The Anglish Moot
Old English English
Bac n. Chaplet
Bache n The vale of a stream or rivulet
Back n. The surface of a river, the waves
Backboneless adj. Destitute of strength, character; weak
Back-town n. Hicksville, boondocks
Backwardness n. Retardation, regression
Badling n. Thug
Baft adv. Behind, to the rear of, aft
Bairn n. Child. Cognates: Bairnless: childless; Bairnly, Bairnish: childish; Bairnhood: childhood, infancy
Bairn-bed n. Womb
Bale n. Harm. injury
Baleless adj Harmless, innocent
Bale-fire n. Holocaust
Balk n. A ridge, esp. between furrows. 2. a ridge in the way, obstacle, hindrance. 3. a beam of timber. 4. a partition (late OE.) 5. a gang-way of a ship.
Balk vb. To plough in ridges. 2. pass over or by, avoid, stop at an obstacle. 3. hinder, obstruct.
Balkmonger n The maker or dealer of or in timber beams, spec. cross-beams stretching from wall to wall.
Baneful adj. life destroying, pernicious esp. poisonous. Cognates: banefulness, banefully
Bane-ivy n A tenacious creeping plant with invasive weed-like qualities.
Baneless adj. Innocent, harmless
Banesman n. Murderer, killer, assassin
Banewort n. Belladona, Deadly Nightshade
Barefaceness n. Effrontery, openness, shamelessness
Bareness n. Nakedness, nudity
Bargh n. Low detached ridge, hill, steep hill, road up a hill. From OE. beorgh, beorh: mount
Barton n. Farmstead, bere-earn, barley enclosure, enclosure, pen for poultry
Be pref. Causative rendering nouns, adjectives etc,. into verbs
Bead n. Small perforated body of glass, amber, wood, metal, etc., 2. Prayer. Cognates: beadfolk, beadhouse
Bead-faring n A pilgrimage, going on a pilrimage.
Beadle vb. Announce, proclaim
Beadledom n. Stupid officiousness, church bureaucracy
Beam n. Tree. Cognates: beamless: treeless.
Beam n. Throw out or radiate bems of light, emit rays. Cognates: beamish, beamless,, beamsome
Becall n. Accuse, miscall, summons
Be'clepe vb. Complain, indict, accuse; summons, appeal (to a highr court)
Be'dip vb. Embrace, fold in arms,
Be'close vb. Enclose, shut up
Be'deal vb. Deprive, bereave, free of
Be'do vb. put to, shut, befoul, defile with ordure
Be'dwellan vb. Mislead, lead into error
Bee n.
Bee phr. "To have bees in the head" - to be angry, choleric, a little crazy.
Bee-drove n A great crowd, multitude, throng or teeming of people or other creatures.
Been n. Plural of bee (obs).
Beholdingness n Obligation.
Beeishness n. Busyness (extreme)
Beermonger n Brewers and sellers of beer and lagers.
Bee-wine n Nectar.
Beforeness n. Anteriority, pre-existence, priority
Beforetime adv. former, previously
Be'god vb. Deify
Be'grede vb. Cry, weep
Be'grip vb. Apprehend, seize, catch
be'hap vb. befall. happen, behappen
be'hele vb. Conceal, cover, envelope
Behew vb. Cut down
Behight n. Promise (behote)
Bethither adv. On this side
Beholdingness .n Obligation.
Behoveful adj. Advantageous, expedient, needful, necessary. Cognates: behovefully, behovefulness
Behoving adj. Needful, incumbent, appropriate
Behovesome adj. Useful, of service
Beingless n. Non-existent, off no being
Beingness n. Entity, actuality, existence
Bekend Known
Bekenning n. Knowledge; acquaintance
Belewe vb. Betray,
Beliefful adj. Full of faith, believing
Beliefless adj. Without faith or believing, atheistic, godless
Belirt vb. deceive, cheat, fool
Belive vb. Remain, live on, survive
Bellow vb. Roar
Beme n. Loud noise, din; 2. trumpet Cognate: Bemer a trumpeter.
Bemouth vb. Praise(verbally), Declaim, grandiloquize
Ben vb. Look at
Bendsome adj. Flexible
Bendwise adv. Diagonally
Bene n. Prayer, petition, boon,
Beneap adj. Lying beneath the reach of higher water
Benight vb. Overtaken by the darkness
Benim vb. Take away, remove,
Benimming n. Removal
Bensy vb. Bless, consecrate, make hallow, purify
Benward adv Towards the interior, inwards, innerly
Beod n. Table. Cf: Board, as in board and lodgings.
