The Anglish Moot
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|belly, bouck (Old English buc, cf. Dutch buik German Bauch), midriff, maw
|belly, bouck (Old English buc, cf. Dutch buik German Bauch), midriff, riff, maw

Revision as of 05:05, 11 January 2012

Staff S of the English Wordbook.

Basic abbreviations: att'd=attested, OE=Old English, NHG=New High German, Du.=Dutch

For a full list of etymological and other abbreviations used in these wordlists, see Forshortenings.


sacred adj holy, hallowed
Sacrament n holy oath, holy undertaking, hallowing, holy-work (<OE haligweorc)
sacrifice n (y)bloot (<OE (ge)blot)
sacrifice vb bloot [past bleet, ppt bloten] (<OE blotan), tiver (<OE tiver, Goth aibr, OHG zebar)
sacrosanct adj holy, hallowed
sadism n meanlove, meanlust
sadist adj meanlover, meanluster
safe n shielded crate
safe adj shielded, sheltered, unharmed, whole (for older usages of 'safe'), sound
safety n shelterness, wholeness, soundness
sagacious adj

glewmood (<OE gléawmód)

hyesnotter (<OE hygesnottor)

redehuyend/ redehedgend/ radhidgend/ radhedging (<OE rǽdhycgende)

redesnotter (<OE rǽdsnotor)

sarrowthankle (<OE searuþancol)

shedwise (<OE scéadwís)

smigh (<OE sméah)

snotter (<OE snoter, snotor, snotter, snottor)

wise (OE wís)

wisefast(ly) (<OE wísfæst(lic) )

wisehuyend/ wisehidgend/ wisehidging (<OE wíshycgende)

wisehidy (<OE wíshýdig)

witty (OE wittig)

yarewittle (<OE gearuwitol)

sagacity n

shedwiseness (<OE scéadwísnes)

snotterness (<OE snotornes)

wit (OE witt)

yarewittleness (<OE gearuwitolnes)

