The Anglish Moot

Wiseland (Kashmir: Land of Kashyap Rishi) is a high berg dale in the north of the Indish low-worlddeal. It lies between the Snowdwell highberg reach and the Pir Panjal reach. Its faith is Wiseland Shivaness - its own staddle is that inheedness is the underlying allworld stuff; it believes that forseemings are real; its goal is to fand all-known inheedness with Shiva and swettling one's selfdom, by means of yoga, wisdom and smickerness. Wiseland cooking inholds Dum Aloo (seethed earthapples with a lot a crides), tzaman (a hard cote cheese) and kahwah, a tea made with yellowcride (saffron) and other crides

Wiseland's rawstuffs are: browncoal (lignite), limestone, redbrownstuff (copper), wallfillstone (gypsum), yellowclay (ochre), steelstuff (zinc), Fuller's earth, roofstone (slate), writblend (graphite), burnstuff (sulphur), buildrock (marble).
