glīwstōl) |
sebum | n | tallow | - |
secede | vb | leave, withdraw, cleave, sunder, split off | offsplit |
secession | n | selfhhod, self-standing, freedom; withdrawal, walking away, breakaway, breakup, cleaving, sundering, splitting off | selfstead; offsplitting; frith |
secessionist | n | freedomfighter, freeman | offsplitter |
second | n | moment: tick, eyeblink |
nutlog (hour: log, minute: shortlog) |
second | adj | other, twoth | next, after (obsolete), twithe (twi- + th as in four-th) |
secret | adj/n |
adj: dern, hidden, withdrawn, unseen, inward, stealthy, untold, unbeheld, underground, underhanded, hushhush, inly n: dern, hidings |
n: hiddle (<OE hydels), dyle (<ME diȝel, <OE dīegol hushthought, hushword, roun(d) (<OE run, 'mystery, secret, rune'), hem (cf. NHG heimlich, NHG geheim, NL geheim, SW hemlig, DN hemmelig) |
secret society | n | - | himebind (cf. NHG Geheimbund) stealthfay (cf. IC seynifélagið), hidden guild |
secretary | n | reeve; helper, greeter | inwriter |
secrete | vb | seep, leak, ooze | - |
sect | n | block, body | afterfollowing (<OE æfterfylgung) |
section | n | bit, block | - |
secular | adj | worldly, of this world, earthly | - |
secular | n | worldling; worldhood | - |
secularize | vb | - | formean, forworlden (cf. NHG verweltlichen) |
secure | adj |
shielded, belayed, fast, steadfast |
inshielded, ward, warded, warden, wardened (Germanic), bewardened, bewarden, guardened (Germanic), guarden (Germanic) |
secure | vb | shield, ward, warden (Germanic), beward, guard (Germanic), ice, more, set, fasten | inshield, mound/mund (<OE mundian 'to protect, shelter, guard)
awork (cf. NHG erwirken) |
security | n | fastness; stronghold, bulwark | - |
sediment | n | dregs, silt, draff, dross | - |
seduce | vb | fortee, lead on | bepeach (<OE bepǣcan), spane (<OE spanan), adwell |
seductive | adj | - | laughterful (<OE leahterfull; rhyme: daughter) |
segment | n | lith; string, thread | - |
segregation | n | - | asunderhood, beshedding |
seize | vb | hold, clutch, nim, take, gripe, hend | fang (<ME fangen), latch (<ME lacchen), begripe (<ME bigrīpen) |
seizure | n | fit | - |
select | vb | choose, pick, wale | - |
selenium | n | - | moonshaft |
self-effacement | n | - | self-naughting |
self-esteem | n | self-worth | - |
self-restraint | n | - | forhadness (<OE forhæfednes) |
semen | n | semen, sprog (slang), splooge (slang) | - |
semester | n | half-year | sixmonth |
seminar | n | workshop | - |
sempiternity | n | - | endlessness, unendinghood, alwayness, everlastingness |
semi- | pref | half-, sam-/sand-/some- (<OE sam-) | - |
semicircle | n | - | halfring, samring |
semisphere | n | - | halfball, samball |
senate | n | - | wittenmoot, wittensmoot; eldermoot [elder: <L. senex + moot "council"] |
senator | n | - | folkwit (<OE folcwita), elder |
seneschal | n | - | senshalk (<PG *siniskalkaz) |
senile | adj | doddery, doddering, elderly, old, doted | - |
senior | n | - | sinny (calque: GO 𐍃𐌹𐌽𐌴𐌹𐌲𐍃 (sineigs) <PG *sinīgaz) |
senior citizens | n | elderly, old folks, eldfolk, eldman, the old | - |
sensate | adj | feeling | - |
sensation | n | 1. feeling | 2. upthrill |
sensational | adj | amazing | wuldersome |
sense | n | 1. feeling 2. meaning; wit(s) | seave (<OE sefa) |
sense | vb | feel | - |
senseless | adj | mindless | anyetless (<OE andgitlēas), unsefful (<OE unseffull) |
senses | n | the five wits | - |
sensible | vb | - | feelbere (calque), begetful |
sensitive | adj | feeling, keen, sharp | - |
