The Anglish Moot

Eleanor Roosevelt with a Spanish awending of the Forthspell.

Signed December 10, 1946, by the United Nations General Assembly, the document from which the following has been translated is one of the most widely disseminated documents in history, and the most widely translated ever - in whole and in part. Original text of this Universal Declaration of Human Rights can be found at'

Forespeech (Preamble)[]

Whereas freedom, righthood and world frith are grounded upon the inborn worthship of shendless and even rights of all limbs of werehood,

Whereas ill-huying and spurning of wererights have led to shandful outcomes, which have nithened the soul of mankind, before giving way to a world where everyone shall fain freedom of wen and speech, while freedom of fear and want are ettled as the highest need among all,

Whereas werekin rights should be munded by the law, lest spuring an uprise against grilling and tharlrede,

Whereas the weaving of friendly ties between ethels should be spured on,

Whereas all men of the Gathered Ethels have in their ledger have doughtened their lief in needmickle rights, in eale worthship and in the even rights of men and women and have cored to bestaddle fellowship forblowing and better flacks of life in wider freedom,

Whereas all ethels have cored to spur the uppening of world-huyed heeding and onlook of were rights and underlying freedoms,

Whereas an all-wide understanding of these rights and freedoms is needmickle if they are to be led out,

Now, therefore our meeting doughtens this allworld werekin rights forthspell as an ordly following for all thedes and folk, to that every limb of fellowship, always having this forthspell in mind, shall strive by rearing and leering to spur the onlook for these rights and freedoms and by stepmeal metes, stowly and thedely, to mund this allworld and nifty onget and heeding, both among the lede of the Gathered Ethels and among those of swayed lands.

Writ-mote (Article) 1[]

All werely beings are born free and alike in worthiness and rights. They are gifted with reðe and inwit and should behave towards one another in a mindset of brotherhood.

Writ-mote 2[]

Everyone is berighted to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Forthspell, without shedding of any kind, such as stock, hue, kin, tung, lief, mootish or other wen, theedly or fellowship or, fee, birth or other standing. Furthermore, no shedding shall be made on the grounds of the mootish, onwealdly or altheedly fettle of the land or rich to which someone belongs, whether it be selfstanding, trust, unselfstanding or under any other miring of kinrich.

Writ-mote 3[]

Everyone has the right to life, freedom and munding.

Writ-mote 4[]

No one shall be held in haftdom or thewhood; haftdom and the thew trade shall be forbidden in all their kinds.

Writ-mote 5[]

No one shall be hiresomed to dretch or to atel, unwerely or nethering behandling or strife.

Writ-mote 6[]

Everyone has the right to acknowledging everywhere as a wight before the law.

Writ-mote 7[]

All are even before the law and are berighted without any beshedding to even weiring under the law. All are berighted to even warding against any beshedding in breach of this Forthspell and against any onspurring to such hindering.

Writ-mote 8[]

Everyone has the right to a fremeful lawhelp by the set folkthing for deeds in breach of the groundrights bestowed upon him by the groundlaw or by law.

Writ-mote 9[]

No one shall be under threat of fallenly avast, upholding, or outcasting.

Writ-mote 10[]

Everyone is berighted in full evenhood to a fair and open hearing by a selfstanding and unlinked deemingbench, in the fastmaking of his rights and beholdennesses and of any wite against him.

Writ-mote 11[]

(1) Everyone wrayed with a penal offence has the right to be deemed shildless until showed guilty as by law in a ledely trial at which he has had all the hettings needed for his wering.

(2) No one shall be held guilty of any penal hean on behalf of any deed or gap which did not make a penal hean, under thedish or althedish law, at the time when it was done. Nor shall a heavier strife be given than the one that was givingly at the time the penal hean was done.

Writ-mote 12[]

No one shall be open to fallenly inbreaching with his onelep, inherd, home or underholding, nor to heans upon his ar and namecouth. Everyone has the right to the berging of the law against such inbreaching or heans.

Writ-mote 13[]

(1) Everyone has the right to freedom of shrithing and withstanding within the mires of each land.

(2) Everyone has the right to leave any ethel, inholding his own, and to come back to their land.

Writ-mote 14[]

(1) Everyone has the right to seek and to cweme in other ethels haven from onslaught.

(2) This right may not be thaved in the fettle of bewrayings wholly arising from unmootish guilts or from deeds wither to the goals and liefhelds of the Theded Lands.

Writ-mote 15[]

(1) Everyone has the right to a thedehood.

