The Anglish Moot
Old English sp English
Ax n Alternate spelling of 'Axe.'
Ax vb (OE. axien and asken. see 'ask. - to ask; to inquire or inquire of. Note: this word is from Saxon, and is as old as the English language. Formerly it was in good use, but now is regarded as a vulgarism. It is still dialectic in England, and is sometimes heard among the uneducated in the United States. "And Pilate axide him, "Or if he axea fish." --Wyclif. The king axed after your Grace's welfare." -Pegge. [1913 Webster]
Axe n A tool or instrument of steel, or of iron with a steel edge or blade, for felling trees, chopping and splitting wood, hewing timber, etc. It is wielded by a wooden helve or handle, so fixed in a socket or eye as to be in the same plane with the blade. The broadax, or carpenter's ax, is an ax for hewing timber, made heavier than the chopping ax, and with a broader and thinner blade and a shorter handle. Note: The word is used adjectively or in combination; as, axhead or ax head; ax helve; ax handle; ax shaft;
Axe n The axle of a wheel. 2. axis of revolution (not found after OE. period.
Axe vb To shape or trim with an axe. 2. to remove (dismiss) from position, as workers from a organization or the workforce
Axe phr "Axe Has Fallen" - it is now too late.
Axe phr "Be Axed" - to get the sack, lose one's job.
Axe phr "Hang Up One's Axe" - to retire from business. the allusion is to the battlefield,, hung up when fighting was over.
Axe phr "Have an Axe to Grind" - to follow a personal or private aim (often leading to a bias point of view.) 2. to have a private outcome or end to serve (US politics: in reference to a story told by Benjamin Franklin.)
Axe phr "An Old Battle-axe" - a hostile woman.
Axe phr "Put the Axe On the Helve" - to solve a doubt or problem. 2. hit n the nail on the head.
Axe phr "Send the Axe After the Helve" - to spend more money in the hope of recovering bad debts. 2. waste good money after bad.
Axe phr "Sharpen One's Axe" - to get ready for a difficult task.
Axe phr "To be Axe" - to dismiss; lose one's job, sack, cancel.
Axe-adze n The cutting edge or blade of an axe.
Axe-blade n The blade of an axe.
Axe-breaker n An Australian native tree with very hard wood.
Axed adj Shaped or formed by an axe. 2. furnished with an axe.
Axe-hammer n A stonecutter's tool with cutting edges at either end of the head, or one cutting edge and one hammer face.
Axe-handle n The handle or helve of an axe.
Axe head n The metal, cutting, portion of an axe.
Axe helve n An axe-handle. note 'helve' - the handle of an axe, chisel, hammer.
Axeless adj Without or not having an axe.
Axe-like adj Resembling an axe. 2. having the shape or form of an axe.
Axeman n A woodsman; axman. 2. a warrior armed with a battle-axe.
Axemanship n The ability of an axeman, skill in handling an axe.
Axe-murder n Murder or homicide by means of an axe.
Axemurder vb To murder someone with an axe.
Axe-murderer n One who murder using an axe.
Axe shaft n A rod, handle, long straight part of an axe.
Axe-stone n A greenish variety of jade or nephrite, used in South America for hatchets.
Axewort n Securidaca
Axle n The shoulder.