Holy Vincent and the Little Seedapplelands Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (Mean English) | |
Flag | |
Saying "Pax et Justitia" "Frith and Righthood" | |
Landsong "Saint Vincent, Land so beautiful" "Holy Vincent, Land so fair" | |
Revetown | Kingstown |
Revetung | Mean English |
Inwonername | Holy Vincentish or Vincentish, Vincy |
Lawmoot - King - Allmean-Highthane - Firstthane |
Oneness Ledeward Forfastening Kingship
Carl III
Ralph Gonsalves |
Freedom |
27 Winterfulth 1969 27 Winterfulth 1979 |
Landswathe | 389 fourside-thousandtals |
Befolking - In full - Huddlemete |
(2016) 109,643 307/foursand-thousandtals |
Whole Homeland Output - In full - By fellow |
2018 guessing:
Yield | East Strongsea Bit of Eight ($) (XCD) |
Holy Vincent and the Little Seedapplelands (Mean English: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) is an English-Strongsea land in the Lesser Fore-Ilands bow, in the southern share of the Windward Ilands, which lies in the West Indlands at the southern end of the eastern hem of the Strongsea where the Strongsea meets the High Evensea. The selfstanding ethel is meanly known only as Holy Vincent. (Mean English: Saint Vincent)
Its 389 fourside-thousandtal landdeal inholds the main iland of Holy Vincent and the northern two-thirds of the Little Seedapplelands, a fetter of 32 smaller ilands. Some of the Little Seedapplelands are befolkered: Cloud Iland, Bloodfly Iland, Foroning Iland, Shieldpad Iland, Folm Iland, Merry Iland, Young Iland, while others are not: Smokeleaf Banks, Little Holy Vincent, Blackballers' Iland, Bird Iland, Four, Little Bloodfly Iland, Savan Iland, and Little Snows. Most of Holy Vincent and the Little Seedapplelands lies within the Whirlwind Lane.
To the north of Holy Vincent lies Holy Lucy, to the east is Beardedland and Seedappleland lies to the south. Holy Vincent and the Seedapplelands is a huddled-befolkered land for its landswathe (over 300 indwellers each fourside-thousandtal), with a befolking of about 109,643 indwellers.
Kingstown is the revetown and main harbour. Holy Vincent has a British settler erelore, and is now a bit of the Fellowship of East Strongsea Ethels, the Strongsea Fellowship, the Meanwealth of Lands, and the Bolivarish Bond for the Americkslands and the Fellowship of Latish Americkish and Strongsea Ethels (CELAC).