The Anglish Moot
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The Forewitness Edhewing or the Edmaking (English: Protestant Reformation) began in the H16th when Martin Luther spoke out against many things, such as all-sin forgivings in Dutchland (at that time the Holy Roomanish Rich) and the deeming guiltless of sins. The Edhewing was the greatest overthrowing in the yorelore of Cristendom since the Roomanish and Greekish churches split in 1054.

Deeds leading up to:[]

Umb 100 years beforehand, a man named Jan Hus spoke out against the teachings of the Church, but was burnt to death for it.

Then, in England, a man named Yon Wycliffe spoke out against the Roomanish Church and the elderdom of the pope. His followers - called Lollers - overset the Latish Writ into English for the first time in hundreds of years.

Then a Dutch monk named Martin Luther came along. The more Luther read the Book, the more he ongot that the church had drifted away from the teachings of the Book. On Winterfulth 31st 1517, he nailed 95 claims to the door of the town church, unheling 95 kinches he had yemed with the church's deeds of all-sin forgivings. (The hirelings of the Roomanish Broad-Church were selling all-sin forgivings to raise geld to build a church for the Pope in Room, taking an outlandish rimes of fee from the neediest of folks.) Over time, he set up a list of church addles, namely the church's teaching on how one is deemed guiltless before God. (The Roomanish Church taught that by doing good works and buying all-sin forgivings, one earned God's kindness. Luther believed, however, that the Book taught that good works do not earn God's kindness, only God can deem someone guiltless.) He was shunned as a wrongdoer, leading him start his own church.

The English Edhewing[]

Henry VIII of England wanted to unwed his first wife, Cathren of Aragon, but the High Father in Room willed it not. The King, angry about the Highfather's word, spoke to his overseer, Thomas Cranmer, pooled what he liked from Wycliffe, Luther, and others, and started the English Church.

The Aftermath of Luther and the Gainsayers[]

Unlike Hus and Wycliffe before him, Luther had the Gutenberg Stamping Shove, which let folks throughout all the land to read his works and to read his Dutch oversetting of the Book. And unlike Hus and Wycliffe, his thoughts spread like wildfire. The Roomanish Church awerged all his writings; some held all of them to be true; and some others agreed with some things he said, but not all. These inhold Yon Calvin, Ulrich Zwingli, and others, who shoop their own churches. Later on men like Yacob Arminius and Yon Wesley also started their own churches. Hus' followers are now known as the Moravian Church in New English. Luther's followers the Lutherish Church, Calvin and Zwingli's followers the Edhewn and Masspriestly Church. Arminius' followers inclose some Baptists and some other churches. And Wesley's followers are now called Way-of-Workers (Methodists).

The Wither-Edhewing[]

The Roomanish Allmean Church saw that indeed, there were some kinches in their godlore and teachings. They met together, made some shifts, and plotted what to do about the Gainsayers. They fought against every land that held Gainsayers. Those lands that won were Dutchland, Estland, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, and the Netherlands.
