The Anglish Moot
Old English sp English
Aback adv Backwards, 2. in the rear.
Aback phr "To be Taken Aback" - to be caught in the front suddenly, by a shift of wind and driven astern. 3. fig. to be disconcerted by a sudden event or situation.
Abane vb Put under church ban, anathemtize, summarily proclaim.
Abb n The woof or weft in web. 2. threads in a woven fabric.
Abbot n The head priest or religious minister of an abbey.
Abbotric n Abbacy, abbotship
A-be vb To be.
A-be phr "To Let A-be" - to let or leave alone.
Abear vb To tolerate, endure. 2. to bear, carry. 3. to demean oneself.
Abecede n Alphabet.
Abed adv Laid up; to bring-a-bed: to deliver of a child
Abed phr "To bring a-bed" - to give birth.
Abede vb Announce
Abeilan vb Vex, offend.
Abere adj Clear & evident by proof, manifest, notorious
Abere-murder n Plain or downright murder; not manslaughter, unpremeditated killing or chance-medley
Abide vb Wait, stay, remain; continue to be; remain true to, faithful; stand firm; put up with. 2. to wait, stay remain. 3. to wait defiantly, to face. 4. to wait submissively. 5.
Abider n One who abides: waits, continues, remain faithful, stands firm, faces up to, submits. 2. one who lives or abides in a certain place for a long time.
Abiding n The action or state of one who abides. 2. an abode. 3. lasting, complying.
Abiding phr To be law-abiding" - to adhere to the law and lawful command.
Abidingly adv In an abiding manner and way.
Aboutwards adv Being near to
Abrook vb To bear, abear, tolerate, endure.