The Anglish Moot

Staff S of the English Wordbook.

Basic abbreviations:

  • OE = Old English
  • ME = Middle English
  • SC = Scots
  • WF = West Frish
  • NF = North Frish
  • SF = Saterlandish Frish
  • WLG = West Low Theech
  • ELG = East Low Theech
  • NL = Netherlandish
  • NHG = New High Theech
  • IC = Icelandish
  • HIC = High Icelandish
  • NO = Nornish
  • SW = Swedish
  • DN = Danish
  • MLG = Middle Low Theech
  • MNL = Middle Netherlandish
  • MHG = Middle High Theech
  • OF = Old Frish
  • OS = Old Saxish
  • OHG = Old High Theech
  • ON = Old Norse
  • GO = Gottish
  • PWG = Or-West-Theedish
  • PG = Or-Theedish

For a full list of etymological and other abbreviations used in these wordlists, see: Offshortenings.


Staffs under English Wordbook/S:

Sa Sb Sc Sd Se Sf Sg Sh Si Sj Sk Sl Sm Sn So Sp Sq Sr Ss St Su Sv Sw Sx Sy Sz

*Note: If you click on one of the links above, and nothing happens, then that means no words have been put forth for that bookstaff as of yet.

Chancery English Class Anglish/English
Attested Unattested


sabotage vb cripple underdelve (<ME underdelven), undergrave
saboteur n - crippler
sacred adj holy, hallowed -
Sacrament n holy oath, holy undertaking, hallowing forhallowing, holy work, holiwork
sacrifice vb/n give, give up bloot (<OE blótan), offer/offering
sacrilege n unholiness holishending (cf. NL heiligshennis; < shend "to defile")
sacrilegious adj unholy, sinful -
sacrosanct adj holy, hallowed -
sacrum n - holibone, roodbone
sadism n fiendishness, heartlessness derelust, harmlust, heanlust
sadistic adj heartless, coldhearted overtuly
safe n strongbox -
safe adj sound, fast; white; trusty, good, sheltered, shielded -
safehouse n - frithhouse (<OE friþhūs)
safety n shelter, wholeness, soundness, frith (archaic) munding, frith
safe space n haven, hugbox frithyard (<OE friþgeard)
sagacious adj

insightful, witty, foresightful

rede hedging, redhedging (<OE rǽdhycgende), hyesnotter (<OE hygesnottor), redesnotter, redsnotter (<OE rǽdsnotor), searthinkle (<OE searuþancol), shedwise (<OE scéadwís), smighful, smigh (<OE sméah), wisefast (<OE wísfæst), awittle, yarewittle (<OE gearuwitol)

sagacity n wit-hood, withood, wit, wisdom -
Saint (St.) adj Holy -
saint n hallow holiman
sainthood n hallowdom -
saliva n spit, spittle -
salamander n - landwater athex, land-newt, land-eft
salary n earnings, income, salt toll
sally vb/n outfall -
salmon n - lax (<ME lax <OE leax)
saltire n Andrew's Rood (cross) -
salutary n friendly, good, helpful, kindly; good, healthy, wholesome -
salutation n greeting, welcome, hail hailing
salvation n lifeline redding (<OE hredding), halwendness (<OE hālwendnes)
salvo n unload, outburst -
sample vb - to have a smack of
sanctify vb hallow, behallow -
sanctioned adj - law-hallowed
sanctuary n haven grith (<ME grith), yenner (<OE gener); yennerstead (<OE generstede), frithhouse, frithstow, holistead
sane n right-minded witfast
sans prep without -
Santa Claus n Father Christmas -
sapient adj much wise; aware -
sapphire adj/n - sapfir, woadenstone
sarcophagus n - lichbour (<OE līcbeorg), through (<ME thrūgh; rhyme: plough)
sasquatch n Bigfoot -
Satanism n - Satandom; Satan-worship, Satanhood, Lockedom, Shucklief (<OE scucca + -lief)
satchel n knapsack, rucksack -
satellite n moon artificial: ironmoon, swail searsender
satiate vb fulfill, quench, slake -
satire n - heaning, heancraft, mocking, mockwrit
satisfaction n gladness

quemeness (<OE cwēmnys), eathness (<OE īeðnes), befrithening (calque: NHG Befriedigung), eadiness

satisfy vb gladden, slake, fulfill, sate, quench

queme, afill, befrith, sede (<OE sēdan)

