The Anglish Moot
Old English sp English
Aback adv Backwards, 2. in the rear.
Aback phr "To Be Aback Of" - at the back of, behind.
Aback phr "To be Taken Aback" - to be caught in the front suddenly, by a shift of wind and driven astern. 3. fig. to be disconcerted by a sudden event or situation. 3. to surprise or discomfit by a sudden and unlooked-for check.
Aback phr "To Come Aback" - to retreat, withdraw.
Aback phr "To Drive Aback" - to repulse.
Aback phr "To Hold Aback" - restrain, hinder.
Aback phr "To Put Aback" - repel, reject.
Aback phr "To Stand Aback from" - to stay or reamin aloof. 2. to allow. 3. to eschew.
Abackward adv Backward.
Abaft adv Of direction: backward, in the rear.
Abane vb Put under church ban, abanne, anathemtize, summarily proclaim.
Abare vb To uncover, reveal.
Abb n The woof or weft in web. 2. threads in a woven fabric.
Abbot n The head priest or religious minister of an abbey.
Abbotric n Abbacy, abbotship
Abbotship n The office or rule of an abbot. 2. abbotical term of office.
A-be vb To be.
A-be phr "To Let A-be" - to let or leave alone.
Abear n Bearing, gesture, action, behaviour.
Abear vb To tolerate, endure. 2. to bear, carry. 3. to endure, suffer, now always " cannot abear." 4. to manage or comport oneself. 5. a word of honourable antiquity, widely found throughout the dialects; in London speech considered a vulgarism.
Abearing n The action of managing or behaving oneself, as in 'good abearing.' 2. abearance.
Abeat vb To beat, strike, hit.
Abecede n Alphabet.
Abeche vb To feed.
Abed vb To confine to bed (by illness).
Abed adv Laid up; to bring-a-bed: to deliver of a child
Abed phr "To bring a-bed" - to give birth.
Abede vb Announce.
A-before adv Of former times.
Abeilan vb Vex, offend.
Abelde vb To become bold or bolder.
Abere adj Clear & evident by proof, manifest, notorious
Abere-murder n Plain or downright murder; not manslaughter, unpremeditated killing or chance-medley
Abide vb Wait, stay, remain; continue to be; remain true to, faithful; stand firm; put up with. 2. to wait, stay remain. 3. to wait defiantly, to face. 4. to wait submissively. 5. to wait the issue of, to wait for. 6.
Abide phr "To Abide By" - to remain with, true to, to stand firm.
Abider n One who abides: waits, continues, remain faithful, stands firm, faces up to, submits. 2. one who lives or abides in a certain place for a long time.
Abiding n The action or state of one who abides. 2. an abode, an abiding place. 3. lasting, complying.
Abiding adj Lasting, remaining, steadfast; faithful.
Abiding phr "To be law-abiding" - to adhere to the law and lawful command.
Abiding-house n Place of abode or dwelling.
Abidingly adv In an abiding manner and way. 2. assiduously, patiently. 3. endurinfly, permanently.
Abidingness n Permanence, lastingness.
Abier vb Up or upon a bier or coffin; into the coffin.
Abite vb To bite, nip, taste.
Ablend vb To blind.
Ablow vb To blow or breathe into. 2. to puff up something, to cause to swell.
Ablow adv Blooming, blowing.
Abode n Delay, stay, dwelling-place. nb: OE. 'bode' - waiting, expectation.
Abode n (Abide)The action of waiting, delaying.
Abode vb To presage, prognosticate, forebode, to be ominous.
Abode phr " To be Without Abode" - without delay.
Aboding adj Foreboding, portenting, omnious.
About adv Of postion: around the outside; on or towards every side; all round. 2. on any side; near. 3. nearly
About prp
Aboutwards adv Being near to
Above n Heaven.
Above adv
Above phr "Over and Above" -
Above-given adv Supplied or put above, written above, abovesaid.
Abovesaid adj Mentioned higher up on a document or page, previously mentioned, aforesaid.
Abow vb To bend, incline; fig, to do homage, submit.
Abraid n
Abraid vb To wrench out or away from. 2. pull out, snatch,, withdraw (a sword). 3. to start usually out of step. 4. a swoon or fit, to awake. 5. to spring or dart. 6. arouse or startle. 7. to break forth abruptly into speech, to cry out. 8. ejaculate. 9. to frequent, resort to.
Abreak vb To break into pieces. 2. to break forth, burst out.
Abreast adv With breasts, or fronts, in line; side by side; on a parallel with.
Abreathe vb To give time to recover breathe.
Abroad n Any region outside one's homeland. 2.
Abroad adv Broadly, widely, at large. 2. over a broad wide surface. 3. widely asunder, with fragments or portions widely scattered. 4. widely apart, with the parts or lims widespread. 5. at large, freely moving about; fig. current in the outside world. 6. out of one's home or abode; outdoors; out in the open air. 7. out of the home country, in or into a foreign country. 8. wide of the mark of truth; astray. 9. out, over, thrusted out.
Abroad phr "To Go Abroad" -
Abrood vb Of a bird: on its brood or nest, to be hatching eggs.
Abrook vb To bear, abear, tolerate, brook, endure.
Abuilding adj Being built.
Aburden vb To burden, oppress.
Aburst vb In a burst of rage, in a bursting condition.