The Anglish Moot
Old English sp English
An ia A
A'name vb To mention, name.
A'narrow vb To cramp, crush, dishearten.
Anblow vb To blow onto or into. 2. to breathe upon, inspire (lit.& fig.)
Anchor n A tool used to moor a vessel to the bottom of a sea or river to resist movement. 2. an iron device so shaped as to grip the bottom and hold a vessel at her berth by the chain or rope attached. 3. the combined anchoring gear (anchor, rode, and fittings such as bitts, cat, and windlass.) 4. any instrument serving a purpose like that of a ship's anchor, such as an arrangement of timber to hold a dam fast; a device to hold the end of a bridge cable etc.; or a device used in metalworking to hold the core of a mould in place. 5. marked point in a document that can be the target of a hyperlink. 6. on television: an anchorman or anchorwoman. 7. athletics: the final runner in a relay race. 8. in economics : superstore or other facility that serves as a focus to bring customers into an area.  10. (fig.) hat which gives stability or security.  11. in architecture: metal tie holding adjoining parts of a building together. 12. architecture: a carved work, somewhat resembling an anchor or arrowhead; part of the ornaments of certain mouldings.
Anchor vb To stop a boat or a ship from moving by releasing the anchor into the water. 2. to present a TV show or radio program., especially the nightly news. 3. to fix something somewhat firmly.
Alwaysness n Everlastingness, eternal existence, sempiternity
Anchor phr "The Anchor Comes Home" - is dragged from its hold
Anchor phr "To be Anchored in Something" - to be firmly based on a certain or particular set of opinions or belief.
Anchor phr "To Come to Anchor" - to anchor, tae up a postion of anchor.
Anchor phr "To Weigh Anchor" - to take up a ship's anchor, in readinss or so as to be getting or a'sailing away.
Anchor-less adj Not having or without an anchor. 2. (fig 7 lit.) without a firm hold; having nothing to repose upon, drifting.
Ancome n A boil formeed unexpectedly, a whitlow. nb: sometimes spelled 'oncome.'
And pfx Against, in return, opposite, towards, fronting; in combination "and-git" - apprehension.
And conj Along with, in addition to; plus.
And-and-all dtm In law every each all (used for emphasis and exactness.)
Ande sfx OE- ende, end, as in friend, friend; later ant, as waarant, merchant.
Ande n Emotion or tendency of mind against emnity, rancour, hatred, animus.
Anders-meat n Dinner (aunders, undern-meal)
Andesith adv Formerly; (endesith).
And-git n Apprehension.
Ands adj Opposed to , hostile.
Andseck(h) n Denial, abjurgation (O.E. "seac": strife, contention)
Andset(e) n Enemy, foe.
Andset(e) adj Hostile, set against, hateful, odious, foeish, enemy-like.
Andswere n Answer. Also andwurde, andwyrd, answaru.
Andward adj Present.
Andwurde n Answer.
Ane n An older form of 'one.'
Anear vb To come or be near (to), be near or close. 2. to draw close, approach,
Aneath prp Beneath.
Anele vb To anoint religiously. 2. to give the last rites to. 3.
Aneled adj Having the last rites, anointed or unctoined.
Aneler n One who aneals, such as priest.
Aneling n The action of anointing, usu. as a religious rite and specifically the last anointing and extreme unction of the dying.
An'end adv At last, in the end, in time. 2. to the end, right through, straight on, constantly, continously, consecutively. 3. almost uninterruptedly, most an end. 4. on end, in an upright position. 5. directly ahead.
Anent prp In line with, side by side, in time or company with, besides. 2. on a level in position, rank or value, equal to, on the par with. 3. in the company of, with, among, beside, by. 4. with (fig.) according to the way or manner of. 5. in front of. 6. before the face of, in the sight of, or presence of. 7. in the mental eyes or sight of, reckoning of, opinion, before facing, against, towards. 8. of position: fronting, opposite over against, close to. 9. of motion: against, towards. 10. towards (expressing the bearing action.) 11. in respect of, regards, regarding, concurring, about, as to (limiting or confining to the benefit of the statement; in this sense strengthened with 'as.')