saturate vb sop, soak, steep indrench (<OE indrencan), sab (cf. SC sab)
Saturday n - Sunneve (<OE sunnanǣfen; cf. WF sneon, NHG Sonnabend); Leagday (ON laugardagr; cf. OE leag)
sauce n dip -
sauerkraut n - sourcole, sourcroud
sauna n steam room hot-house, hotroom, sweatbath
sausage n wurst (<NHG), banger marrow (<OE mearh), worst (cf. NHG Wurst)
savage adj/n wild; wilder wildard
savanna n - wendringly grassland, bareland (cf. Eng. barrens)
save vb spare; keep, hold nerry (<OE nerian akin to NHG nähren, cf. OE herian -> NE herry), redd (<OE hreddan 'to free from recover rescue save take away'), barrow (<OE beorgan 'to save, preserve', OHG bergan, ON bjarga), hain, stow, hoard, heal, nere (from Minecraft)
savior n sparer healend (<OE hǣlend; cf. NHG Heiland)
halend, healer, healant (<OE hælend, in light of MnE 'coolant')
savory adj smeckfull hearthaft (calque: NHG herzhaft), defty (cf. NHG deftig)
Saxon n - Saxish
Saxony n - Saxland (<OE Seaxland), Saxen
saxophone n saxhorn -


scaffolding n - framescape
scald vb forseethe -
scale vb climb -
scale n layout, frame, framework, mete, setup animal skin: shale (<ME schale)
scallop n - shell lap, shellop (<corresponding to "shell" + "lap (wordlore 2)")
scalpel n - leechsax, healblade
scandium n - shedshaft (see OE scedenig "south end of Sweden")


n - fenman (from Old Dutch thews of offering a man-bloot by either throwing the chosen into a fen, lynching them or throwing them into streams to undo the anger of the gods.); folk-devil
scaphoid bone n - boatbone
scapula n shoulderbone, wingbone -
scar n blight, blotch, flaw, pockmark, wale, weal, wheal, wen, welt -
scarabaeus stercoreous n - turd-weevil
scarce adj light, sparing; lacking, low, shy, wanting latesome (<OE lætsum and <ME latsǒm)
scarcely adv barely, hardly, narrowly, slightly -
scarcity n lack, shortness, seldomness, fewness, dearth -
scared (<ON) adj frightened, adread ackle (<OE acol; archaic and not recommended)
scarf n - neckcloth (cf. SW halsduk; DN halstørklæde)
scarlet adj bawsebrown wormred (<OE wyrmread)
scatophilia n - dritelust
scatter vb broadcast, cast, deal out, go-off, go through, let go, oversow, overspread, put to flight, spread, strew -
scene n background, setting; blowup, fireworks; footing -
scent n smell, whiff breezewaft, breezewhiff, bresmel (breezed smell), waftsmell (wafted smell) weffe (archaic form of whiff)
schadenfreude n - harmglee; warkglee
schizoid adj - splitlike (calque of Gk. schizein "split, break, shatter" and -oeides "like")

cleavemindy; mindcleavish

schizophrenia n - splitmindness, shattermindness (calques of Gk. schizein "split, break, shatter" and phrēn "mind, understaing"), dwalesickness
Schleswig-Holstein n - Sleswick-Holsten, Sleswich-Holtset, Sleswy-Holsten
scholar n learner; bookman loreman; fieldknower, learnand; writman; wordman; booklover; learned
scholarship n knowledge, learning bookhood, loreship; writdom
school (<PWG) n - lorehall, learnhall, teachhall, lorehouse
science n knowledge, ken; lore, wisdom witship (cf. WF wittenskip, NL wetenschap, NHG Wissenschaft); kendom; Knownshaft (cf. Many Germanic roots)
scientist n knower

witshipper (cf. WF wittenskipper, NL wetenschapper, NHG Wissenschaftler)

loreman, kenman, knowledgeman

scientific adj wisdomly, cunning; -craftly worldkenly, witshiply (cf. WF wittenskiplik), lorely
scientific language n -

