The Anglish Moot
640px-Grand Canyon

The Great Gulch is an cut through a reckon of layers of siltborn stones.

A stone is any flowingly happening hard inweight or cluster of ore or orelike. It is sorted by the ores inhold , its firststuffs mix and the way in which it is shaped. All stones fall into three kinds: Fireborn stone, Squeezeborn stone and Siltborn stone. Stones shape the Earth's outer hard layer, the rind.

Siltborn stone is made from bits of dead lifestuff such as shells, and from bits of other stones, be it earth, sand, silt, or pebbles. These are clouted together by sweerdom and squeezing to make new stone. Siltmade stone can too be made from andworks that rain out of still water (such as ironstones and limestones).

Fireborn stone is made from barrowquick (English: Magma or Lava) which comes from deep in the Earth and becomes new stone as it cools. Unsame stonedoughs are made by unsame forworks, and will make unsame fireborn stone.

Squeezeborn stone is made when other stone is shoved and clouted under great heat and head at great depth, but not so much that it melts. These stones are given new ores and frameworks by these outworkings.

The wisdomly swot of rocks is called Stonelore, which is an greatness makebit of Earthfrod.