Saint (St.) epithet Holy (<OE hálga, cf. NHG Heilige)
saint n holyman, hallow
salmon n lax (<OE leax, cf. NHG Lachs, Yid. לאַקס (laks), ON, Ic. & Swed. lax, Dan. & Norw. laks)
salamander n firenewt
salary n year's pay, earnings, income, salt
salutary n healthy, healthful, well, whole, hearty, sound, hale
salutation n greeting, welcome, hail
salvation n ferrownere (<OE feorhneru), ferrowrede (<OE feorhrǽd), healness (<OE hǽlnes), health
salvo n unload, outburst
samurai n dawnlandish knight, dawnlandish warrior
sanctify vb hallow
sanctuary n haven, grith, holyroom, hallow, holystead, frithhouse, frithstow
Santa Claus name Father Christmas, Kriss Kringle
sapience n awareness
sapient adj aware
sasquatch n bigfoot
Satanism n Satandom, Satanry
satchel n knapsack, rucksack,
satellite (artificial) n umworldliftfate / *umpworldliftfate ("around-world-air-vessel" att'd on the Old English Wikipedia as ymbeworuldlyftfæt) / * NB: 'ump-' as in 'umpteen' = around an amount
satiate vb fulfill, quench, slake
satire n wry scolding, scoldcraft, scoldwriting
satirist n scolder, scoldcrafter, scoldwriter
satisfaction n aftergladness, befrithening/befrithying (Cf. NHG Befriedigung)
satisfy vb befrith,slake, fulfill, aftergladden, sate, quench
saturate vb sop, soak, steep, indrench (OE indrencan)
Saturday name Starday
sauce n dip
sauerkraut n sourcole, sourkale
sauna n steam room, hot-house, hotroom, sweatbath
sausage n pudding, banger, swineflesh
save vb nere (<OE nerian, akin to NHG nähren), hain, stow, hoard, spare (cf. NHG sparen), heal, berg (<OE beorgan, Goth bairgan, OHG bergan, ON bjarga)
saviour n healand (cf. NHG Heiland, from OHG Heliand 'the healing one'), halend, healer, healant (<OE hælend, in light of MnE 'coolant')
savory adj hearthaft (Cf. NHG herzhaft), defty (cf. NHG deftig)
scale vb climb, go up
scapegoat n fenman (from Old Dutch thews of offering a man-bloot by either throwing the chosen into a fen, lynching them or throwing them into streams to undo the anger of the gods.)
scar n healmark, woundheal, skinmark, woundfleck, woundmark, woundmole, wale, weal, wheal, wen, welt
scarabaeus stercoreous n turd-weevil
scarce adj short, scanty
scarcely adv hardly, barely, only, a little, ever so little, slightly, weakly
scarcity n lack, shortness, seldomness, fewness, dearth
scarlet adj wormred (<OE wyrmread)
scatter vb broadcast, cast, deal out, go-off, go through, let go, oversow, overspread, put to flight, spread, strew
scene n scape
schizoid adj loner
schizophrenia n splitmindness, shattermindness (calques of Gk. schizein "split, break, shatter" and phrēn "mind, understaing" + ness), kithshatter (quasi calque of Icel. geðclofi); kithcleave (calque of Icel. geðclofi)
Schleswig-Holstein n Sleswick-Holstan(-Holston) Cf. Ger Schleswig-Holstein, Dan Slesvig-Holsten (First element is from traditional English name for the territory: "Sleswick-Holsatia"; second element is a calque of the continental names. Note: '-stan', '-ston' element is the regular English reflex of continental -'stein' and '-sten' where it occurs in proper names and place names, e.g. 'Edelstein'= 'Athelstan', 'T(h)orsten= Thurston etc.)
scholar n lered (Cf. NHG Gelehrte), lorechild, learned man, thinker, brainwright, man of books, underseeker, learner, booksman
scholarship n bookhood, booksmanship
school n lorehall, lorehouse
science n witship (calque from Nynorsk Vitskap, NHG Wissenschaft), lore, learncraft, wisecraft, worldken, the knowledges, -kith (analogous usage to Ger and Dutch '-kunde' which means 'knowledge', 'acquaintance', and 'science'. OE used the ancestor of 'kith' in a similar manner, meaning both acquaintance, i.e. 'kith', and knowledge. It maybe argued, therefore, that it is only natural to extend the meaning of the word, as German and Dutch did, from knowledge to science.
scientific adj worldkenly, witshiply
scientific language n craftspeech (<OE cræftspræc)
scintillate vb sparkle, flash, shine
scintillating adj sparkling
scissors n shears, hand-shears
scorpion n stingtail
scout n pathfinder
scowling adj black-browed, threatening in look,
scrotum n cod (<OE codd), ballsack
search vb seek, comb, delve, seek through/throughseek (Cf. Du. doorzoeken)
search word n seekword
season n yeartide, yeartime, time of year, forth o'year
sebum n tallow
second n shorterlog
second adj other (<OE ōþer), twoth [pronounced tooth] (Cf. NHG zweite, Du. tweede)