sentence | n | saw (obsolete), saying | quid (<ME quide), wordstring, wordset, speechset |
sentence | vb | doom | - |
sententious | adj | pithy | - |
sentience | n | awareness | awaredom (obsolete OED word) |
sentient life | n | wight, being, all flesh | - |
sentiment | n | feeling, thought | - |
sentimental | n | mawkish | - |
separate | vb | sunder, split, break, cleave, fork | shed (<ME sheden: cf. NHG/NL scheiden), adeal, atweff |
separate | adj | sundry, freestanding, sunder, cleave, cloven, vide | shedded |
separation | n | splitting, split | shedding, asunderhood, asunderness |
September | n | - | Holimonth (<OE hāligmōnaþ), Harvestmonth (<OE hærfestmōnaþ), Sheddingmonth |
septennium | n | - | yearseven |
Septuagesima | n | - | Berueingtide (<OE berwosungtid) |
sepulchre | n | - | moldstow (<OE) |
sequel | n | - | afterfollowing, forthsetting (calque: NHG Fortsetzung) |
sequence | n | aftermath, backwash, child, outcome, outgrowth, upshot; string; setup | gatherbinding |
sequential | adj | back-to-back, straight, through | fayed, gatherbinding |
sequoia | n | - | ettinfirwood (cf. NL reuzenpijnboom) |
serene | adj | unruffled, unbothered | - |
series | n | line, stream (entert.) saga (<ON), saw |
- |
serious | adj | earnest, unfunny, heavy, weighty, grave | - |
seriously | adv | earnestly, thoroughly, wholeheartedly, with heart & soul, willingly, agoodly, weightily | - |
serpent | n | snake, worm (<OE wyrm), adder | slang (cf. NHG Schlange, NL slang, DN slange) |
servant | n | help, helper; hireling, besteader
housekeeper, maid (fm.), dey (fm.), bondsman, loaf-eater, shalk, man, boy, may, thane, (<OE þegn), thrall, knight, drudge (<OE drēogan) |
thew (obs.), theener, theen (<OE þēonest cf. NHG Diener), ambight (<OE ambiht) |
serve | vb | help, dish, hye, bestead, give |
thane (<OE þegnian cf. NHG/NL dienen), thew, ambight (<OE geambihtan; onþéowian) |
a meal |
vb | help, give | - |
server | n | sender, broadcaster, outputter, mainframe | webthew |
serf | n | bondman, thrall | - |
service | n | besteading, help, choosing | theenest (<OE þēnest and akin to NHG Dienst), followth (<OE folgþ) |
servile | adj | bowing, scraping; thrallish | thewly (<OE þēowlīc) |
servitude | n | - | thewdom (<OE þēowdōm) |
session | n | sitting, stint, bout | - |
settlement (foreign suffix) | n | hem, thorpe/thorp/dorp, wick, town, whistle-stop | settling, hemling, ham |
several | adj | sundry | - |
severe | adj | stern, hard, harsh, tough, thorough | stoor (<ME stōr), aver (<PG *abraz) |
severely | adv | hardly, roughly, sternly, stiffly; | - |
sewer | n | drain, sieve | - |
sex | n | kind | hoad (<OE hād), kin (cf. IC kyn “gender/sex”, <PG *kunją), folkhalf |
sex (intercourse) | n | kin-making, lovemaking, breeding | mone (<ME imōne), heamed (<OE hǣmed; said with two syllables), lairteam (<OE legertēam), wifemone (<OE wīfgemāna), bysleep (calque: NHG Beischlaf, NL bijslaap) |
sexennium | n | - | yearsix |
sexual reproduction | n | breeding | - |
sexy | adj | fetching, comely, hot, steamy, sultry,
come-hither |
- |
Sh[] | |||
shark (<?) | n | haye (<NL/WF), dogfish | highcarl (cf. ON hákarl), dreadfish, seadog |
shingles | n | tetter | - |
Shintoism/Shinto | n | Way of the Gods | Waygoddom, Shintodom (no direct translation) |
shoelace | n | shoestring | - |
shoe polish | n | blacking (earliest name for shoe polish) | - |
shortage | n | dearth | shortdom, shorthood, lack is Germanic but not Old English (seemingly) |
