The Anglish Moot
Old English sp English.
Amain adv In, or with full force, vehemently, violently . 2. in full force of numbers. 3. of motion: at full speed, without delay. 4. without delay, in all haste, at once. 5. exceedingly, greatly.
Amanse vb (OE: 'a' - out, away & mansum: familiar, intimate : to excommunicate, anathematize.
Amansed adj Excommunicated, anathematize.
Amansing n Excommunication, anathema.
A'mar vb To hinder, spoil, impair. 2. hurt, injure, mar. 3. spoil, destroy. 4. squander.
Ambaht n Hand-maiden, bondservant, servant
Amaze vb To perplex, surprize, agonish. 2. to terrify, to fill with panic. 3. to overwhelm with wonder, to astound or greatly astonish. amaze oneself. 5. to stupefy, knock unconscious. 6. to bewilder, to stupefy, bring into a maze.
Amazed adj Astonished, confounded with fear, surprise or wonder. 2. greatly surprided.
Amazedness n State or quality of being amazed.
Amazeful adj Full of amazement, astonished.
Amazing adj Causing wonder and amazement. 2. possessing uniquely wonderful quality.
Amazingly adv In an amazing manner, in a way that causes amazement. 2. difficult to believe; strange but true. 3. to a wonder-inspiring extent.
Amazingness n The state or quality of being amazing.
Amber n Pail, bucket, pitcher, urn, cask. 2. any vessel with one handle. 3. a dry measure of four bushels (perhaps from latin: 'amphora.')
Ameed vb Reform
Ameek vb Make meek, appease, soothe.
Amen n The concluding word: 'amen.' 2. an expression of assent or belief. 3. transfig. a conclusion. 4. title of Christ: The Faithful One.
Amen intj Late OE. - soothly. an interjection after a prayer or religious uttering. 2. after a wish or prayer: may it be so. 3. after a confession, statement of faith, and so forth: it is so in truth. 4. in biblical terms: truly, verily.
Amen vb To say or chant "amen' to. 2. to formally or consent solemnly. 2. say the final word to.
Amid adv In the middle, or midst of.
Amid prp Near the middle of, surrounded by. 2. related to the circumstances of an action.
Amid-heaps adv In the midst of a heap, or crowd (folk-heap.)
Amidmong adv In the midst of.
Amidmost adv In the very middle. 2. in the centre of.
Amidship(s) adj (adv) In the middle or towards the centre of a ship or other waterborne vessel. 2. situated or occurring in or towards the middle of a ship or other waterborne vessel.
Amidst adv In the midst or 'centre of', among, in the throng of.
Amidst prp In, into or towards the middle of. 2. amongst, in the course of.
Amidward adv Towards or near the middle. 2. in the middle of.
Aminded pp Minded.
Amiss n A wrong, fault, an evil act, a bad deed. 2. miss, failure, shortcoming. 3. mistake or error.
Amiss adj Wrong; faulty; out of order; improper; as, it may not be amiss to ask advice. 2. mistaken or in error.
Amiss adv Wrongly, faultily, mistakenly, erroneously, defectively, astray.
Amiss n (Obs.)- fault; wrong; an evil act, a bad deed.
Amiss phr "It Would Be Not Amiss" - be not wrong or inappropriate.
Amiss phr "To Come Amiss" - to happen or take place out of order. 3. untoward or contrary to one's wish or expectation.
Amissing adj Missing.
Among prp In the crowd; hence associated with. 2. surrounded by. 3. in company or associated with, besides. 3. during the course of.
Among adv During this period, in this time, meanwhile. 2. between whiles, all the while, at intervals, from time to time, now and then, . 3. at the same time. 4. of place: together, among something else. 5. ever among, every here and there
Among phr "To Be Among-hands" - work done conjointly with other things we can do it among hands or all under one.
Amongst prp Generally implying dispersion, intermixing, or shifting position.
A'mornings adv In the morning, every morning.
Amper n A tumor, blemish.
Amygdal n Latin borrowing: an almond. 2. the tonsils.