Second World War

n Other World Orlay, Other World Orlaw, Other World Unfrith, World War Two, Twoth World War
secret adj hidden, withdrawn, unseen, inward, stealthy, untold, unbeheld, underground, underhanded, hushhush,
secret n hushthought, hushword, hiddle, dern (OE dyrne)
secrete vb hide, seep, leak, ooze
sect n afterfollowing (<OE æfterfylgung)
secular adj worldly (att'd)
secular n worldhood
secularise/-ize vb forworldly (Calque of NHG verweltlichen)
secure adj belayed, fast, steadfast
secure vb belay, fasten, steadfasten, make wis (make sure)
sediment n dregs, silt, draff, dross
seduce vb spane (<OE spanan)
segregation n asunderhood
seize vb hold, grab, hend
seizure n fit
select vb choose, pick, wale
self-esteem n self-worth
selvedge vb & n forel
semester n sixmonth, half-year
seminar n workshop
sempiternity n endlessness, unendinghood, alwayness, everlastingness
semi- pref half-, sam-/sand-/some- (<OE sam-)
Senate n eldermoot [elder: <L. senex + moot (council)]
senator n folkwite [pl folkwiten] (<OE folcwita), elder
senile adj doddery, doddering, elderly, old, doted
senior citizens n elderly, old folks, eldfolk, eldman
sensate adj feeling
sensation n feeling
sensational adj amazing
sense n bodyfeeling, feeling, meaning
sense vb feel
sensible vb feelbere (calque), understandbere
sensitive adj yfeel (<OE gefele), feeling, keen, sharp
sentence n wordset; byword, saw; judging
sentence vb doom
sententious adj pithy
sentiment n feeling
separate vb shide [shode, shidden] (Cf. NHG/Du. scheiden), shad [shed, shadden] (OE), sunder, split
separate adj sundry, freestanding, sundered
separation n betwixgang (OE), asunderhood
September n Holymonth (which was noted in OE), sheddingmonth, harvestmonth
Septuagesima n Berueingtide (<OE berwosungtid)
series n chain, line, stream
serious adj earnest, unfunny, grave
seriously adv earnestly, thoroughly, wholeheartedly, with heart & soul, willingly, agoodly, weightily
serpent n snake, wirm (<OE wyrm), nadder (<OE nædre, cf. ON naðra, OHG natra), slang (Cf. NHG Schlange, Du. slang, Dan. slange)
servant n housekeeper, maid (fm.), dey (fm.), bondsman, loaf-eater, thaner, knight
serve vb stead, bestead, thane, theen, betheen (OE thegnian, NHG dienen)
session n sitting, stint
several adj sundry, many
severe adj stern, hard, harsh, tough, unyielding, thorough
severely adv badly, bitterly,not mildy, sharply, roughly, keenly, unfeelingly, thoroughly
sewer n waterdrain, drain hole
sex n folkhalf
sex act n heamedlock (<OE hæmedlac), fleshly knowledge, swive, houghmagandie, bysleep (cf. NHG Beischlaf)
sexual reproduction n breeding, swiveful matchyielding, swiveful matchbearing
sexy adj hot
shantytown n tinstow, hutstead, slum
shark n highcarl (from O.N. hákarl), dreadfish, sea dog
shingles n tetter
shrapnel n blastfall, blastrain, blastbits
siege vb beset, umbeset
sign n token, shingle
sign vb underwrite
signal n bale-fire, beacon
signal vb beckon
significantly adj weightily
signify vb betoken, mean
silence n stillness, hushedness, mumhood
silent adj still, hushed, mum
silhouette n outline, shadow
silk n bugthread, bugcloth
similar adj like, alike, same, likekind; much of a muchness, much the same, not unlike, something like, near, nearly
similarity n alikeness
similarly adv likewise
simple adj straightforward, fewfold, onefold
simpleton n half-wit, gowk
single (trip) n one-way
single out vb phr key in on
sinister adj ill-boding, boding evil, foreshadowing darkness, forbidding, threatening, black, black-in-deed
siren n needroup (<NHG 'Notruf'), need-call
site n stead, setting, ground
site vb put
situation n onstand, setting, stand, footing
size n bulkness, bigness
skeleton n frame, boneframe, bodyframe
sketch vb draw, inword, write
skunk n stenchbear
slander vb harmquithle (<OE hearmcwidolian)
slander n harmquithleness (<OE hearmcwidolnes)
slanderer n backbiter, knocker, harmquithler
slash vb sharpstrike, sharpcut
slave n thrall, theow (OE þéow)
slave driver n hardmaster, harry-goad
slavery n thraldom, theowdom (OE þéowdom)
sluggard n slug, slacker, sloth, slouch, loafer, bum, deadbeat, do-nothing, idler, sleepyhead, drone
snooping n key-holeing
soccer n football
socialism n fellowdom
socialize vb chat, hobnob
society n guild, folkset, selship (Cf. NHG Gesellschaft)
sociology n guildlore
sofa n settee
soil n earth, ground, dirt
soil science n bottomkith (Cf. Du. bodemkunde)
solar adj sun (in compounds), sunly (OE)
soldier n hereman (<OE heremann), warrior
sole adj only
sole n last (of the foot)
solemn adj heavy, simbly (religious; <OE symbellic)
solicit vb seek, tout
solid n thickstuff, faststuff (calque from Ger. 'Feststoff', Du. 'veste stoff' and other continental Germanic cognates), hardstuff
solitary n lonesome, alone, unkithed and unkinned
solitude n onesomehood, loneliness, aloneness, lonehood
solstice n sunwend
solution n loosening, answer
somnolent adj drowsy, sleepy, yawny, weary, heavy-eyed, half-asleep, sloomy
sophisticated adj worldly
sorority n sisterhood
sort n kind
sort of adj somewhat