An'erthe adv In or into the earth. 2. of position: on or in the earth.
Anether vb To bring down, reduced, lower, humilate.
Anew adv To renew.
Anewst adv Of place: near, hard by. 2. of manner, degree: very new, well-high, closely.
Angel n Commom teutonic; OE 'engle' & Latin : 'angelus.' - messenger. 2. an ministering spirit or divine messenger. 3. one of an order of and spiritual beings superior to man in power and intelligence, who are attendants and messengers of the Deity. 4. one of the fallen spirits, who rebelled against God. 5. a gaurdian or attendant spirit (lit. & rhet.) 6. fig. a person who resembles an angel in attributes or actions. 7. any messenger of God; a prophet or preacher. 8. a pastor or minister of a church; a messener (poet.) 9. .
Angel phr "Like An Angel" - with purity and innocence.
Angel phr "On the Side of the Angels" - in favour or what is correct morally, and righteousness
Angel phr " To Be a Fallen Angel' - a previously trusted person who has transgressed.
Angel phr To Be No Angel" - to have faults and imperfections.
Angel-hood n A condition of an angel. 2. a brotherhood of angels.
Anither vb Humiliate, Bring down, Reduce, Humble, Lower. Also Anither
Anewst adv Near, nigh At hand, in the neighourhood
Anewstfolk n Neighour(s)
Ange n Anguish, Affliction, pain, strait
Anget vb To remember, comprehend, catch sense of, understand, recognize, acknowledge, confess.
Angetness n Understanding, reception, intelligence, acknowledgement.
Angild n Lawful lower payment in atonement, and as compensation, for injury
Angin n Beginning.
Angit n Perception, understanding, intelligence
Angit vb Remember, comprehend, catch sense of, understand, percieve. 2. recognize, acknowledge, confess.
Angle n Fishing-hook.
Angle n A fishing hook.
Angle n One of the lower german tribes that settle in Britain.
Angler n One who fishes; a fisherman. 2. fig. one who 'fishes' for information, gossip, and so on.
Angle-Saxon n (Angul-Saxon)A member of the germanic peoples who settled in England during the early fifth century. 2. a person of english ethnic descent. 3. a light skinned person presumbably of British, North European descent. 3. the ancestor language of modern English, also called OE. spoken in Britian from about 450AD to 1150 AD.
Angle-Saxon adj (Angul-Saxon). Related to the anglo-saxon (angle-saxon) people or language. 2. related to nations which primarily speaks english and influenced by english customs, esp. UK, US, Canada. 3. favourable to a liberal free market economy.
Angle-Saxondom n (Angul-Saxondom). The Anglo-saxon domain or community. 2. the collective body of Anglo-saxons. 3. the anglo-saxon race viewed as a whole; a rhetorical phrase for great Britiain, the US and Australia.
Anglish n A register of English that gives preference to words of Germanic origin over words of Latin or Greek origin
Anglish adj Of or pertaining to the Anglish language register.
An'hang vb To hang.
An'heat vb Heat up or inflame
An'heave vb To lift up, heave up.
Anhigh vb Make high, exalt, raise, promote. 2. to lift onto the gallows. 3. to raise itself, mount up, increase.
An'hungered adj Overcome with hunger, hungry. 2. eagerly, desirous, longing.
An'hungry adj hungry, in a hungry state.
Anigh adv Near, near by, close to.
A-night adv By night, at night.
A-nightertimes adv At night times.
A-night-times adv In the night time, by night.
Anim vb Take, take away
An-inne prp Within.
Ankle n A joint between the foot and the leg.
Ankle vb To use the ankles to good effect in cycling. to walk. 3. to walk on foot.
Ankle-biter n Slang for a young child.
Ankled adj Furnished with ankles, in combinations as 'fair-ankled.'
Anleth n Countenance, face, visage.
An-like adj Like, similar, alike. 2. a fellow creature - someone who looks alike to another.