craftspeech (<OE cræftspræc); cunningtongue

scintillate vb sparkle, flash, shine, leam -
scissors n blades shears (Scots; cf. NHG Scheren)
-scope sfx - -seer
scorn vb - laker (<OE hlacerian)
scorpion n - throw-end, stingtail, night-sting
scoundrel n - makeshift
scout n pathfinder foretrekker (< Afr. voortrekker "pioneer")
scowling adj - black-browed, wild-eyed
screen n sheet, sail, shroud shirm (<PG *skirmiz; compare NL scherm, NHG Schirm)
scribe n writer, logger bookman
script n - Computer script: quickwrit (quick 'alive' + writ 'document')
scrotum n ballsack*, sack* (*"sack" is an Old English loan word from Leeden saccus); hanger cod (<OE codd), ballbag (cf. SC bawbag, from OE *beall and ON baggi), shallbag (< OE sceallan "testicles" + bag)
scrutinize vb - shrutten (<OE scrutnian)
scrutiny n - shroutening (<OE scrūtnung)
scuba n - SIUBT (Self-Inheld Underwater Breathing Tool)
sculpt vb carve, hew, shape, trim -
sculpture n carving graft (<OE græft)
scythe n sythe, sithe (these spellings were mean until umb 1650 when Leaden "scissor" wended the spelling, akin to iland and island, see here and here) -


sea monster n merfiend fivel (<OE)
search vb seek; rake, comb, delve, hunt, cape neese (<OE nēosan, to search out, find out by enquiry), speer (<OE spyrian)
search word n headword seekword
season n time, tide yeartime, yeartide (calque: WF jiertiid, NL jaartijd, NHG Jahreszeit), seel (<ME sēle), (entertainment) thightline/thightrow (calque from IC)
seat of joy n - gleestool (<OE glīwstōl)
sebum n tallow -
secede vb leave, withdraw, cleave, sunder, split off offsplit
secession n selfhhod, self-standing, freedom; withdrawal, walking away, breakaway, breakup, cleaving, sundering, splitting off selfstead; offsplitting; frith
secessionist n freedomfighter, freeman offsplitter
second n moment: tick, eyeblink 

nutlog  (hour: log,  minute: shortlog)

second adj other, twoth next, after (obsolete), twithe (twi- + th as in four-th)
secret adj/n

adj: dern, hidden, withdrawn, unseen, inward, stealthy, untold, unbeheld, underground, underhanded, hushhush, inly

n: dern, hidings

n: hiddle (<OE hydels), dyle (<ME diȝel, <OE dīegol hushthought, hushword, roun(d) (<OE run, 'mystery, secret, rune'), hem (cf. NHG heimlich, NHG geheim, NL geheim, SW hemlig, DN hemmelig)

secret society n - himebind (cf. NHG Geheimbund) stealthfay (cf. IC seynifélagið), hidden guild
secretary n reeve; helper, greeter inwriter
secrete vb seep, leak, ooze -
sect n block, body afterfollowing (<OE æfterfylgung)
section n bit, block -
secular adj worldly, of this world, earthly -
secular n worldling; worldhood -
secularize vb - formean, forworlden (cf. NHG verweltlichen)
secure adj

shielded, belayed, fast, steadfast

inshielded, ward, warded, warden, wardened (Germanic), bewardened, bewarden, guardened (Germanic), guarden (Germanic)
secure vb shield, ward, warden (Germanic), beward, guard (Germanic), ice, more, set, fasten inshield, mound/mund (<OE mundian 'to protect, shelter, guard)

awork (cf. NHG erwirken)

