Old English | sp | English. |
Amain | adv | In, or with full force, vehemently, violently . 2. in full force of numbers. 3. of motion: at full speed, without delay. 4. without delay, in all haste, at once. 5. exceedingly, greatly. |
Amanse | vb | (OE: 'a' - out, away & mansum: familiar, intimate : to excommunicate, anathematize. |
Amansed | adj | Excommunicated, anathematize. |
Amansing | n | Excommunication, anathema. |
A'mar | vb | To hinder, spoil, impair. 2. hurt, injure, mar. 3. spoil, destroy. 4. squander. |
Ambaht | n | Hand-maiden, bondservant, servant |
Amaze | vb | To perplex, surprize, agonish. 2. to terrify, to fill with panic. 3. to overwhelm with wonder, to astound or greatly astonish. 4.to amaze oneself. 5. to stupefy, knock unconscious. 6. to bewilder, to stupefy, bring into a maze. |
Amazed | adj | Astonished, confounded with fear, surprise or wonder. 2. greatly surprided. |
Amazedness | n | State or quality of being amazed. |
Amazeful | adj | Full of amazement, astonished. |
Amazing | adj | Causing wonder and amazement. 2. possessing uniquely wonderful quality. |
Amazingly | adv | In an amazing manner, in a way that causes amazement. 2. difficult to believe; strange but true. 3. to a wonder-inspiring extent. |
Amazingness | n | The state or quality of being amazing. |
Amber | n | Pail, bucket, pitcher, urn, cask. 2. any vessel with one handle. 3. a dry measure of four bushels (perhaps from latin: 'amphora.') |
Ameed | vb | Reform |
Ameek | vb | Make meek, appease, soothe. |
Amen | n | The concluding word: 'amen.' 2. an expression of assent or belief. 3. transfig. a conclusion. 4. title of Christ: The Faithful One. |
Amen | intj | Late OE. - soothly. an interjection after a prayer or religious uttering. 2. after a wish or prayer: may it be so. 3. after a confession, statement of faith, and so forth: it is so in truth. 4. in biblical terms: truly, verily. |
Amen | vb | To say or chant "amen' to. 2. to formally or consent solemnly. 2. say the final word to. |
Amid | adv | In the middle, or midst of. |
Amid | prp | Near the middle of, surrounded by. 2. related to the circumstances of an action. |
Amid-heaps | adv | In the midst of a heap, or crowd (folk-heap.) |
Amidmong | adv | In the midst of. |
Amidmost | adv | In the very middle. 2. in the centre of. |
Amidship(s) | adj | (adv) In the middle or towards the centre of a ship or other waterborne vessel. 2. situated or occurring in or towards the middle of a ship or other waterborne vessel. |
Amidst | adv | In the midst or 'centre of', among, in the throng of. |
Amidst | prp | In, into or towards the middle of. 2. amongst, in the course of. |
Amidward | adv | Towards or near the middle. 2. in the middle of. |
Aminded | pp | Minded. |
Amiss | n | A wrong, fault, an evil act, a bad deed. 2. miss, failure, shortcoming. 3. mistake or error. |
Amiss | adj | Wrong; faulty; out of order; improper; as, it may not be amiss to ask advice. 2. mistaken or in error. |
Amiss | adv | Wrongly, faultily, mistakenly, erroneously, defectively, astray. |
Amiss | n | (Obs.)- fault; wrong; an evil act, a bad deed. |
Amiss | phr | "It Would Be Not Amiss" - be not wrong or inappropriate. |
Amiss | phr | "To Come Amiss" - to happen or take place out of order. 3. untoward or contrary to one's wish or expectation. |
Amissing | adj | Missing. |
Among | prp | In the crowd; hence associated with. 2. surrounded by. 3. in company or associated with, besides. 3. during the course of. |
Among | adv | During this period, in this time, meanwhile. 2. between whiles, all the while, at intervals, from time to time, now and then, . 3. at the same time. 4. of place: together, among something else. 5. ever among, every here and there |
Among | phr | "To Be Among-hands" - work done conjointly with other things we can do it among hands or all under one. |
Amongst | prp | Generally implying dispersion, intermixing, or shifting position. |
A'mornings | adv | In the morning, every morning. |
Amper | n | A tumor, blemish. |
Amygdal | n | Latin borrowing: an almond. 2. the tonsils. |
List of Old English Words in the OED/AM