English Name | Anglish Name | Fear of... |
Achluophobia | Darkfear | Darkness |
Acidophobia | Sourfear | Acid |
Acousicophobia | Clangfear | Loudness |
Acrophobia | Heightfear | Heights |
Aerophobia | Flightfear | Flightcraft/flying |
Agoraphobia | Roomthfear | open room |
Agyrophobia | Thwarsefear | crossing streets |
Aibohphobia | Drowwordfear/Raefear | Palindromes (words that are spelt the same forewards and backwards) |
Aichmophobia | Sharpfear | Sharp things |
Ailurophobia | Catfear | Cats |
Albanophobia | Albanlandfear | Albanians |
Alektorophobia | Chickenfear | Chickens |
Algophobia | Woefear | Ache; Hurt |
Ancraophobia | Windfear | Drafts/wind |
Androphobia | Menfear | Men |
Anglophobia | Englishfear | The English |
Aphenphosmphobia | Touchedfear | Being touched |
Aquaphobia | Waterfear | Water |
Arachnophobia | Spiderfear | Spiders |
Astraphobia | Thunderfear | Thunder/lightning |
Atelophobia | Notgreatfear | Having weaknesses; Shortcomings |
Autophobia | Alonefear | Loneliness |
Bacteriophobia | Rodlifefear | Bacteria |
Basiphobia | Fallingfear | Falling |
Basophobia | Straightstandfear | Walking/standing upright |
Batrachophobia | Frogkinfear | Amphibians |
Belonephobia | Needlefear | Needles |
Bibliophobia | Bookfear | Books |
Blood-injection-injury type phobia | Bloodsightfear | Sight of blood/scathe/injections |
Cacophopia | Uglyfear | Ugliness/loathliness |
Carcinophobia | Deathlumpfear | Cancer; a growth |
Caroptrophobia | Lookingglassfear | Looking glasses |
Chemophobia | Blendfear | Chemicals |
Cherophobia | Happyfear | Happiness |
Chiroptophobia | Batfear | Bats |
Chromophobia | Huefear | Hue, color, farbe |
Chronophobia | Timefear | Time |
Chronomentrophobia | Timerfear | Clocks; Timers |
Cibophobia | Foodfear | Food |
Claustrophobia | Narrowroomfear | Narrow room |
Coimetrophobia | Graveyardfear | Graveyards |
Coprophobia | Shitefear | Stool; crap; cack |
Coulrophobia | Clownfear | Clowns |
Cyberphobia | Reckonerfear | Reckoners |
Cynophobia | Dogfear | Dogs |
Demonophobia | Hellfiendfear | demons |
Dendrophobia | Treefear | trees |
Dentophobia | Toothleechfear | dentists |
Domatophobia | Housefear | houses |
Dysmorphophobia | Flawfear | obsession with real or fake bodily defects |
Ecophobia | Also Housefear | home |
Eisoptrophobia | Shewerfear | mirrors |
Eurotophobia | Sheathfear | female genitals (aka vagina) |
Emetophobia | Spewfear | vomiting |
Enochlophobia | Crowdfear | crowds |
Entomophobia | Midgefear | insects |
Ephebiphobia | Youthfear | youth |
Equinophobia | Horsefear | horses |
Ergophobia | Workfear | work |
Erotophobia | Kinisheanfear | sexual abuse |
Erythphobia | Redfear or Blushfear | red or blushing |
Frigophobia | Overcoldfear | being to cold |
Gamophobia | Weddingfear | marriage |
Gelotophobia | Laughedatfear | being laughed at |
Gephyrophobia | Bridgefear | bridges |
Genophobia | Folkhalfear | sex |
Genuphobia | Kneefear or Kneelingfear | knees/kneeling |
Gerascophobia | Eldingfear | aging |
Germanphobia | Theedishfear | Germans |
Gerontophobia | Elderfolkfear | elderly |
Globophobia | Loftballfear | balloons |
Glossophobia | Speakfear | public speaking/trying to speak |
Gymnophobia | Nakedfear | being naked/nudity |
Gynophobia | Womenfear | women |
Halitophobia | Badbreathfear | bad breath |
Haphephobia | Also Touchedfear | being touched |
Hedonophobia | Gladnessfullfear | having pleasure |
Heliophobia | Sunfear | sun/sunlight |
Helminthophobia | Wormfear | worms |
Hemophobia | Bloodfear | blood |
Herpetophobia | Creepdeerfear | reptiles |
Hexakosioihexkonahexaphobia | Sixhundredsixtysixfear | 666 |
Hippophobia | Also Horsefear | horses |
Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia | Longwordfear | long words |
