Ledewealth of The Heiland República de El Salvador (Spanish) | |
Flag | |
Saying Dios, Unión, Libertad (Spanish) (God, Oning, Freedom) | |
Landsong "Himno Nacional de El Salvador" (Spanish) Landsong of The Heiland | |
Headstead | San Salvador (Holy Heiland) |
Biggest stead | San Salvador (Holy Heiland) |
Revetung | Spanish |
Landtung | Spanish, Manifold erd-folkish tungs |
Folks | Erd-folkish, Mestizo (Mixed Folk), White, Black |
Inwonername | Heilandish |
Lawmoot - Foresitter - Underforesitter |
Bound Foresitterly Forefastening Ledewealth Salvador Sánchez Cerén Óscar Ortiz |
Freedom |
15 Holimonth 1821 12 Erelith 1824 18 Solmonth 1841 |
Landswathe | 8,124 miles² |
Befolking - In full - Huddlemete |
2017 guessing: 6,172,011 85/miles² |
Full Homeland Output - In full - By fellow |
$52.666 thrisand $8,668 |
Yield | Oned Rikes Dollar ($) (USD) |
The Heiland (Mean English and Spanish: El Salvador), also clept the Ledewealth of The Heiland or The Heiland Ledewealth (Spanish: República de El Salvador), is a Spanish ethel in Middle Nightland. It is the smallest ethel in Middle Nightland and has the thickest befolking there. It has one of the highest manslaughter listings in the world.