security n fastness; stronghold, bulwark -
sediment n dregs, silt, draff, dross -
seduce vb fortee, lead on bepeach (<OE bepǣcan), spane (<OE spanan), adwell
seductive adj - laughterful (<OE leahterfull; rhyme: daughter)
segment n lith; string, thread -
segregation n - asunderhood, beshedding
seize vb hold, clutch, nim, take, gripe, hend fang (<ME fangen), latch (<ME lacchen), begripe (<ME bigrīpen)
seizure n fit -
select vb choose, pick, wale -
selenium n - moonshaft
self-effacement n - self-naughting
self-esteem n self-worth -
self-restraint n - forhadness (<OE forhæfednes)
semen n semen, sprog (slang), splooge (slang) -
semester n half-year sixmonth
seminar n workshop -
sempiternity n - endlessness, unendinghood, alwayness, everlastingness
semi- pref half-, sam-/sand-/some- (<OE sam-) -
semicircle n - halfring, samring
semisphere n - halfball, samball
senate n - wittenmoot, wittensmoot; eldermoot [elder: <L. senex + moot "council"]
senator n - folkwit (<OE folcwita), elder
seneschal n - senshalk (<PG *siniskalkaz)
senile adj doddery, doddering, elderly, old, doted -
senior n - sinny (calque: GO 𐍃𐌹𐌽𐌴𐌹𐌲𐍃 (sineigs) <PG *sinīgaz)
senior citizens n elderly, old folks, eldfolk, eldman, the old -
sensate adj feeling -
sensation n 1. feeling 2. upthrill
sensational adj amazing wuldersome
sense n 1. feeling 2. meaning; wit(s) seave (<OE sefa)
sense vb feel -
senseless adj mindless anyetless (<OE andgitlēas), unsefful (<OE unseffull)
senses n the five wits -
sensible vb - feelbere (calque), begetful
sensitive adj feeling, keen, sharp -
sentence n saw (obsolete), saying quid (<ME quide), wordstring, wordset, speechset
sentence vb doom -
sententious adj pithy -
sentience n awareness awaredom (obsolete OED word)
sentient life n wight, being, all flesh -
sentiment n feeling, thought -
sentimental n mawkish -
separate vb sunder, split, break, cleave, fork shed (<ME sheden: cf. NHG/NL scheiden), adeal, atweff
separate adj sundry, freestanding, sunder, cleave, cloven, vide shedded
separation n splitting, split shedding, asunderhood, asunderness
September n - Holimonth (<OE hāligmōnaþ), Harvestmonth (<OE hærfestmōnaþ), Sheddingmonth
septennium n - yearseven
Septuagesima n - Berueingtide (<OE berwosungtid)
sepulchre n - moldstow (<OE)
sequel n - afterfollowing, forthsetting (calque: NHG Fortsetzung)
sequence n aftermath, backwash, child, outcome, outgrowth, upshot; string; setup gatherbinding
sequential adj back-to-back, straight, through fayed, gatherbinding
sequoia n - ettinfirwood (cf. NL reuzenpijnboom)
serene adj unruffled, unbothered -
series n line, stream
(entert.) saga (<ON), saw
serious adj earnest, unfunny, heavy, weighty, grave -
seriously adv earnestly, thoroughly, wholeheartedly, with heart & soul, willingly, agoodly, weightily -
serpent n snake, worm (<OE wyrm), adder slang (cf. NHG Schlange, NL slang, DN slange)
servant n help, helper; hireling, besteader

housekeeper, maid (fm.), dey (fm.), bondsman, loaf-eater, shalk, man, boy, may, thane, (<OE þegn), thrall, knight, drudge (<OE drēogan)

thew (obs.), theener, theen (<OE þēonest cf. NHG Diener), ambight (<OE ambiht)

serve vb help, dish, hye, bestead, give

thane (<OE þegnian cf. NHG/NL dienen), thew, ambight (<OE geambihtan; onþéowian)


a meal

vb help, give -
server n sender, broadcaster, outputter, mainframe webthew
serf n bondman, thrall -
service n besteading, help, choosing theenest (<OE þēnest and akin to NHG Dienst), followth (<OE folgþ)
servile adj bowing, scraping; thrallish thewly (<OE þēowlīc)
servitude n - thewdom (<OE þēowdōm)
session n sitting, stint, bout -
settlement (foreign suffix) n hem, thorpe/thorp/dorp, wick, town, whistle-stop settling, hemling, ham
several adj sundry -
severe adj stern, hard, harsh, tough, thorough stoor (<ME stōr), aver (<PG *abraz)
severely adv hardly, roughly, sternly, stiffly; -
sewer n drain, sieve -
sex n kind hoad (<OE hād), kin (cf. IC kyn “gender/sex”, <PG *kunją), folkhalf
sex (intercourse) n kin-making, lovemaking, breeding mone (<ME imōne), heamed (<OE hǣmed; said with two syllables), lairteam (<OE legertēam), wifemone (<OE wīfgemāna), bysleep (calque: NHG Beischlaf, NL bijslaap)
sexennium n - yearsix
sexual reproduction n breeding -
sexy adj fetching, comely, hot, steamy, sultry,




shark (<?) n haye (<NL/WF), dogfish highcarl (cf. ON hákarl), dreadfish, seadog
shingles n tetter -
Shintoism/Shinto n Way of the Gods Waygoddom, Shintodom (no direct translation)
shoelace n shoestring -
shoe polish n blacking (earliest name for shoe polish) -
shortage n dearth shortdom, shorthood, lack is Germanic but not Old English (seemingly)
show mercy vb spare -
Shōwa (1926–1989 era) n - Enlightfrith, Enlightbliss
Shōwa (1312–1317 era) n - Truefrith, Truebliss
shrapnel n - blastfall, blastrain, blastbits
shrine (<OE) n - weeved (<ME wēved <OE wēofod), wighbed (<OE wīgbed)