Anlikened ppl Made like.
Alikeness n The quality of being like to. 2. resemblance, similitude, similarity. 3. anything made in the likeness of some object or thing; a likeness, image, spec. an image og god, an idol, afgod.
An' mod adj An'mood. 2. of a like mind, unanimous
Anneal vb To set on fire, kindle (lit. & fig.) 2. to subject to the action of fire. 3. to fire, bake, fuse, glaze. 4. to burn in colours upon glass, earthenware, or metal. 5. to enamel by encaustic process. 6. to toughen after exposure to continuous and slowly diminished heat, as glass, steel etc.
Annealed adj To be subjected to great heat and then cool or cooled slowly.
Annealer n He who, or that which anneals.
Annealing n The action or process of annealing.
Annes n Aninesse. 2. oneness, unity. 2. loneliness, solitude. 3. oneness of kind, sameness. 4. oneness of mind, concord, agreement.
Anon adv (Into one, inone)- in one course, straight on, even. 2. strictly, straightaway, at once direction. 3. misuse: soon, in a little while. 4. now or here again. 5. presently, presently coming. 6. beg your pardon.
Anon phr "Anon After" - directly after (also 'after anon.')
Anon phr "Anon so( as)" - as soon as ever.
Anon phr "Anon to: even to.
Anon phr "Ever and Anon" - every now and then.
A'north adv On the north, northwards.
Another dtm One more, in addition to a former number; a second or additional one. 2. similar in likeness or in effect. 3. not the same, different. 4. any or some, any different person. 5. indefinitely, anyone else.
Another phr "One Another.' - used of a reciprocal relationship among a group of two or more or thing. 2. each other.
Another phr "One With Another" - all together; taken on a average.
Anotherness n Difference, non-identity.
Anotherwhile adv At another time.
Anred adj Having a simple aim or object. 2. constant, steadfast.
Anredly adv With singleness of heart, steadfastly.
Anredeness n Singleness of aim, unaniminity, constantness, staedfastness.
Anredelessness n State or quality of lacking or without ananimity, unsingled-mindedness.
An sin(e) n Sight, face, aspect. 2. a sight, thing seen. 3. a looking for, longing, desire, want, wont.
Anstand vb Withstand, resist, withstand.
Answer n A response or reply. 2. something said or done in relation to a statement or question. 4. a solution to a problem. 5. in law, in response to a complaint, responding to every point raised in the complaint and raising counter points.
Answer vb To make a response or reply to. 2. to speak in defence against; to reply on defence to. 3. to reply to a call by someone at door or on a phone, or other pieces of equipment. 4. to suit a need or purpose satisfactorily. 5. to be accountable or response - to make amends. 6. to file a legal document in response to a complaint. 7. to correspond to, to be in harmony with, to be in agreement. 8. to be opposite, or to act in opposition.  9. to be or act in conformity, or by way of accommodation, correspondence, relation, or proportion; to conform; to correspond; to suit; usually with to. 10. to respond to satisfactorily; to meet successfully by way of explanation, argument, or justification; to refute. 11. to be or act in compliance with, in fulfillment or satisfaction of, as an order, obligation, or demand. 12.(obs) to render account to or for. 13. (obs) to atone; to be punished for. 14. to be or act as an equivalent to, or as adequate or sufficient for; to serve for; to repay.  
Answer phr " To Answer Back" - reply cheekily.
Answer phr "To Answer for Something" - be responsible or blamed for something. 2. to guarantee.
Answer phr "To Answer the Helm" - to respond to a movement of the helm by changing direction, only possible if the ship has steerageway.
Answer phr "To Answer To a Name" - to answer or acknowledge when addressed by a name. 2. to have the name of.
Answer phr "To Know All the Answers" - to be well-informed, adept, with a whiff of conceit.
Answerer n One who replies to a charge, argument. 2. one who replies to a question or appeal. 3. one responsible.
Answering n The act of giving an answer.
Answerless adj Having or producing no answer.
Answerlessly adv In a manner of not having or producing an answer.
