The Anglish Moot

List of Landblocks[]

English Anglish
Europe Erop, Eveland, Quidland
Africa Africk (<ME Affrīk ⁊ <OE Affrica), Evrick, Affrishland
Asia Asey (<ME Assye), Sunriseland, Siltyland, Eastern Land
North America North Americk, North Americksland, North Redlands, North Nightland
South America South Americk, South Americksland, South Redlands, South Nightland
Oceania Haffland, Sealand
Antarctica Underland, South Hern, South End

List of Ethels[]

Europe / Eveland[]

English Anglish Notes/Explanations
Åland Islands Aland Ilands, Ealand Ilands* *calque
Albania Albany, Albanland, Schippery*, Shippery* *Based on Albanian endonym Shqipëri; the /ʃc~ʃk/ sound could be anglicized as either /sk/ or /ʃ/
Andorra Andorra, Shrubland <Navarrese 'andurrial'
Austria Eastrich calque
Belarus White Russland calque
Belgium Belgland, Belgy* *with G as in GOAT
Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosna and Hartowdom <ME heretowa; calque
Bulgaria Bulgarland, Bulgary, Pulgery* *with G as in GOAT
Croatia Croatland, Croaty, Croatchland* *partial calque of Hr̀vātskā
Cyprus Sypress <ME Sypresse
Czechia Checkland -
Denmark Denmark, High Anglish: Daneland -
Estonia Estland -
Finland Finland -
France Frankrich, Frankland <OE
Germany Theechland, Thedeland, Dutchland calque
Greece Greekland, Greekish Ledewealth, Froodland* *<OE frōd 'wise' philosophical
Hungary Ungerland, Healspring*, Magyarland *land of healing waters
Iceland Iceland -
Ireland Ireland -
Italy Italy, Attle*, Greater Anglish: Wetherland *<OE Eatol
Kosovo Kosovo, Kosova -
Latvia Lettland <NHG
Liechtenstein Lightenstone calque
Lithuania Lettow*, Lithowen, Lithuas *<ME Lettow
Luxembourg Littleborough, Littleburgh calque
Malta Malta -
Moldova Moldova, Wineland -
Monaco Monaco, Atheltown -
North Macedonia North Mackedony* <OE Mæcedonie
Montenegro Blackbarrow, Blackberry -
Netherlands Netherlands -
Norway Norway -
Poland Poland, Greater Anglish: Fieldland -
Portugal Portingale, Calehaven, Greater Anglish: Warmhaven* *Eldromish-Keltish "Portus Cale"
Romania Romishland -
Russia Russland, Greater Anglish: Rudderland -
> Bashkortostan Bashkirland -
> Dagestan Dawston, Greater Anglish: Barrowland* *calque
> Siberia Siberland, Greater Anglish: Sleepland -
San Marino San Marino, Holy Marine -
Serbia Serbland -
Slovakia Slovakland -
Slovenia Slovenland, Sloveny -
Sweden Sweden, Sweeland <OE Sweōland
Switzerland Switzerland -
Spain Spany*; Greater Anglish: Duskland *<OE Ispania
Turkey Turkland -
Ukraine Ukraine, Rusmarch -
United Kingdom Oned Kingdom -
> England England -
> Northern Ireland Northern Ireland -
> Scotland Scotland, Shotland -
> Wales Wales, Norwales* *<OE Norþwalas
Vatican City Vatickish Stead, Vatickish Town, Fatickenbury, Church Town -


English Anglish Notes/Explanations
Algeria Algery*, Algierland *with G as in GOAT
Angola Angola, Andwest and- +  -west 'wilderness'
Benin Benin, Newdawn, formerly: Thrall Shore anthem
Botswana Botswana, Thirstland Kgalagadi 'great thirstland'
Burkina Faso Burkina Faso, Uprightland <Burkina ("upright") + Faso ("homeland")
Burundi Rundiland -
Cameroon Cameroon, Shrimprith calque
Cape Verde Green Headland, Andglider ilands boomerang shape of archipelago
Central African Republic Middle Africa, Mid Highsun Leedwealth -
Chad Chad -
Comoros Comoros, Moon Ilands -
Congo (DRC) Folkship Ledewealth of the Congoland (FLC, FLOC), Congoland-Leopoldtown -
Congo (Republic of the) Ledewealth of the Congoland (LotC), Congoland-Brazzatown, Congoland -
Djibouti Djibouti, Punt Ness ness 'headland' -- land of Punt
Equatorial Guinea Munneyland cf. Rio Muni, name of the mainland bit
Egypt Egypt*, Coptland *with G as in GOAT
Eritrea Eritrea, Redsea, Redshore -
Eswatini (Swaziland) Swaziland -
Ethiopia Burntland, Eald, Acksumland <OE 'aged, venerated' -hominin Lucy, Axum

<Greekish "Aithiops"

