The Anglish Moot
No edit summary
(trench -> gravet.)
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|quake, quiver, shake, shiver, shudder
|quake, quiver, shake, shiver, shudder
|gravet (from O.E. ''grafet'')

Revision as of 20:09, 15 December 2010

Staff T of the English Wordbook.

Basic abbreviations: att'd=attested, OE=Old English, NHG=New High German, Du.=Dutch

For a full list of etymological and other abbreviations used in these wordlists, see Forshortenings.


tabernacle n tilding (<OE geteldung), shifthouse, worship hut, worship booth
table n board
table n spreadsheet
tacit adj unspoken, understood
tailor n outfitter, cloth(es)maker, thimbleman, snyder/snither
tailor vb shoehorn
talkative adj talksome, chatty, gabby, outspoken, long-winded, (eloquent) quethle (<OE cwedol)
tank n (heavy) strifewain
target n goal
target date n deadline, end-time
taste vb smack, smatch
tauromachy n bullfighting, bullfight
tattoo n skinmark, skintoken
tavern n alehouse, beer hut
tax n geld
taxation n gelding, geldnold
taxman n geldman, bodereaper (<O.E. Bidrepe)
tea n leafwos, leafwoos (wos/woos is M.E. for juice)
technical language n craftspeech (<OE cræftspræc)
technically adj lorewise
technology n craftlore, witcraft
tedious adj boring, tiresome, longsome, dull, dree, longful
telepathy n mindreading, thoughtcasting
telephone n wirecaller, blower, dogbone
telescope n spyglass
television n sightcasting, bairdscraft
television set n sightcast set, farseer, baird box
television programme n sightcast, sightcast show, sightcast foredraught
televisual adj sightcast
temper vb anneal
tempestuous adj stormy
temporal adj timewise, timely, tidesome
temporal adj worldly
temporarily adv phr for a while only
temporary adj makeshift, tidely
tempt vb costen, forlead, forseek/forseech (Calque of NHG versuchen), fash
tenacious adj dogged, unyielding
tend vb tilt towards, lean, slant, look after
tendon n sinew
tenebrous adj dark, gloomy, thester
tenebrosity n darkness, gloom, thesterness
tense adj tight, taut, spanned
tent n tild (<OE geteld), shifthouse, stretchhouse
tepid adj luke, lukewarm
term n begrip (calque from continental Germanic langs)
terminal adj dead-end
terminate vb end
termite n white-ant
terrible adj ghastful, awful
terrific adj awesome
terrify vb scare, spook, startle, strike fear, affright, frighten
territory n land
territory division n wapentake, hundred, hund, ward, lathe, riding, tithing,
terror n dread, fear, affright
terrorism n dreadness, dreadwreakness, dread-doing
terrorist n dreadstriker, dreadworker, dread-doer, dreadwreaker
test n forseek/forseech (Calque of NHG Versuch)
test vb forseek/forseech (Calque of NHG versuchen)
testament (will) n will, ervebeek (plural) (<OE ierfebéc), ervewrit (<OE ierfegewrit)
testator (will-writer) n willwriter, ervewardwriter (<OE ierfeweardwrítere), ervewritend (<OE ierfewrítend)
testicle n bollock, ball, nut
testimony n witness
text n wording
textbook n lorebook
textile n cloth
theatre/theater (drama) n waving (<OE wáfung)
theatre/theater (place) n wavingstow (<OE wáfungstów), showhall, playhouse
theme n underwarp (cf. Du. onderwarp)
theology n godlore
theory n thought, belief, guesspell
thesaurus n wordnet
throne n king-seat, king's seat, kingship (such as in "the English throne")
tibia n shank-bone, shinbone
tiger n stripecat
timid adj shy, fearful, meek, thewless
tint n hue
title n sterling
toast vb wassail
tobacco n pipeweed, smokeleaf
toilet n bathroom, washroom, restroom
tolerate vb thole, brook, bear, abide, (phr) to put up with
tomb n grave, grave-barrow
topography n landscape, landlay
torch n flashlight, handlight
torch vb set alight, set ablaze
torment vb & n threst, dretch, rack, tousle
torture vb forpine, smite, rack, tousle
total adj utter, full
totally adv altogether, fully, wholly, outright, utterly
touch vb handle, feel, finger
tourist n