Hodophobia | Farefear | travelling |
Hoplophobia | Gunfear | firearms |
Hydrophobia | Also Waterfear | water |
Hypnophobia | Sleepfear | sleep/nightmares |
Hypnophobia | Illfear | illness |
Ichthyophobia | Fishfear | fish |
Indophobia | Indlandfear | Indians |
Insectophobia | Also Midgefear | insects |
Kourmpounophobia | Buttonfear | buttons |
Lilapsophobia | Twisterfear | tornadoes/hurricanes |
Lipophobia | Foodfatfear | fats in food |
Lusophobia | Portugalfear or Calehavenfear | The Portuguese |
Mageirophobia | Cookfear | cooking |
Melanophobia | Blackfear | black |
Melissophobia | Beefear | bees |
Monophobia | Also Alonefear | alone/isolation |
Musophobia | Micefear | mice/rats |
Myrmecophobia | Antfear | ants |
Mysophobia | Bugglefear | germs |
Necrophobia | Deathfear | the dead/death |
Neophobia | Frotherfear | change/progress |
Nipponophobia | Japanfear or Dawnlandfear | the Japanese |
Noctiphobia | Nightfear | night |
Nomophobia | Reachlessfear | being without phone contact |
Nosocomephobia | Healhousefear | hospitals |
Nosophobia | Addlegainfear | getting disease |
Nostophobia | Edwhirvefear | going back home |
Numerophobia | Rimefear | numbers |
Nyctophobia | Also Darkfear | darkness |
Obesophobia | Weightgainfear | gaining weight |
Oikophobia | Homestuffear | house things |
Odontophobia | Also Toothleechfear | dentists |
Oleophobia | Fattybreefear | oil |
Oneirophobia | Dreamfear | dreams |
Ophidophobia | Snakefear | snakes |
Ophthalmophobia | Staredatfear | being stared at |
Ornithophobia | Birdfear | birds |
Osmophobia | Smellfear | odors |
Panphobia | Everythingfear | everything |
Pedophobia | Childfear | children/babies |
Phagophobia | Swallowfear | swallowing |
Phallophobia | Bonerfear | erections |
Pharmacophobia | Leechwortfear | medication |
Phasmophobia | Ghostfear | ghosts |
Philophobia | Lovefear | love |
Phobophobia | Fearfear | fear |
Phonophobia | Also Clatterfear or Talkfear | loud noises/voices |
Photophobia | Lightfear | light |
Pogonophobia | Beardfear | beard |
Pornophobia | Whoreshowfear | porn |
Porphyrophobia | Blueredfear | purple |
Pteromerhanophobia | Also Flightfear | flying |
Pyrophobia | Firefear | fire |
Radiophobia | X-beamfear or
Roentgenfear |
x-rays |
Ranidaphobia | Frogfear | frogs |
Rollercoasterphobia | Eightwayfear | roller coasters |
Russophobia | Russlandfear | Russians |
Scopophobia | Also Staredatfear | being stared at |
Sexophobia | Swivefear | sex/sexual organs |
Sideromophobia | Ironroadfear | trains/railroads |
Sociophobia | Folkfear | people/socializing |
Somniphobia | Also Sleepfear | sleeping |
Spectrophobia | Also Shewerfear | mirrors |
Spheksophobia | Waspfear | wasps |
Stasiphobia | Standfear | standing/walking |
Taphophobia | Gravefear | graves/being buried alive |
Technophobia | Toolcraftfear | technology |
Telephonephobia | Wirecallerfear | (m/t)aking phone calls |
Teraphobia | Misshapedfolkfear | disfigured people |
Tetraphobia | Fourfear | 4 |
Thalassophobia | Seafear | sea |
Thanatophobia | Also Deathfear | dying |
Thermophobia | Overhotfear | high temps |
Tokophobia | Childbearfear | childbirth/pregnancy |
Tomophobia | Unknown | unexpected medical procedure |
Tonitrophobia | Also Thunderfear | thunder |
Toxiphobia | Banefear | being poisoned |
Trauatophobia | Harmfear | injuries |
Trichophobia | Hairlossfear | hair loss |
Triskaidekaphobia | Thirteenfear | 13 |
Trynophobia | Needlefear | needles |
Trypophobia | Holefear | holes |
Vehophobia | Drivefear | driving |
Venustraphobia | Sheenwomanfear | beautiful girls |
Verminophobia | Also Bugglefear | germs |
Workplacephobia | Workordfear | the workplace |
Xanthophobia | Yellowfear | yellow |
Xenophobia | Farlandfear | farlanders |
Zoophobia | Deerfear | animals |
List of Fears (phobias)