The Hawaiish Kingdom (Hawaiish: Aupuni Mōʻī o Hawaiʻi, Greater Anglish: Firelandish Kingdom/Kingdom of the Firelands, Mean English: Kingdom of Hawaiʻi or Hawaiian Kingdom) began in 1795 with the oning of the self-standing ilands of the Great Iland, the Gathering Spot, the Dale Iland, the Friendly Iland and the Firapple Iland, under one lawmoot. In 1810, the whole of Hawaii were oned when the Yard Iland and the Forbidden Iland were freewillingly linked to the Hawaii Kingdom.
The Kingdom won a share of acknowledgement from higher Evelandish mights. The Oned Riches became its greatest friend in trade. The O.R. oversaw the Kingdom less that another might (maybe Britain or Japan) threaten to get their hands on the Firelands. The Firelands was made to take on a new lawbook in 1887 when King Kalākaua was threatened by the Sheltered Harbour Shatterguns, a white, gainkingship folkward, to underwrite it. Queen Liliʻuokalani, who followed after Kalākaua in 1891, worked to do away with the 1887 lawbook and further a new lawbook, but was overthrown in 1893, greatly at the hands of the Redemoot of Soundness, a group of dwellers made up of Firelandish folk and outlandish folk of Amerish, British and Theech blood, many of whom were taught in the O.R., lived there for a time and heavily thought of themselves as Amerish. Hawaii became a ledewealth until the Oned Riches overtook it it brooking The Newland's Law which was a bothways-law bid on 4 Meadowmonth, 1898, by the Oned Riches Allthingers Mootband making the Landdeal of Hawaii.