Sicillian adj - Sickilish (<OE Sicilisc)
siege vb beleaguer, (um)beset -
sigil n mark, token, tag, stamp -
sign n token, shingle, mark -
sign vb blaze; onmark, underwrite undertoken (calque of Ger. speech cf. NHG unterzeichnen, NL ondertekenen)
sign language n - token speech (cf. NHG Zeichensprache), deaf talk (calque of Balinese: "kata kolok"), tokening-speech, handchat
signal n bale-fire, beacon -
signaling vb bale-firing, beaconing showing
signature n - namewrit, writing, shindling, marking
significant adj noteworthy, weighty markworthy
signify vb show besay (cf. NHG besagen)
silence vb hush, make still, soothe bestill, beroo (cf. NHG beruhigen)
silence n stillness roo (<ME ; cf. NHG Ruhe), swy (<ME swīe), forswying (<OE forswigung)
silhouette n - shadow-outline
silicon n - flintshaft
similar adj alike, akin akind, samekind
simile n likeness -
simony n church-mongering trade in ecclesiastia; (by a church-monger)
simple adj onefold, untrimmed -
singeress (French endfastening) n - singster (<ME syngster)
single adj one ... only; alone, by oneself -
singular adj (unique) one-of-a-kind, great afold (<ME ōfōld/afōld)
singularity n oneness -
sir n Lord, m’lord har (<ME harre <OE hearra, cf. NHG Herr)
sire n lord har
Sirius n Dog Star, Brightest Star -
site n stead point, location: 

ord (Eng.)

situate vb lay down, ground -
situation n lay? (cf. lay of the land) -
size n greatness, bigness, bulk, fit grete (<ME <OE grīetu, cf. NHG Größe)


Skagerrak n - Scaw Reach, Scawreach; the Gate
skateboard n/vb - wheelboard (cf. IC hjólabretti)
skeleton n frame boneset, boneframe
skeuomorph n - stand-in, toolshape
skeuomorphic adj - toolshapely
skeuomorphism n - toolshapedom


slander n/vb n: smear

vb: belittle, smear, sully, lie

slate n/vb n. writing board

vb. plot, slag (Brit.)

n: boardstone (calque of Chinese 板岩 lit. "board stone")
Slav n - Wind (<OE Wined)
slave n bondman, thrall thew (< ME theuOE þēow)
slavery n thralldom/thraldom -
Slovak adj(p) - Slovakish, Roufrithson's Engliſh: Lemmickish
Slovakia n(p) - Slovakland, Roufrithson's Engliſh: Lemmickland
slum n - needmore (slang); wretchstead


smithereens n bits, chips, splinters, shreds, scraps, dust -
smuggler n - owler


snipe vb sharpshoot -
snippet (Outborn ending) n snippock -
snow globe/snowglobe n - snowkuggle (<NHG Schneekugel)


sobriquet n - nickname, ekename
soccer n football altheedish football (United States)
social-democratic adj - fellowfolksteerly
social justice n - fellowly fairness, fellowly rightness
social media n - fellowly middle; friendly sarrow (“miracle, wonder; technology”)
socialism n - allownership, fellowdom
socialist n/adj - (n) allowner, fellower; (adj) allownerish, fellowish
social/societal adj friendly, sharing fellowly
society n fellowship, friendship, folk; kith and kin

sithership (<OE gesíðscipe)
big: theed/thede (<OE þeod), leedship (<OE léodscipe, from lede), thede, landleed, kinrich (<OE), folkstead (<OE), folkship (<OE folcscipe)

socket n outlet

bone: cup

sodium n - saltshaft
soil (part Latin and Norse) n mold, earth, dirt (US) -
solar adj sun-like, sunly -
solder vb weld, tin lead
soldier n - bern (<ME bērn), kemp (<OE cempa)
sole adj.' only oneliepe (<OE ánlíepe)
sole (foot) n. - ill (<ME ile, cf. IC il), footfolm
solely adv.' only oneliepely
solid adj hard fast (dated sense of firm), earthlike (with each state of matter representing one element)
solitude n aloneness, allaloneness -
solstice n sunstead sunwend (cf. NL zonnewende, NHG Sonnenwende), sunstandstill (cf. NL zonnestilstand)
solution n - loosing, loosening (cf. NHG Lösung, SW lösning)
solve vb answer loose, loosen, lease (calque of Ger. speech)
sophisticate vb - forbuild (cf. NHG verbilden)
soporific adj - sleep-giving
sorbet n - foam ice (<IC frauðís), water ice (<DN)
sorcerer n wizard, wyle drye (<OE drȳ)
sorcery n witchcraft, dwimmer dreecraft, dryecraft, wylecraft
sorrel n - sourleaf
sound n reard, cling, ring, loudness, pitch, loudening din, sough, yar/yer, loud, lidden (<OE hlýd, OE hlýden, cf. WF lûd, NF Lüt (Söl'ring), NL geluid, NHG Laut, SW ljud, IC hljóð), lemm (<OE hlem)
sound vb ring, clink, cling, louden

