The Anglish Moot
Flag of Warshaw
- Headship
- Erd
Stead Erd
Revetung Polish
Inwonername Warshawer
- Boroughreeve

Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz
Settled 1200
Landswathe 199.71 miles²
Befolking 1.758.143

Warshaw (English: Warsaw; Polish: Warszawa;) is the headstead and biggest stead of Poland. The mickleborough stands on the Wisla Stream in east-middle Poland and its befolking is reevely guessed at 1.760 micklered livers within a greater mickleborough landspan of 3.101 micklered livers, which makes Warshaw the 9th most-folkful headstead in the Evelandish Faying. The stead caps hide 516.9 four-side thousandlengths (199.6 sq mi), while the mickleborough landspan overlays 6,100.43 four-side thousandlengths (2,355.39 sq mi). Warshaw is an 'A' worldwide stead, a overling worldwide sightseer stopping-line and a weighty couthly, moot and trade hub. With a reeve GDP of $233 twisand (PPP), it is the wealthiest headstead in Middle and Eastern Eveland alongside BerlinMeanwhile, its sheedly Old Town was named a UNESCO World Birthright Ord.

Once betold as Paris of the East, Warshaw was believed to be one of the most sterling steads in the world until World Wye II. The Theech raid in 1939, the slaughter of the Jewish befolking and casting out to sheadsteads led to the uprising in the Warshaw gangster in 1943 and to the overling and forwarrying Warshaw Uprising between Weedmonth and Winterfulth 1944. Warshaw gained the new name of a Firefowl Stead being as its broad yore and whole edbuilding after the sundry scathe it tholed in World Wye II, which left over 85% of its buildings in wrecks. On 9 Bloodmonth 1939, the stead was bestowed Poland's highest landmight behanging for doughtiness, the Worth Landmight, during the Beset of Warshaw.

Warshaw is one of Eveland's most snell mickleborough steads. In 2012 the Wealthdom Keenness Fach rowed Warshaw as the 32nd most liveworthly stead in the world. In 2017 the stead came 4th in the “Business-friendly” kind and 8th in “Man headstead and life kind”. It was also rowed as one of the most liveworthly steads in Middle and Eastern Eveland.

The stead is a weighty heart of groundwork and growth, BPO, ITO, as well as of the Polish means worksomeness. The Warshaw Stock Wrixle is the biggest and most far-reaching in Middle and Eastern Eveland. Frontex, the Evelandish Faying to do list for outer border sickerhood, has its headfourths in Warshaw. Together with Frankfurt, London and Paris, Warshaw is also one of the steads with the highest rime of skyscrapers in the Evelandish Faying.

The stead is the seat of the Polish Learnedom of WitshipsWarshaw Ethel Lovebond SwaygatheringLorestead of Warshaw and the Great PlayhallEthel Songplay, the biggest of its kind in the world. The fair Old Town of Warshaw, which stands for byspels of nearly every Evelandish framework kind and shedly while, was listed as a World Birthright Ord by UNESCO in 1980. Other main framework drawings inhold the Burgh Fourside with the Kingly Burgh and the likeness King Sigismund's UprightHoly John's Headchurch, Main Cheapstow Foursidekingshouse, churches and halls all showing a richness of blee and speckmark. Warshaw is withnowned for its yardsticks, foodhouses, craft hallways and, most namely, sundry tens crafthalls and outspread greenery, with about a farthing of the stead's landspan tied-up by parocks.