galdor (OE), loud, din, pitch, sway, swey (<OE sweg), ring, lid (cf. NHG Lied, Du. lied, Ic. hljóða, Dan lyde)

sound v swey (<OE sweg), alid/ylid/yelid (<OE ge-hlȳd), ring
soup n broth
source n springhead, root, stem, beginning, start, rise, wellhead, wellspring
source code n wroughtdraught, working draught
souvenir n keepsake
space n room
space (outer space) n worldroom (cf. NHG Weltraum), worldall (cf. NHG Weltall), outsky, heaven
spacious adj roomy, gapful
spade n sword
spaghetti n strings (calque from original word, plural of "spaghetto", meaning string)
spam n trashmail
spasm n throe, pang
special adj sunder-, byous
species n maithwlite (<OE mǣġþwlite), kind
specific adv ahone
specifically adv ahonely
specified adj hone, spell out
specious adj empty-truth, hollow-truth
spectacle n sight, lookingstock (c.f. William Tyndale's 'gazingstock')
spectacles n glasses, looking glasses
spectator n bystander, onlooker
spend vb outlay
speleothem n dripstone, dropstone
spending n outlay
spine n backbone
spiral n whorl
spirit n

athom (<OE ǽðm "breath, air")

ferth (<OE ferhþ)

geist (The spirit of an individual or group. OED)

ghost (as in soul, att'd <OE gast, cf. NHG Geist)

poost (cf. Yola: 'poust,' cf. Ger 'puste,' and Dan. 'puse')- meaning breath that gives strength/energy

wraith (as in specter)