Ant n Any of the various insect family 'Formicidae' typically living in large colonies, almost entirely of flightless females. emmet, emse. 3. a web spider: a software that gathers specific information in an automated and orderly way from the internet.
Antdom n The state or essence of being an ant. 2. anthood.
Ant-eater n A group of Edentates having long thread-like viscuous tongues, and of various species found in South America and Australia.
Anthem n From Latin; in OE: a composition, in prose or verse, sung antiphonally. 2. an antiphon.
Ant-hill n A mound raised over an ant's nest.
Ant-hilly adj Full or abounding in ant hills.
Ant-hood n Ant nature; ants collectively.
Anvil n The block, usually made of iron, on which the smith hammers and shapes his metal. 2. (transfig.) anything like the smith's anvil in shape or use. 3. on of the bones of the ear, the incus.
Anvil vb To work or fashion on an anvil 2. to work at an anvil.
Anviling n Hammering. 2. chiefly fig. hammering, hitting, striking, pestering.
Anweald n Power, wield, anwald.
Any adv To even the slightest extent, at all.  
Any dtm At least one; of at least one kind. One at all.  2. no matter what kind.
Any prn Any ; any thing(s) or person(s).
Any phr "Any Old Thing" - anything at all.
Any phr "Any Old Way' - carelessly, casually, cursorily, haphazardly, heedlessly, hit or miss, offhandedly, regardlessly, thoughtlessly, unheedingly, unmindfully, unthinkingly, unwarily.
Any phr "Any Other Business" - the last item on the agenda for a meeting, when any matter not already dealt with may be raised.
Any-and-all-bid n A takeover bid where the acquirer offers to buy any all shares outstandingly.
Anybody n Any one out of an indefinite number of persons; anyone; any person. 2. a person of consideration or standing.
Anybody phr "Anybody's Guess." - uncertain in outcome, cannot be guessed. 2. a mystery, something unpredictable.
Anyhow adv In any way or manner whatever.
Anyhow cnj In any case.
Any-kind n Also : 'any-kyn.' 2. of any kind. 3. any kind of. 4. any kind of manner.
Any longer adv In a negative or interrogative constuctions: free from a given time onwards. 2. anymore.
Anything n Note: Any thing, written as two words, is now commonly used in contradistinction to any person or anybody. Formerly it was also separated when used in the wider sense. "Necessity drove them to undertake any thing and venture any thing."Any object, act, state, event, or fact whatever; thing of any kind; something or other; aught; as, I would not do it for anything. 2. expressing an indefinite comparison; -- with as or like.
Anything adv In any way, any extent or any degree.
Anything prn Any object, act, state, event, or fact whatever; thing of any kind; something or other; aught.
Anything phr "Anything But" - not in the least, not at allor in any respect, far from. 2. to no degree, no, not at all.
Anything phr "Anything Goes" - there are no rules or restrictions. 2. unlimited unrestricted, without restriction. 3. free, wild, fast and loose; unregulated, no holds barred. 4. promiscous, debauched.
Anything phr "Anything Like" - anything like, in any respect; at all;
Anytime adv At any time.
Anytime inj "You're Welcome" - in response to "thank you."
Anytown n A place name of a non-specific, non-notable town in the USA.
Anyway adv In any way or manner; anyhow; in any measure. 2. (speech act) used to indicate that a statement explains or supports a previous statement. 2. anywise. any location or any unknown location.
Anyway cnj In any case
Anyways adv In anyway. 2. anyway, anyhow, in any case.
Anywhat prn Any location or unknown location.
Anywhen adv At any time, at any point in time, ever.
Anywhence adv Anyhere, from anywhere.
Anywhere adv To (in the direction of) any location or any unknown location.
Anywhere prn Any location or unknown location.
Anywhere else adv In any other place.
Anywhereness n The state or quality of being anywhere.
Anywhither adv To or toward any place. 2. in any direction; whereever, whithersoever.
Anywho adv Anyhow.
Anywise adv In any manner, way or case, in any degree. 2. at all, anyhow, anyway.