sound like: to be heard like

to sound like: onhear, hear on (calque: NHG anhören)
soup n broth, gruel -
source n birthplace, root, begetter, dawn, onset, start, spring, wellspring, ere-, quell ordfrom (<OE ord, "point", + from)
sous vide adj - wetbaking
souvenir n - keepsake
sovereign adj - self-standing (cf. SW självständig)


space n room astrology: roomth
spaceship n starship -
spacetime n - roomtime, timeroomth (cf. IC tímarúmið)
spacious adj roomy, wide -
spatial adj - roomthy
special adj - sunderly (<OE sundorlīc, cf. NHG sonderlich), besunder (cf. NHG besondere)
specialty n - besunderhood (cf. NHG Besonderheit), ownhood/ownship (cf. NHG Eigenheit/Eigenschaft)
species n - lifekin, lifekind
specific adj outright bestevened (cf. NHG bestimmt) (see steven)
specifically adv only, one, inborn, clean-cut, sharp -
specify v - nemmen (<ME nemnen)
spectator n onlooker -
spend (<PWG) v - outgive (cf. NHG ausgeben)
sphenoid bone n - wedgebone
sphere n ball kuggle* (cf. NHG Kugel) (*Kugel is of either Semitic or Germanic origin)
sphincter n - closethew/closemoussock (cf. NL sluitspier, NHG Schließmuskel)
sphinx n - maidenlee (cf. IC meyljón), wilibilth (calque of Anc. Egyptish šzp-ꜥnḫ)
spice n - wortimong (<OE wyrtgemang), croud (<PWG *krūd; cf. NL kruid)
spillage (foreign suffix) n - spilling
spine n backbone backridge
spirit n gast, gost, ghost, breath, soul, mind ferth (<OE ferhþ)
sponge n - swamb (<OE swamm), soakshaft (from Minecraft)
sport n lark, lake (etym. 2) -
sporty/sportive adj - gamely (<OE gamenlīc and <ME gāmelīch)
spy n/vb sleuth: very late borrowing into Old English (near to 1200AD) from The Orrmulum. speer (<OE spyrian)

loosesheerwere (<OE lēassċēawere)


squadron n - sheltron, shieldtrum (<OE scieldtruma); swathe (cf. NHG Geschwader); stafle (cf. NHG Staffel)
square n - fourside (cf. NL vierkant)

in a city: tey (<OE tēge)

squirrel n aquern O.E. ācweorna, O.N. loan in O.E. scug; skug. shadow-tail


SSD ("Solid State Drive") n - SSD ("Still-Standing Drive" / "Stand Still Drive")


stabilize v steady, still besteady, bestill
stable n stud horsern (<OE horsern)
stable adj steady, still, steadfast -
stadium n - spurd (<OE spyrd)
-stan sfx - stem (from same PIE root)
standard adj stock, mean -
stapes n stirrup earstirrup, stirrupbone
state vb utter -
state n condition: shape, lay (cf. lay of the land)
polity: moot, riche, -ric (cf. OED)
statement n - outsaying (cf. NHG Aussage)
statue n - standbilth (cf. NHG Standbild, NL standbeeld)
status n standing -
statute n - setness
stay vb belive, blive, hold, keep -
stellar adj starly -
sternum n breastbone -
stew n scouse -
stingray n - -
stimulate vb goad -
stød (<DN) n - shove, steat (<PWG *stauti)
stomach n maw -
stoppage (foreign suffix) n stop -
storage n - lairing (cf. NHG Lagernung)
store vb keep, hoard -
store n shop chepstow
story n tale, yarn telling, atelling, ortelling (cf. NHG Erzählung), lore
strange adj outlandish, weird, unwonted, wild, odd, freakish, eerie, queer


fremd, selcouth (<OE seldcūþ)
stranger n outlander fremder, fremdling, comer (<ME cǒmere)
stratagem n forset -
strategy n plot wyecraft
stray vb wander dwale (<ME dwalen)
street (<OE) n road, way; roadway wainway
stress n burden, weight, load thrutch (cf. NHG Druck), belasting (calque: NHG Belastung, NL belasting)