show mercy | vb | spare | - |
Shōwa (1926–1989 era) | n | - | Enlightfrith, Enlightbliss |
Shōwa (1312–1317 era) | n | - | Truefrith, Truebliss |
shrapnel | n | - | blastfall, blastrain, blastbits |
shrine (<OE) | n | - | weeved (<ME wēved <OE wēofod), wighbed (<OE wīgbed) |
Si[] | |||
Sicillian | adj | - | Sickilish (<OE Sicilisc) |
siege | vb | beleaguer, (um)beset | - |
sigil | n | mark, token, tag, stamp | - |
sign | n | token, shingle, mark | - |
sign | vb | blaze; onmark, underwrite | undertoken (calque of Ger. speech cf. NHG unterzeichnen, NL ondertekenen) |
sign language | n | - | token speech (cf. NHG Zeichensprache), deaf talk (calque of Balinese: "kata kolok"), tokening-speech, handchat |
signal | n | bale-fire, beacon | - |
signaling | vb | bale-firing, beaconing | showing |
signature | n | - | namewrit, writing, shindling, marking |
significant | adj | noteworthy, weighty | markworthy |
signify | vb | show | besay (cf. NHG besagen) |
silence | vb | hush, make still, soothe | bestill, beroo (cf. NHG beruhigen) |
silence | n | stillness | roo (<ME rō; cf. NHG Ruhe), swy (<ME swīe), forswying (<OE forswigung) |
silhouette | n | - | shadow-outline |
silicon | n | - | flintshaft |
similar | adj | alike, akin | akind, samekind |
simile | n | likeness | - |
simony | n | church-mongering | trade in ecclesiastia; (by a church-monger) |
simple | adj | onefold, untrimmed | - |
singeress (French endfastening) | n | - | singster (<ME syngster) |
single | adj | one ... only; alone, by oneself | - |
singular | adj | (unique) one-of-a-kind, great | afold (<ME ōfōld/afōld) |
singularity | n | oneness | - |
sir | n | Lord, m’lord | har (<ME harre <OE hearra, cf. NHG Herr) |
sire | n | lord | har |
Sirius | n | Dog Star, Brightest Star | - |
site | n | stead | point, location:
ord (Eng.) |
situate | vb | lay down, ground | - |
situation | n | lay? (cf. lay of the land) | - |
size | n | greatness, bigness, bulk, fit | grete (<ME <OE grīetu, cf. NHG Größe) |
Sk[] | |||
Skagerrak | n | - | Scaw Reach, Scawreach; the Gate |
skateboard | n/vb | - | wheelboard (cf. IC hjólabretti) |
skeleton | n | frame | boneset, boneframe |
skeuomorph | n | - | stand-in, toolshape |
skeuomorphic | adj | - | toolshapely |
skeuomorphism | n | - | toolshapedom |
Sl[] | |||
slander | n/vb | n: smear
vb: belittle, smear, sully, lie |
- |
slate | n/vb | n. writing board
vb. plot, slag (Brit.) |
n: boardstone (calque of Chinese 板岩 lit. "board stone") |
Slav | n | - | Wind (<OE Wined) |
slave | n | bondman, thrall | thew (< ME theu ⁊ OE þēow) |
slavery | n | thralldom/thraldom | - |
Slovak | adj(p) | - | Slovakish, Roufrithson's Engliſh: Lemmickish |
Slovakia | n(p) | - | Slovakland, Roufrithson's Engliſh: Lemmickland |
slum | n | - | needmore (slang); wretchstead |
Sm[] | |||
smithereens | n | bits, chips, splinters, shreds, scraps, dust | - |
smuggler | n | - | owler |
Sn[] | |||
snipe | vb | sharpshoot | - |
snippet (Outborn ending) | n | snippock | - |
snow globe/snowglobe | n | - | snowkuggle (<NHG Schneekugel) |
So[] | |||
sobriquet | n | - | nickname, ekename |
soccer | n | football | altheedish football (United States) |
social-democratic | adj | - | fellowfolksteerly |
social justice | n | - | fellowly fairness, fellowly rightness |
social media | n | - | fellowly middle; friendly sarrow (“miracle, wonder; technology”) |
socialism | n | - | allownership, fellowdom |
socialist | n/adj | - | (n) allowner, fellower; (adj) allownerish, fellowish |