tower n keep
trachea n windpipe
track n path, way
tractor n tug, tugwain, tower
tradition n folklore, folkways, oldenway, thew(s)
traditional adj thewkeeping, thewabiding, oldenwayish
tragedy n sorrowplay, ill-hap,woehap, deadly happening, wrothful happening, time of sorrow
tragic adj truly sad, truly upsetting, greatly unhappy, heartbreaking, wretched, dreadful, woeful, baleful, baneful, black, deadly, unblessed
trailblazing adj groundbreaking
train n tow, tug
trait n tie
traitor n andwerver, forreder (Cf. OE forrǽda), trustreaver
transcend vb yondstigh, get past, go beyond, overgo, overfare
transcribe vb yondwrite, cross-spell
transfer vb forbring (Cf. NHG verbringen), tweenswitch, bequeath, bring over, will, deed, hand to, hand over, shift, turn over, yondbring
transform vb forshape
transgress vb misdo
transit n thoroughfare, faring
transit v fare
transition n wending, faring, switch-over, overswitch, toswitch
transitional wendingly, wendsome
translate vb wend, overset, set over, put into another tung, set in another tung, overbring
translation n oversetting (Cf. G. "Übersetzung", Norw. "oversettelse"), wending
transliminal adj threshold-overstepping, over-threshold
transmit vb broadcast, yondput, send across, send, send out, send over
transmission (telecommunication) n

broadcast, yondputing, sending

transparency n throughbrightness ("throughbright" <OE þurhbeorht + "-ness")
transparent adj see-through
throughbright (<OE þurhbeorht)
throughshine (<OE þurhscýne)
transpire vb happen, come to happen, leak out, come out
transport vb overcarry* (*Carry is of Latin origin), tweenbear, ferry
transcribe vb downwrite
transfigure vb forwandle (Calque of NHG verwandeln), yondshape, shapeshift
transfiguration n forwandling (Calque of NHG Verwandlung), yondshaping, shapeshifting
Transfiguration (rel.) n Foreclearing (cf. NHG Verklärung, Sw. förklaring)
transform vb forshape [past forshope, ppt forshapen] (<OE forscieppan), forwandle (Calque of NHG verwandeln), shapeshift
transformation n forshaping (Cf. OE forscieppan), forwandling (Calque of NHG Verwandlung), shapeshifting
transsexual n she-man, he-lady, ladyboy
transsexual n she-man, he-lady, ladyboy
transsubstantiate vb yondwhat, yondandwork
transvestite n thwart-dresser
trauma n wound, aftershock
travel vb fare [past fore, ppt faren], wayfare [past -fore, ppt -faren], yondfare [past -fore, ppt -faren]
traverse vb yondscrithe [past yondscrothe, ppt yondscrithen] (<OE geondscríðan)
treachery n swick [pl sweek] (<OE swic), falsedom ("false" is of Latin origin)
treason n forrede (Cf. OE forrǽdan, Du. verraden, NHG verraten)
treasure n dearworthness (<OE déorwyrðnes)
treasury n gavelguild (<OE gafolgyld)
treat vb behandle
treaty n truce, frithwrit (peace), fordrawing (Cf. NHG Vertrag)
tremble vb quiver, shudder, quake
tremor n quake, quiver, shake, shiver, shudder
trench n gravet (from O.E. grafet)
trespass vb overstep
tribal leader n kinelder
tribe n kindred
tribute n gavel (<OE gafol)
tributary n brook
trichology n hairlore
trilobite n threeleaf bug
trinity n threeness, threesome (godlore: threefoldness, Godthree)
tripartite adj thridealed (<OE þridǽled), threefold
triplet n threeling, thryn
tristful adj downcast, gloomy, unblithe, unglad, wretched
triumph n win, sig, sigor (OE)
triumvirate n thriwered (exact calque: trium- thri + -vir- were + -ate -[e]d)
trivial adj paltry
trouble vb & n worry, reck, ail, dretch (esp in sleep)
truck n lorry, freightwain
truncheon n cadgel, nightstick, club
trunk n body, bole, salk, stock, stem, shaft
try vb forseek
tuition n teaching
turn vb wend, wind, writhe
turn against vb andwerve
turning point n watershed
turn into vb become, char
turtle n shieldpaddock (Cf. Afrik. skilpad, Dan. skildpadde, Du. schildpad, Norw. skilpadde/skjelpadde, Swed. sköldpadda)
tutelage n wardship, care, watching-over, warding, upbringing
tutor n teacher
tweezers n nippers
type n kind, ilk
typify vb kinden, mark, inbody
typical adj kindish
Tyrannosaurus rex n great king athex