The Anglish Moot

The Heruls (or Heruli (spelled in sundry ways in Latin and Greek)) were a wandering Teutonish folk, who were yoked by the Eastern Goths, Huns, and Byzantines in the 3rd to 5th hundredyears. The name is akin to earl (see erilaz) and was most likely a worthy warlike rightname.


The 6th hundredyear yorewriter Jordanes tells of a folktale that they had been driven out of their homeland long before by the Dani, which would have laid their beginnings in the Danish ilands or southernmost Sweden. By Procopius, they kept up near links with their kinsmen in Thule (Scandinavia). He tells that the Heruls killed their own king bewhile their bliving in the Balkans (liken Domalde), and that they sent an deedgiver to Thule asking for a new king. Their bidding was bestowed, and a new king came with 200 young men.

The Heruls are first told of by Roman writers in the years of Gallienus (260-268), when they went with the Goths wrecking the shores of the Black Sea and the Aegean. The blended warbands handled in sacking Byzantium in 267, but their eastern bunch was almost wholly forlorn in the Balkans at the Clash of Naissus (Serbland) two years later, the clash that earned Marcus Aurelius Claudius his kinname "Gothicus." A western bunch of Heruls are spoken of at the mouth of the Rhine in 289.

By the end of the 4th hundredyear the Heruls were yoked by the Ostrogoths. When the Eastern Gothish kingdom of Ermanaric was forlorn by the Huns in about 375, the Heruls became loaf-eaters to the Hunnish kingdom. Only after the fall of the Hunnish kingdom in 454, could the Heruls shape their own kingdom in southern Slovakland at the March and Theiss eas.

After this kingdom was forlorn by the Lombards, however, Herulish luck waned. Lingering Heruls banded with the Lombards and moved to Italy, and some of them sought haven with the Gepids. Marcellinus comes written that the Romans (meaning the Byzantines) who let them againsettle forsaken "lands and towns" in Moravland, near Singidunum (Belgrade); this was done "by batch of Anastasius Caesar" sometime between June 29 and August 31, 512. After one kith-end, this small banded kingdom unkithed from the eretidely writings.

Writings show, however, that the Heruls were in bondsmanship in the warbands of the Byzantine kysers for a scoring of years, namely in the clashes of Belisarius, when much of the old Roman land, inholding Italy, Syria, and North Africa was taken back. Pharus was a known Herul leader bewhile this tide. Sundry thousand Heruls were in bondsmanship in the monnly ward of Belisarius throughout the clashes. They unkithe from eretidely writings by the mid-6th hundredyear.

By Procopius, many Heruls went back to Scandinavia and settled beside the Geats (Gautoi). The stows where they are thought to have againsettled have been teamed with Vermland or the landships of Blechingland and Värend, two ridings where the women had equal rights of birthright with their brothers. Some athel Swedish kins in the land also say that they are offspring of the back-come Heruls. It should be logged that such teamings are not widely taken on. It has also been hinted that it was back-coming Heruls who first settled in Iceland.[1]

No "Heruls" are spoken of in Anglo-Saxon, Frankish or Norse tales, so it is thoughtd they were known in the north and west by another name. Encyclopædia Britannica 1911 hinted that, since the name Heruls itself is teamed by many with the Anglo-Saxon eorlas ("athels"), Old Saxon erlos ("men"), the onemake of which (erilaz) often kithes in the earliest Northern writings, that "Heruls" may have been a rightname of worth.

From the end of the 3rd hundredyear, Heruls are also spoken of as raiders in Gaul and Spain, where they are told of together with Saxes and Allmen. These Heruls are sharedly looked at as Western Heruls; their settlings are thought to have been somewhere at the lower Rhine.

Kithsipsome knowmarks[]

Same-breedside kinships[]

By Procopius, bishop of Caesaria, the Heruls had a fighter-grounded, holydeedly inswiving. In his De Bello Gothico, Procopius is startled by the truth that "καὶ μίξεις οὐχ ὁσίας τελοῦσιν, ἄλλας τε καὶ ἀνδρῶν καὶ ὄνων" (Greek) "and they swive against the ends of holy law, even with men and asses" (VI. xiv. 36). Procopius does not tell more deeply about this short input. However, he also logged that the young shield-bearers of the "Erouloi" (Greek for Heruls) go into clashes without even a shield to ward themselves; once witnessed in struggle, their Herul masters then let them bear one in struggle, betokening their ingoing into full manhood.

Yorelorechild of inswiving, David Greenberg, believes that in this bit, Procopius hinted that the inswiving done by the Heruls was holydeedly and bestarting in make, for "man-youth-love was done in bond with the shift from youth to manhood" in the early Teutonish "men's fellowships (Männerbünde)" as well as being widespread to all Indo-Europeish kithsips. Again, this bestarting man-youth-love is akin to the thews of the near-kin Suebish folk, the Taifals, as told by Ammianus Marcellinus (31.9.5). (See Greenberg's The Construction of Homosexuality, 1988, p. 243. (English) )

Holydeedly, fighter-grounded man-youth-love are held to have been shared to all Indo-Europeish folks by a team of thought namely by French yorelorechildren such as Bernard Sergent; sundry makes of holydeedly inswiving are written of and were namely bodied throughout olden Greece, the Scyths (who were Indo-Iranish), the Celts, and others (Homosexualité et initiation chez les peuples indo-européens, Éditions Payot 1996; about the Heruls and Taifals, pp. 477–504).

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  1. Deeming of "The Origin of the Icelanders by Barthi Guthmundsson, Lee M. Hollander" in Speculum, Vol. 43, No. 1 (Jan., 1968), pp. 154-156 (English)