Gabon Gabon -
Gambia Gambia, Tradeland -
Ghana Ghana, Highrick warrior king land
Guinea Guinea, Claysilver 1st source of bauxite *aluminium*
Guinea-Bissau West Guinea, Guinea Bissau, West Claysilver -
Ivory Coast Elpsbone Shore, Windward Shore -
Kenya Kenya -
Lesotho Sotholand, Sutoland* *from Basutoland (a former OK settling)
Liberia Liberia, Seedshore, Greater Anglish: Freeland pepper coast
Libya Libya, Threetown Tripolitana
Madagascar Madagascar, The Red Ile -
Malawi Malawi -
Mali Mali -
Mauritania Mauritania, Westheath -
Mauritius Mauritius, Morris Anglicization of Maurice, whom the island is named after
Morocco Morocco, Westland -
Mozambique Mozambique, Westshore*, Kingsland** *west = wilderness
**Named for Sultan Musa
Namibia Namibia, Drushland dry + bush
Niger Niger -
Nigeria Nigeria, Rand -
Rwanda Rwanda -
São Tomé and Príncipe Holy Tom and Firstsland, Holy Tom and Atheling -
Senegal Senegal, Dugoutland -
Seychelles Seychelles -
Sierra Leone Lewhills, Leehills -
Somalia Somalia, Somalland -
South Africa South Africa, Greater Anglish: South Highsunland, South Highsun -
South Sudan South Sudan local name
Sudan Sudan -
Tanzania Tanzania, Tanzanland, Wightshore -
Togo Togo -
Tunisia Tunisland -
Uganda Uganda, Gandaland -
Western Sahara Western Sahara -
> Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic > Sahara Arab Folkship Leedwealth -
Zambia Zambia, Zambeland, Godstreamland from the Zambezi river
Zimbabwe Zimbabwe, Great Stonehouses according to one theory (???)


English Anglish Notes/Explanations
Afghanistan Afghanland -
Armenia Armenland, Armeny*, Hayastan, Hayland, Hoakland** *<ME armenīe/armany/armonye; **hypothetical word construction; if Old Armenian Հայք (Hayk) was borrowed early on in the Germanic languages and developed predictably
Azerbaijan Azerbaijan, Fireward, Atherbadgan a (bad) calque of Azerbaijan; readaption partially based on Classical Persian آذربایگان (āðarbāygān)
Bahrain Bahrain, Fireswan, Land of the Two Seas giant flamingo native species
Bangladesh Bengalland, Bangladesh -
Bhutan Bhutan, Little Tibet -, Tibetish "Bod" Tibetland
Brunei Brunei -
Cambodia Camboland, Khmerland -
China Folk's Ledewealth of China, China, Midrich, Serick* *<OE Serica
Georgia Georgeland, Yorryland, Kartveland, Kartweland From homely name in Georgish, Sakartvelo (wordly "Land of Georgish Folk") and Kartvelebi (homely name for the Georgish Folk).
India Indland, Greater Anglish: Ealand -
Indonesia Indonesia, Indishland, Fell Ilands -
Iran Iran, formerly: Persland -
Iraq Sumer, Sumerland -
Israel Israel, Hebrewland, Greater Anglish: Godwrestlerland -
Japan Japan, Nipponland, Greater Anglish: Dawnland nickname
Jordan Jordan -
Kashmir Kashmir, Cashmere -
Kazakhstan Kazakhstan, Kazakhland, Cossackland -
Kuwait Kuwait, Little Keep -
Kyrgystan Kyrgyzland, Fortyilkland land of 40 tribes
Laos Laoland, Eldwin 1st form of Buddhism; eld + wen 
Lebanon Lebanon, Whitebarrow -, Lillandish (Phoenician) "lbn" meaning "white"
Malaysia Malayland, Tokenland* * due to its high level of endemism
Maldives Meen Ilands <OE mene 'necklace'
Mongolia Mongolland, Driftland, Roverland -
Myanmar (Burma) Myanmar, Bamarland, formerly: Burma Majority Bamar ethnic group
Nepal Nepal -
North Korea North Korea, North Mornfrithland -
Oman Oman, Muscatland Its headstead
Pakistan Pakland, Pureland -
Palestine Palestine, Palesht, Paleshtland Hebrew "peleshet"
Philippines Philippines, Philipsland, Filipslands -
Qatar Qatar, The Arab Ness -
Russia (Siberia) Russland, Alpland -
> Altai Republic Altai Meanwealth calque of commonwealth
> Buryatia Buryatland -
> Khakassia Hackassy -
Saudi Arabia Saudish Arabland, Saudi Arabland -
Singapore Singapore, Greater Anglish: Leeborough, Lewtown -
South Korea South Korea, South Mornfrithland -
Sri Lanka Sri Lanka, Deprobane*, Ceylon *<OE Dēprobane
Syria Syria, Surry*, Aram *<ME Surry/Sirie
Taiwan Taiwan, Taiwey partial calque
Tajikistan Tajikland, Rockwell, Tadgickland Karakul 'well' formed by a meteorite
Thailand Thailand -
Tibet Tibet -
Turkmenistan Turkmenland, Merrowland, Farturkland Merv, major oasis-city,inborn wordlore
United Arab Emirates Oned Arab Headriches -
Uzbekistan Uzbekland -
Vietnam Vietnam, South Yuen -
Yemen Yemen, Rightland right as in right-hand side (from name in Arabic)