social/societal | adj | friendly, sharing | fellowly |
society | n | fellowship, friendship, folk; kith and kin |
sithership (<OE gesíðscipe) |
socket | n | outlet
bone: cup |
- |
sodium | n | - | saltshaft |
soil (part Latin and Norse) | n | mold, earth, dirt (US) | - |
solar | adj | sun-like, sunly | - |
solder | vb | weld, tin | lead |
soldier | n | - | bern (<ME bērn), kemp (<OE cempa) |
sole | adj.' | only | oneliepe (<OE ánlíepe) |
sole (foot) | n. | - | ill (<ME ile, cf. IC il), footfolm |
solely | adv.' | only | oneliepely |
solid | adj | hard | fast (dated sense of firm), earthlike (with each state of matter representing one element) |
solitude | n | aloneness, allaloneness | - |
solstice | n | sunstead | sunwend (cf. NL zonnewende, NHG Sonnenwende), sunstandstill (cf. NL zonnestilstand) |
solution | n | - | loosing, loosening (cf. NHG Lösung, SW lösning) |
solve | vb | answer | loose, loosen, lease (calque of Ger. speech) |
sophisticate | vb | - | forbuild (cf. NHG verbilden) |
soporific | adj | - | sleep-giving |
sorbet | n | - | foam ice (<IC frauðís), water ice (<DN) |
sorcerer | n | wizard, wyle | drye (<OE drȳ) |
sorcery | n | witchcraft, dwimmer | dreecraft, dryecraft, wylecraft |
sorrel | n | - | sourleaf |
sound | n | reard, cling, ring, loudness, pitch, loudening | din, sough, yar/yer, loud, lidden (<OE hlýd, OE hlýden, cf. WF lûd, NF Lüt (Söl'ring), NL geluid, NHG Laut, SW ljud, IC hljóð), lemm (<OE hlem) |
sound | vb | ring, clink, cling, louden
sound like: to be heard like |
to sound like: onhear, hear on (calque: NHG anhören) |
soup | n | broth, gruel | - |
source | n | birthplace, root, begetter, dawn, onset, start, spring, wellspring, ere-, quell | ordfrom (<OE ord, "point", + from) |
sous vide | adj | - | wetbaking |
souvenir | n | - | keepsake |
sovereign | adj | - | self-standing (cf. SW självständig) |
Sp[] | |||
space | n | room | astrology: roomth |
spaceship | n | starship | - |
spacetime | n | - | roomtime, timeroomth (cf. IC tímarúmið) |
spacious | adj | roomy, wide | - |
spatial | adj | - | roomthy |
special | adj | - | sunderly (<OE sundorlīc, cf. NHG sonderlich), besunder (cf. NHG besondere) |
specialty | n | - | besunderhood (cf. NHG Besonderheit), ownhood/ownship (cf. NHG Eigenheit/Eigenschaft) |
species | n | - | lifekin, lifekind |
specific | adj | outright | bestevened (cf. NHG bestimmt) (see steven) |
specifically | adv | only, one, inborn, clean-cut, sharp | - |
specify | v | - | nemmen (<ME nemnen) |
spectator | n | onlooker | - |
spend (<PWG) | v | - | outgive (cf. NHG ausgeben) |
sphenoid bone | n | - | wedgebone |
sphere | n | ball | kuggle* (cf. NHG Kugel) (*Kugel is of either Semitic or Germanic origin) |
sphincter | n | - | closethew/closemoussock (cf. NL sluitspier, NHG Schließmuskel) |
sphinx | n | - | maidenlee (cf. IC meyljón), wilibilth (calque of Anc. Egyptish šzp-ꜥnḫ) |
spice | n | - | wortimong (<OE wyrtgemang), croud (<PWG *krūd; cf. NL kruid) |
spillage (foreign suffix) | n | - | spilling |
spine | n | backbone | backridge |
spirit | n | gast, gost, ghost, breath, soul, mind | ferth (<OE ferhþ) |
sponge | n | - | swamb (<OE swamm), soakshaft (from Minecraft) |
sport | n | lark, lake (etym. 2) | - |
sporty/sportive | adj | - | gamely (<OE gamenlīc and <ME gāmelīch) |
spy | n/vb | sleuth: very late borrowing into Old English (near to 1200AD) from The Orrmulum. | speer (<OE spyrian)
loosesheerwere (<OE lēassċēawere) |
Sq[] | |||