(grammar) highweight, bepitching (calque: NHG Betonung)

stressful adj fraught -
strict adj hash, hard, stern, forbidding -
strive/strife vb/n fight -
structure n makeup, set, setting, frame; building, boards upmake, framework
study vb/n learn, swot, either usage


(up on), thought; reading

n: learn
student n learner learningchild (<OE leorningcild)
studio n - workstead

movies: filmingstead

stupidity n dumbness, daftness addleheadiness, ass-headiness
stupid adj addled, addled-brained, addled-headed, not-all-there, away in the head/mind, dumb, daft have a dry brain, dwease (<OE dwǣs)
sturgeon n - stoor (<ME stor, <OE styria)
style n kind -
stylus n spear, pecker, picker, stick, shaft, writing tool, needle leadstick


sub- pref under-

(subsequent) after-

subdue vb beat down -
subdued adj beaten down -
subject vb - undertheed (<ME underthēden), underthrow (calque: NL onderwerpen, NHG unterwerfen)
subject n thread (grammar) nemmer (< archaic NE nem (< ME nemnen) + -er)

underthrow (calque: NL onderwerp)

subjunctive adj/n - undertheedenly (<OE underþēodendlīc), underlinked (calque of Leeden)
submachine gun n - stormgun (cf. NHG Stormgewehr)
submarine n/adj adj: undersea n: U-boat (short for undersea-boat), diveboat (cf. NL duikboot)
submerge vb drench, douse, soak -
submission n willing underwilling, underwill, underwillness, underwillhood
submissive adj underwilling -
submit vb give in, ingive, hand in, send -
submitter n - agiver (cf. NHG Ergeber), ingiver
subordinate n - underoath, underoather, belower
subordinate adj - underoathed
subscribe vb follow underwrite (<OE underwrītan)
subscriber n follower underwriter
subsequent adj next, following -
substance n stuff (but a Germanic (Frankish) root modified through Old French); being anwork (<OE andweorc)
substitute n stand-in, fill-in, back-up swapfiller
substitute vb swap, fill in, stand in, go as outtrade (cf. NHG austauschen) replace: aset (cf. NHG ersetzen)
subtitle n - underqueath, undername, understerling
subtle adj low-key -
subtract vb take away, take off, withdraw uneke
subtraction n withdrawing uneking
suburb n - underborough (<OE underburg), foreord (calque: NHG Vorort)
subzero adj below-freezing -
succeed vb go after spow (<OE spówan), awin (<OE āwinnan)
success n - winth, spowing, afollowing, gain
successful adj - spowful, afollowfull, gainful
successor n aftercomer ever (<OE eafora, eafera)
succumb vb fall to alie (alying; alay; alain) (cf. NHG erliegen), undernye (<OE underhnīgan)
sudden adj swift, rushing, rash -
suddenly adv swiftly, rushingly, rashly, forthwith, straightaway -
suffer vb ache, harm thole (<OE þolian, þrowian), undergo (transitive), dree (<OE drēogan), quilm (<OE cwylmian)
suffering n harm, ache, sorrow, woe, smarts quilming (<OE cwylming), tholing, dreeing
suffice vb do, be enough, reach, work, meet (transitive) outreach
sufficiency n enoughness, fulth, fittingness -
sufficient adj enough, done, right, even, fair, fit, befitting, becoming filling, outreaching
suffix n - word tail, endfastening, afterword
suffocate v - adrench (<ME adrenchen)
sugar n - sweethurst (hurst < OE hyrst 'jewel'), shortsweetening, sweetdust

molecule: sweetmote

sugarberry n - sweetberry
sugarcane n - sweetreed (cf. NL suikerriet)
suggest vb imply: foreset, hint, infold

offer: foreset, bid, put forth

imply: ettle, bysay

offer: forthput, rede

suggestion n imply: foreset, hint, infold

offer: foreset, bid

imply: ettle, bysay

offer: forthput, rede

suicide n self-murder, self-killing, self-slaughter -
sui generis adj one-of-a-kind -
suitable adj fit, meet, matched limply (<OE gelimplīc and <ME limplīche)