Beot n. Vow, threat, boat, promise. Cognate: Beoten vb, threaten
Berede vb. To advise, counsel, inform, plan
Berewick n. Village, demesne farm, dwelling, habitation
Berg n. Mountain
Bergfall n. Avalanche
Berman n. Bearer, carrier, porter
Bermother n. Womb.uterus
Berne n. Warrior
Berrhless n. Salvation
Berry vb. Thresh, trod
Berre n. Grove, shady place. Survives in placenames as bere, beere, bear
Besay vb. To defend, apologise, speak for
Beschrew vb. Make evil, wicked, pervert,deprave, corrupt
Besibbing n. Affinity, resembling, having a likeness to
Besmit vb. Stain, contaminate, effect
Bespeak vb. To consider carefully
Bestand vb. To stand near, stand over in solitude (by the grave), mourn
Bestead vb. To help, assist, relieve, be of service, avail; go in stead of
Bester n. One who gets the best of others by fraud; fraudster
Beshew vb. To bestraught
Beswart vb. To blacken, denigrate
Beswike vb. To betray, deceive, cheat
Beswiker n. To cheat, betrayer, deceiever
Beswikking ger. Cheating, deceiving, betraying
Be'tee vb. To draw over as , cover,
Beteem vb. To pour over; give birth to, reproduce
Beteeming adj. Copious, profusive,
Bethough adv. Intended, contrived, purposed (of a thing); as in ill-bethoughed evil,
Bethrall vb To enslave
Betide vb To befall, happen to
Betidings n. Event, Fortune, accident, befalling
Betoken vb. To signify, mean, denote, express in words, symbolize
Betokening n. Signification, meaning, emblem, omen, portent
Betroth vb. To engage a woman in a contract of marriage
Beet vb. To make good, amend, better, correct, reform, mend, heal wound, reform
Beeting vb To repent, relieve hunger, thirst, any sign of want, assist, help
Beeting n. Making a fire (kindling)
Betterhood n. Superiority
Betweche vb. To exorcise, rid
Betweenness n. Intermediate stage or state
Between-whiles n. Intervals
Bewain vb. To profit, Take advantage, (wain: gain)
Bewend vb. To turn round or away
Bewhape vb. To bewilder, amaze, confound utterly
Bewist n. Food, provisions, victuals; living
Bewist n. State or condition of life (Wist: being, sense of being)
Bewist n. Dwelling, soujourn, living
Bewist n. Dwelling, place, abode, habitation
Bewith n. Stopgap, substitute
Beword vb. To happen, come to pass
Bewray vb. To accuse, malign, speak evil of, discredit,expose,reveal, disclose prejudishly. ALSO: bewrayer, bewrraying, bewrayness
Bewreak vb. to avenge, awreak
Beyelp vb. To talk loudly of
Beyondness n. Condition or quality of beyond
Bibode n. Commandment
Bid vb. to invite to a feast
Bide n. Byde-dwelling place, habitat
Bideme vb. To condemn
Biding n. Place, abode
Bidstand n. Highwayman, Bidstander, Bailupman
Bi'dwellan vb. To mislead into error
Bield n. Boldness, courage, 2. Shelter, comfort Also:Bieldness
Bi'fele vb. To commit, entrust, assign, grant
Bigg vb. To dwell, inhabit, place or locate oneself in, have an abode
Bigger vb. To build, erect, construct, form, fashion, pile up.
Bi'gale vb. to charm by incantation, enchant
Bi'gang vb. To worship
Biggermost adj. Vain, conceited, boastful, impudent
Bi'hede vb. To notice, percieve, pay attention to, take care care of, guard gainst, procure, prepare
Bi'howe vb. To benxious, becareful for
Bike n. Nest or hive of hornets, bees, wasps, shep., 2. Swarm, throng, crowd(contemptously). 3. well-filled store 4. Buiding, habitation
Bi'kenned adj. Begotten
Bi'laub vb. To mock, deride, laugh at
Bi'melden vb. To betray, Inform against
Bi'peche vb. To cheat, decieve, delude
Bi'peching n. Deception, fraud
Birde n. Birth, off-spring, family, nation
Birle vb. To pour Also: birling, birler
Birthdom n. Inheritance, birthhood, birthright
Birthful adj. Prolific, productive
Birthright n. Inheritance, bithright
Bismer n. Shame, disgrace, reproach, insult, mockery, scorn, derision
Bisson n. Blind, sightless, destitute of sight, Also: bissonness, bissonhood, bissondom
Bi'theck vb. To thatch, cover, bedeck
Bi'trum vb & n.. Surround, beset, 2. n. trim, strong, fit, firm
Bive n. Shake, tremble
Bi'wihele vb. to soothsay, bewitch, overcome by witchcraft
Bi'wit vb. To look after, guard against, protect
Bi'wite vb. To beguile, ensorce 2. Go away, leave
Bi'wrench vb. to defeat, deprive
Blædfast adj. Prosperous, glorious (blaed:prosperous)
Blake adj & n. Become pale, ghostly, 2. abashed, spiritless, awkwardness, shamefaced, timid, bashful, diffident, slow, sheepish, insipid
Blead n. Breath, blowing, inspiration
Blede n. Flower, blossom, bloom, fruit
Blench vb. Cheat, elude, run away from, foil, turn away (eyes), shirk
Blete adj. Miserable
Blethe adj. Weak, timid, spiritless,
Blethely adv. Kindly, generously, benevolently, gladly
Blick n. Gold
Blike vb. Shine, glitter, glimmer
Blin vb. Cease, desist, leave off, stop, delay, tarry
Blithe adj. Cheery Also:Blitheful, blithesome, blithsomeness
Board n. (In OE.) a shield. 2. a hem, edge, coast, as in seaboard. 3. a ship's side. 4. piece of timber sawn thin, as in floorboard, weatherboard 5. stage of a theatre. 6. tablet on which games are played. 6 a table used for meals; food served at the table, as in board and lodgings 7. a table at which a council is held; person who meet at a council table. 8. any piece of furniture resembling a table, as in sideboard
Bookmonger n. A bookseller.
Bottle up vb Fig. repress, deny, hold in emotionally.
Brand new adj Absolutely new.
Brimstream n Rapidly flowing river. 2. a sea current
Byspel n. Parable
Byss n. Fineness & value
By-swelt vb. Burn, scorch,
By-swenke vb. Work hard, exert, do with industry
Bysybbe, (Bysib) n. Relative, kin, kinfolk
By-tale n. Irrevelant tale or story
By-time n. Spare time
By-water n. Waterway to the side of the main stream
By-word n, Proverb