squadron | n | - | sheltron, shieldtrum (<OE scieldtruma); swathe (cf. NHG Geschwader); stafle (cf. NHG Staffel) |
square | n | - | fourside (cf. NL vierkant)
in a city: tey (<OE tēge) |
squirrel | n | aquern O.E. ācweorna, O.N. loan in O.E. scug; skug. | shadow-tail |
Ss[] | |||
SSD ("Solid State Drive") | n | - | SSD ("Still-Standing Drive" / "Stand Still Drive") |
St[] | |||
stabilize | v | steady, still | besteady, bestill |
stable | n | stud | horsern (<OE horsern) |
stable | adj | steady, still, steadfast | - |
stadium | n | - | spurd (<OE spyrd) |
-stan | sfx | - | stem (from same PIE root) |
standard | adj | stock, mean | - |
stapes | n | stirrup | earstirrup, stirrupbone |
state | vb | utter | - |
state | n | condition: shape, lay (cf. lay of the land) polity: moot, riche, -ric (cf. OED) |
- |
statement | n | - | outsaying (cf. NHG Aussage) |
statue | n | - | standbilth (cf. NHG Standbild, NL standbeeld) |
status | n | standing | - |
statute | n | - | setness |
stay | vb | belive, blive, hold, keep | - |
stellar | adj | starly | - |
sternum | n | breastbone | - |
stew | n | scouse | - |
stingray | n | - | - |
stimulate | vb | goad | - |
stød (<DN) | n | - | shove, steat (<PWG *stauti) |
stomach | n | maw | - |
stoppage (foreign suffix) | n | stop | - |
storage | n | - | lairing (cf. NHG Lagernung) |
store | vb | keep, hoard | - |
store | n | shop | chepstow |
story | n | tale, yarn | telling, atelling, ortelling (cf. NHG Erzählung), lore |
strange | adj | outlandish, weird, unwonted, wild, odd, freakish, eerie, queer
uncouth |
fremd, selcouth (<OE seldcūþ) |
stranger | n | outlander | fremder, fremdling, comer (<ME cǒmere) |
stratagem | n | forset | - |
strategy | n | plot | wyecraft |
stray | vb | wander | dwale (<ME dwalen) |
street (<OE) | n | road, way; roadway | wainway |
stress | n | burden, weight, load | thrutch (cf. NHG Druck), belasting (calque: NHG Belastung, NL belasting)
(grammar) highweight, bepitching (calque: NHG Betonung) |
stressful | adj | fraught | - |
strict | adj | hash, hard, stern, forbidding | - |
strive/strife | vb/n | fight | - |
structure | n | makeup, set, setting, frame; building, boards | upmake, framework |
study | vb/n | learn, swot, either usage
(up on), thought; reading |
n: learn |
student | n | learner | learningchild (<OE leorningcild) |
studio | n | - | workstead
movies: filmingstead |
stupidity | n | dumbness, daftness | addleheadiness, ass-headiness |
stupid | adj | addled, addled-brained, addled-headed, not-all-there, away in the head/mind, dumb, daft | have a dry brain, dwease (<OE dwǣs) |
sturgeon | n | - | stoor (<ME stor, <OE styria) |
style | n | kind | - |
stylus | n | spear, pecker, picker, stick, shaft, writing tool, needle | leadstick |
Su[] | |||
sub- | pref | under-
(subsequent) after- |
- |
subdue | vb | beat down | - |
subdued | adj | beaten down | - |
subject | vb | - | undertheed (<ME underthēden), underthrow (calque: NL onderwerpen, NHG unterwerfen) |
subject | n | thread | (grammar) nemmer (< archaic NE nem (< ME nemnen) + -er)
underthrow (calque: NL onderwerp) |
subjunctive | adj/n | - | undertheedenly (<OE underþēodendlīc), underlinked (calque of Leeden) |
submachine gun | n | - | stormgun (cf. NHG Stormgewehr) |
submarine | n/adj | adj: undersea | n: U-boat (short for undersea-boat), diveboat (cf. NL duikboot) |
submerge | vb | drench, douse, soak | - |
submission | n | willing | underwilling, underwill, underwillness, underwillhood |