North America / North Americk[]

English Anglish Notes/Explanations
Antigua and Barbuda Foreoldenland and Beardedland <Spanish antigua and barbuda
Aruba Aruba -
Bahamas Bahamas, Shallowlands*, Great Upmidland** *From Spanish baja
**From Taino ba ha ma
Barbados Barbados, Redstone**, Greater Anglish: Bearded Iland*, The Beardedlands* *From Portuguese barbados
**From Pre-Columbian name
Belize Belize, Mudwater -, Mayan "Balix"
Canada Canada, Whitenorth calque
Costa Rica Rich Shore, Boriken, Borich From Taino Borikén, and an adaption thereof
Cuba Yieldingland*, Greatland**, Joan Iland*** *From Taino cubao
**From Taino coabana
***First name by Columb, "Isla Juana"
Curaçao Curacao, Curasaw pronunciation help
Dominica Dominica, Sunday Iland -
Dominican Republic Dominican Ledewealth, Dominickish Ledewealth, Sunday Ledewealth -
El Salvador The Heiland, Cuzcat old city
Great Sioux Nation Seven Mootfires, Great Seven-Mootfire Rich Dakota "Seven Council-Fires"
Grenada Seedappleland, Cride, Fremdsbarrow the island of spice, for Spanish stead of Granada, from Arabish غرناطة (hill of strangers)
Guatemala Guatemala, Everspring, Sundrywald, Watemala cf. national motto, Old Asteckish Cuauhtēmallān
Haiti Haiti, Rumhill OE rum "spacy hills" -- local rhum
Honduras Honduras, Depthsland -
Jamaica Yamaica, Springwood precolumbian name
Mexico Mexico, Westbrand, Greater Anglish: Moonsnavel -
Nicaragua Nicaragua, Nicarea Named for chieftain "Nicarao" + Spanish agua (water)
Panama Panama, Flyn, Manyfish land of fish and butterflies, Guaraní word for "many fish"
Saint Kitts and Nevis Holy Kitts and Snows -
Saint Lucia Holy Louchy -
Saint Vincent and Grenadines Holy Finchenty and the Little Seedapplelands, Holy Finchenty and Grenadines -
United States of America Oned Riches of America (ORA), Markland, Emericksland, Nightland, Eriksonland, Doveland, Vinland, Wineland -

South America / South Americk[]

English Anglish Notes/Explanations
Argentina Argentina, Greater Anglish: Silvern, Silverland -
Bolivia Bolivarsland, Greater Anglish: Millmeadowsland **<Bolívar's surname = "bolu" (mill), "ibar" (meadow)
Brazil Brazil, Rudwood, Greater Anglish: Rudland calque
Chile Chile, Shoreberg berg 'mountain'
Colombia Colombia; Goldhern*; Arawak; Culverland *El Dorado; Colombia means "Land of Columbus"
Ecuador Ecuador, Midringland, Evenerland, Lineland, Naughtland* *0° latitude
Guyana Guyana -
Paraguay Paraguay, Fayrith river of varieties
Peru Peru -
Suriname Suriname, Surinam -
Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago, Pawi* Iles, Greater Anglish: Threeness and Smokleafland * endemic bird (critically endangered), Spanish name
Uruguay Uruguay, Mealbird river of painted birds
Venezuela Venezuela, Little Venety, Stiltland, Orenoc -

Oceania / Sealand[]

English Anglish Notes/Explanations
Australia Australia, Australy, New Holland, Great Southern Land, Southland and- 'opposite, the other side'
Cook Islands Cook Ilands -
East Timor, Timor-Leste East Timor, Greater Anglish: Eastern Easternland -
Easter Island Easter Iland -
Fiji Fiji -
Hawaii Hawai'i, Hawayee*, the Firelands (?) *for ease of pronunciation
Kiribati Kiribati, Gilbert's Iland, Yilbert's Iland, Frithfarn 'peace and prosperity'
Marshall Islands Marshall Ilands, Marshalk Ilands, Rother Iland -
Melanesia Southfrith Ilands -
Micronesia Wesfrith Ilands -
Nauru Nauru, Beachland from Nauruan anáoero
New Zealand New Sealand -
Palau Palau -
Papua New Guinea Papua Land, Papua -
Polynesia Eastfrith Ilands -
Samoa Samoa, Holymid Sa (holy) + moa (middle)
Solomon Islands Solomon Ilands / Solmon Ilands -
Tonga Tonga -
Tuvalu Tuvalu, Eight Ilands -
Vanuatu Vanuatu, Our Land, Standhome -, Frithfulfolkish wordlore

Antarctica / Underland[]

English Anglish Notes/Explanations
Heard Island and McDonald Islands Heard Iland and McDovenall Ilands -