spirit n might
spleen n milt (att'd <OE milte, cf. NHG Milz)
splendour n thrim (<OE þrymm)
spoil vb rot, mar
sponsor vb back, stake, underwrite, uphold
spool n reel
sports n games
sporty adj gamesome
spouse n helpmeet, helpmate, mate
sprachbund n speechband
spy vb keek
square n (of a town) folkstead; (shape) foursides, evenet
squeamish adj queasy
squid n inkfish
squirrel n aquern
stable n stall, horsestead
stable adj selfstanding, upright, staddlefast, steadfast
stack n rick, mow (of hay), heap, cluster
stack vb heap
stagnant adj forstilled, gone orf, still, unflowing
stain n spot, fleck, blot
stainless steel n unrusting steel, eversteel
stampede n headlong rush, wild flight, stamping, stampet (stamp + -et)
stanch/staunch vb stem, halt
standard n set way (of), benchmark
standardize vb set down a way
state n rike, shire, rick, leeward
state vb say, foresay
stateless n rikelacking, lackrike, rickless
station n house, stead, stell, stopstead
statism n rikedom
status n standing
stay vb linger, be left, tarry, keep
stellar adj star (in compounds), starly
stelliferous adj starry, star-filled
Stellingwerf (Netherlands) n Stellingwharf
sternum n breastbone
stimulate vb kittle, whet, quicken
stingray n flatfish
stipulate vb bename (<OE benemnan), bething (Calque of NHG bedingen)
stomach n belly, bouck (Old English buc, cf. Dutch buik German Bauch), midriff, riff, maw
stomach vb bear, abide, brook, swallow, take, withstand
stop vb halt
store n shop, hoard, stock, warehouse
store vb keep, hoard
story n tale, yarn
strange adj odd, fremd, weird, uncouth, unbeknown, queer, outlandish
strangle vb throttle, forworry
stratagem n wile
strict adj narrow
strictly adv narrowly
structure n frame, framework, shapework, brandrod
struggle n camp, clash, unfrith, fight, strithe, strout
student n schooler (as in highschooler), learner
studio n workroom, workfloor
study n reading room, drawing room
study vb alog, learn, con
stuff vb pack
stupefy vb amaze, bewilder
stupid adj dumb, dull, dim, daft, dumheaded
Stuttgart pn Studyard, Studgarth (Calque)
stylish adj dapper
Styria n Styrmark (cf. NHG Steiermark)
Styrian n Styrer (cf. NHG Steirer)
Styrian adj Styrish, Styrmarkish (cf. NHG steirisch, steiermärkisch)
subconcious n undermind, nethermind
subdue vb overcome, quell, tame, forthrutch
sublime n awesome, lofty, lordly
submarine n U-boat, underseaboat (Calque of German 'Unterseeboot'), underwatercraft
subordinate n underling
subjugate vb yoke, underyoke (cf. NHG unterjochen)
subjugation n yoke
submerge vb whelm, overwhelm, dip, dunk
submission n yielding, underbringing, underwilling
submissive adj weak, yieldly, underwillful
submit vb yield, buckle, abow, underwill, give in, bend to, come over to, fall in with, go along with, put up with; put forward, bring before, set down
subsequent adj following, later
substance n

(material) andwork (<OE andweorc), atwist (<OE ætwist), staddleness (archaic MnE; <OE staðolnes, ME stayelnes), stuff

(organic/figurative) pith

substantial adj stalworth (calque of Scots stalwart, OE stælwierðe) sound, strong, stout, hefty, heavy, weightly
substitute n asetting (Cf. NHG Ersatz < ersetzen), speller (>OE 'speliend') (that is, one who spells for another)
subterranean adj underground
subtract vb take away, withdraw
suburbs n foretown(s), outerborough(s), outskirts, outerwick(s), outerwike(s)
subvert vb overthrow, underwend, underdig, upset, fell, weaken, unsteady
succeed (in) vb win (in), follow, thrive, speed, gain, gain one's end, work out (well), come about, make good, make out (well), pull sth./it off, make forthgang, strike (it) lucky, strike it rich, gain sighe
success n sigspeed
successful adj thriving, fruitful, well-ended, winning, lucky, forespeedy (Du. voorspoedig), forespeeding, outcomerich, outcomeful, upshotful, rich, wellspeedy, wellspeeding, lucky-striking, rich-striking, unbeaten, speedsome, sigherich
succession n afterfollowing
successor n aftercomer, afterfollower
succour n food, help, bread, manna, heavenly-food
succour vb