submissive | adj | underwilling | - |
submit | vb | give in, ingive, hand in, send | - |
submitter | n | - | agiver (cf. NHG Ergeber), ingiver |
subordinate | n | - | underoath, underoather, belower |
subordinate | adj | - | underoathed |
subscribe | vb | follow | underwrite (<OE underwrītan) |
subscriber | n | follower | underwriter |
subsequent | adj | next, following | - |
substance | n | stuff (but a Germanic (Frankish) root modified through Old French); being | anwork (<OE andweorc) |
substitute | n | stand-in, fill-in, back-up | swapfiller |
substitute | vb | swap, fill in, stand in, go as | outtrade (cf. NHG austauschen) replace: aset (cf. NHG ersetzen) |
subtitle | n | - | underqueath, undername, understerling |
subtle | adj | low-key | - |
subtract | vb | take away, take off, withdraw | uneke |
subtraction | n | withdrawing | uneking |
suburb | n | - | underborough (<OE underburg), foreord (calque: NHG Vorort) |
subzero | adj | below-freezing | - |
succeed | vb | go after | spow (<OE spówan), awin (<OE āwinnan) |
success | n | - | winth, spowing, afollowing, gain |
successful | adj | - | spowful, afollowfull, gainful |
successor | n | aftercomer | ever (<OE eafora, eafera) |
succumb | vb | fall to | alie (alying; alay; alain) (cf. NHG erliegen), undernye (<OE underhnīgan) |
sudden | adj | swift, rushing, rash | - |
suddenly | adv | swiftly, rushingly, rashly, forthwith, straightaway | - |
suffer | vb | ache, harm | thole (<OE þolian, þrowian), undergo (transitive), dree (<OE drēogan), quilm (<OE cwylmian) |
suffering | n | harm, ache, sorrow, woe, smarts | quilming (<OE cwylming), tholing, dreeing |
suffice | vb | do, be enough, reach, work, meet (transitive) | outreach |
sufficiency | n | enoughness, fulth, fittingness | - |
sufficient | adj | enough, done, right, even, fair, fit, befitting, becoming | filling, outreaching |
suffix | n | - | word tail, endfastening, afterword |
suffocate | v | - | adrench (<ME adrenchen) |
sugar | n | - | sweethurst (hurst < OE hyrst 'jewel'), shortsweetening, sweetdust
molecule: sweetmote |
sugarberry | n | - | sweetberry |
sugarcane | n | - | sweetreed (cf. NL suikerriet) |
suggest | vb | imply: foreset, hint, infold
offer: foreset, bid, put forth |
imply: ettle, bysay
offer: forthput, rede |
suggestion | n | imply: foreset, hint, infold
offer: foreset, bid |
imply: ettle, bysay
offer: forthput, rede |
suicide | n | self-murder, self-killing, self-slaughter | - |
sui generis | adj | one-of-a-kind | - |
suitable | adj | fit, meet, matched | limply (<OE gelimplīc and <ME limplīche)
fadly (<OE fǣdlic) |
sulfur | n | brimstone | swevel (<ME swefel) |
sullen | n | - | dark-brooding, blackbrowed |
summit | n | knap (British), cop (archaic) | hilltop, hillhead |
sum (up) | vb | cast up, tell up | - |
summon | vb | gather, call up | ban (<ME bannen), clepe (<ME clēpen), chy (<OE cīgan) |
summons | n | writ | - |
sunflower | n | - | sunblossom, sunbloom (cf. NHG Sonnenblume) |
sun's dwelling | n | - | The sky |
super | adj/pfx | adj: over, overly
pfx: over- |
- |
supercalifragilisticexpialidocious | adj | - | overfairnessbrokenliatoneliteachworthy |
supercilious | adj | overweening, overbearing, uppish, lofty, high and mighty, stuck-up | high-sighted |
supercontinent | n | - | overworlddeal, alderworlddeal |
superhero | n | - | overheleth |
superhuman | adj | - | overman |
superior | adj | overly | - |
superiority | n | betterhood | overlaying (cf. NHG Überlegenheit) |