(2) No one shall be fallenly besheared of his thedehood nor withheld the right to wend their thedehood.

Writ-mote 16[]

(1) Men and women of full tide, without any mering of strind, thedehood or troth, have the right to wed and to or an inherd. They are inlisted to even rights as to wedding, bewhile wedding and at its breakup.

(2) Wedding shall be sickered only with the free and full thwaring of both halves.

(3) The inherd is the kindly and needmickle fay mote of fellowship and is inlisted to warding by thedeship and the Ethel.

Writ-mote 17[]

(1) Everyone has the right to ownhood alone as well as in fay with others.

(2) No one shall be fallenly besheared of their ownhood.

Writ-mote 18[]

Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, inheed and worship, which inholds freedom to wend his worship or belief, and freedom, either alone or banded with others and meanly or onelep, to show his worship or lief in teaching, treading, worship and yeming.

Writ-mote 19[]

Everyone has the right to freedom of wen and swettling; this right inholds freedom to hold wens without inbreaking and to seek, beget and shed knowledge and howes through any media and heedless of mires.

Writ-mote 20[]

(1) Everyone has the right to freedom of frithful fay and gathering.

(2) No one may be nithed to belong to a thede.

Writ-mote 21[]

(1) Everyone has the right to dealnim in the reding of his ethel, straightly or through freely chosen bystanders.

(2) Everyone has the right of even neasing to mean theens in his land.

(3) The will of the lede shall be the staddle of the rich of reding; this will shall be swettled in tidely and hale corings which shall be by almeanly and even rights and shall be held by dern core or by sameworth free coring metes.

Writ-mote 22[]

Everyone, as a limb of fellowship, has the right to thedely munding and is inlisted to forthbringing, through thedely swench and althedish by-working and in thaving with the stighting and orshafts of each Ethel, of the thrftly, thedely and kinly rights for his ar and the free unfolding of his selfhood.

Writ-mote 23[]

(1) Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of work, to fair and belikening onlay of work and to warding against worklessness.

(2) Everyone, without any shedding, has the right to even toll for even work.

(3) Everyone who works has the right to fair and belikening yielding sickering for himself and his inherd a forbeing worthy of werely ar, and added, if needed, with other means of thedely warding.

(4) Everyone has the right to frume and to fay trade thedes for the warding of his heedings.

Writ-mote 24[]

Everyone has the right to rest and cweme, inholding shedly mering of working logs and tidely holidays with tol.

Writ-mote 25[]

(1) Everyone has the right to a meanset of living fitted for the health and well-being of himself and of his inherd, inholding food, clothing, housing and healing care and needly thedely thews, and the right to munding in the hap of worklessness, sickness, lameness, widowhood, old tide or other lack of livelihood in umstallings beyond his wield.

(2) Motherhood and childhood are inlisted to swotel care and fultum. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall cweme the same thedely warding.

Writ-mote 26[]

1) Everyone has the right to leaning. Teaching shall be free, at least in the erely and needmickle flacks. Erely teaching shall be onset. Workcraft and highsett leering shall be made meanly at hand and higher leering shall be evenly at hand to all by meed.

(2) Leering shall be wended to the full unfolding of the werely selfhood and to the strengthening of heeding for werely rights and needmickle freedoms. It shall fuse understanding, thwaring and friendship among all thedes, strind or throth thedes, and shall further the beshaftings of the Theded Lands for the upkeeping of frith.

(3) Elders have a given right to choose the kind of teaching that shall be given to their children.

Writ-mote 27[]

(1) Everyone has the right freely to dealnim in the kith life of the meanship, to cweme the crafts and to share in witshaftly forwaying and its behooves.

(2) Everyone has the right to the warding of the thewful and motely hedgings oncoming from any witshaftly, written or craftly making of which he is the writer.

Writ-mote 28[]

Everyone is inlisted to a thedely and althedish setting in which the rights and freedoms set forth in this Forthspell can be fully carried out.

Writ-mote 29[]

(1) Everyone has theens to the meanship in which alone the free and full unfolding of his selfhood is maily.

(2) In the brooking of their rights and freedoms, everyone shall be only to such meres as are set out by law only for the goal of sickering onget and heeding for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the fair needsettings of thewness, were reding and the mean welfare in a folkreding fellowship.

(3) These rights and freedoms may in no case be brooked wither to the goals and liefhelds of the Theded Lands.

Writ-mote 30[]

Nothing in this Forthspell may be ongot as meaning for any Ethel, thede or were any right to dealnim any treading or to carry out any deed wended at the forspilling of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein.