help, run [to], breadcast (phr) free from hunger, drop food

succumb vb die, yield, give in
sudden adj headlong, hasty
suet n tallow, wightfat
suffer vb thraw (OE throwian), bear, undergo, stand, put up with, live through, given to, abide, brook, not forbid, adree, thole
suffice vb be enough, answer, do
sufficient adj fuldoing, enough
suffix n endfastening
suffocate vb choke, achoke, throttle, smother, stop the breath
sugar n beeless honey, sweetstuff, sweetener, sweetening, sweetness, sweetnand, asweetener, sweet salt (noted in the middle eld)
suicide n selfslaughter, selfkilling, selfmurder
suit n outfit
suit vb befit, beseem, fit
suitable adj seemly, fitting, becoming, comely
sullen adj sulky
sulphur n brimstone, swevel (<OE swefel, Cf. NHG Schwefel)
sulphuric acid n swevelsire (Cf. NHG Schwefelsäure)
sulphurous adj swevlen (<OE sweflen)
summary n outline, rundown
summit n peak, top, brow, cop, knap
summons vb draw on, call for
superficial adj shallow, skin-deep
superfluous adj overmuch, overneeded, more than is needed, unneeded
superior n & vb better, higher, oversome, overlaying, chest beating
superiority n higherness, betterhood, oversomeness, overmight, overlayingness
supernatural adj otherwordly, overlundish (calque of the original word)
superstiction n tokenbelief, folkbelief, sillybelief
superstructure n overworks
supervise vb oversee
supervisor n overseer, foreman, overlooker
supple adj lithe
supplement vb


supplies n gear, faregoods, trekgoods
supply vb keep full, fill up, give, hand over, forsee (Cf. NHG versehen)
support vb underwrethe (<OE underwreðian), underhold (Cf. NHG unterhalten), back, uphold, help, strengthen, underpin, bolster, bear, carry, shore, shore up, backup
support n underwrething (<OE underwreðung), underhold, prop, crutch, backup, staddle
suppose vb bemind, trow, guess, reckon, feel, gather, hold as, look upon as, mean to say, take to be, think likely
suppress vb dampen, hold down, keep in, crush, quell, forthrick, forthrutch, underthrutch, stifle, smother
supremacy n overship
supreme adj uppermost, over all, above all, highest, best, utmost
supreme power n douthmight (<OE duguþmiht)
surface n topside, skin, husk
surgery n fleshwork, cutwork
surname n aftername, byname, lastname
surpass vb overtake, outdo, beat, draw away, overstride
surplice n nightshirt, sark
surplus n overeke (<OE oferéaca), overmuch
surprise n wonder, unforeseen meeting, sudden hap
surprise vb take aback, strike with wonder, floor, waylay, come upon, take unaware, fall upon
surprising adj wondering, dumbfounding, flooring, earthshaking
surrender vb give over to, yield, give up
surround vb begird (att'd <OE begyrdan), girt, bego, umclap, umclip, beset, umbeset (OE)
surrounded adj begone, girt, beset
surrounding adj outlying
survey vb behold, look upon, ingather
survive vb overstand, overlive, live through, outlive, outlast, belive
suspend vb hang, (ban) undershut, stop
suspense n underhang
suspicion n misgiving, underfeel, inkling
suspicious adj shady, queer, misdeemful, underfeelsome, guessing
sustain vb underwrethe (<OE underwreðian), underhold (Cf. NHG unterhalten), keep going, bear, bolster, uphold
sustenance n food
svelte adj slim
swastika n filfoot, fylfot, hookrood (cf. NHG Hakenkreuz)
sweet potato n sweet shaderoot/earthapple/groundapple
Swiss n Switzer (cf. Swiss Alemannic 'Schwitzer', NHG Schweizer), Switzerlander
Swiss adj Switzer, Switzerish (cf. NHG schweizerisch), Switzerlandish
sycophant n backscratcher, bootlicker, fawner, fleecher, mealymouth, selfseeker
syllable n worddeal
symbol n token
symbolise vb betoken
sympathy n sorryfeeling
symphony n esttune, eventune, leethertune, swaytune, estsong, evensong, leethersong, swaysong
symptom n betokener of ill health, forerunner
synchronize vb match, play together
syncopate vb withdraw, withhold, withstrike, shift
syncopation vb withdrawing, withholding, withstriking, shifting
synopsis n outline
synthetic adj man-made
syphillis n great pox
syphon n waterpipe, standpipe, drawpipe,reedpipe
syphon vb draw from, draw out, succk out
system n framework, make-up, set-up