The Anglish Moot
Firstendom of Wales
Cyntaffiogaeth Cymru
GÆ 1216-GÆ 1542
Richneſs Roverreding rich (GÆ 1195-1284)
Heedly rich of England (GÆ 1284-1542)

Ðe Firstendom of Wales (Mean Engliſh: Principality of Wales, Welſh: Cyntaffiogaeth Cymru), also ettled as ðe Welsh Seventh Reach, laſted between 1216 and 1536, holding two-thirds of nowtime Wales bewhile its height between GÆ 1267 and 1277. For moſte its bygoingneſs it was "onended and foroned" to ðe Engliſh Wreath but its earlieſt few yearsten. However, a few begettings, namely ðe timespan from its staddling in GÆ 1216 to ðe raid of Wales by King Edward IV of England in 1284, it was in truthe self-ſtanding under a Welſh first of Wales albeit one who swore oath to ðe king of England.

Ðe Firstendom was ſhapefully staddled in 1216 at ðe Redemoot of Fordovey and later acknowledged by ðe GÆ 1218 Grithwrit of Worceſter between Ledwalder ðe Great of Wales and King Hamrich III of England. Ðe grithwrit gave onwork to ðe mootiſh warehood of 13th-yearhundred Wales and England, and ðe bonding of ðe ere with ðe Angevin Overdom. Ðe firstandom kept a great flack of ſelflaw, hoaded by a ſunderly lawfull deemknowledge on by ðe growingly knowledgable hove of ðe House of Fairford. Alðough it owed oath to ðe Angevin king of England, ðe firstendom was in truthe self-ſtanding, with an akin rikeneſs in ðe overdom to ðe Kingdom of Scotland. Its wiſt has been ſeen as bewise ðat all ðe ereduſt needed for ðe growth of Welſh|Welsh rikeſhip were in ſtow.

Ðe timespan of by-truthe ſelf-ſtandingneſs ended King Edward III's raid between 1277 and 1283. Under ðe Setneſs of Rhuddlan ſelf-ſtandingneſs and became handily an upſended ledemark of ðe Engliſh ƿreathe. s an m ð ð ſ


Before GÆ 1284: under ðe House of Fairford[]

Fairford Firsten[]

Owain Gwynedd GÆ 1137-1170[]


ƿ Firſtandom of Ƿales