The Anglish Moot

Libuland (Arabish: لِيبْيَا) is an ethel in Northern Africa that ‎is laid down in the Sahara dryland on the shores of Midland Sea. Its headborough is Tripoli (Threeborough)

Libuland is unwely ethel that underwent forwirdy folk-war lately. The main begetter of income is earning from eal sell.


This land is named after a folk of Rebu (Libu) that lived there in the yoretide.

For a long time it was the southernmost mark of the Romish Rich. In Vth hundredyear Tripoliland was lathed by Wendels and later by arabs. Steadly befolkning was beislamished and inblent by arabs.

After the fall of Arabish Rich, Libuland became a deal of Osmanish Rich and stayed like this up to 1911, when it was beset by Italy. In 1949 Libuland became a self-standing kingdom under shield of Great Britland and Frankrich.

In 1969, king was overthrown by folkward of MuammaG Kaddafi, who was the onewielding leader of Libuland from then until 2011. Throughout his redeG Kaddafi's own yoke was made. Wealthdom thrived and many wherewithals were outgiven on forblowing of ithandship and folk needs.

In 2011, the uprising broke out backed by NAOF (English: NATO), as Libuland was an old foe of it and a strong ethel in Northern Africa that witherstand NAOF and ORA. The folk-war began and NAOF heremen infalled Libuland and fully shattered it.

Now Libuland is unstill ethel that is torn in deals by mootish witherquedding and is one of hearts of world fearstriking.