superlative (grammar) | adj | - | overstyingly (<OE oferstigendlic), overbearedly (cf. Leaden superlativus) |
supermarket | n | - | overcheapstow |
supernatural | adj | otherwordly, unearthly, ghostly | - |
supernova | n | starburst | - |
superposition | n | - | overstelling |
supersede | vb | take over | forthringe (calque: NHG verdrängen) |
superstition | n | - | idle-belief |
supervillain | n | - | overnithing, overnither |
supervise | vb | oversee, overlook | - |
supervisor | n | overseer | - |
supplant | vb | take over; put out, sneak in | forthringe (calque: NHG verdrängen); overnim |
supplement | n | eking out | togive |
supply | n | stock, yield, spring | - |
supply | vb | yield, feed, fill, afford | - |
support | vb | staddle, shore, back, back up, forward, foster, uphold, underprop, upstart, underset, frame (obsolete) | bestaddle, understut (cf. NHG unterstützen), stut (<SC), upbring |
support | n | staddle; backup, upholding, backing | shore, fultum |
suppose | vb | ween, believe, guess, think, reckon | forethink |
suppress | vb | put down | forthrutch (<OE forþryċċan) |
sure | adj | sicker; set | wiss (<ME wis) |
surface | n | topside, overside, overlay, layer | bred (<ME bred ⁊ <OE bred) |
surfeit | vb | forset | - |
surge | n | - | streamwhelm |
surgeon | n | sawbones | woundleech (cf. NHG Wundarzt) |
surname | n | last name | - |
surpass | vb | overtake | overgo (<ME overgōn), oversty (<ME overstīen) |
surprise | vb | stun, overcome, overtake | overrush (calque: NHG überraschen) |
surrender | vb | yield, hand over, give up | overgive |
surround | vb | beset, forset, hem in, enring, inring | umbstand (<OE ymbstandan), umbgive (cf. NL omgeven; NHG umgeben), umbring (cf. NL omringen; NHG umringen) |
survey | vb | overlook, look over | how (<OE hāwian; rhymes with snow) |
survival | n | - | overliving |
survive | vb | outlive, live on, after-live | overlive (<OE oferlibban), alive (<OE alibban) |
susceptibility | n | openness, givenness, helplessness | - |
susceptible | adj | given, open; helpless | aloten (<OE aloten; v. forthlout (<OE forþlútan)); onfally (lazy calque: NHG anfällig) (see onfall) |
suspect | vb | mistrust, underlook | forthink (calque: NL/NHG verdenken) |
suspend | vb | hang, hang from | - |
suspicion | n | mistrustfulness, underlook | forthought (cf. NL verdachting, NHG Verdacht) |
suspicious | adj | mistrustful, wary | forthoughtful/ forthoughty (cf. NL verdacht) |
sustain | vb | underhold, uphold, stay | - |
suitable | adj | fit, meet | - |
Sw[] | |||
Swabia | n | - | Swabeland, Sweaveland (<OE Swǣfaland) |
Swabian | n | - | Swabish, Sweavish (<OE Swǣfisc) |
swastika | n | fylfot | hookrood, hookgallow (cf. NHG Hakenkreuz); gleerune (as a religious symbol) |
Sweden (<MNL) | n | - | Swedeland (<NE), Sweerich (<OE Swēorīce), Sweeland (<OE Swēoland), Sweethede (<OE Swēoþēod) |
Sy[] | |||
syllable | n | - | staffay (<OE stæfgefēg), staffle/stavle (cf. SW stavelse), staffgrip(e)/stavegrip(e) (cf. NL lettergreep), wordbit |
symbol | n | mark, token, tag, stamp | - |
symmetry | n | evenness | foldmatch |
sympathy | n | understanding | evensorrow (see OE efensorgian) |
symptom | n | - | coathemark |
syndrome | n | - | coathedom |
synesthesia | n | - | linked feeling (calque) |
synonym | n | likeword, selfsame, sameness, kinword | otherword |
synonymous with | prep | the same as, akin to | - |
system | n | layout, makeup, setup | network, stellel (cf. NL stelsel), outlay, upmake |