fadly (<OE fǣdlic)

sulfur n brimstone swevel (<ME swefel)
sullen n - dark-brooding, blackbrowed
summit n knap (British), cop (archaic) hilltop, hillhead
sum (up) vb cast up, tell up -
summon vb gather, call up ban (<ME bannen), clepe (<ME clēpen), chy (<OE cīgan)
summons n writ -
sunflower n - sunblossom, sunbloom (cf. NHG Sonnenblume)
sun's dwelling n - The sky
super adj/pfx adj: over, overly

pfx: over-

supercalifragilisticexpialidocious adj - overfairnessbrokenliatoneliteachworthy
supercilious adj overweening, overbearing, uppish, lofty, high and mighty, stuck-up high-sighted
supercontinent n - overworlddeal, alderworlddeal
superhero n - overheleth
superhuman adj - overman
superior adj overly -
superiority n betterhood overlaying (cf. NHG Überlegenheit)
superlative (grammar) adj - overstyingly (<OE oferstigendlic), overbearedly (cf. Leaden superlativus)
supermarket n - overcheapstow
supernatural adj otherwordly, unearthly, ghostly -
supernova n starburst -
superposition n - overstelling
supersede vb take over forthringe (calque: NHG verdrängen)
superstition n - idle-belief
supervillain n - overnithing, overnither
supervise vb oversee, overlook -
supervisor n overseer -
supplant vb take over; put out, sneak in forthringe (calque: NHG verdrängen); overnim
supplement n eking out togive
supply n stock, yield, spring -
supply vb yield, feed, fill, afford -
support vb staddle, shore, back, back up, forward, foster, uphold, underprop, upstart, underset, frame (obsolete) bestaddle, understut (cf. NHG unterstützen), stut (<SC), upbring
support n staddle; backup, upholding, backing shore, fultum
suppose vb ween, believe, guess, think, reckon forethink
suppress vb put down forthrutch (<OE forþryċċan)
sure adj sicker; set wiss (<ME wis)
surface n topside, overside, overlay, layer bred (<ME bred ⁊ <OE bred)
surfeit vb forset -
surge n - streamwhelm
surgeon n sawbones woundleech (cf. NHG Wundarzt)
surname n last name -
surpass vb overtake overgo (<ME overgōn), oversty (<ME overstīen)
surprise vb stun, overcome, overtake overrush (calque: NHG überraschen)
surrender vb yield, hand over, give up overgive
surround vb beset, forset, hem in, enring, inring umbstand (<OE ymbstandan), umbgive (cf. NL omgeven; NHG umgeben), umbring (cf. NL omringen; NHG umringen)
survey vb overlook, look over how (<OE hāwian; rhymes with snow)
survival n - overliving
survive vb outlive, live on, after-live overlive (<OE oferlibban), alive (<OE alibban)
susceptibility n openness, givenness, helplessness -
susceptible adj given, open; helpless aloten (<OE aloten; v. forthlout (<OE forþlútan)); onfally (lazy calque: NHG anfällig) (see onfall)
suspect vb mistrust, underlook forthink (calque: NL/NHG verdenken)
suspend vb hang, hang from -
suspicion n mistrustfulness, underlook forthought (cf. NL verdachting, NHG Verdacht)
suspicious adj mistrustful, wary forthoughtful/ forthoughty (cf. NL verdacht)
sustain vb underhold, uphold, stay -
suitable adj fit, meet -


Swabia n - Swabeland, Sweaveland (<OE Swǣfaland)
Swabian n - Swabish, Sweavish (<OE Swǣfisc)
swastika n fylfot hookrood, hookgallow (cf. NHG Hakenkreuz); gleerune (as a religious symbol)
Sweden (<MNL) n - Swedeland (<NE), Sweerich (<OE Swēorīce), Sweeland (<OE Swēoland), Sweethede (<OE Swēoþēod)


syllable n - staffay (<OE stæfgefēg), staffle/stavle (cf. SW stavelse), staffgrip(e)/stavegrip(e) (cf. NL lettergreep), wordbit
symbol n mark, token, tag, stamp -
symmetry n evenness foldmatch
sympathy n understanding evensorrow (see OE efensorgian)
symptom n - coathemark
syndrome n - coathedom
synesthesia n - linked feeling (calque)
synonym n likeword, selfsame, sameness, kinword otherword
synonymous with prep the same as, akin to -
system n layout, makeup, setup network, stellel (cf. NL stelsel), outlay, upmake