The Anglish Moot

Tungleclouds like this one, seen by Hubble's Heavenly Farseer, are one of many skythings learnt of in heavenlore.

Heavenlore (English: astronomy), also called starlore or roomlore, is the heeding and learning of heavenly bodies such as stars, clouds, moons, wandersters, shooting stars, clusters, and starswirls, their andwork and layout. It brooks rimecraft, worldken, and blendlore to unriddle the beginnings of those bodies and happenings and how they came to be. Heavenly happenings inhold starbursts and G-bursts. More wholly, all happenings that happen outside Earth's room are within the field of heavenlore. Among the eldest of frods, heavenlore arose out from early mankind's lossening of the night sky, and latemore forblew into one of the greatest lorish hedgings in eretide.


Heavenlore is one of the oldest fields of lore. The early folkdoms in written yore, such as the Babyloners, Greeks, Indlanders, Egypters, Nubish, Iraners, Chinish, Mayers and many olden inborn folk of the Amerikslands undertook watchings of the night sky. Throughout yore, heavenlore has inheld many unlike fields of lore.

These yore folk, such as the British builders of Stonehenge, mealfully wondered about the heavens. The first folkdoms, such as those of Sumer, MidrikeEgypt and the Mayers, sometimes built big losseners, where they would keep watch on the heavens. These folkhoods knew much about the shrithing and setting of the stars and wanderers, and often drew bilds of them. The Olden Greeks cleaved the night sky into starbilds, still ongot by roomlorers and starcrafters to this day. However, they were also unaware of the true workings of the heavens; Aristotle believed the Sun whirled about the Earth.

It was not until tidely Evelandish thinkers and breme roomlorers such as Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, and Newton that the underlying laws of "the heavens" were mistrusted. Copernicus found that the Earth whirled about the Sun. Kepler beheld that these whirls were slightly stretched, rather than flawless trinds. Galileo spotted the well-known rings of Freyr, along with the four biggest moons of Wodan. Newton began his Laws of Shrithing and founded sweerdom.

At this time, six wanderers were known to man. They were Hermod, the nearest wanderer to the Sun; Freyja, the warmest wanderer and nearest to Earth; Tyr, or Mars, a red tungle; Wodan, the biggest of all; and Freyr. Later on, Newton thought of sweerdom as a lore that held smaller gainstands to bigger ones, and wrote worthlinks of its workings. Tunglemen also began to brook the farseer.

William Herschel infound the seventh wanderer, Ymir, in 1781. The worthlinks made by Newton soothly foresaw the eighth wanderer, Aegir, or Neptune, which was then spotted in 1846. The finding of the heavenrock Gefjun in 1801 was a great leap for heavenlore also. The mightlihood of farlandish livelihood was rathed by heavenlorers. The beholding of unclefts sparked new lores within and without tunglecraft anent smaller motes.

The coming of Einstein was one of the biggest leaps in tunglecraft. His Beholding of onlay showed that sweerdom is a forthmake of the bendings of roomtide made by bulk, and also showed how bulk and inwork were the same. It also unraveled the wonder of the speed of light; showing how as things shrithed almost at that speed, it would both slow its tide and gain bulk. Edwin Hubble later found out that stars were not huddled in one cluster, but set out in shedded clusters known as starswirls.

Later, Russland made the first searsender, called Sputnik, which reached the outer heavens and began to whirl about the Earth in the same way as the Moon. The O.R.A. followed, and mankind inwent the outer heavens and soon walked on the Moon. Today the Hubble Farseer takes snapshots of the heavens, and sends them to heavenlorers down under for learning. We now know of thursands of stars and many starswirls, much about the eight worlds in the Sunhood, as well as hundreds of other stars, several tungles and dwarf wanderers, and scores of tailstars and skystones.

The field of book-learned starlore has split into beheld and thoughtlaid fields. Beheld heavenlore is to do with getting knowledge from beheld heavenly bodies, which is then undersought brooking grounded eldertruths of worldken. Thoughtlaid starlore is weighed toward the ripening of forelays to understrike heavenly bodies and happenings. The two fields work well with one another, with thoughtlaid heavenlore seeking to ground beheld findings and beholdings being brooked to ground thoughtlaid findings.
